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Does anyone else find Schooler’s advice to be somewhat reasonable?

If we overlook his whole schtick about meeting women at work/hobbies somehow being impossible (I literally met my second GF in work transport) - I can’t deny that attending a good uni is probably be the ideal way to organically build a new social circle and meet attractive young women (assuming you look college-aged). Heck, you don’t even need to quit your job to do so.

Also, his take on self improvement being a never-ending hamster wheel that runs the risk of further isolating capable dudes is pretty decent too.
As someone currently older than university age attending university, and getting very generous financial aid with a 4.0 GPA, I still pay $3900/semester in tuition, college fees, homework site pay-fors, etc.

So, NO, I do not find advice to return to university for socialization a reasonable argument whatsoever. You could go on literally 20 $200 dates before you got to the same expense as I pay at a very reasonable state school

Der Schoolers advice is VERY privileged in the real original sense of the term
Isolation seems cool and preferable to leaving your comfort zone when your < 25 but once you get old enough your realize you have fucking nothing, and have been disguising your fear of failure and refusal to self improve as pragmatism and not retardation.
I'm in school now and nobody here wants to talk to me. They cannot leave campus fast enough and have absolutely no interesting in chatting about what they're doing for schoolwork. Uni is not a magic trick for socializing, the only reason anyone would ever think it is is because they have some kind of old FOMO from school or that was the only place they ever had any kind of social success.

Schooler literally has textbook autism since he can only converse on 'scripts' and has admitted he has never had any friends, he literally outs himself as a developmentally challenged retard every time someone gets him off script.
im not schooler, but did you see my post about thinking being a fuckboy sucks unless you have an organic natural way to meet women, and then post this?
I've actually been waiting for a thread like this, was thinking about this topic this morning in fact.
The reason why Der Schooler is so pervasive and such an effective troll is because university is fucking EASY mode for getting women. The women are horny and naive. You as a man are young and cocky and full of energy. There are events every weekend, sometimes every day, where the whole point is to get drunk and have sex. Getting women in college is shooting fish in a barrel with a gatling gun.
Meanwhile getting women in the "real world" is fucking difficult. They're either taken or suspicious and weary of men's intentions. It's harder to build connections.
I remember university was the only time I was able to monkeybranch from relationship to relationship the same way women do. Now I'm dating in my 30s in the "real world" and it's fucking miserable, and meeting desirable single women in the first place is hard. Take into account that most channers are loners with jobs that don't bring them into contact with women often, or just NEETs, and Schooler gives off the illusion of almost being reasonable.
But ultimately, he is wrong. I met my first girlfriend while I was school age, but it was at a fucking brony meetup of all places (we were the most attractive people of either sex in the room so we gravitated to each other I guess lol). The trick is being around lots of young available women, and just because college/uni is one o those places doesn't make it the only place.
>Also, his take on self improvement being a never-ending hamster wheel that runs the risk of further isolating capable dudes is pretty decent too.
No, it's not. You should be improving for yourself first and foremost. Meeting women is a consequence, not the purpose, of acquiring skills and bettering yourself. If you think that it's a pointless hamster wheel go take a walk off a pier and save some oxygen for the rest of us.
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Schooler is also an Indian so...
Nah. You don't have to pay $50k for a social circle, just join martial arts or some other hobby.
most men with the internet can basically go with or without friendship. it's mating that is their focus dingus. if you are a 130IQ or higher male especially it's basically fucking impossible to find people to actually relate to, especially as you age and your eclectic knowledge increases far beyond your average peer.
Dollar for dollar, university is actually BELOW replacement level. Like, for a good $1000 over six months you can get involved in something with people to meet, and no university will be that cheap
i know that sounded cringe but i think i axtually relate to men that are like 10-15 years older because we can actually talk about shit and it's not just me explaining things or deciding to just listen to someone talk about things i was thinking about when i was 14-19.
it's not easy for those men to find partners even at university so it's a moot point
Mmm it depends. He's right in that it's a place where there's potential to do so. The only issue is you can't force the types of girls you like to do the same, not can you guarantee you'll come across them at the same institution. So it's all really a matter of luck ultimately.
His advice only has SOME merit if you live in the United States which is basically whacko land where people keep each other at an arm's length on a cultural level and where infrastructure is puroposefully built to keep everything far apart because of autistic car culture.

