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Can you guys bully me/shame me into doing right by myself? Nothing motivates me. I need to feel pain.

Be me:
>Pathologically afraid of asking my friends to hang out
>Too lazy to clean my disgusting filth room
>Addicted to scroooooolling instagram and 4chan
>Too scared/lazy to apply to graduate school
>Too depressed/scared to leave my apartment most days
>Too lazy to do my hobbies

make it hurt. i need to change.
OK bro let's try a little bit of math. Can you devote FIVE MINUTES to improving? 5 measly minutes. I'm assuming you're unemployed and awake 16 hours a day. That's 960 minutes, and I'm suggesting 5 of those are to improve yourself. That's 0.5% of the day. That's such a tiny sliver on a big pie chart. Clean your room, go walk outside, do pushups, whatever. FIVE MINUTES.

And hey, if you feel like you can do another 5, go right ahead, keep going as long as you want. But 5 is the minimum
If you are smart, you can make that all work for you without changing anything.
>Can you guys
First of all, no, I'm not your dad or your life coach and no one here is going to waste time badgering you every hour of every day of the months or years it would take for that to get your life in order. You're in the same boat as a lot of young men, only maybe a bit worse. You probably have ADHD, but that's fairly meaningless. What it will take to improve you isn't a short-lived burst of guilt that makes you half-assedly sweep your floor. You need bodily health coupled with small, consistent effort applied steadily over a long period of time. Forget about your big goals for a bit and just do small tasks, as small as it takes, like go outside for five minutes, have a little walk, whatever. Every day. Keep stacking little tiny wins until you have one tiny little good habit built, just brushing your teeth or whatever. Then do more of it, or add another one. Focus on health. Focus on your friends. Don't be scared to fuck up constantly, just laugh it off, swallow your pride, be happy you tried something, and try again. Get the ball rolling just a little bit. Don't bother about speed.
Sure, I'll help you.

Take a picture of your room and post it here
I work 40 hours a week brother the rest of my time spent is avoiding my life and stressing over why i avoid it :(( But yes I can do 5 minutes
I have no desire to be a neet, maybe subconsciously it’s what i want, but i want to be functional and happy instead of a soulless wage slave. When im unemployed its even worse
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Wow, I thought this would be worse considering you're a human pig. I guess even you need space to walk.
This is literally not that bad, takes like 10-15 minutes to clean at most.
Just go do it faggot, it's not as big of a task as you tricked yourself into believing it is.
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What he said.
No i won't
Have a shit life idc, more for the rest of us
what she(male) said
Honestly man, not that bad. You should fix it up regardless. The very fact that you felt embarrassed by it, should be the kick you need to put some attention towards it.

Post body next. Clothed
you lack confidence but don't "need pain".
you're too confident about that.
Nta, but if our man truly is the diesel engine of a powerhouse that we all know he is (truly): he would still need a bit of activation energy to throw his life into gear. Maybe a gentle roasting or ribbing would be enough to kick him into maximum overdrive. He's got the sauce already, we simply need to supply the spark

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