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Should a sexually-romantically inexperienced adult man hire a dating coach?
worth a shot
They usually charge 3-5K on average. It’s an investment and not an easy one to throw yourself into.
Don't you have, like, friends? Friends are way more efficient at getting you a date.

Don't throw away your money. Even a dating coach won't be able to produce actual results if you don't have at least a rudimentary friend circle.

Dating advice from a woman? Delusional.

She’ll turn you into the perfectly domesticated Beta Male, that’s for sure, not what women actually want.

Try and study yourself female evolutionary psychology and how the infantile woman brain operates.

I never needed it myself, as I’m a total hunk of a Chad.

My best advice: Just go to bars, laugh, enjoy yourself, work out, go to gym, eat well, pick up a sport, have a job, be financially successful, women will come along the way. Let them come along for the ride, but don’t let it be the focus of your life, she’s an addition.
>I'm a total Chad
>My best advice: simply exist
>trusting a woman on getting women
LOL are you retarded? you can check out some female dating sex books for different perspective but you should not try to get laid
Just don't worry and be yourself ( don't talk about weird shit and give her the ick tho )
I think you can learn all that freely or much cheaper. Hell, you can pay a girl in Fiverr 20$ just to talk and play vidya for an hour.
Would you ask a fish how to catch fish?
Waste of money.
Dating coaches are scammers who wear a nice face. Same for any guru. They’re charlatans who simply profit from other people’s desperation, even if they’re well-meaning and believe their own bullshit, it doesn’t change the fact that’s what they do.

Also that woman in the OP
>I help men feel confident in their masculinity
Women can never teach boys on how to be a man, I don’t make the rules, just how it is. They can raise a boy but the leap from boyhood to manhood is where father comes in, or at least other men.
Where's your proof?
>hurr durr
This analogy only makes sense if you assume OP is trying to date the dating coach.
The proof is that she is a woman. And the men she tries to convince that she can help them with manhood are men. And the men who run to her are men who struggle to understand women. Which is pretty normal and obvious, they’re women. But this woman claims to understand manhood well enough to help men feel like men. Bullshit alarms should be going off to anyone who critically thinks for 5 minutes.

>I need help woman, i dont understand women im a man
>woman: “thats okay, you just need to be secure as a man. (true) As a woman I can help you feel secure in your manhood (lie).

Dating coaches thrives off this formula. Mix one truth with one lie, and the money will keep pouring in from the men who keep paying her.
The advice is simple. Be born conventionally attractive/with some random talent that attractive women desire or settle for ugly people. Saved you $5000
uhh no it also makes sense in this scenario
>OP is asking a woman how to get women
>OP is asking a fish how to catch fish
how fucking brainlet do you have to be to miss this?
You should watch interviews with her instead of just speaking out of your ass. She does understand the male psyche pretty well
>talks about how women look for a provider that has status, desires them and has fun
>acknowledges that men always have to approach first, even in female-first apps like Hinge
>knows it’s all a numbers game at the end of the day
You are incredibly, and I mean INCREDIBLY stupid.
His original comparison was already pretty stupid actually.
The whole premise of it "why would a fish help you catch a fish?" because fish don't want to be caught.
Women do want to be "caught". Women like men, believe it or not.
Buddy. This is the only advice you need: >the fish will never tell you how to catch them, you need to ask a fisherman.

Ask men who have fucked/dated a lot of women.
>talks about how women look for a provider that has status, desires them and has fun
>acknowledges that men always have to approach first, even in female-first apps like Hinge
>knows it’s all a numbers game at the end of the day

So she plays into the man’s fears and emboldens them to keep them dependent on her tutelage? That’s pretty vile. And if you yourself thought what she says is already true, then why do you need her? Why pay her? You already know these ‘truths’ are true. So you need to pay a woman to parrot it for you, why?

You don’t have to answer it. Because I can tell you why, it’ because at the end of the day you are wanting encouragement. You can just ask any man for that and they’ll give it to you for free lol.

