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Why do a lot right-leaning people believe that they're owed respect simply because they exist?

Did no one teach them that whether or not you're owed respect depends entirely your relationship to those around you, and whatever mutual connections or standing you have with them? The fact that you happen to be in the same space as them is not enough, and whatever empathy you mutually extend to each other is purely situational.
I respect every person as human being. They have to actually do something to destroy my respect for them. I expect others to respect me and my existence just the same and see no reason for someone not to. Also empathy should be given by default. I know it's not but it should be.
If you don't respect others, they won't respect you. It's the golden rule for a reason.
What does anything about what you just said have to do with "right-leaning people"?
this just sounds like extreme far right with extra steps
>whether or not you're owed respect depends entirely your relationship to those around you, and whatever mutual connections or standing you have with them?
not true, every human being commands respect based on innate unalienable infinite dignity. lunatics and the retarded and unwanted orphaned infants, for instance, shouldn't be left to rot, despite being totally unable to make mutual connections or establish better standing.

hope this helps
>I respect every person as human being
Because you're delusional, and the exact reason why idiots like Trump get elected.

>[...] and see no reason for someone not to.
Because you don't know each other. It's highly inappropriate to expect this out of people when you don't know each other.

>Also empathy should be given by default.
That completely undermines the purpose of empathy.

>If you don't respect others, they won't respect you.
Because they haven't given you any reason to respect them. That's the default rule.

>It's the golden rule for a reason.
That you're misinterpreting.
left wing people are the ones who think that individuals have freedoms and liberties by virtue of existing.
right wing people (not republicans, they are fake and gay) believe that rank and hierarchy is how respect is exemplified. In ideal conditions this is because such figures earned it in combat or long standing successful political administration.
>Why do a lot right-leaning people believe that they're owed respect simply because they exist?
This is the complete opposite though.
Right winger's believe in a person having to justify their existence through actions.
It's lefties who think a person has inherent value from their existence and identity.
>Why do a lot of people believe that they're owed respect simply because they exist?
Because they have self-respect usually. And yes I took out the ‘right-leaning’ part in this reply just to purify the well that you poisoned. But I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt that it wasn’t your intention and that you simply are having a hard time dealing with a difficult person.

See that? I just gave you respect and all you had to do was exist. It’s not so hard lol.
It’s not about right or left on this matter. It’s about self-respect. Everyone of any political inclination can have it. When you respect yourself, you then wish to respect others. Why? Because simply being themselves is worthy of respect. Why? ‘Cuz you recognise that just like yourself, they must have lived through highs and lows. Done good and done wrong. Went through hard shit or are going through it. Life ain’t easy. So the fact they’re still putting one foot in the front of the other, well, that’s respectable enough.
Kek were you the one I debated on /r9k/ about ghosting? Respect to your fellow man is a given in a high trust society and is one of the benefits of a high trust society
i think right wing is shifting to identiarian tribes and mutual respect between tribes as we realized we all hated each other's fascism. america's brand of fascism of you will.
if you will*
excuse me
also leftism is a gelatinous cent
centralized force that inherently by being centralized creates a hierarchy, and favors the most powerful and protected classes that are able to work within it
>Because you're delusional, and the exact reason why idiots like Trump get elected.
I'm not even right wing nor do I live in the US.

>That completely undermines the purpose of empathy.
The purpose of empathy is to understand and connect with other human beings. How is that a bad thing, even if I disagree with someone I try to understand where they are coming from and see what makes them believe the things they believe to potentially get new insight on situations and also to be able to be more understanding to others. It does not undermine the purpose of empathy at all.
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>Anon says they respect every person as a human being
>Gets called delusional

supreme levels of bait OP. the incels are biting hard on this one
because it's usually rightwingers who pull the "you have to be nice to everyone (without exception)" crap, even though just one look at the political landscape, including rightwingers like racial supremacists, ironically enough, makes a good case against this, and why there are some people that you shouldn't be nice or respectful towards

what he's displaying are leftwing attitudes, and basic ones at that. rightwing ideologies typically preach that everyone's created equal (if you've ever grown up in a church family, this should seem familiar), and should be forgiven for any wrong they've done, even though (again) looking at various ideologues today that doesn't sell that idea very well.

at least leftwingers have a rudimentary understanding of the paradox of tolerance, and why some intolerances are actually necessary to the health of society, while rightwingers often try to debate against this

t. christfag

>left wing people are the ones who think that individuals have freedoms and liberties by virtue of existing.
which is not the same thing as tolerating or respecting them.

>And yes I took out the ‘right-leaning’ part

>How is that a bad thing
because you could be empathizing with the wrong people. racists and child molesters, for example.
Interesting bait, so you get points for a novel subject, but you lose points by picking an obviously retarded accusation. 5/10.

