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How do i get the LORD to stop tormenting me? I want him to right now without suffering either slay me or fix all my problems permanently (and not in a way i am upset at.)
You should spend some more time with the Book of Job.
The LORD hates spammers and you're going to Hell.
what is your definition of the Lord not tormenting though if theoretically he is? what do you want from him?
Why you want answers here? Just read the bible.
I want Jesus to kill me right now without suffering and I will come back until I die
I have no reason to live
I don't want to be alive
And God himself says it is better to be dead than alive.
I want my charge brought before God and have him forced to kill me right now without suffering (and stay dead). If God refuses I pray the devil will keep harassing and nagging him with this till he does what I asked. I pray for God to be miserable.
Do you think God doesn't have other more important matters? If you don't want to live, kill yourself, you damn lazy bitch.

and even if you die painlessly, you'll probably go to hell to suffer for eternity (whatever that means)
Murder is a sin, God has enough time to number the hairs on my head, he certainly has enough time to slay me tonight without suffering
"God" is just the idea that if someone were omniscient, i. e. knew and understood everything about the universe fully and all at the same time, this person would be as merciful as possible in how they judge every living being at the same time.
Most humans have some intuition of this idea buried within their mind. In horrible situations, this intuition tends to take on the shape of a mystical revelation. A good example if you want to understand this, read up on how Ludwig Wittgenstein became a devout Christian, following the ideas of Tolstois "the New Testament in brief", when he was in the trenches during World War I.
Maybe the universal declaration of human rights is a good example of people "working out" this intuition in a situation where they're free from the horrors of war or similar things. I'm not 100% sure about that though
JC has been very bitter with me
Oh that God could hear and read
Job is an extreme example of a man who only sin is self-righteousness. He did not love God, but instead "married him for his money". It took God taking everything from him and even then spelling it out for him for Job to finally understand. Realistically, a self-righteous person would forsake God in such a scenario, but Job did not (this is why many Christians think the story is a work of fiction designed to illustrate a point, it's not cope, it's just that a man like Job couldn't reasonably exist.)
Wishing death upon yourself is tantamount to suicide, and to commit suicide is to forsake God. You are bargaining with him by taking yourself hostage.

>“Teacher, which commandment in the law is the greatest?” He said to him, “ ‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the greatest and first commandment. And a second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets.”
>Matthew 22:36-40

The only thing I would add to this is, for the second command to be of any effect, you should love yourself as you love your neighbor as well.
You are the only person i have seen who knows what Job's sin was. I thank you for your thoughtful comment.

I have a limit and it has been long crossed. I cannot bear anymore. My only option is to ask God for death until he gives it. I pray 8 hours a day at work asking him to kill me and when I come home I spend my time in game chats asking for others to pray with me for my death. I am very sad and I have had enough. It has been months and I will continue til God kills me, if he does not then I will continue for eternity to spite and force him to give me what I want.

I don't really have a point I just wanted to let it out. So help me God I will continue for eternity if I have too, and I will continue praying God's plans for the church fail until he gives me what i want.
for what purpose
God will be wearied from my incessant and unprofitable prayers and take me home to glory.
I don't want to be alive anymore

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