It’s okay to want it too, doesn’t make you less of a man bud.
>trusting a woman's advice on any subject, let alone on dating
LMAO even
>because fish don't want to be caught.
the fish are too stupid to know whether bait is bait or real food. besides like a typical autist you're nitpicking the analogy and completely miss the big picture because you're socially stunted.
>the fish are too stupid to know whether bait is bait or real food
>like a typical autist you're nitpicking the analogy
yes i am mocking you by nitpicking it there. i get the analogy however you do not. now do you have anything else meaningful to say or are you just trying to get in the last word so you can get your threadly dopamine boost?
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Go outside, look for men shooting their shot at women, approach them, and gently ask if they could teach you their ways. ''I saw you shoot your shot at X girl, how did you do it?''. It costs you way less than hiring a so-called dating coach

If you ask me how I did it, it was mostly through clubbing. This one time in college it went like this:
>At breakfast
>Group of female friends hanging around
>Join in with them
>Talking about how hard some classes are
>Suddenly, qt approaches her friend
>We make eye contact
>''Hey Anon, this is Kass, from the other group''
>''Hi :)''
>Make small talk with her on the spot
>Turns out, we more or less like the same things
>We also come from the same state
>''Yo can I get your number?''
>Get her number
>Get home
>Wait a minute, did I just do that?
We ended up going in a date at the supermarket, I thought it was fun, so did she. But that was about it. I don't like the idea of dating girls in my campus, and she probably saw something that she didn't like about me, so I didn't take it further than that.

The way I see it, it's all about common interests.
>Is she interested in you after making small chat and meeting you? Worth a shot
>Is she not interested in you after texting and making small talk? Not worth a shot
In this case, she was interested in me at first, but she was currently burnt out from work, so chances are she didn't go out with me because she works herself to death and has no time for me (understandable, it may be something else entirely, but that's none of my business)
I really like this advice, everything you said? Spot on. Just wanna bring something to your attention that you can expand on brotha, for the lads reading -

>Make small talk with her on the spot.

This part trips up many many young men. They don’t know what small talk is or how to do it, or of they do, find it unbearably difficult. Not because of stupidity, or not knowing what to say generally, but it actually numbs their brain and makes them exhausted.

What advice can you give to lads like this?
Ask her questions depending on situation and give sincere compliments while throwing in humor.
>In college ask what is your major. How do you like it? "Wow marketing sounds hard. You must be smart."
>Where do you work. "That sounds interesting. What's your favorite part about the job?"
>At a bar. "What are you drinking? That's definitely a girlie drink. Where is the umbrella?"

And so forth. If you have to just pretend she's a man until you get comfortable.
All their material is in books for free. If you don't have the guts to try, no dating coach can help
I’m transferring to a uni this fall, but I always had trouble with that “join in with them” step. I’ve done stuff like that in high school with guys social circles but with women it sounds completely different and like I’d be an instant creep if I tried to join being one guy out of like 5 girls. How did/would you join in on people’s groups?
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>What advice can you give to lads like this?
I call it the Principle of Relatability. Not really, I just pulled it out of my ass, but I always ask myself this question before engaging a girl:
>Can I find common ground with this other person within 5 minutes of talking to one another?
This is where interest breeds, you find out you share similar interests, similar hobbies, you like the same music, etc. etc.

Here, I'll cook an example:
>5 months ago, working at a beach club
>Two girls look at me and giggle
>Smile back
>Their dad's friend goes up to me
>''So they told me, to tell you, that they'll be here tomorrow''
>Sure, its my day off
>Staff discount (50% off in food, free drinks)
>Get there
>''Hey :)''
>Other girl ''come join us :)''
>They're gorgeous girls too!
>They're really superficial
>Like, hilariously superficial
>We don't have a singular thing in common
>We don't share the types of parties we like to go to (I like clubbing with reggaeton, they like Taylor Swift [:(] and Drake [:(] )
>We don't even share the same culture
>They laugh like those rich guys playing golf
>Tell them I'm going out swimming
>''Ok have fun'' (they hate swimming because they don't wanna get a tan)
>Interest completely dies out
>While freediving, I saw a huge ass sea turtle
>It was a fun day nonetheless

