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Chad here, how do I find a girl that will love me for my personality but not for my good looks and high financial status?
я нихyя нa aнглийcкoм нe пoнимaю
>Brad here
That doesn't exist. In order for anyone to get a girl, you need to have some kind of competitive advantage.
This desu. Unless Chad is nonverbal mega autist, his personality doesn't matter to girls. Saying "Yes" (to sex that is offered to him) is all he needs.
>you need to have some kind of competitive advantage.
And Science help you if you lose your competitive advantage...
You won't. Girls do like guys for their personalities, but only if they have something physical about them that allows the guy to get his foot through the door, so to speak. Good looks is the most common one, since women are a lot more fixated on looks than men are, and financial status is the second most common one.

So what you would need to do is try and filter out the women that are only with you for your looks or money, because you've already gotten your foot through the door. When it comes to your money, you could say you lost your job or something and then see what happens. About your looks though, I'm not sure. Maybe you could try putting on some really nerdy looking glasses and get a shitty haircut? I'm kind of stuck on that one, honestly.
So the moment I lose my good looks and become broke she will leave me? What about love? I thought she would love me for who I am?
If your woman gained 100lbs would you still love her? A lot of romantic love is highly conditional.
It still feels good though so it's worth keeping a job and staying in shape.
me neither pal
Try dating rich blind women
Women are supposed to be beautiful and the empathetic gender, if I gain 100 pounds she should still support me, if she gains 100 pounds I'm absolutely repulsed and would leave her for being so fat and ugly.
Men are supposed to be strong and powerful. There is no reason a hot girl should date a homeless man when she can do better.
Nonsense, a woman's loyalty is tested when her man has nothing, a man's loyalty is tested when he has everything. As a chad I shouldn't marry a gold-digging whore.
>As a chad I shouldn't marry a gold-digging whore.
She wouldn't want you at all if you weren't a chad. If you stop being a chad, you have a grace period before she gets out of there.
Men aren't supposed to lose everything randomly.
So this confirms my belief that 99% of women are gold-digging whores that deserve to be pumped and dumped, none of them being wife material except for the 1% who are. Tell me why should a chad get married when the entire market is full of garbage?
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For starters ask yourself if you would date an ugly girl. But don't date ugly girls specifically just because you assume they are gonna be more grateful for getting a bf like you. It doesn't work like that at all and it's incredibly unfair to your partner as you're viewing yourself as 'above' her and you're assuming her self-worth based on her looks. Just ask yourself: Are you going to be loyal or is your girlfriend just be one incident away from losing it all?
A bit of a rant but I'm unironically so jealous of the dog assault girl's relationship (obviously I wouldn't want to mutilated by a dog tho and I respect her and everything she's going through and I know she was there for her man when he had cancer too) but her relationship is just gold. I want a guy who loves me like that and a guy I can love like that. A bond deeper than just looks. Real love.
But unfortunately 99% of men are obsessed with looks and incredibly market driven to the point where even if they themselves would be okay with dating an ugly girl, they would be too insecure to deal with the judgement. And for me personally that's why I can't ever give my love in an unconditional way like that. It's shitty but the dating market is really a market these days. It's unfair to expect women to not care about looks when most men do care a lot. Obviously there's exceptions like picrel but most of the time the only men who are okay with dating an ugly girl are men who can't do any better and who wouldn't think twice about leaving you for a 10/10. And I don't even feel ugly but I'd hate thinking about how most probably the person I'm with would leave me if I was just less fortunate with genetic lottery. Maybe that's a feeling you can relate to OP.
But ask yourself: Would you be loyal or is your potential gf just one accident away from being 'too ugly' for you?
If you can't say you would stay, don't bother looking for a girl who would.

inb4 boo hoo poor you
Because you can have a loyal woman by being a chad forever. If you want the girl to not get fat then you have to put up your end of the deal.
Oh nvm my other post, go kys moid, you really think being good looking and having money adds any value to your life? Pathetic, I hope you get exactly what you deserve for that.
i liked ugly girls sometimes even when i was chadlite. im mostly attracted to style than genetics i guess. and i enjoy pairbonding. i wanted to be a fuckboy til like 25 tho because the movies of my childhood convinced me that was the mit important thing i could ever do, and my male peers treated me like a god when i was successful. in retrospect outside of school or the restaurant industry or in a band, meeting enough women to continually date and sleep with is not very fun even if you are successful.
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If you're a chad, you should already know
if she gains 100lbs is she the same person i started dating? if i change my lifestyle without your consent and it completely changes my body too, do you still love me?
tho this is different than id she got a literal (not made up) disease and gained weight, or was kidnapped and force fed eggs
tho this is different than if she got a literal (not made up) disease and gained weight, or was kidnapped and force fed eggs*
How about if she gave birth to your children and gained weight as a result of that?

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