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I'm not sure if I should defend myself and argue back, or if it's best to just ignore the haters.

Say I write tutorials online, like how to crack software, or how to patch games, and so on. I am confident that I am doing it better than others have in the past (which is why I'm even writing the tutorials in the first place). But now a couple people, some are randoms, and some are people who wrote the older tutorials, and they're writing to me saying "Why are you making these bro, they're not even as good as the old ones."

Should I defend myself and explain precisely what makes my version better? (I am confident that I can do this well, but then again, internet arguments almost never have a clear victor from a third-party standpoint, because they can become muddied or popularity contests.)

Or should I just ignore them? Though I'm worried that people who might have followed my content would be dissuaded by the naysayers (and then, they would be missing out, honestly).

The above is analogous to my actual scenario, I replaced the actual "content" I make with tutorials though.
Instead of addressing every comment individually, you can write an about section for why you're making a new tutorial
I did do that at the bottom of my first tutorial on my page, and some people have read it, but I assume the "critics" didn't find it worth their time. They don't even have any actual points, they're just saying that my content isn't as good and that I shouldn't be making it.

I considered asking them to link a better one so I could point out why it's worse, but honestly that just sounds like a futile, unhealthy exercise for everyone involved.
Maybe I should paste the about section at the bottom of everything I write? (Although I doubt the haters are going to read it anyways...)
Don't engage with the criticism and keep doing what you're doing. You don't need to explain yourself to anyone.
I always look at it this way,
If someone criticizes my work, would I want to trade lives/outcomes with them? If not then why would I take what they have to say seriously?

Every broke person is a finance expert, every woman with 4 kids and 6 dads is a relationship expert, and every obese guy at home watching "the big game" is a sports/fitness expert. They will all know what you are doing wrong and will tell you about it.
>You don't need to explain yourself to anyone.
Damn, that's the right mentality 100%. Thanks for the advice anon.
Honestly I know nothing about my critics, maybe they're living a better life than me because I'm just a NEET doing my thing while I can. But I'll keep this in mind. Thank you.
Depends, is the critique reasonable/in good faith?
I respond to good faith criticisms. Nitpicks and someone with an axe to grind I avoid because I don't want to get sidetracked into pedantry or an internet grudge match.
I believe I said it above, but the only criticisms I've gotten so far are literally "Why are you making these tutorials, they're not even as good as the old ones." That's it, no further detail, just that one sentence.
>I respond to good faith criticisms. Nitpicks and someone with an axe to grind I avoid because I don't want to get sidetracked into pedantry or an internet grudge match.
Seems like a good rule of thumb. I'll aim to emulate that.
There's no money to be made by responding. If it's good critique, take it. If it's not and it's garbage, then it is garbage. Throw it out.
ignore unless the criticism has value
>I'm not sure if I should defend myself and argue back, or if it's best to just ignore the haters.
If there is an in depth and mostly polite critique, you can refute it or accept it to whatever extent you wish.
If it's snark and sneering, you ignore it. These people are complete losers desperate for attention and self-importance.
If competitors are trying to convince you not to make stuff, you can either ignore them or politely tell them that you want to write these tutorials and will continue to do so.
> There's no money to be made by responding
This is a fact, thank you friend.
So far none of it has value. Thanks bro.
Thanks, I'll do that.
> If competitors are trying to convince you not to make stuff, you can either ignore them or politely tell them that you want to write these tutorials and will continue to do so.
Great. I think I'll let my actions speak. Thank you man. I'm feeling better about all this.
nope just write one line saying thank you for commenting and move on. will drive them crazy you didn't get triggered and anyone not in the conversation will see you have a sane response and be on your side

trying to argue and explain like a nerd will immediately make everyone hate you

if you watch the social network (2009) even though Zuckerberg is 100% right the lawyers still say to settle with the winklevoss twins, because obviously anyone takes their side in court seeing them against zuck

you spent so long learning how to wage an argument with facts and logos you have totally neglected ethos. why would you have any credibility with people seeing your argument play out? you wouldn't. your only route to winning is therefore being formal in the face of trolling
Would just ignoring them be better than a polite comment from me saying thanks for the comment? They know I read the comments I'm pretty sure, so it might also work.
Nah, block and ban them without explaining shit.
this way people supporting you will feel more secure in voicing their opinions of your work.
>this way people supporting you will feel more secure in voicing their opinions of your work.
Hm, that's a very smart angle I never thought of. While I can't ban them on the site I got those comments on, I do run a group or two. I guess I'll kick people who shit on my work vitriolically and abjectly without reason. Thank you.

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