Much like Engineering is a predominantly male degree, my degree (Foreign Languages) is predominantly female. There are a total of 5 guys in our group of 30 students, 2 of which are gay. So it's just me, Danny, and Alan.
>I’d be an instant creep if I tried to join being one guy out of like 5 girls
If you keep it quiet about yourself, don't reveal too much information, and play to your strengths, you'll be fine. Never, when surrounded by a group of girls, never talk too much. One thing girl groups are notoriously known for is their gossiping.
Is she lesbian? Otherwise, I don’t think she’d know.
jfc, have some self-respect. 99% of coaches are nothing but grifters regardless if they're men or women. the biggest scammer was a dude advertizing on his IG profile "with these pickup lines she WILL swipe right on you!" and ffs he's actually found enough retards to fall for his crap that he's made a living out of it.
bimax, looksmaxx and then have the guts to shoot your shot. If you do this while you're ugly as sin (like me), then you're going to get demoralized and black pilled fairly quick with no success. Instead of spending so much dough in grifters, use that money to become attractive through surgery
>Don't you have, like, friends?
I feel like I didn't expand on this too much, so I'm making another post. With the two girls I mentioned, even though they were super hot women in bikinis, I had zero interest in following it up. I could've pretended to like the things they liked, but sex would've felt incredibly dull if neither of us had even the slightest connection.

During small talk, you also want to learn more about this other person. The most natural way of doing so, is by asking questions within their range of interest. What do I mean by this? Example:
>''Ah, so why do you find (her favorite artist) relatable?''
>She'll answer truthfully, and start reveal stuff about her without you needing to ask her in the first place
>''What's so good about (her hobby) anyway?''
>She'll answer what she likes about it, and reveal stuff about her without you needing to ask her in the first place
>''So (color) is your favorite color? Why is that?''
She'll answer truthfully what she lik-do you see what I mean?

>>31688467 gave a dogshit example (and even worse questions to ask), because every single guy struggling with small talk does this one mistake: complimenting her at the wrong time. This is how I'd do it:
>''Oh marketing! Sell me this pen''
>if she likes her degree, she'll try to explain you theory about marketing. if she doesn't, she'll reveal to you ''I actually don't like marketing because...''
>''Is it one of those cool jobs like (the job you're working on, or previously worked on)?
>if she says ''no, I hate it, because'' then she'll start talking about it, but if she says ''yes, omg, are you a (worker) too?'', good job, you found relatability.
>''Cool drink, what is it?'' (Then ask the bartender for one of those, tell her ''thanks'', and walk away)
>Now you stand out. You didn't talk to her because you wanted to date her, for once, you were the one guy who treated her like a person and not an object or a goal
>Women like men

's wallets
>Women like men

Women like men ? They like them as persons sometime sor for their social status.

Or else why are the dating apps like one female for 20 males ?

Why is there so much guys in affective and sexual misery ?

Why is the favorite seach term of women LESBIAN ?

Why, among all mammals, females simply NEVER searches for males ? It's alwasy the other way around ?

There is no way in the world men and women like themselves equally. It's a big big lie
Yes anon, we can see your new thread up in the catalog. There there.
>dating advice for men
kek. Also, iff its advice, you don't buy it, you hear it for free. Or else it's a scam.
That's the issue, most people are not existing. They are just surviving, going to work, getting home, sleep, repeat. If you do something for yourself, then atleast the chances of finding someone goes from 0% to 0.001%.
>but that's such a low chance!
you have YEARS, and you can always go other places.

I'm happy that you have eyes my friend but this is a simple answer to a wrong statement. I've made two posts about this i think it's fine.
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It's a solid grift to be honest.
Targetting betabuxx who are most likely to blame themselves when the "coaching" inevitably does nothing.
there's nothing to be coached on there
if there was, it would be common knowledge by now

there's only 1 thing that matters when it comes to dating and it's how much you speak to women
speaking is only possible in schools or to people you know or connected by them
that's all there is to it, every coach and every other resource is just a waste of time to steal your money and keep you celibate intentionally

If you want to date, then you need to quit your job and come back to school setting, you need to be in university again
>Women like men, believe it or not.
I don't believe it, at least in The West™.
I only see animosity towards men from women and I don't see anything other than conventional wisdom that points towards women liking men.
Hell yeah this is a Schooler thread now baby.

