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>going to movie theaters, for walks at various parks, libraries, the gym, the beach, festivals, etc is much more fun with a girlfriend or even a friends with benefits.
>you'll have someone to cook and go on vacation with (gf).
Admittedly, I know a relationship, even a casual one won't be a bed of roses:
>there will eventually be arguments, disagreements, maybe even fights, though it's still better than continuing to do everything solo.
>you'll have some to come home/back to your apartment after work.
>you'll have some to get intimate with/nake-out, have sex, etc and so much more.
Anons, I've been improving myself:
>academically (so far I'm a college sophomore, I admit I'm older than my classmates and I still have more to learn).
>somewhat monetarily and musically: working part-time after lectures and studying at the library and play acoustic guitar at an intermediate level.
>I've been also going to and orthodontist to get a few of my teeth fixed.
>Lastly, I've been improving myself physically thanks to the gym, though I only get compliments from other guys....
I've been one very few dates, I only managed to make-out with two girls, though I still got fucking ghosted after the damn 1st date.
I hate to admit this, though none of my dates have lead to a 2nd date.
What exactly am I missing, doing wrong to finally get a girlfriend or even a friends with benefits?
Life just sucks without one.
>Why does life feel less worthwhile without a gf/fwb?
Because it is, you're missing out on a fundamental part of the human experience.

I'm sure some bl*epiller will be here soon to smugly say that nobody needs sex for survival, but you can live in a small concrete room with no sunlight and only tasteless gruel but that would undoubtedly make your life less worthwhile. Don't allow them to shift the goalposts.
>but you can live in a small concrete room with no sunlight and only tasteless gruel
So you agree with the bluepiller then?
No one cares if OP's life is worthwhile or not.
>So you agree with the bluepiller then?
In that you can survive without sex? Yes, that's obviously correct.
The problem is that's never what anyone was talking about and they use that to shut down any discussion about how life is worse without sex and relationships, which is what you're attempting to do.
Yeah, because people don't want to hear you whine if you can survive, idiot. You're complaining about not having a luxury.
So according to you nobody should complain about anything if they can stay alive? Are you sure that's what you believe?
nta but people don't want to hear that shit because there's no solution. the only way to solve the issue is to infringe on the rights of others ( women in this case) and that's not viable in the current sociopolitical climate

of course life is worse without having a partner, and of course our current dating dynamics make it harder for the average man compared to when we still lived in a more patriarchal society, but it's still your indiviudal responsibility to fix that
>people don't want to hear that shit because there's no solution. the only way to solve the issue is to infringe on the rights of others ( women in this case) and that's not viable in the current sociopolitical climate
You're totally right, I just want to hear some honesty out of them instead of slimy rhetoric like this guy
pretending that because somebody's not acutely dying they have no reason to complain about anything.
Incel thread
why should ppl be honest to you ?!!
Be thankful you haven't already been in a serious relationship with a good woman, fucked it up, and lost her
I'd give almost anything to go back to being a tfw nogf virgin, it's a fucking cakewalk compared to having your heart smashed. That shit makes you feel like life's worthless.
I hear you and I won't bash you either, yet eventhough your relationship didn't work out:
YOU know exactly what you need to do, say, etc to get another girlfriend or even a friends with benefits if you wanted to.
YOU had a relationship, companionship, sex, arguments, good times and bad times.
Yet, I've been trying to actually get a gf, even a fwb, though I'm having no success whatsoever...
I've been improving myself/busy with self-improvement like mentioned in my OP, yet still no relationship.
You don't have it that bad compared to another Anon/me who still hasn't had a girlfriend, fwb, wife, etc.

Same lol

Still fucking love my ex so much despite being broken up for over a year. I want nothing more than to hold her in bed and feel her juicy lips kiss mine.

I would give anything to have her back. I was such an immature retard.