For most of the rest of the world, meeting people, including women, is as easy as going outside for a walk in the park.
*nor can you guarantee
it's not hard to date in this case unless you were chronically online as a child. luckily i was too poor for internet and didn't use it for much except anime/manga occasionally til after high school.
>autistic car culture
Bro the US is fucking BIG
Driving between two major cities can take as long as driving through half of continental Europe. It's also not economically viable to build light rails through every bumfuck town of 1000 people in states like New Mexico where you have deserts and mountains to contend with
>people keep each other at an arm's length on a cultural level
This part is true though and it's fucking insane. Especially in big west coast cities, though I think that's partially a result of half the population of places like LA and Seattle being fucking Asian or Indian immigrants. People are more chatty on the east coast in cities like NYC and Boston
>t. have lived in all 4 of those cities for extended periods of time
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This seems false. The older I get the more I enjoy forests and swamps alone.
When I traveled abroad, I lived in Russia, which is an even bigger country, but Russian/Soviet city planning actually allows for walkable infrastructure, underground passes that have malls in them, and third spaces that are still lacking in US cities, even though Russia is a bigger country.

Yes, being big encourages certain styles of infrastructure, but after a certain point, it's really just the US.
Some people lack basic interpersonal and social skills that most normal people pick up by age 8-9. It's literally impossible for them to date unless they consciously put in the effort to learn and acquire those skills, which puts them at a disadvantage compared to other normal people
These things are not mutually exclusive. Enjoying walks in the woods is vindication for not being your better self.

What's more is there's a half dozen posts on here every single day of "whoops is 30 too late to turn my life around I realized being doomer blackpilled was retarded"
i agree
>Russia is a bigger country
Are we going to pretend like 90% of that isn't just fucking nothing but Siberian wasteland connected by like two main railway lines?
>walkable cities
heh i haven't drank water today
6 glasses anon lets go lets go
brb gulping the shit out of this water
So far as I'm concerned it's impossible to separate Schooler from his shtick because his whole mind trap revolves around the total impossibility of making friends or, in particular, meeting women outside of a college campus. And writing off self-improvement like he loves to do is a bitch mindset.
sure, in the same way that not learning to read at the same age and going on to be illiterate will hold you back

that means it's a disadvantage, not an impossible goal once you've missed the milestone. 4channers constantly pretend you have one window within to have advanced your ability that is shut closed forever once you're past

lot of retard dipshit black and white thinking
It's halfway true though. Your looks fade with age and the longer you wait to make yourself attractive to the partner you want to be with, the worse and worse your dating pool gets.

There are tangible and objective consequences of waiting until, for example, 45 years old to "get your shit together," as opposed to 25 years old. I'm fucking insecure as shit about my money and my status because all people talk about is how men need to provide and women need to show up, so I feel like shit because I live at home while being 27 and not having a job that can be considered a career.

But at the same time, believe it or not, women want to be with men they find attractive too. They just don't voice it as strongly as we do. So I wait until I get my dream job, my dream career, a house, and suddenly I'm 40 years old, and the chances of me being with that hot 23 year old has long since passed.
>suddenly I'm 40 years old, and the chances of me being with that hot 23 year old has long since passed.
if it just wouldn't be possible to end up with a 10/10 23 year old stacie thats totally fine. you don't need that for life. that's like complaining you don't get to be president or a millionaire. lots of guys didn't get that no matter how socially adept they get. acting like it's some horrible part of life that permanently messes you up if you have to settle for a woman the age you are when you get your shit together is pathetic
nta but thanks i think though i settle for a 5/10 23 yr old
>acting like it's some horrible part of life that permanently messes you up if you have to settle for a woman the age you are when you get your shit together is pathetic
Women that are single past 30 are messes. I love my mom dearly but she's a divorcee and guess what? She's a fucking mess with a shit ton of baggage from her relationship with my bio dad. Sometimes I don't know why my stepdad puts up with it.
>acting like it's some horrible part of life that permanently messes you up if you have to settle for a woman the age you are when you get your shit together is pathetic
>Lol this fucking retard