>there's only 1 thing that matters when it comes to dating and it's how much you speak to women
Does Schooler think that looks don't matter whatsoever? A bold idea to add to your schizophrenic collection.
yes they don't
you cannot do anything in that matter to change your situation
it doesn't matter to you or OP or anyone else who needs to speak to women, people who already dont have contact with women obviously do not have supermodel genetics that would make them celebrity and have nonstop sex instead of being forced to be celibate and alone

so every person who asks this question obviously has no supermodel genes meaning that looks do not matter to them

you're just autistic and obsessed with repeating same words and phrases over and over, you want to have the same arguments that will have the same debunkings over and over
you never even considered that if OP had Alain Delon genes he would never need to ask how to speak to women but you're such an autistic fucking retard you could not consider that option, you never though that OP must obviously not be a supermodel to be forced to be alone so now you have to bring up this point which you know will be easily debunked to repeat some weird ritual your autistic retarded monkey brain learned on reddit to repeat over and over

when you argue on internet you have to think not just of 1 thread but of every other one that came before it and when you study it all you arrive to inevitible conclusion that if someone asks how to meet women, the only way to do it is by quitting work and going to university again to meet them there because if you think for 1 second you will consider every other hypothetical like
>if OP is a supermodel, then he'd have a gf so if he doesn't, he isn't one so his looks don't matter
like you should've done before making this post you moronic monkey
but since you're used to arguing with chatbots on reddits who cannot learn new information that concept is lost on you
you can repeat above argument with every other argument from reddit you've learned like if OP had friends to set him up, he'd never make this thread meaning he doesnt have them which only leaves coming back to uni to speak
You're sounding particularly ESL today, Schooler.
I don't follow your argument, could you directly answer:
>Are you suggesting that looks are totally binary between supermodel and "not supermodel"?
>If so, are you saying there's no different at all between a well presented normie and someone with a disfigured face?
You seem particularly retarded mornigger
Here's your answer >>31689276
>yes they don't
>you cannot do anything in that matter to change your situation
>it doesn't matter to you or OP or anyone else who needs to speak to women, people who already dont have contact with women obviously do not have supermodel genetics that would make them celebrity and have nonstop sex instead of being forced to be celibate and alone
did retarded redditors just get too fucking stupid to read long posts that do not confirm their pre-learned worldview?

seems so
entire worldview has been completely debunked by simple hypothetical of
>do you think alain delon would be an incel?
and then they just project their ESL status on others because hypotheticals escape their ape brains

everyone who considers hypothetical situations learns that the only way to speak to women are schools and mutuals and absolutely nothing else because every human being that plays out every other hypothetical scenario learns that school is the only way to have longer conversation with women by sheer process of elimination

just take each one of your reddit argument and do a hypothetrical where you have to write out what would you say
if you cannot do it leading to relationship, it means one is impossible
and if you do it with every single piece of advice and every pre-requisite to someone being an incel into their 30s, you end up with one single piece of advice

quit your job, go to university again, speak to women there

>retarded niggger is mad again that western world doesn't operate on rape like in his shithole
Kill yourself pajeetard and everyone around you
he even uses the pajeetard sir language when trying to argue with someone he recognizes as his superior, truly proving all retarded scammes on internet are just flock of indians

every good piece advice just gets spam by these retards calling you sir because even when they try to fight back against intelligent people the niggers still are forced to recognize me as their superior
Will you be my dating coach, Schooler?
as mentioned >>31689401
there's nothing to coach you one, you just need to be in setting where long and frequent conversations between men and women are possible and the only place for that is in university if you dont already have them
everything else is just matter of speaking enough to enough people
>everything else is just matter of speaking enough to enough people
Can you coach me on how best to have these conversations if I'm a sperg?
yeah sure but you can already do all of it on your own, there's no coaching needed

you're just not in uni so you have no option to say anything
>We ended up going in a date at the supermarket, I thought it was fun, so did she. But that was about it.
OMG OP you're supposed to START at the supermarket, buy a bunch of gourmet picnic food, then go to a park, eat gourmet food then make out.
I've done this quite a few times, its fun.
If you take her on a date to buy kitty litter and TP you're probably doing it wrong.
Ironically you don't need it, take your energy from this post and apply it to a chick.
You asked a question that someone can easily follow up with, like playing tennis, toss the convo ball back and forth, and you just did a pretty good job.
Now do that with a chick instead of us.

