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/adv/ - Advice

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What do I do with my sister's bf? I haven't had a whole lot of contact with her for a few years so I've been trying to reconnect. I've learned that she's dating an absolute scum bag. Everyone in their town hates him and he controls every aspect of her life. Made her close her bank account, won't let her work or have a phone, monitors all her internet usage and lots of really sick shit. I've been talking to people who know him and he is an absolute problem. I could fill a thread with the shit he's done that but suffice it to say it's clearly the case. She almost left him but is back in because she's brainwashed.
Now the advice I want is how to beat the absolute shit out of him, big time and make an example out of him. I'm a fairly sturdy guy and worked physical jobs all my life but I've never been in a fight beyond half assed scrapping with my friends. This dude doesn't seem super tough but is known to get knifey. I'm up for any dirty tricks, ambush, whatever and not scared of getting in trouble, I just don't want to get my own ass kicked and make this situation more embarrassing. Just to reliably fuck this guy up. No cops are not an option, they are completely useless here.

Give me your best revenge schemes.
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this is a proper fucking /adv/ thread, hallelujah!

I'll give you a list of ideas.
1. plant cp on his computer.
2. get dirt on him with a private investigator and leverage that to get him to do what you want (which is to fuck off away from your sister)
3. get a really buff gay man to rape him and give him AIDS.
4. waterboard him

dunno what else.
If your sister loves him, you can't win.
Use your brain. Psyop your sister into denouncing him from aggression and his life is over.
Framing him into cheating your sister could help.
This is your sister's fault/decision. By trying to help her you'll probably end up fucking your own life up. But it looks like your mind is made up. So get some brass knuckles and jump him. Beat him to a pulp, have someone record it so we can have a look at it.

If you don't kill him your sister will get even more attached to him and serve his faithful caretaker, nursing him back to health. And she will also hate you. This is how women are, they loooooove their abusers.

After he's recovered he'll seek revenge so grow a pair of eyes on your back. Also start thinking about some business ideas because nobody will hire you with a criminal record.
Learn to fight at a gym or good martial arts club. This is healthy and will give you confidence and clarity. Don't go in alone if you can avoid it. Learn his habits without getting caught. Act suddenly and by surprise when he doesn't expect it. You may want to find some way to make it public so that everyone who hates him knows and he is more humiliated. You may want to be armed in case he pulls a knife, in which case, you know what to do. Whatever happens, finish it quickly and get your sister the fuck out of there before he takes out his humiliation on her. You're her brother, he's her abuser, you're a rescuer, not a kidnapper. If he's done anything criminal, would be nice to get hard evidence of that too.

Garbage advice, disregard
Have you, like, got real with them both first? Have you confronted them about this shit?

The problem is that you can't control your sister's decisions and actions. you can't even control the outcomes of your own actions. You might as well waterboard the motherfucker, like that dumbass anon suggested and accidentally have your sister care about him even more.

You can only control what you yourself can do and hope for the best. My best bet would be confronting them both, get real with your sister and explain why you think this guy is bad news for her and hope for the best. Words have the capacity to hurt more than fists or knives, you know.
You can do two things, and only two.

1. Tell her your concerns
2. Be there for her whether she leaves him or not.
You understand that the more you do to him, the more your sister will feel sorry for him and fall even more in love, right?

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