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Fuck bros, I started dating this girl and it's been a month and I'm just not feeling it. She's super into me and mega emotional, idk how to break it off without her going ballistic. Her only connection to me is Instagram should I just delete my account for a few weeks and pretend I got banned or something so she gets over me? She doesn't know where I live and we don't live close so it's not like she could find me. Idk how else to end this without being a mega jerk and breaking her heart
Literally just text her and dump her retard why is this difficult
……e-gf? or have you seen her in person
We've gone on a few dates, slept together, but she lives about 2 hours away. Decided to be a couple, and after 3 weeks.of just calling and talking I'm.just not into her.But she's calling me twice a day, calling me baby and saying she loves me.and I know whatever I say is going to wreck her

Write the text for me then. I have no idea what I could possibly say. She's planning to come see me.next week and I want to end it before she wastes the time and money. I can't think of anything other than "hey I've been thinking and this isn't what I want, I'm sorry"
?? Just do it. It’s one month. You don’t want to be with her. Leave it at that. This is a non-issue, send the text right now.
>Write the text for me then
Hey, I'm breaking up with you. Have a good life. no matter what she respond don't respond
I literally just talked to her today and was all nice and cheerful and lovey. That kind of 180 turn would be devastating, I don't want her to hate me. Surely there's a way to word it that she can accept without being too hurt and makes it amicable or just kind of a "nothing we can do about it" situation
tell her : hey I don't have that special feeling i had with you before so I think it's better we stop seeing each other
Wouldn't that obliterate her? Like if someone said that to me I'd be crushed, she's a very emotional and fragile person. I feel guilty bring responsible for those feelings and I feel obligated to het
i said it to a girl and she said : ah okay, nothing i can do about it
also she became lesbian after that kek
I'm going to get a shitshow with this chick no matter what I say to be honest. I guess I could tell her I have a work thing (I travel often for work) and can't meet next week, and Segway that into not being sure the relationship will work out, without ever directly having to say anything about her
That’s a cool shirt, in the pic. It reminds me 70s Tupperware or linen at Grandma’s house.
dude no need to lie or make up a story, just tell her it's over, if you dont want a shitshow block her
Are you going to marry this girl and stay with her for the rest of your life? No? Then for god's sake break up with her Now, Today. It will only get more difficult. There is no graceful way to do it. Rip the bandaid off. Ask Chat GPT to write the breakup text for you and take the good parts.
just tell her you want to take things slowly and suggest a relationship structure that benefits you: basically just friends with benefits and let it take its natural course.

you either get to just bang her or it dies on the vine. either way you're going to have to have an uncomfortable conversation unless you just ghost her which would be pretty womanly to do
real simple
don't necessarily do it by text because thats a big dick move, at least call, but if you genuinely can't handle her being upset at least a little bit then I guess text will have to do, in person is ideal, but yeah fuck driving 2hrs to break up with someone lmao

>Hey I don't think this is working out, we just don't connect in the way I want us to and I don't want to waste your time if its already not working
add in some "I still think you are a great friend" or "you're still attractive but we just don't mix emotionally/personality/whatever" or anything along those lines based on whats actually true and what the problem is.
then she will either take it well because its soon even if its upsetting, or just be very upset if you are accurately describing her, try to console her a little if its in person/on a call, but if its over text just try to answer a few questions and the such but don't give into any pleading or shit.

if you really don't want to actually deal with all that and have it go well then just text her
>"im not as interested in you as I thought I was, my attraction has only diminished instead of growing like I thought it would, I don't understand why since you are hot and fun to spend time with, but I just don't think what we have is working"
and just don't respond after that basically
Thanks frens, all good advice in the thread. I'll do something about it today. I need to. Just need to be able to live with breaking a heart

I'm an autist but something like..

"Hey, how are you? Is this a good time to send you a srs thing?

I had a great time with you today. think you're awesome and I have heaps of respect for you but I feel like how fast this is moving after only a few dates has made me feel uncomfortable.

I'm so sorry but I just don't fall head-over-heels that quickly or easily and it'd be unfair to pretend. I got caught up in the moment but on reflection I am just unable to continue this relationship.

If you want to meet and talk over coffee at [specific neutral place], then I can honour that. I may be free at [specific time] or you can call me. No obligation to respond to this, though. I'd rather not string this out.

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