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I wanna get into software dev but i think i'm dumb and retarded for it. Do I need to get good at math? What about cybersecurity or game dev?
No, it's literally impossible. Nobody at 23 people will ever become a software developer.
Hope that helps.
learn code, then go apprentice in startups. big corps with comfy jobs either want 20 years prior job experience of 3-4 startups you helped grow.
>Do I need to get good at math?
Start prograrrmin rn to see if you like it or not.
You are literally in front of the pc so
But how do I do that? Do I need to learn math first?
It just feels impossible...
wtf no
literally search learn *programming language* on youtube or google and start.
Download Visual Studio Code, its the main editor you will use for the rest of your career.
And start writing code.
The only math there is +-*/
programming is not about being hard or easy. its all about if you can spend everyday all day doing that without wanting to kill yourself.

I can .
just do python for beginners, enjoy having 0 fun or any idea what to do with it.
Software engineering is completely oversaturated right now. Maybe if you start now, by the time you finish it might be a better job market for programmers.
what can you study then? I'm studying programming as a 30yo neet but education is another business so they trick you into a scam, then another, then another one...
oversaturated with jeets maybe. and jeets are shit. like any job if youre good youll find work
everything else is more oversaturated than programming (4channers always leave this part out)
I don't read "missed milestone" threads. There's no such thing, but OP will never see it that way.
completely stupid to try and get into software in current year. the market is already overflowing with new graduates who can't get anything. it's only going to get worse. AI is goign to make it MUCH worse. i'm planning my exit. the whole industry is on borrowed time

t. 15 years in industry
10 years ago it would be worth it. Today though good fucking luck cracking into the field. Youll need to be someone with senior level experience just to get in entry level today. Do literally anything else to save your time and money op.
I will be a fresh Compsci grad with 23-24, Make sure to study Software Engineering if you want to do software dev , it'll fast track you to a job before you graduate if you get really good, at least thats how it went for a lot of my buddies. CompSci it turns out is not about programming but about the Science and Mostly math that makes computers work. I repeat if you want to program stuff study software engineering!!!
Step back, dangerously based poster here
First normal reply i see today
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Have you read your SICP today?
you dont need to learn math necessarily, but on the other hand math as a concept is logic so you'll need to be able to break down problems into ways that can be mathmatically described. Its hard to explain, but thats probably level 5 where you are at level 0 right now bro. Get on youtube, rent a book from the library or take a class online - all for free. You can do it. You dont need anything besides the passion to do it. There is a lot of talk about AI taking over small developer's jobs and that's probably true if you're a beginner. Get into cybersecurity if you can.
>Do I need to get good at math
Lots, but math is fun really
school is what makes it shitty & dull
I don't know in what alternate universe you live but industrys always need coders and software devs
Go to /g/ sticky and /sci/ sticky for math, these pages and you have any resource you would ever need.
Also this >>31681071
Games and finance software are the only devfields you would be required to know math. Webshit stuff doesn't need any math except maybe how to calculate a percentage.
If you do backend you just need abstraction skills and those come with time/experience.

Follow this and do the exercises (spend like 30 mins on one, if not gotten in that time, keep watching the vid where he goes through the solution and write down the steps, but the problem solving is important too), get the zelle book off libgen.is and do the exercises there. The graphics module is
at https://mcsp.wartburg.edu/zelle/python/graphics.py and you'll need that for the exercises at one point too.

Also that make a tree problem in ep 2 might be discouraging, but try to do it and don't feel bad if you don't get it (feel good if you do). Do the vids first, then go through the book
>its all about if you can spend everyday all day doing that without wanting to kill yourself.
>I can .
Pretty much this, I really cant desu. I fucking hate problem solving and could only concentrate on that shit when I was on adderall.
Became one in my 40s, so it should be possible in your 20s
Of course you are, I'm the secretary of state btw
Any job is hard in a recession. The country's unemployment grew by 15% this year on average, there ain't getting into any field but doctor right now

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