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How much would building muscle and then cutting to get shredded actually help me get pussy as a 173cm (5'7") guy?
I know my chances will always be low no matter what I do, but I want to increase it as much as I possibly can.
Live a life doing nothing.
>just give up
It never even started my friend...
Your chances go from 0.00001% to 0.00002%, it's your call whether the time in the gym is worth that much.
>I want to increase it as much as I possibly can
Then just go ahead and do that. No one on here will be able to tell you how much it will help in your specific case. No one could ever tell. Maybe you'll somehow meet a girl who thinks you're attractive because of that in a couple of months by now. Or maybe you'll meet a girl who isn't into that and doesn't date you because of that who knows. Being in a good shape makes you more attractive generally speaking tho. Just try looking as good as possible.
im a 5'6.5 autisticish adhd guy that seethes on here about balding a lot and can probably still date but my mom was also a crackhead and im like working on a lot of things and regrets and feelings... but i used to slay kinda and had two hot girlfriends at once once, and one of the girls was okay with it, and yeah, people used to look up to me, well they were looking down but metaphorically.
i might end my life. iunno. i don't know what's gonna happen, but things as they are now i just thought i'd share with you guys some honest answers to maybe save some of you. when you want to die, you stop seeing people as competition. other people are like me before i became a dead man walking.
173 cm is 5'8, seriously get it right.
you're probably right lol. sorry phoneposting and not doublechecking for typos. good luck anons.
>Just try looking as good as possible.
Any tips beyond being fit?
I'm a manlet either way.
pushups, squats, stretches, be lean and strong... im the guy who needs meds. you're tall to me lol
Being 5'7 isn't the reason for you to not be able to get pussy
One inch lifts and your average, say you have flat feet like me and I lose an inch, wear one inch lifts and you are average. 5'7-5'8 is slightly below average, almost not even.
Yes it is.
Have some hope, God delivers to those with faith.
Yeah, but women only deliver to those who are tall.
>Any tips beyond being fit?
That one kinda comes with being fit, but good posture is a big one. Most people won't notice if you have good posture but if you have bad posture people will definitely perceive you as less attractive. Other than that just the basic stuff, keep yourself clean, make sure to take care of your teeth, have a hairstyle that suits you and overall have some sense of style but don't try too hard. If you're really invested you can get into skincare, mewing and that type of stuff but it really depends. If you want to clear up your skin, changing your pillowcase more often, washing your face with cold water and drying it off with paper towels might already do a lot for you. Overall cold showers are great as they tighten your skin and prevent wrinkles. For preventing those you can also apply sunscreen and use a silk pillow case. Also sleep on your back. And unironically be confident in yourself.
Most of those are quite subtle, but it really makes a difference in your overall appearance.

5 foot 7 is the same high as Tom Cruise and he auditions women to fuck him. Your height is not and never was the issue.

Getting gym muscles might make you look more attractive, but let's say it works and you go over to a girl and she talks back. Now what? Do you have the self confidence to go over in the first place? To keep talking? Do you have the conversational skill to make what you talk about interesting, remain attractive and turn it into a date? Do you have the personality that draws her in?

Nope. You don't have any of those things and gym muscles won't give them to you. How do I know you don't have these things? Because this post exists. Because if you had those things you'd already be slaying. But you don't, so you're stuck here talking to literal retards about how to fix your life.

top 1% posture actually makes you extremely attractive. it's like in paintings. certain poses activate our animalistic instincts. you know what's killing the reproduction rates in the first and second world? sitting down. jk but maybe.
It's the best chance you have other than getting rich
>5 foot 7 is the same high as a hollywood superstar. Your height is not and never was the issue.
>You don't have any of those things and gym muscles won't give them to you
Bullshit. I've SEEN the most boring, plain, retarded NPCs get smoking hot gfs because they are tall. I've heard WOMEN talking shit about short guys.
This is a conversation that will not benefit you so I will give up. My brother is almost tall at 6'0.85, get's no ladies because he doesn't put himself out there, lacks confidence, and doesn't even think he could get a woman, how about you give it a fucking shot before you give up. You can walk, you aren't short, you got a dick and a functional brain, give it a go before you waste your 20's like me and my brother who fucked up doubly because he is tall unlike me.
You brother does not get pussy because he does not want to - if he just talked to women he would have a gf within a week. I'm doing everything I can and yet, I get nothing.
>how about you give it a fucking shot before you give up
You think I didn't? You think I haven't humiliated myself yet? You think I haven't had a broken heart yet? You think I haven't seen a woman fucking laugh at me yet?
Yes, you can't get pussy because you're average height, certainly
Uh what if I told you my brother is viewed as a joke, half a man? Why? Because he simply is not a person with anything valuable to say. Who wants to fucks someone like that? And no, I don't think you've done enough to get laid. Looking in the wrong spots.
I'm the exact same height as you, with an athletic build, and my gf loves my muscular back and shoulders. Having muscles is definitely a plus.
>Just be Tom Cruise bro
ITT: 6'3" virgins and 5'7" chads.
>taking a bot post seriously
Guarantee you anything with "meds" or "schizo" or anything like that in it in it is a bot.
yeah im starting to really see an uptick in them everywhere or im paranoid or both. im really going to miss you guys when the internet dies.
>Yes it is.
Why are there other 5'7 guys (and shorter) with girlfriends then?
Join a band and get a motorcycle
Women don't actually like "shredded" bodies. You'll only succeed in attracting gay men if you do that.
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Why is it so fucking difficult to get a girlfriend?
>your conversation skills, style/fashion and face need to be on point/great
>you need to be mysterious and reasonably wealthy.
>you need to constantly make her feel different emotions/get her thinking about you frequently.
>don't be that nice, otherwise she'll think you're a doormat and won't be attracted to you.
While as she has to do is "wait at the finish line" and pick the winner/the best man.
It's frustrating as hell...
it would help you fuck dudes but not women. women love toned not shredded
Where are you from? If USA, I wouldn't bother. 5'7 is grim.
They can never answer this.
My buddy, Aby, is 5'5"
Mexican, balding, has a beer belly, is uncut.

He has consistently pulled the hottest chicks. He's currently married to a banging white brunnete with green eyes and amazing jugs. Just had his first kid.

It's you that's the problem. Not your height, not your body, it's you.

People like you will never understand because your mentality is fucked. You're just a shitty person.

Learn to be a man and ge rover yourself. Grow a fucking personality and then maybe you'll find someone good.

Good luck you sad fuck.
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>My buddy, Aby, is 5'5"
>Mexican, balding, has a beer belly, is uncut.
>He has consistently pulled the hottest chicks. He's currently married to a banging white brunnete with green eyes and amazing jugs. Just had his first kid
Fucking how?
Correct me if I'm wrong though I'm willing to bet that your Mexican friend is either reasonably wealthy and/or has a face +charisma that women find attractive.
You will never be a guy.
that's funny desu
hispanics have rizz unironically and latinas have low standards (they act like they have high standards especially if they like your lame ass) too so that might help
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For sure. A decent increase from other anons experiences. Still what really matters is charisma, but having a /fit/ body (leanpilled btw), your increasing your chances pretty massively. Just don't go down gymcell rabbit hole or get too big. I would aim for 1/2/3/4 with bf between 12% and 15%. Good luck and god speed anon.

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