Guess what dickface? If you're fucking 40 by the time you get your shit together, why don't you have a guess what your dating pool looks like? Ran throughs, single moms, divorcees, and like that other anon said people who have way more relationship experience than you, which also means way more baggage than you that they would inevitably bring into yours if you're the miserable fuck who'd decide to date them.
desu the same thing applies to him. If this board and r9k is any indication you don't need relationships to have baggage.
Schooler is a fucking retard who has never had sex and creeps around his local university despite being in his 30s and not a student there. You think this is the guy you want to take dating advice from?
If you follow Schooler's logic, an entire city is part of the same "social group" because they could be connected by a friend of a friend.
It's unfalsifiable logic, because he can always say "well they met in university OR through their social group", the definition of the latter being completely up to him. And he took pride in that when I told him, because Schooler has never been to university long enough to learn what "unfalsifiable" means.
Same goes for his demand for a transcript of an exact conversation you'll have with a woman. It puts the onus on you and lets him easily dismiss it to keep his ego intact.
Yeah obviously the absoluteness of his statements are insane like
>No man and woman have ever talked outside of uni
>Uni is the *only* way
But having been graduated for 6 years uni is incredibly easy to meet new people and hook up compared to any time else. You're around thousands of single girls your age 24/7 and don't have disqualifying reasons (e.g. working together) for almost all of them.
Going to an incel salsa class with a couple of middle-aged women glaring at all the men isn't really a replacement.
Some people lack basic interpersonal and social skills that most normal people pick up by age 8-9. It's literally impossible for them to date unless they consciously put in the effort to learn and acquire those skills

I think such people are the minority and overestimated. Most people are perfectly capable and loveable - but bought into inadequacy. They act socially inept because they feel inadequate (not the other way around).

But if you do separate his advice from his schtick and reputation / view it as rage/hyperbole - he seriously gives some of the most practical advice on this board.

Also, he doesn’t write off self improvement at all - he just says it’s taken to the extreme and lead himself and young men to being consumed by self-doubt and isolation.

Yeah I’m aware and feel bad for the guy. But good advice still counts no matter who says it.

Again, if Schooler just admitted that relationships outside of school are indeed possible - he’d redeem himself in a second. A ton of what he says is really helpful and sensible.
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>he seriously gives some of the most practical advice on this board.
you haven't addressed the money thing at all, despite several people bringing it up

there is NOTHING practical about paying many thousands or tens of thousands a year for social practice
>If we overlook his whole schtick about meeting women at work/hobbies somehow being impossible
How do you overlook the whole main premise of his argument and then say he is reasonable?
No one ever said school wasn't a good place to meet women. That was never the point, and if you can't understand that then you don't understand the problem people have with him.
The problem with Schooler is:
>school is NOT the only place to meet women
>Schooler never even successfully took his own advice

>Heck, you don’t even need to quit your job to do so.
Again, you don't agree with Schooler then.
>A ton of what he says is really helpful and sensible.
Not it's not. Again, he's never actually done it.
He's not wrong about school being a great place to meet women. But he doesn't get to be the one saying it. That's the elephant in the room that you're all (him most of all) overlooking.
If you have succeeded, or even at least tried the advice you preach yourself, fine, you can give advice. He has not, therefore it's not his place.
>you haven't addressed the money thing at all, despite several people bringing it up
The assumption is that you’ve made decent money while following the typical “get rich” self improvement advice.
Also, some countries offer totally free/subsidized undergrad studies (assuming you failed at the whole get rich thing and fall within a certain bracket).

To be clear, I’m not saying school is the be all end all. But that Schooler makes a decent point in hyping it up (to where he even appears mentally unwell).

Fair enough. All I’ll say is that I agree with him to the point that school/uni is probably the best place to form a strong social circle and meet women + that his other takes are really intriguing.

Sure, it’s sad that he hasn’t acted on his own advice. But words of regret still have some value
>I agree with him to the point that school/uni is probably the best place to form a strong social circle and meet women
Sure, but anyone with amoeba-tier intelligence should be able to figure that out. Did you really need Schooler to point that out for it to occur to you?
Anyone who did is seriously going down the wrong path in life.
He has other reasonable takes/advice beside just the school thing - that’s the point I’m making.

Also, it’s that he’s intensely selling the idea of going back to school as opposed to the common advices like picking up some hobby or to going to the gym to meet women.

For some reason - people just don’t want to admit that many of his takes have merit, just because he’s stubborn about the school thing.
>Schooler literally has textbook autism since he can only converse on 'scripts' and has admitted he has never had any friends, he literally outs himself as a developmentally challenged retard every time someone gets him off script.

Yeah the whole scripts thing is pretty dumb. I’m not sure why he had to ruin his otherwise decent takes with that (and the outside school thing being impossible).
>He has other reasonable takes/advice beside just the school thing - that’s the point I’m making.
Such as?
>He has other reasonable takes/advice beside just the school thing - that’s the point I’m making.
ya but it's worthless without being backed by actual experience, even tried and failed type of experience. he hasn't done what he teaches whatsoever

like i could tell you "for sure, put all of your money into buying TSLA in 2 weeks, it's gonna shoot back up" and it might come true. but that doesn't make it reasonable, i know nothing about stocks and have never traded in my life and being right about one thing doesn't mean i have any credibility to speak on the matter

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