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Is this true: Once a cheater, always a cheater? I can’t turn a Hoe into a housewife? She cheated on her boyfriend to be with me.
i feel like women just monkey branch when they're young cause everyone wants them and breaking up is hard to do but she might marry you for life. Girls normally decide they want to break up over like the course of a year and set their new lives up before leaving the relationship even if they're loyal. Like they'll just get beat for like two years before risking sudden change into the abyss ime. Like there are slutty women and they do it too but like even the best women pretty much do this.
It depends on her and your relationship. Have you spoken to her about why she cheated with you?How long was she in that relationship/how does she talk about her previous partner? imho itf she acknowledges that she made a mistake by cheating, even if the relationship was over, and doesn't talk complete crap about her ex - she has hope.
its some guy that got cucked and is putting his exes pictures on this board every day for months now, you shouldn't bump his threads. he isnt actually asking for advice. if you see a picture of that woman it is just the butthurt guy trying to doxx her.
thank you
Haunani Valente is cursed for that fact
Monkey branching is still cheating. U don’t act available when ur not. Break up first then ur officially available. It doesn’t matter the age. Young or old it’s the right thing to do.
She is bipolar. She’s bad at making decisions. They were together for 3 years.
Not true. I’m not him. I just saved this picture becoz it’s funny
that's just not what women do, and after a few times being broken up with by a woman and understanding this you will be able to see easily in hindsight she checked out like a year before breaking up, and you might even be able to notice before she breaks up unlike most men who get blindsided
Woman here. I don’t wait a whole damn year. That’s torture! I break up right away. You’ve been dating immature females.
I’m a femanon. A year is too long. I break up right away. There’s no point in staying in a relationship and cheating.

OP she’s not worth it. She’ll cheat on you, too. It’s her pattern. You’ve been advised and warned.
also the females of all my friends and associates throughout life, but
U forgot to include she’s ugly if that’s her in the picture. Stop settling for rubbish. U can do better. Ur just hooked on her charm for now. There are better girls out there u can take home to mom especially one who didn’t cheat on another man to be with u. That’s a heavy burden and bad karma to carry. I feel bad for her for messing with 2 men’s hearts and emotions.
i dont care im just going to continue thinking this. i feel like neither gender but especially not women give good dating advice to the opposite sex. i think women used to give better advice but unironically a lot of them feel they need to dissuade any judgement that women could be thought of in any scientific terms ot categories or fucking literally anything because they feel they have to do it for feminism. especially especially especially terminally online women. im not even mad. it is what it is.
I feel bad for all of you. You’ll all find better or are with better women right now. Not all females are immature.
i dont believe you but it still feels nice. ill take this bluepill and think about it from time to time, and wonder about it on my deathbed one day, never knowing the truth.
You can do much better. A bipolar cheating whore will only bring drama into your life. Ask all of us who went down that wrong road before. I have a kid with one. She took me to court and lied to them about me abusing her. She started every fight and even kept my kid away from my for a year. Run away and never look back!!! Like other anon said, it’s their pattern and they’ll cheat again.
It is funny. The story behind it is she got offended for being the rebound. You can’t expect nice things if you’re ugly inside and look like a horse outside.
Why did you steal an ugly chick from another man? I can understand if she was pretty or hot. That one is fucking ugly! You must secretly like men? Be open to the idea you might be gay
It’s sad that you don’t because you’re down in the dumps with a negative mentality.
It’s not about the looks for stupid men. It’s about taking another man’s property that feeds their ego. They get a high from it even if she’s ugly as fuck. Haunani Valente is trash at Muay Thai and her personal life. It’s a reflection of her bad character. If you follow her Tik Tok also her form and stance is slouched.
The proof is in the pudding my man. Drop her. She’s a Hoe always.
i seen her personal trainer business go bad she had all these specials going on but no one took the wait so yeah shes cursed thats on her for cheating on ikaika n raymond
That’s one ugly horse looking whore
from repetitive experience with no exceptions, even girls that are friends have done it and basically kept me up with the whole process as they moved through it. i think you're thinking of it differently than me cause my friendgirls would not phrase it this way or think of it this way, but when i said it they would do that mouth gap thing and laugh uncomfortably and be like "I guess I did do that". I don't know sorry. I don't even want to argue it. I just feel bad and guilty about spreading debatably false negativity due to my depression so I'll just stop. Fuck it.
Her fighter stats are online. Ur right. She sucks. She was defeated for a long time then she got better by winning a few. Her interview she talks about drinking alcohol every night and being a quote on quote “bad ass”. Her hearts not in it. She’s doing Muay Thai for looks. Her reputation about cheating also makes her lose all credibility. I don’t have an ounce of respect for fighters like Haunani Valente.
