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I need to find a therapist who does MDMA assisted couples therapy in New England. Google is completely unhelpful because none of these people will come out and say that’s what they do. I’m isolated at work and at home. I don’t know anyone who does drugs. How do you find a shrink that will help you and your wife do serious relationship work while rolling balls?
Of course they won't come out and say it's what they do, because MDMA is still Schedule I drug. They'd lose their license if someone took it under their care without notifying authorities, let alone administered it. It's the law, and they're following it.
I’d very much like for you and your wife to have a good marriage together and a healthy future for you both OP. But think for a second - isn’t this a crazy thing to do? Is your marriage that bad that you need to drug both you and your woman to enjoy it/resolve the issues?
I’m talking about using medicine to assist a therapeutic session. Unless you have been married for more than 7 years and gone through serious adult life events, don’t reply. I know there are networks of providers who do this work on a referral basis, but I don’t know how to find the “in.”
It's not really that crazy, MDMA isn't dangerous unless you abuse it and has a decent potential to help them.
Why don't you just get some molly and have an organic experience together to see if you can work things out while your barriers are down, why do you need someone telling you what to do.
Well your first in is an “out there” psychiatrist like one that specializes in ketamine therapy or psilocybin therapy and stuff. If that’s too “in” for you, try a regular psychiatrist.

or go to the bar, make some friends, then ask around for the molly plug.

Molly WILL most likely connect you and your wife tremendously for the duration of the “trip”, but it isn’t going to fix underlying issues.
>It's not really that crazy, MDMA isn't dangerous unless you abuse it and has a decent potential to help them.
As a fun thing thing? Maybe. Not for me, but if another married couple do it that's cool, I ain't judging. But for couple's therapy? Where the whole point is to confront negative roadblocks and reconcile hard issues by working through the tough shit together? Hell nah. Throwing MDMA love chemicals all over that is just sweeping the corpse under a pretty psychedelic carpet and hoping the ghost goes away.

Couple's therapy involves learning the right ways to communicate through problems and mastering the skill of reciprocated respect, patience, and accepting disagreeableness so long as each person knows how to do it well. A married couple will be too fucking high to do any of that shit lol
basically OP
Relationships are supposed to have tough shit and negative shit. That's okay. Find me one relationship that doesn't fight and i'll find you two liars who are burying problems. Fighting between couples is fine. It's unavoidable. It's HOW you fight that counts. You gotta fight fair, ya feel me? That means respectfully and honestly. Then the fights become disagreements with resolutions/solutions at the end where both people don't walk away empty handed.

MDMA aint gonna do that shit. That doesn't mean your marriage is fucked, it means you don't have to go to extremes to solve it. This is good news not bad.
Isn’t the whole point of MDMA assisted therapy to assist in helping the couple overcome the fear, resentment, and anger that prevents them from talking about the painful things they need to get to in order to have a break through? I’ve never used MDMA, so I don’t know, but wasn’t it literally invented for this type of therapy?
Our marriage is rock solid. We are never going to divorce. After ten years and major life shit, you have a solidity to your relationship where the way you planned things to be and the way they are and cannot be changed…that’s the spot we need to work through and we need to do it it with vulnerability and trust and openness.
IDK anything about MDMA therapy no, just regular old therapy for individuals and couples.

>helping the couple overcome the fear, resentment, and anger that prevents them from talking about the painful things they need to get to in order to have a break through?

If it is then it's bad therapy ngl. I don't mean this to sound moral, since I'm not trynna convince anyone of any morality, but that right there is classic hedonism lol. The constant avoidance of hard shit, fear, anger, tough shit. Always wanting just the good never the bad? Hedonism. Or we can just call it aversion to pain whatever works.

Lifelong good therapy resolutions won't teach you to overcome the fear or anger. Fear and anger are important to have and are also inescapable in life. Esp when two lives are together in the same house lol.

By blocking out the fear and pain no lessons are learned. It means the next fight happens the worse it gets cuz both people ain't learned how to navigate shit WITH fear and pain in the correct way.
When something is rock solid, it means if it were to tip over and fall, it shatters into a thousand bits. I know it's a turn of phrase, but this part here kinda makes it seem more like actual petrified stone:

>you have a solidity to your relationship where the way you planned things to be and the way they are and cannot be changed.