> rightwing ideologies typically preach that everyone's created equal
Only in the bastardized American sense, but those "conservatives" are just radicals with a time delay of a few decades. Not in the original sense dating back to the French Revolution.
I respectfully suggest that you fuck off to >>>/pol/
>(if you've ever grown up in a church family, this should seem familiar), and should be forgiven for any wrong they've done, even though (again) looking at various ideologues today that doesn't sell that idea very well.

So that’s what this is about. You witnessed self-respect enjoyers growing up, presumably your own church-going parents, and you felt like they were hypocrites because you felt they didn’t respect you when you went from being a kid to an adult.
So you did that thing people do where they switch sides and rebel against their own roots out of angst to teach their parents a lesson.

You must be the 1,000,000,000th person to do this and the number isn’t an exaggeration. You’re going through the prodigal son arc. Happens to us all. I won’t try to convince you out of it, just stay safe and know you’re respected anyway.
>I just gave you respect
You didn't give anyone any sort of respect. You just flipped out because someone disagreed with your toxic philosophies.

Right-leaners have always had identitarian proclivities.

>I'm not even right wing nor do I live in the US.
Doesn't fucking matter, you still push the same philosophies, therefore you're still part of the problem, a problem that's not even exclusive to the US these days.

>The purpose of empathy is to understand and connect with other human beings.
That defeats the purpose of empathy. Empathy is primarily selective, and based on situation and circumstance. Giving this freely and to the wrong group in the wrong situation can offer more harm than good, and tends to endorse bad behaviors and philosophies.

>How is that a bad thing
Because you're absentmindedly promoting things and individuals who are potentially harmful to everyone or everything else. We don't live in a political climate where that can be brushed aside anymore. Doing this, even with good intentions, can have real-world consequences. The Capitol Hill Riots, for example.
>You didn't give anyone any sort of respect. You just flipped out because someone disagreed with your toxic philosophies.

Yes I did. And if you think that disagreement = disrespect or some kind of an attack, then might I suggest curbing your egotism? I’d call it narcissism but that buzzword has been ruined by the internet lol. But that’s what you’re doing and it’s because you’re drunk with youth. So was I, so were your parents and their parents before them etc etc.
No, you do owe everyone respect. They can lose it, quickly and easily, but they are all owed basic respect. Admiration is earned. Respect is given.
>So you did that thing people do where they switch sides and rebel against their own roots out of angst to teach their parents a lesson.
i think you're kinda projecting onto that anon, but i know what you're getting at. that's just standard rebellion against parents. there is something to be said there though especially regarding the christian faith. i think one of the biggest reasons for its decline is the hordes of double digit IQ boomer parents that forced it on their milliennial kids and inadvertently drove them from it. most milliennials i've encountered have had some variant of overbearing religious parents that forced it on them and in turn they rejected it (myself included).
>Yes I did. And if you think that disagreement = disrespect or some kind of an attack, then might I suggest curbing your egotism?
You didn't, you flipped out (or "chipped out" as you Trump supporters prefer) simply due to a disagreement.

>And if you think that disagreement = disrespect or some kind of an attack
You're projecting.
>Empathy is primarily selective
>Giving this freely and to the wrong group
Take a few minutes to read back what you wrote. No, you’re not in trouble Mr. Anon, this isn’t a trap to ridicule you or shame you or judge you harshly.

But just calmly examine the logic. The thingie you wrote.

Empathy is selective? Okay so there’s this guy in Austria. Big love for his countrymen. He wants all of his countrymen to have strong empathy for each other.

But. They have to be selective. IF they give it to the WRONG people, in the wrong situation, like say for example, an economy crash, then it’s more harm than good.

Okay now let’s take that and look into the mind of a soldier who shoots the enemy. How does he do it? No empathy for enemy. Cuz it’s enemy, right? Or a homicide? What’s the crime? Taking of life. How was it possible? Killer had no empathy for the victim.
Well damn. I guess preaching selective empathy for one person over another was an unwise idea that lead to a lot of bloodshed and war.

And you’re leftist, was it? Tolerance and shit right? Okay.
Friend I’m not a trump supporter. Will you stop jumping to conclusions? And how did I flip out? By giving benefit of the doubt to make it clear to everyone you’re not a bad person, only that I find your argument to be at fault (aka a disagreement), and not you the person? That was flipping out to you?
We can't read your mind. Give us a more concrete example of what you're talking about. From the outside it sounds like you're being unkind and are blaming others for it
you're kinda proving his point, anon, and gave examples of why empathy is selective

empathy is only selective in practise, and it's not possible to be empathic to every single person you come across
there are always limits to it, like if a man hurt someone's kid, then that person is obviously not going to be empathic to that man

not to mention that anyone with a healthy grasp on personal boundaries would know that there are some moments where you might have to withdraw empathy from some people, because it could be a risk to your personal safety, or cost you in the long run somehow

there's always limits to these things, and "we shouldn't have empathy for bad people" is not an unreasonable belief, with the only stipulation is what exactly is a bad person
Since when did 'treating people well' become a radical alt right belief. Fucking clown world.
Is that why people who expect their pronouns to be respected simply because they exist are mostly on the left?
>like if a man hurt someone's kid, then that person is obviously not going to be empathic to that man.

