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When I was a kid my family did foster care and two of the girls my family took care of introduced me to sex (I was 6 when it happened and they were 6 and 3). It's been 17 years since they both moved back in with their pedophile father and I have to ask what's the best way to find closure and was I really a victim of anything since I consented to all of it?
Sounds like some random thing in the past, Anon. Don’t let it bug you.
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Congratulations you motherfucker, you've had a golden childhood.
Not exactly how I'd put it but glass half full I guess.
Did you bang a 6 year old or did you get banged by a 6 year old?

When I was 6 I definitely didn't know what a boner was and doubt I could get one even if I tried. That's just way too young.
Don't just ignore it, go to therapy.
She grabbed my dick and then put my hand on her pussy and said "This is where babies come from." We mostly just groped each other for a few months but it never got to PIV, Oral, or anal.
How would it help?
Therapy is useless and a scam, never take that shit.
you most certainly are a victim even if it was technically consensual, since your brain was not developed yet and you were too innocent to know what was going on. probably the best way to find closure is to replace that disgust with love by getting good friends, a relationship, a good financial plan, etc. and just self improvement in general.
Kinda hard to find all those things after college desu. Even harder when you're unemployed.
I'm sorry that happened to you and to them. You couldn't consent, even if you "liked" or actively participated in it, at that age. Neither could they.

That's a hard pill to swallow so please seek professional help if you can afford it. Some therapists suck, some are great - if you don't like one, go to another. If you're lucky and have good friends/some other support network where you can talk about this without feeling judged, use that support. If you don't, it's okay. A lot of people don't - all the more seek to see a professional if you can.

As for finding closure regarding those girls - feel the feelings. Anger at their pos father, sadness for them, anger at them for what they did to you, regret for feeling angry at them... whatever comes up is okay.

Final thought - do what you can within your life to make the world a little bit better. There are so many things we can't control - use your power where you can to do something kind. Can help give purpose in a senseless world. Good luck, bud.
Really hope this thread doesn't get locked. This is oddly therapeutic.
6 year olds "playing doctor" is not sexual abuse. You need a session or two with a shrink to reassure you of that.
Actually my therapist said it might be worth talking about. I just said no because I figured there's no point.
Same, yeah. My sister diddled me a lot and I felt like I couldn’t feel pain because apparently it’s what siblings do. Nice to know I’m not alone.
Being numb to it all is pretty common. Went through that at one point myself.
I feel like I had a duty to protect them. I know that's ridiculous since kids have very limited power in these kinds of situations but it's not easy to shake that feeling.

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