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This is going to be a weird one

For some context I'm a girl. My room is on the top most floor. I don't have any curtains on my windows because I don't get any sunlight in because my neighbor's house towers over ours

So anyway after I'm done showering I spent a few minutes brushing my hair and doing a few stuff before dressing myself. I make sure that my windows are closed though. Sometimes when it's not after a shower I would see this lady and I would wave at them and they would wave back. So they knew that it's my room here and I could be in between clothes at any given moment

Anyway this lady comes over to our house and complains to my mom about me. I'm sitting there like bruh what? Apparently her kids would stare at my room sometimes and they caught them staring inside my room after I'm out of the shower

I'm wondering if it's really my fault? My mom said she's going to put up a curtain on my windows and I have no problems closing down the curtains when I should be in private but cmon. Shouldn't that lady teach her children about not staring inside other people's rooms first?
It's not exactly your fault but you conditioned them to see a girl in a window and when you're a kid that shit is like fucking crack. Use a curtain from now on.
I guess you didn't get why I'm upset over this. It shouldn't be my responsibility to make sure that no ones staring at me in my own room. The lady made it sound like I did it on purpose.
You know you're liable if children see you naked on your property, right? Get your head out of your ass.
Do you want people to look into your windows? Then don't use curtains and walk around naked. Do you not want people to look into your windows? Then just put up curtains and close them before you walk around naked. These are choices you make and things you control.
But in my own room? I didn't make her kids come there lol
>me me me me me me it's all about ME
Dumb cunt.
OK retard
>It shouldn't be my responsibility to make sure that no ones staring at me in my own room
yes it is
Says who? You do realize that it's my room right? I don't give a crap about who sees me naked but if you brought this up in some sort of court they would immediately declare the people actually staring at my room the guilty ones here
>Says who
Laws of the society you live in.
>if you brought this up in some sort of court
you would lose. You're not allowed to show your naked body to people outside of your house from your house. You think if some weirdo jack off naked in his living room next a window where a bunch of middle schoolers walk to go to school that cops wouldnt arrest him? You're delusional
4/10 bait
Yeah but that's something that's done with completely different intentions. I'm not doing something that's messed up I'm just drying myself. Mind you without any real knowledge that people are perving on me either

So? What if it is?
intention is impossible to prove in court. You're doing the same thing to the eyes of the law
Sorry anon that’s now how it works if it was plenty of weirdos would be using that as a loophole to flash passer-by’s just put up the curtains or dress yourself while you are in the bathroom not that difficult
1) Who cares. Fake problem. Are the neighbors in a place of authority over you? No.
If you didn't think they could see you, and that was reasonable for you to think, you probably didn't did anything legally wrong, and imo not morally wrong. But now that you have been told that they can, you may be committing indecent exposure if you did it again.
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Damn they lucky, too bad the mom caught them. Also this is such a none issue. What is the advice to be given? No its not your fault but close the curtain now?
They're kids. Male kids, they're boys. Boys like big bouncy boobies. Remember they're children so they're still obsessed with that since it wasn't long ago they were breastfed. That's just reality.

You are an adult woman, presumably right? So it means you should know about the birds and the bees? How boys are, how girls are? You parents or school teach you it as a kid or nah? Well anyway, if you know kids are in the vicinity and you choose to be in a state of undress in front of a big giant window with zero curtains then you've exposed yourself to kids. Even if those kids were being little rascals and window peeping.

>It shouldn't be my responsibility
They're kids. You're the adult. So by default responsibility is on you. Unless you want to pass responsibility over to kids?

The responsibility is on you. The accountability is on the kids' parents. You knew kids were around and still walked around naked. The fuck you think was gonna happen?

You didn't mean it or intend for it, you're not a female pedo or anything. But this should have been something to be aware of at your age. Especially when you knew kids were around.

You know you aren't a female pedo, the kids' parents know you're not, your parents know you're not. But good luck with the neighborhood and the rest of the town. Word spreads. And when the word from the kids in the schoolyard is "This older woman showed me her boobies through her window LOLLL" then you're in for some shit.
>I don't get sunlight
>therefore I don't want curtains

If only curtains had some sort of function where they could be open when you want light and closed when you want to avoid teenagers watching you shower.. that'd be a wildly profitable invention if you could dream it up..
Ah you're one of those.
You are going to have a very confrontational unhappy life and you're probably never gonna quite understand you cause a lot of your own problems and you'll viciously lash out at anyone who tries to remind you.
I have no clue why you don't want curtains. Just open them when you're clothed. Not your fault, but also kinda dumb ngl.
You are naked in front of a window.
Kids see you. It upsets mom. She has a problem. This causes conflict. It becomes your problem.

>I shouldn't be responsible.
Let's teleport to another dimension where it is objective scientific indisputable fact it isn't your responsibility:

You are naked in front of a window.
Kids see you. It upsets mom. She has a problem. This causes conflict. It becomes your problem.

See how nothing changed? See how everyone's still mad and you still have a problem?
See how having a curtain in both situations and just closing it when you're nude solves the entire problem for everyone including you?

Want to know what the definition of stupid is? Any behaviour or decision making that results in more problem than benefit. You doing (or not doing) something that causes problems for others that then causes problems for you is textbook stupid. Saying "not much responsibility" on top of that just also makes you arrogant.
That's hot as fuck!

Parading your naked body in front of your window for other people to see

I'm hard right now on this public train thinking about it

It's not your fault but the incels will hate on youu. Best to just take steps to make sure it doesn't happen again
>the incels will hate on you
Fuck off goober.
You almost made me laugh hard and im trynna keep quiet to not wake others up. I was that impressed by your wit. Good post, wise anon
It's not illegal to be naked. But it IS illegal to be naked in a way that other people can know you're naked.

It was an accident. But you need a better curtain or blinds
Amazing how many anons simply make up a law, then ignore the cascading federal state and local laws while declaring anon-ette lives under their made up law. In the federal state and local jurisdiction I am living in, if you are not doing something sexual it's pretty much treated like a private nude beach, so if the neighbor doesn't like seeing it they have to stop looking. Also you all know damn well the problem isn't the kids but her husband noticed you are hotter than her so she will whine about other made up stuff.
>so she will whine about other made-up stuff.
Except it wasn’t made up, was it? OP told us the kids peeping on her happened. Why did you gloas over that fact? Were you that itchy to say ‘fuck women’?

You can just be straight up next time and say it directly. Lol
>have a window in your bedroom
>neighbor's kids can see directly into it at all times
>pose directly in front of the window whenever you find yourself dripping wet and naked
>kids take advantage of this downright pornographic scenario and watch you like a horny hawk
Being purposefully obtuse is only going to exacerbate your problem. If you accidentally pass by your window while naked it's not that big of a deal. If you're giving them primo masturbation fuel on a daily basis then it sounds like you're also getting off on the attention. Unless you're attempting to groom or tease these boys I don't know why you would give them unlimited access to your naked body like that.
based post
If you can be seen in your top floor room, you're not just sitting in your room naked. You're standing in the window.
Most logical liberal female in the world
There are actual women that act like this. See the whorish dressing argument.
>"i shouldn't be responsible!"
>be creepy guy
>buy house next to school
>install floor to ceiling windows
>stand there naked all the time

that's the logical execution of your argument and why legal precedent exists and says you are wrong, regardless of what you think, being naked on your property is a problem if other people can see you, but I guess the idea of installing curtains is something outside of what you are capable of as a human being
Depends entirely where you live. Walking naked in public is perfectly legal where I live for example.

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