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how hard are you supposed to try to find a gf? most guys i know seem to do it without thinking.
only in the beginning is hard, but you get good at it pretty fast
You're not supposed to actively look for a GF, but you should put yourself in situations where you can meet women. Everything else will come naturally.
90% of men will never have a girlfriend in their life. Just accept that you're one of those men and find some other purpose to keep you busy while your life slowly runs out. Maybe if you're really good you can leave behind some material work as a legacy after your death, but your ancestral bloodline ends with you.
>90% of men will never have a girlfriend in their life
i dont know where to meet women desu but im also reluctant to go out because i feel like i have to looksmax more or i wont like my options
But did they "find" one, or did they just go about their life until they bumped into this person, gelled with them, and then asked them out?
You're overdoing it, betabuxx is still a thing, they might never have a girlfriend that likes them, who will leave free money on the table
i used to basically obsessively stalk women and think about women 24/7 when i was young and it just increased my results. not a good way to be though.
>i used to basically obsessively stalk women and think about women 24/7
Damn, son.
ya you can't go out in public in basketball shorts and expect a good response. time to be an adult. don't looksmax as a dating hack, just get up each day and make yourself presentable
Maybe 20%, maybe

Women with nasty fat asses and flabby thick thighs are disgusting. Truly vomit worthy. The picrel is completely fucked because someone had to draw that disgusting mess on purpose. Fat chicks don't deserve love or attention.

To answer the OP question, you're not supposed to TRY at all. If you have to try hard, that's what you are and why you get nowhere.

The actual number is 5.1%

These are the genetic and social bottom dwellers of society with no value.
Probably but take out escortcels and the real number is probably closer to 15%
it definitely varies vastly in different eras. basically every boomer got married and had kids. you had to be retarded or gay or something not to reproduce.
Oh absolutely but the dating/economic market was much different back then. Working a part time job buying a house in 2 years different.
Protip fuck your cousin
(becuz this is what the little bitches of the world want m i right)
>Everything else will come naturally.
I wish people would stop saying this, it's false hope. It doesn't just happen naturally, not for everyone.
Depends what you mean. For a lot of guys, talking to women, asking them out, or even just being around them does come naturally. For other guys, it seems like "hard work", which is why these threads are always full of people on both sides talking past each other.
But it is supposed to come naturally, make no mistake.

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