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>meet girl on bumble
>shes definitely a hoe but she’s cute, responds to me almost instantly
>adds her on Snapchat
>things going well
>she asks to see my face
>send her a full face pic
>sends me a “ew/grossed out” face and stops replying instantly
>tell her good luck with everything and unadd her
>contemplate suicide

How do I cope with being ugly bros?
I just tell myself I'm good looking and imagine the girls I walk by daily want me. That's until I catch a glimpse of myself and the whole day is ruined. Honestly just learn to cope like myself man
date uglier girls and reject them
Don't take it personally. It isn't a reflection on you or your appearance, it's just that the two of you aren't compatible. The best thing to do if you think you may be unattractive is to put yourself in different social situations and among different social groups so that you obtain preselection, then looks don't matter so much, because people will accept you based on your personality, which is objectively more important anyway.
> which is objectively more important anyway.

Not true, at least not for the large majority of modern women.
Surely, she would have seen your picture on bumble?
Be funny. Have rizz. Have a cool vibe.
Plenty of ugly ass people with good looking girls. It's more difficult online though. You shouldn't have sent a pic.
I guess that picture I took looked really bad to her for whatever reason.
Im unironically too autistic for a gf anyway. Most I get to is a the talking stage before i inevitably fuck up/give her the ick. I’ve gotten to the point where I don’t even message/respond to matches on bumble because no matter how heard I try I always fuck up. At this point I’m just trying to find a way to cope with living a life where I’m just not good enough to get a girl
maybe you should just stop looking for girls online.
If girls are matching you, then you must have something going for yourself. Maybe you have 0 rizz online, but you could turn that around IRL. Maybe.
You can be ugly and get a good-looking girlfriend. NGL I didn't believe you could until it happened to me, and I actually am ugly (big nose and small chin) not just dysmorphic. Thing is though I broke up with her because I realised I didn't actually like much about her other than her looks. If you want to be happy personality is 100% more important than looks, not even a question. I was much happier with my old girlfriend who was ugly and I was also much less insecure because I didn't constantly hear how ugly I was from her friends as people only point that out when there's a disparity.
Nah man. I’m legitimately autistic (diagnosed). I’m not Chris Chan levels but I’m 100% fucked up in the head. It’s impossible for me to get rizz just from the fact that women can sense when you have the tisim, it’s a major turn off for them. They have a 6th sense kind of deal when it comes to sniffing out malfunctions in a potential mate. At this point I’m just trying to find a way to cope with the fact that I’m going to be alone for my life. I wish there was a way to just turn off my sexual desire/needs but no matter how hard I try, my monkey brain still yearns for affection.
you did this to yourself by not just having your face on bumble
That’s the problem with this reality. You can’t self improve bad looks. For people that value looks, you have nothing to be confident about. And gaining competence to compensate just gets you used. Playing a losing game. It’s why assisted suicide should be legal everywhere because one of the biggest copes, people pretending they had morality/ethics, died years ago
Hey man, I do agree that having the tism will make it harder for you, but it's not impossible. I have 1 friend with Aspergers but he has a kid. Divorced, but is now fucking around with other girls.
Then I know this other dude with Autism that fathered two kids. He was a piece of shit though.
Anyways, don't give up so easily. You're obviously self-aware which means you can function in society better than most. Don't use your condition as a crutch, even if it actually does make things more difficult.
Do you have a shity phone camera? That could be it. Pictures sometimes warp your face and you look really bad.
same dude im autistic, diagnosed and all.
I can handle and manage everything else and have learnt the skills to get through what I need, no problems with friends and social situations at this point.
But women? fuck man I have no fucking idea.
im butt ugly too but idk if that even is the biggest problem, I just have no clue how to push it further with women beyond just conversation, I just end up talking to them for a week or two and I wonder to my self wtf am I doing talking to this lady and I have no fucking idea how to move into actually going and doing stuff with them and i'm just carrying this conversation so I just go passive to see if they are interested and then it fizzles out obviously.

how to actually flirt and push things further is such a specific and unique skill thats unlike anything else I have no fucking clue what I am doing and how to do it, despite what anons tells me, despite being able to do it "in theory" and understanding, I just can't in practice do it.
iv been told at a later date that 100% someone was interested in me and even thought so at the time, but to actually go and do something with them? to push it further? I just fumble it so fucking hard
idk how to fit that into a conversation without it just being bad conversation and out of nowhere, its just not on my mind in conversations let alone first thing when talking to someone.

I can't speak for you anon, but ugly or not, this is a really crippling problem with autism.
and ironically enough its one of the reasons women with autism have far less problems, because this type of behaviour isn't a problem at all for them and the downsides of autism are upsides for women, but fuck its miserable to try to not be awful at this.
this fucks me up so bad both online and in person, idk if they can tell whats wrong or I am just so bad that they wonder wtf am I doing taking so long and just assume something is wrong.

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