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There’s this cunt that lives next door that has made it a point to make my life a living hell, she will talk shit about me constantly, all day and well into the night to the point where I’m losing sleep because she’s loud as fuck. This has been going on for months now and I’m completely sick of her shit. I’ve debated calling the cops or going to court but I don’t have any physical evidence to get her ass in trouble. What can I do? I tried retaliating yesterday by saying a bunch of shit back and it only just made things worse. I’m not kidding, she harasses me all day and night long and this has to end or I’m going to snap and end up doing something.
What exactly is she doing, anon?
Be a little more specific.
Do you live in an apartment and she's constantly screaming insults through the walls or what?
She lives in the house next door. She’s constantly yelling shit loud enough for me to hear like telling me to go suck my mom’s cock, or just making fun of me and my gf. She’s honesty the most annoying, immature bitch I’ve ever had the displeasure of dealing with and I want to get her ass in serious trouble.
Gonna need more than that you dumbass. What part of more details did you not understand? I'm starting to think she has a point.
Alright, I'm guessing both of you are renting seeing as how she comes off? Just talk to your landlord. She'll get kicked out if she keeps bothering other tenants. Else, there's likely laws in your country about making that much noise after a certain time, so look that up. If she keeps doing it it might also count as harassment and you could get her into legal trouble.
That said, have you actually tried talking to her about this? Like having a genuine person-to-person conversation? Maybe you did something to piss her off.
I didn’t do anything to her, I didn’t start this, she did. I have said things in retaliation before and she only just doubled down on her shitty behavior. She’s been up at fucking 1-3 in the morning continuing this shit and it’s fucking up my sleep. I don’t want to talk to her about this because she’s too hostile to talk to and completely childish. I highly doubt I’d be able to get through to her.
if you live in a one party consent state just record her screeching in the night and file a civil suit or something idk, retards like that need to be made to pay lol
So you haven't tried? Listen anon, you gotta make friends with your neighbors even if they're insufferable pieces of shit, that's just how the world works. Buy her something nice like some flowers and ring her doorbell. Tell her you don't like how things have escalated between you two and that you're sure she'd also prefer having a good relationship with her neighbor. Just fucking apologize, even if it was her fault and try to be genuine. Make sure you record it secretly just in case it goes wrong, and if she doesn't respond well to it you can take the steps outlined in my other reply.
More details is that she just spends all her time shit talking me, making fun of me like I hate myself, and pushing this stupid rumor like how I went to my mom and said “mommy no one likes me” because people are fucking retarded and can’t stop pushing this stupid rumor when I’ve done nothing wrong to this bitch.
Why should I be nice when she’s talking shit about me 24/7 when I’ve done nothing to deserve it? She’s an annoying, immature cunt and she needs to suffer consequences for her shitty behavior. Plus getting flowers for her when I have a gf is not gonna go over well at all.
Brother, how old are you? I ask because you come off as extremely young. You should be nice to her because that's how the world works. You want her to stop doing what she's doing, and being an asshole is only gonna encourage her to be even more of a cunt. Sometimes we have to be nice to people we don't like, get over it. Not everybody always suffers the consequences of their actions, the world isn't some fairy tail where everyone magically gets their karmic comeuppance. Buying a bouquet of flowers is considered a normal act of good will in the western world, if your GF gets pissed off about it she's the problem and needs to get her priorities straight. It's not like you're buying her roses, just something nice and friendly to show goodwill.
I’m 30. I don’t like the idea of rewarding someone for being a cunt. There is nothing I can do to get her to stop because she’s an annoying, insufferable little cunt and she needs to face consequences for being a complete piece of shit.
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>What can I do? I tried retaliating yesterday by saying a bunch of shit back and it only just made things worse. I’m not kidding, she harasses me all day and night long and this has to end or I’m going to snap and end up doing something.
Just ignore her. She either hates you for 3 reasons:
>Shes jealous of you or you GF
>You said something to her and she took it the wrong way
>She actually likes you but is hiding it under a tough exterior
Giving her flowers and kissing her ass for what? She's the one acting like a bitch, so ignore her OP. Let her stay mad. Women like to stay trapped in their feelings all the time, its in their nature or something.
Me and my gf did say some shit back to her and I did call her a worthless piece of shit skank which I meant so she can seethe about it for making my life a living hell. I’ve been trying to ignore her but her and her friend have been saying shit including to go fuck my mom and all this other shit. I didn’t do anything to start this, she did it on her own voilition.

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