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How do I discourage strangers from asking me stupid questions that they would have found the answer to if they bothered to wait a few seconds to find out?

You know the shit I'm talking about?
>You know the shit I'm talking about?
No, because you specified absolutely nothing at all.
Then this question isn't for you, retard. There's the door, don't let it hit your ass on the way out. NEXT...
Post a completely generic question, get a completely generic answer. What did you expect? Low-IQ poster.
You are better than OP. Destroy him and take his place.
strangers? nothing you can really do besides look unapproachable and be overly harsh so that more strangers see how unlikeable you are and not ask you anything
What does likeability have to do with anything?

A cop doesn't have to like you but that won't stop them from asking questions they need answered.

Same thing with your boss or coworker. They can ask you questions about the task at hand and they don't need to like you at all.
Strangers who beg you for money on the streets. They don't like you either. But that doesn't stop them from trying to collect your money.
>How do I discourage strangers from asking me stupid questions that they would have found the answer to if they bothered to wait a few seconds to find out?
Like what?
Never give em money.
Stop working retail
how do you discourage strangers from asking you what now??
Can't.... I'm trapped...
How does that make you feel when it happens? Why do you think it makes you feel that?
>How does that make you feel when it happens?

>Why do you think it makes you feel that?
I wanted no interaction with other humans in that moment. Then out comes this Imbecile with the question that urgently needs answering, and now I'm forced to either answer the question against my will or ignore the person and be considered a jerk for ignoring them.

Basically I am pissed because their need to ask me that question has brought me into a situation I never wanted to be in because I don't want to come off as a jerk but at the same time, what the fuck with these questions.

And it's a question that doesn't need to be answered.
>You know the shit I'm talking about?
That question was not necessary
Why do you fear being considered a jerk?

In your mind, what's your life gonna look like if people consider you a jerk?
Well if you know the shit then the shit knows you, player. You know what I'm saying, home slice macaroni and cheese noodle?
You know what. That is a very deep question that I am actively trying to avoid facing, in my mind. I cannot answer it. All I know is, I must not be perceived as the bad guy because I always do my best to avoid that sort shit from people.
Try searching that question a bit further then.
Why do you fear being considered a jerk?
Why do you avoid the question?
How does the question itself make you feel? Why is that?

Spend some time thinking about these things. Sure, it will feel hella uncomfortable, but it will be time well spent.
Alright, man. Thank you. How much do I owe you for this therapy session?
No cuz im no an autistic brainrot internet addict
none of your example populations are who OP asked about: strangers. and like i said, nothing more you can do besides be unapproachable. some people don’t give a fuck and will ask dumb questions anyways. c’est la vie.

are those the people OP is talking about who will find their answer if they wait? i don’t think so. reading comprehension is important anon
You're on 4chan, dude. I've got news for ya... you're an addict.
My brother do this, I just say I don't know even if I do and he just leaves
But he's family. He is your blood.
Is that you, Vin?
Be less hesitant.
doesn't matter if it's 5 seconds or five miles, this is the fast and the furious 17
>this is the fast and the furious 17
fucking kek'd so hard at that

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