Yes you can. I’ve had empathy for people who have wronged me. Doesn’t mean I won’t demand justice and for wrongs to be put right though. They’ll still get my empathy for [INSERT TRAUMATIC BACKSTORY] but it doesn’t excuse them so, I’d pursue justice. And the reason for it isn’t because I’m a bleeding heart goody two shoes. It’s because I know what it’s like the be the bad guy. When I was bad guy, I genuinely thought I was good guy. Turns out nah. Turns out my ‘good’ was relative to the bad place I grew up in. So I get it. I’ve empathy for the lost and damned. Can’t help it. That’s what empathy is at the end of the day. Knowing how something feels because you experienced it too. This world of ours seems to have forgotten what it means.
>you're kinda proving his point, anon, and gave examples of why empathy is selective
Yes. For wicked men. For men homicidal killers, and I even put a hint at Hitler for the cherry on top. They believed it was selective and it enabled them to commit [INSERT TRAGEDY].

So if you are someone who sees the wisdom in those same men’s selective empathy - doesn’t have to be Austrian painter, just pick anyone who racked up a high score of kills, then maybe it’s time to ask oneself if they are as good as they claim they are.
Hypocrisy is nonsense. The left don't care about hypocrisy. They embrace it. They care about hierarchy. As in: they're better than their opponents and they get to do whatever it takes to win. Others have to live within their moral framework, or else...

So don't go around pointing out hypocrisy as some sort of end goal. It's a pointless waste of time. Leftists only care about hypocrisy when it's convenient to their political goals. Otherwise they'll gladly be hypocrites if it means they win.
ever since right wingers began whistling that belief
and does the alt right even exist anymore?

>Yes you can
bad reading comprehension
nothing in that statement said anything about whether or not they can do it, only that they're not going to, nor is it reasonable to expect them to

>I’ve had empathy for people who have wronged me
doesn't matter
it's still not reasonable to expect somebody to empathise with whoever wronged their kid
and you're not representative of people or their experiences

false equivalency, anon
you also share the same oxygen and speaking capabilities as these people, and having those in common mean absolutely nothing
especially for figures who've never expressed any noteworthy axioms towards the concept of empathy
>you also share the same oxygen and speaking capabilities as these people, and having those in common mean absolutely nothing.

My last post. You liken having deep things in common to be about as deep as oxygen. That should concern you. You liken the depths of people to something as mundane, shallow, and meaningless as oxygen. And speaking capabilities? Sure they can be useless. Especially when someone is speaking empty words, wink wink.

>the concept of empathy
Again, you think it’s a concept. Something outside of you. Something not quite in your own possession. Well, maybe half there. Cuz remember, selective empathy right? Means you’ll give it only to those you feel deserve it, no one else.

There’s a word for that, ‘merciless’.
>You liken having deep things in common to be about as deep as oxygen. That should concern you. You liken the depths of people to something as mundane, shallow, and meaningless as oxygen.
you're basically going off on non-sequiturs that are starting to become incomprehensible from an english standpoint

>you think it’s a concept
because it is
same with kindness, mercy, and various others

>Something outside of you. Something not quite in your own possession

>Cuz remember, selective empathy right?
which is what empathy really is
non-selective empathy doesn't really exist because people are rarely capable of it

different idea altogether
So this is what /adv/ is going to look like during election season, huh?
sorry fren
It's not "respect" if you have to explicitly claim you're respecting somebody

>I just gave you respect

It's only respect if the other person thinks it's respect

>And if you think that disagreement = disrespect or some kind of an attack, then might I suggest curbing your egotism?
The pot said to the kettle

It's going to be public discourse too, not just the internet
Right leaning people? Are trans people right leaning now? Because holy shit, do the crime of disrespecting them and you land yourself in trouble everytime.
If you are a living thing you deserve an amount of respect retard

I agree. Everyone deserves some bare minimum of respect.
>t. christfag
What are you gonna do? Kill bab- oh.
I respect humans because they are fellow humans.
I'm not going to respect some people more than the baseline because they happen to exist as some category of human (tranny, black, fat etc.).
I'm simultaneously more and less respectful of people than the average American left-winger
>Why do a lot right-leaning people believe that they're owed respect simply because they exist?
Ain't that a left thing?
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>it's another 20IQ amerilard directionbrain thread with zero arguments and endless tard screeching
Why haven't you fags bought an AR-15 and blown your brains out yet, nobody likes you, your existence is worthless, you're cattle trying to justify and encourage a system designed to fuck you in the ass in every way possible
Get real you delusional retarda
Oh I see, what you mean is that they shouldn't be violent or harass people but it's okay when it happens to them

Good goy, your country will be overrun by 2060, no refunds
What you described literally sounds much more like the left, are you brain-dead?

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