Marriages need to allow changes in order to adapt to hard shit. And hard shit needs to be accepted and worked on together as a team while allowing fear and anger in but channeling it productively. It feels bad yeah, but if done correctly, it's actually how man and wife can connect. Because that's what it is, that's what fights are, they are a connection. A negative one sure, but a connection nonetheless.

Ever wondered why women often nag? They're basically screaming "Let me in let me in! I wanna connect I wanna connect!". It brings people closer if done right, and then nagging stops happening and blow ups become less and less.

What is it she is wanting to change btw if you dont mind me asking?
Well said.
The point of psychotherapeutic medication is to calm people enough to achieve a rational state sufficient to be able to participate meaningfully in talk therapy.
Experimental therapies in PTSD using psychoactive recreational drugs have been authorized in rare circumstances for evaluation simply because the window of rationality in their subjects was too narrow and unreliable to achieve. The veterans this has been tried with had to ve drugged into oblivion to be calmed, but this prevented them from being rational.
The results were positive but not reliably so and not significant enough to continue studies in a large scale. This was a controversialnl conclusion.
MDMA does not provoke patients to a rational state. It does the opposite of that. It negatively impairs ratuonal thinking. As such, any 'therapy' done with molly is a fucking sick joke. Pure woo, psuedoscience at its worst. .. that being said, I'm sure it's a good time, lol. Perhapsnit will encourage empathy termporarily, which is something, I suppose. Smoking a bowl will do the exact same thing, though. You don't get the imprimateur of Therapy by getting high together. Call it what it is.
OP, you want to fix your marriage, don't cloud your mind and pretend it's helpful. It's not a good thing. You talk it out. Fight it out, and find a way to listen to each other without hurting each other in defense. Every long-term happily married couple must go through this stage. Years 4-8 vetween my wife and I were hell. Years 8-22 have been wonderful... but we had to learn the hard lessons like everyone else.
Not op. As an unmarried 24 y/o, what advice can you give to us youngins regarding getting over the jump between your 8th and 9th year?
Thanks. Fear and pain are in us humans for a reason. And they're pretty easy to navigate once understood.

OP, let's think of it like this yeah? Fear and pain are dirty dishes. They're always gonna keep coming back every time you and wife are eating the meal of the married life. Can't escape it.

Now you could both do the smart thing, and clean up each dish after each meal. It means getting hands dirty but for a small amount of time and getting it done with. Less pain and fear long-term.


Avoid them, let them pile up. Pile up to the ceiling until they wobble and sway and come crashing down and then the clean-up time is no longer worth staying around. Someone leaves.

That's fear and anger in relationships in a nutshell. So the smart thing isn't to get high and pretend the dishes won't stack up, cuz they will. Smart thing is to get your hands dirty, same goes for wife. It's not all your responsibility either. You are 50% of the marriage. She's the other 50%. So the workload needs divided equally. That way you can catch a break as well as her.
MDMA removes the boundaries so people can talk about what is beneath them that they really feel so they can communicate that and work through it at the time, and causes you to have an intimate connection with something, sometimes a song sometimes another person, that can be so beautiful it imprints itself on your mind and you remember it after. It doesn't make you a different person, it can make you do things you wouldn't do otherwise, like have sex with someone you otherwise wouldn't have, because you don't have those boundaries.
You sound like a self righteous, tradcath larping 14 year old
>MDMA removes the boundaries
And that's why it's inadvisable. People require boundaries to function. Empathy without boundaries is self-destruction. It's codependency. And as a former codependent myself, all I gotta say is that road leads to a very hard and painful life lesson.

>causes you to have an intimate connection with something
And if someone needs drugged to be intimately connected to the person they already claimed to love, then it kinda calls into question the whole actually loving them part when they're sober.

>like have sex with someone you otherwise wouldn't have, because you don't have those boundaries.
I know that's why it's a popular rape drug.

>You sound like a self righteous, tradcath larping 14 year old.
Not selling anyone on any religion, I assure you. Just giving the OP advice that can help him with his marriage.
Get sacramentally married in the Catholic Church. Die to yourself.

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