Unironically, I looked into her and contacted her out of curiosity.

She was pretty quick on the reply and gave a personalised response that wasn’t a mass reply format.

What she's really offering is a support network. Her advice is literally what every manosphere grifter is saying except she has a pretty face and is good at talking.

The issue being, her prices are ridiculous.

>$1295 USD for a Master Class
>$150 USD for a Texting Course
>$150 USD for a Dating Profile Course
>$150 USD for a Approaching Course

She said most of her clients are high earning but poorly socialised people and I believe her, but you can literally hear her speak and see how corporate and American (greedy) she is. You should not be giving your money to a woman that’s more or less a paypig sycophantic relationship.

It sucks learning how to date but don’t let this individual take advantage of your weakness because she a bright smile and a sympathetic look on her face.

Honestly... I always went by the tenants of
>Please, Tease, Exite, make her laugh, make her want to come back for more
If you can figure those out dating is a lot less difficult.
Basically learn how to talk to people, figure out how they work and the above can be easily applied.
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Known pedophile
How to figure this out?
>I only see animosity towards men from women and I don't see anything other than conventional wisdom that points towards women liking men.
Anon, I can totally buy that women don't like YOU but you can't extrapolate your experiences and make grand sweeping (coping) statements that women don't actually like men.
Bump again
If there’s any profession where I think the professional hates their clientele, it’s probably this. Apart from prostitution of course.
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You know how when someone first goes onto 4chan they're often told to lurk? In the same way with human conversation sometimes it's best just to observe for a bit if you're highly inexperienced and nervous. Watch and see what the rules to the game are, interests, hobbies, teasing, flirting, how people bounce from one topic to another.

With that said, to please a woman is to complement her. To be able to confidently say "that bow is really pretty" , "your makeup looks great today" simple small things that pleases them.

Teasing is similar but let's say if they're shy to the complement and go rosy, you push it further and tease them, "well I doubt anyone else would look as good in a bow like that" and "push" it onto them.

Exciting them is very broad, are you doing things other than masturbating and playing video games? If you go on a date do you only go to the coffee shop and leave? These things are boring, where you seek adventure you will find reward.

Go to the gym, get other hobbies, make yourself interesting and exciting.

Making her laugh is simple humour, are you witty? Can you make a good joke? If not try to live your life with mirth and have them laugh with you.

Making her come back for more is all the above, it's having that confidence in being you, even if you're inexperienced it's that you're confident in trying, you're confident in yourself for dating, you're confident because you're happy and women find that incredibly attractive.

Basically don't pay some thot for dating advice, talk to people, live well and watch the rest fall into place. So long as you aren't idle in looking for a girlfriend you won't have any issues.
And if you're wondering how to quickly build social confidence, I mean this sincerely and get lost somewhere and ask for directions.

The first few people will be nerve wracking but by the 9th or 10th knowing you are truly lost, watch the anxiety disappear, how direct you'll be able to talk, you'll be able to carry that confidence and work from that too. On top of all the other advice.
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Why do you keep bumping this? You've been given plenty of advice. Why don't you actually put it into practice instead of being retarded?
>4k for 3 months of meetings
>she "works" 3-5 hrs a week
>66.7$ an hr if she does 5 hrs every week
what a grift
That's 3-5 hours per client bro.
Means nothing. Post age.
>hire a dating coach
This seems suspiciously like a rip-off. PUAs and their bullshit spread in the early 2000s and it was just a money making scheme. I doubt this is any different.
Women have no fucking clue what they want or why, and will tell you a bunch of bluepilled cliches.
late-mid twenties fyi
This is also true. Dating advice from men charging you money is already highly suspicious. But from a woman charging you money just sounds retarded.
Female/PUA advice is litterally :
>take a shower
>get a haircut
>get nice clothes
>go talk to women
>just be yourself bro

Obviously it doesn't work. Some females who are more honest will tell you the truth :
>be tall
>be attractive
>have money

And that's it, that will be $3000+tip for the advice, thanks simps!

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