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Corporations design junk food to literally manipulate your biological system by adding chemicals to raise dopamine response levels, yet normalfags will tell those addicted to junk food "JuST DOn'T eAT iT" like it's really that simple. Has anyone here defeated a food/substance addiction and if so how did you do it and how difficult was it?
Maybe it's hard to resist, but you can keep yourself away from temptation. Shop in wholefood stores, eat in healthier restaurants, etc. You can't escape junk entirely but you can very easily reduce your exposure to it.
So true, nobody's EVER beaten and addiction especially one as powerful as hot chips.
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I got over fast food by learning how to cook, basically. For as good as fast food is, you see over the years how they cut corners to make it cheaper, and you can make it better. I got started by trying to remake fast food how it was in the 90s

>fries fried in beef tallow (you can NEVER go back to chain fast food fries once you notice)
>actually crusty on the outside sub rolls instead of soft cake white bread
>actually spicy food (most any chain fast food does is VERY mild)
>things like carmellized shallots that just take a long time so they can't do them fast but are easy, just watching things cook for 20 minutes
>more layers of flavor from learning how to deglaze pans, marinate, rest or sear meat.
>learning how to program slow cooker and have fantastic dinner made while I'm not even home yet
>waiting for vegetables to actually be ripe instead of green tomatoes etc.

drug addiction sucks because it's not like one day you're gonna make something better than how heroin makes you feel. with food though, you can get good enough to outdo any chain fast food within a few months. even very simple things, like say lard+pintos+Mexican oregano, basically makes itself, and still SLAUGHTERS any fast food beans you'll find + you don't feel like shit after from preservatives and coloring agents and whatever xanthan gum is
It's all about doing small steps.
My main food issue was related to sugar. Was basically raised on sweets, so shit was hard.
Started with buying less crap, then moved into getting slightly healthier stuff (no palm oil), started including fruits, limited myself to 75%+ dark chocolate, main thing is to prioritize healthy food but ease yourself into it, don't do it suddenly as your body is addicted to the chemicals you described.
I'm down 25 lbs, 285 to 260. It's been a mix of willpower and medication. They had me lose 15 pounds before putting me on tirzepatide, which is like Ozempic.

I'm still a fatass, but when off tirzepatide the secret was just making simple meals I'd stick to with no deviation. After about a week of eating according to the diet meal plan and going through the junk food "withdrawals", your body doesn't crave them as much anymore.

Now once on tierzepatide you don't even desire junk food as much, and feel full more easily so you won't binge if you do succumb to craving.

Go to a weight loss clinic OP. Even if you don't believe in GLP injections they WILL help you lose weight sustainably.
MSG should be illegal
>drug addiction sucks because it's not like one day you're gonna make something better than how heroin makes you feel.
... unless you cook your own cocaine lol.
(I make my own tobacco.)
enjoy fruits when the sweet tooth strikes Id suggest oranges as they sweet and so juicy its like a snack and a drink. collards are a veggie not many realize tastes good with just a bit of pork and some salt peppered in. dont drink soda, get green tea and mint, use true raw organic honey READ THE BACK cause some add sweeteners despite claiming organic (Ik absurdly retarded making honey sweeter with cane sugar or hfc)you wont need much honey to get it tasting sweet and as a bonus itll help fight the alergies due to mint and honey.if you have already eaten and feel a snack attack drink water and eat crushed ice(use crushed so dont need to chew and hurt teeth) to trick the body into thinking it had a snack and is fuller. lastly DO NOT reward yourself with candy or soda IT WILL make you feel sick if ya make it to the one month period as the condensed sugars and chems are no longer in your body. gluck op! you got this!
just find another, more addicting addiction(it has to be less harmful) like gaming or drawing
> Corporations
Know this and break their spell.
>"JuST DOn'T eAT iT" like it's really that simple
it really is, don't buy it and don't put it in your mouth, it's poison

Roflmao. McDs isn't putting crack in your food. They haven't done anything to your food to make you addicted.

Stop buying it. This is a will power issue.
It's difficult enough that there are therapists who specialize in helping people with food addictions... but of course the problem isn't the food, it's the eater.
Giving up ultraprocessed food is HARD. Important, though. I don't eat fast food or any ultraprocessed food. The only processed food I eat is certain types of simple bacon.
By giving up ultraprocessed foods, you can focus on putting good, tasty food in you. It's important to do this BEFORE the effects of eating bad food have long term impact on your health. As a good example, shitty food has killed more Americsn black people than drugs do. They live 10 years less than white people. And the deaths are not fast. People linger, and suffer.
I haven't had ultraprocessed food in years. I eat steak, eggs, chicken and fish, all kinds of vegetables, and rarely, desserts thst use honey, cane sugar or molasses. Inwent from 310lbs to 185 in about a year. I did do portion control in that year, to avoid overeating. But I don't do that anymore. My weight rarely goes above 200 now. It's easy once younget past the mental addiction of the first month or so... IF you deal with the root cause for your bad choices, at least.

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