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/adv/ - Advice

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How do you make friends, find bros to do stuff with, hang out with, help you with girls, etc? What is the process like and apart from work (where everyone's already in preformed groups and I'm usually excluded), where can I meet people? Its like I'm shadow banned irl with many of the people I interact with, never get invited to anything anymore. I think its because I'm boring, but I'm boring partly because of my predicament its a self destructive cycle.
You want to find guys you will have something in common with. So start by finding activities you enjoy. The other people doing them will also enjoy them, so you automatically have something in common.

Join a club, gym, team, church. Go to events (games, concerts, etc) and chat with others on line. Do volunteer work. Take a free or cheap evening class.
I do not read "how to find friends" threads because they are a meme at this point, one of the most commonly asked questions, half dozen times a day, so there is a ton of answers in the archives. Given that fact, it is very unlikely that OP will act on anything said in reply, so there's no point replying.
I've been struggling with the same thing. I've done everything I've been told, found some hobbies, joined clubs, etc. but that shit just doesn't work, because people do those things with their FRIENDS, and it's very hard to be allowed into an already existing friend group. I had my small friend group since middle school that I still talk to almost daily through Discord, but we've all moved away so we can't hangout like we used to. I haven't been able to make friends like that since high school ended. Everyone I've met is more like an acquaintance, and I can't get past that acquaintance stage.
What do you recommend I get started with in regards to /out/ activities?
Everyone's different and searching for different things, and its easier to prompt a fresh discussion instead of sifting through all the perverted posts in the archive.
I'm in the same boat brother which is why I made this thread
Just become good looking. Have surgery if needed. Self-confidence will bring you charisma and make you attractive to others.
>Everyone's different and searching for different things, and its easier to prompt a fresh discussion instead of sifting through all the perverted posts in the archive.
But you've not provided any details about yourself, so how can anyone give you any advice that's not already been written thousands of times already? If you're not willing to spend the time to give details, how can you expect anyone to give you relevant, personal advice?
Go search the archive.
I have this answer yesterday, and will probably continue giving this answer because it worked in my experience. Bring a book to a kava/kratom bar and sit at the counter. Part of the bartender’s job is to speak with you. Go there each day and meet each different bartender. Furthermore, regulars will shuffle in and out you can also speak with. The diversity of people will ensure you should be able to click with someone. After you’ve built a rapport ask to get some beers. I’ve been doing this since February and have made like ~7 new friends. I’ll be moving to a new city and plan on repeating the process. Hell the bartender at the new city was already trying to help me apartment search and I almost became their neighbor. Just be consistent and do not expect results immediately. Be sure to buy a drink in each visit. If you are poor or do not like kava/kratom see if they serve coffee. Even on slow days you’ll be reading more so you won’t feel so shitty about being unproductive.
There's no kratom bars in my city, will a regular bar work?
Go gargle my ballsack
I don't look bad right now, I get attention from women but I don't know how to flirt back. Only women I've ever gone out with asked me out first.
And you wonder why you don't have friends
I can’t say for certain, I’ve only been to a solo bar once. I think it’s harder. People are more inclined to go to bars in groups. If you’re persistent it might work. I’ve made friends at bars before but I was fairly drunk when that happened. I’ve never done tried reading at the counter at a bar. What time would you be going if you did decide? Are you willing to go pretty much every day?
>What time would you be going if you did decide? Are you willing to go pretty much every day?
At night and on the weekends.
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Holy fuck are you me, I've had the same thing happen to me everything from not making friends after middle school to feeling alienated whenever I've tried to make friends elsewhere, what the fuck do we do. Everybody that reaches out becomes an acquaintance.
Well, I'm happy to know I'm not the only one at least. No idea what to do though.
Pls help
Same, personally it's because I don't have any interests and run out of topics to talk about after 5 minutes.

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