The "silver lining" is that I've grown up a lot since having my heart broken.
the biggest thing i miss about relationships is just having someone to talk to :/
I'm not going to get down on you either but
>YOU know exactly what you need to do, say, etc to get another girlfriend or even a friends with benefits if you wanted to.
Do you really think that's how it works? My dude, I've been looking for a new gf for over seven months and I've only had one real date. Seduction and attraction does not follow a fucking formula, it's very subjective. Throw in the general randomness of life and it's basically fucking luck that I've even had the few relationships I've had.
Men that have consistent experience with women are very attractive and high self-esteem to the point of actual delusion, and I'm self-aware enough to admit I'm neither of those things. Most guys aren't. It's genuinely not something that can be practiced, it's intrinsic to personality and looks.
>I've been improving myself/busy with self-improvement like mentioned in my OP, yet still no relationship.
You do that for YOU, nigger
>You don't have it that bad compared to another Anon/me who still hasn't had a girlfriend, fwb, wife, etc.
YOU haven't felt the pain of being in a relationship with a dead bedroom for years, then after breaking up seeing your ex seemingly rediscover her sexuality with men that are not you when she asks you to watch the pets you had together while taking romantic fucking getaways with her coworkers (she knew I'd refuse, she asked just to let me know she was fucking other dudes to spite me).
So fuck off, you don't know pain like that. I've been in your spot before as a desperate KHHV in college, and I'm telling you it's not as bad as it could be.
And to clarify, that one date I had was like yours. We hung out, kissed, then she ghosted me.
You're just going through it. I will say, for most non-Chad average guys, love really does find you when you're not looking. I've only had two long term GFs, was in love with both of them at the time, and both times I was just doing my own thing and they happened to come along, be attracted to me, and enjoy my presence.
Genuinely, stop trying so hard. That's probably the problem I'm having right now too.
And one whitepill, you're in college. That's fucking easy mode, it will probably happen for you next month and you don't even know it yet.
I'm dating in my 30s, and I'm self-employed so I don't even have coworkers to ask out. Now that's a fucking romantic wasteland.
You are wrong in your government approved post, i feel good because I do not have some woman nagging/emotionally manipulating or trying to change me into something I am not, life is pretty good without someone and if you think otherwise then you are the problem because you are wholly reliant on someone else for your own happiness.
>We hung out, kissed, then she ghosted me.
Man that happened to me in April and I'm still fucked up about it. She just kept breadcrumbing and I let her. Went on dates with a few other girls but we didn't vibe. I've been single for over a year now and haven't had sex in almost as long.
I think it's simply an individual thing. Life to me is boring and colourless without a woman. I can feel content, yes, but not really fulfilled
Back tracking already, understandable since the premise of your thread as been dis-proven, and you should try on /advice/ on how to find someone as you cannot resolve your dependency issue.

Your happiness IS reliant on other people. You physically cannot be happy without other people being in your life. If a squad of dudes wearing ski masks kidnapped you then dropped you off on a deserted island for the next 20 years, you would probably get depressed, go insane, and kill yourself, even if you had all the food and water you need to survive.
i think partially due to trauma we're epigenetically and psychologically wired to be like this. Could just be me. Maybe every guy is like this. Hard to tell. There is variance in people but honestly most people are just very insincere and argue for the reality they would like to perceive.

For starters you're missing the FRIEMD part in girlfriend, and friend with benefits. You have romanticised relationships, expect the benefits to be instant and focus on the sex stuff instead of the friend stuff.

Most of the benefits you're talking about are not benefits of a friend with benefits, and only become benefits of a girlfriend after some months or in some cases yes, of dating.

It's almost like you're trying to emulate what you see on tv or in movies without understanding there's an implied build up in between that's too tedious to be interesting for the screen.

Those first dates where you made out didn't turn into second dates because you made out with them. Other than a goodnight kiss (which should last no longer than 5 seconds), a hug or potentially holding hands, you should not have physical contact before the 3rd date.

Instear for date 1 & 2 you should be focused on getting to know each other, having shared fun experiences, building momentum to see each other again and developing a strong underlying connection/friendship. Dates should end while you're both wanting more, so you have to have a second date to satiate that desire. Dates should also reflect your personality, and the types of things you like to do. If all you like to do is sit around at home and look at screens things probably won't go well because that's not much of a life and there's nothing in it to share.

It's also essential that you have actual platonic friendships. These let women know you probably aren't psycho.
Picrel is ridiculous. Imagine taking an average looking girl with a fat ass and chunky thighs, and making this gif as if she's hot. Kek. Barf.
>a luxury is something that everybody currently on the planet and in all of human history needed in order to exist
you are just a troll or plain stupid
Wait until you actually bag a chick/fwb. You'll beg for your empty life.

t. incel
by that logic anyone who’s poor should stop complaining about being poor because they’re not starving to death or living on the streets

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