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Asking /adv/ and not /lgbt/ because those guys always say transition is the only option
I've had the thoughts since forever but it has gotten so bad I can't take it anymore
I've tried a lot of things, nothing seems to work
Advice specially appreciated from other people dealing with this illness
There’s no such thing as a sex change.
It's not an illness, just keep with those thoughts.
Avoid porn, furry shit, anything close to sexual degeneracy. Fix diet, exercise, to address hormonal influences. Change friend groups, if friends are pro/accepting of troons.
You don't have to be a certain gender to be your true self, introspection sessions should help you determine when it started, why it started, if it's worth it or not. Don't repress those thoughts and instead understand why they happen, thoughts are like matter: you can't create nor destroy, only transform it.
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You don't have to stop thoughts ever, just not welcome or engage with or get immersed in them.
Basically don't act out when not nice or not good quality thought.

“Leave your front door and back door open. Let your thoughts come and go. Just don’t serve them tea.”
- Shunryu Suzuki
I know, the most I can aspire to if I give in is looking convincing enough
Already tried all that, I have a pretty healthy lifestyle imo and even checked my testosterone levels and such and it's all normal
It doesn't seem like that's the issue, I've been expressing myself a bit more openly but the thoughts keep getting worse
The thoughts have been there since very early childhood, I really don't know what the root cause could be if any
That sounds pretty good, it's what I try to do with most shitty thoughts, it just has gotten way harder to do for this specific thing with aging like a man and whatnot
>it just has gotten way harder to do for this specific thing with aging like a man and whatnot
Okay, with me what that'd mean is:
A. I'm getting sloppy / sleepy
B. I'm reaching the limit of my method, e.g. quality issue surfacing

I study / contemplate materials like this for the B cases:
The A cases are more difficult for me, idk I can get very sleepy.
Sounds like you've got a serious identity conflict there. If you indulge in a lifestyle that brings you shame that doesn't align with who you feel you truly are, maybe it will never be enough to start doing all that gay shit. You may never feel happy if you go down that road, and you might feel like an idiot for making the mistake of trusting your horny brain.

Maybe you'll end up in an echo chamber of people with the same problems and never address the root cause. People lie. Trust me.

Think about who you were as a child and it should all be clear whether you're dealing with trauma, or you've just been influenced later on... Maybe even both. Identify the issue and put it in the past.

As some other anons suggested, stop subjecting yourself to gay-ass materials (like your picture there) that bring on your confusion. You should have normal habits and maintain a healthy active lifestyle, try to achieve goals as much as possible. Get excited about setting and achieving goals. Even getting your ass out of bed in the morning is a goal.

Work for yourself NOW, set some goals, and achieve them. Everyone gets anxiety, but that's just part of life.

Do the things you want to do and learn to be happy about your life NOW.

You don't have to change your entire identity and abandon your current self just because you might be unhappy with yourself.

The future is there, what are you going to do?
have you tried ECT
Get your life together.

When I was in college I had the same thoughts. Turns out I was just depressed, directionless, and my subconscious was filling my mind with ridiculous escapist ideas.
It’s a good thing that this was 15 years ago back before society was encouraging the impressionable to chop their dicks off, I might have fallen for it.
why do you want to look like a woman or be a woman or be treated like a woman? Also do you think I think I was meant to be a man, cause i dont care, I actually wished i looked like girls as a teenager even, and used to get jealous of my gf. Now I kinda want to look like a skinnier character from JoJo's Bizarre adventure. I shifted to liking androgynous, then slightly masculine androgynous, then kinda lean young masculinity as i aged in terms of how i want to look. I think peak ape athletic performance is my dream now. Sometimes i think about having different kinds of legs, replacing organs, removing bones, and stuff like that in a biopunk kinda way.
Aren’t you convincing as whatever you are now? This is just garbage that the Jews put into your head. Break your chains.
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The real problem with the issue you are facing is that it's something only you as an individual can really grapple with. This is entirely up to your subjective experience so no one here or really anywhere is gonna be able to give you real or helpful advice.
This guy has the right idea to an extent I'd say. Really it's ultimately about what would make you happy, sit with your thoughts and let them happen but don't ruminate on them, just sort of observe them. You'll know if this is eventually something that is so painful you have to do something about it and if you do believe you have to don't conform to whatever other people tell you you should do or be, wether that's from the anti trans people side or the trans people side, this is such a cultural hotbutton because it really gets down to the core objective vs subjective arguments that are pretty core to philosophy. It's most important to live without regrets in all cases in my opinion. Think and act, don't ruminate or freeze.
You are just gay
ever thinked of that?
It's not an illness, it's gender dysphoria. I don't know if you have to transition, you have to figure this out for yourself. But, contrary to the 4chin memes, you deserve a happy life no matter your gender. If that means transitioning, so be it.
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Jerk off exclusively to women and start lifting, faggotry is nothing more than a fetish you've deluded yourself into through constant dopamine spiking, in 6 months of abstaining from faggot shit your body will return to its natural biological urges, thank me later
Stop agreeing with the thoughts.
Then they'll still be annoying, yeah, but thoughts cannot make you feel anything or want anything if you simply don't agree with the thoughts.
Stop masturbating, go to the gym, take vitamin d, and find a goal in life.

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