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>meet girl out in public
>ask for her number because I think she's gorgeous
>gives me it
>text her next day
>going well, at the end of the day i ask her if she wants to grab a drink next weekend
>says she's busy for the next 2 weeks until she goes on vacation
>I say oh, well let me know when you're free some time
>she says sure, hasn't let me know though
>keeps replying to me enthusiastically
>find out she got out of an 8 year relationship 3 months ago, explains maybe why she wasn't swift to accept the invitation to go out
>still speaking 5 days later but I'm starting to get bored because we have no plans to see each other

I mean, what do? I already asked her out once, I don't think I have 3 weeks of inane text convo in me until she's back from vacation.

I already asked her out once, feels pushy/desperate if I ask again but idk what the alternative is. Any ideas?
ghost her

no for real
fuck her
you have a dignity, if she wants she will appear
I respect the logic. But keep in mind that if you do like her, it's polite to not expect a physical relationship.
For some people that's not a dealbreaker.
Don't just throw it away because society tells you to.
If you enjoy talking, keep talking.
Tell her
>Hey, just wanted to double check on you and see if you were still into me, if not, that's totally cool and I 100% understand. But you know what they say, gotta shoot your shot! Haha!
not OP
not bad but if had to do that i might as well ghost her, the result will be the same but at least i wont appear as a "loser"
Why are you trying to keep trexting her in some endless conversation? All the conversation material, mystery and excitement you'd have for a date is being used up in this text conversation. Stop doing it.

Make an excuse like you're suddenly very busy for work and tell her you'll CALL HER to arrange a date when she gets back from vacation, so she should message you when she does. Then if she messages you that she's back, call jer and ask her on a date. Don't pussy out and try to do it over text. Call, keep the conversation brief. Ask her on a date, if she says yes arrange the details and end the xall with a "I'll see you then". Make sure the day is within 2 days of the call even if that's a week night.

If she declines your request for a date by phone, back away graciously. Tell her that's a shame but you understand she isn't interested. Then move on with your life. She might suddenly change her mind if you drop out, or she might not.


Only cowardly pussy kids ghost. You should never. Behave like an adult, not a little boy. You'll get further.
true but women, especially the young ones, are spoled pussy kids and the only way to feel good with yourself is to behave like they do with you
She's probably not emotionally available yet, which is a good thing. If she's 3 months out of an 8 year relationship you'd definitely just be a rebound. If you just want to smash then w/e but if you're looking for something serious it probably wouldn't work out. Just keep chatting with her on the side and keep your options open.
>Why are you trying to keep trexting her in some endless conversation? All the conversation material, mystery and excitement you'd have for a date is being used up in this text conversation. Stop doing it.
IDK man, on the one hand I get it, but on the other hand if a girl really likes you she'll stay on the hook until you finally get a chance to meet.
Both of the long term GFs I've had texted me back and for for three weeks or so before we finally met up IRL, and when we did meet up we fucked on the first date. If you're dealing with a flakey girl from a cold approach you want to be mysterious I guess but if a girl is already infatuated with you, even if you met her and hung out for just an afternoon, you really can't do too much wrong other than not try to meet up at all.
be honest with the bitch, tell her you want to see her (the next day or the next one so she understand, bitches can't get time and get bored fast). If she's down, she's down, if she's not, dump her
This. Modern western woman have lost their damn minds. If you get ANY issues from them cut them off or enjoy your life as a cuck while tyrone reams her out.
>Only cowardly pussy kids ghost. You should never. Behave like an adult, not a little boy. You'll get further.

Kill yourself boomer.
yea zoomers are just smarter than us
Not related but holy shit how did you approach her and actually get her number? Shit is impressive to me honestly.
Just don't text her again until you know she's free.
>I mean, what do?
nothing. she's not interested
all women have time, whether or not they have it for you is entirely another matter

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