Is the horse chick the one who tied her toddler to the boxing ring at Mango Tree? She posted his poop diaper to her Instagram story. And on tik tok she’s dangling him in mid air. Who’s the idiot responsible of making this little girl pregnant? She hasn’t grown up yet.
take her stupid punching bag class with her lmfao she over promotes herself online it’s pathetic to see
i did and it sucked!!!! i didn’t learn jack shit because her english sucks n she’s half retarded. why did kru richard put this hoe in charge. she was better being a stay at home whore. her sad kid has two moms and a faggot for a dad who has aids.
Yes. If they can do it once, they can do it again. They have no morals, standards, conscience, and no respect for themselves and their reputation.
she does that for business and nobody is catching the bait because her reputation precedes her. i personally seen her interviews. she’s not bright. she reminds me of a cave woman. there is no wonder the dad of her kid is not around.
So when she was unhappy in the relationship she treebranched to you.
I'll give you 2, no, 3 guesses what she's going to do as soon as she's unsatisfied with you.
>settle down with women when they’re old and out of their prime!
Just like everything, first time is the hardest, then it gets easier. Yes she will cheat again. Always.
"You lose them how you get them"
>Is this true: Once a cheater, always a cheater?
I'm a guy that cheated on his SO with prostitutes (let me save you all the trouble, yes I'm a piece of shit now let's move on), here's my perspective:
I will have always cheated, so yes I guess I will always be a "cheater." I never want to cheat again. I destroyed my life and my SO's, I caused so much pain and I never want to do that to myself or another woman ever again. I threw away years and years of a deep relationship for getting my nuts off.
Will I never cheat again? I don't know, all I know is I don't want to. I'm doing all the work I can to prevent it. I'm in therapy, in a 12 step program for sex addiction, cleaning up my life in general. I think people say "once a cheater always a cheater" to protect themselves, because the truth is complicated. Yes, people can change, but it takes so much deliberate effort that most people can't or won't do it until they've hit rock bottom and have no other choice, and even then some people aren't capable of it. But I do believe people can change. It's your choice to trust a person, and it's perfectly reasonable to never trust a cheater again, but again I don't think a cheater today will be a cheater tomorrow like most people seem to.
Ive been reading your posts in the archives
Haunani Valente you psychopath. Are u enjoying all the attention now? That’s all u want because ur dad left u and ur mom. The cold hard truth will always come out. What u did to Michael, me, Raymond is unacceptable and it will always be on u and come back to u full force. U evil Hoe.
Damn Nani. Your sins are unforgivable because they hurt others and you aren’t sorry for committing them. Karma is biting you in the ass big time. We all know you and your history now. You’re one fucked up psychotic whore. Your girlfriend feels bad for you because she can’t see through you how well you play the victim. Your time will come to be judged. Enjoy hell.
Raymond Chevlin
I just don’t want her to slip away the way she slipped away from him. I guess I’m addicted to her attention. She’s not all that pretty but it’s the attention she gives me and that I stole his girl feeds my ego.
You didn't steal shit, because that would imply you're the new owner now.
His turn was up, now it's your turn until the next guy
So you dont really want her? You just want the attention she gives you?
Cut her loose man, she deserves to have someone who wants to love her.
Nani can’t jump in on this thread now because she’s been exposed. What a loser. It’s all catching up to you now. The truth. Hide like the whore that you are.
I still have a conscience. I might let her go soon and play the field. She likes to start arguments and her curly hair clogs my shower drain.
That’s one of my red flags too. I had an ex who didn’t clean up after herself. Do not settle for someone lazy or a cheater op. You deserve the best and vice versa.
Bet shes outside in the real world. Why you want to be mean to her?
Why you get with her if you wernt interested in being in a relationship with her?

Depends on WHY she left her boyfriend to be with you. Context matrers, which is what you millennials and zoomers don't seem to get.
Who's that qt someone keeps posting? Her curls and handsome symmetrical visage remind me of beautiful greek sculptures.
> tfw no muy thai gf to "Tiger Uppercut!" me in bed
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My friend, a very wise man once said, never trust bipolar people.
*nausous feeling*
Not into black guys
She flirted with me at the gym we both go to. I asked her if when was the last time she had sex and she had this sad story about her boyfriend being neglectful. I played the white knight to save/steal her. I wish she had more ambition because she doesn’t have her drivers license so I had to drop her off and pick her up every where. I’m gonna break up with her before she cheats on me. I thought of proposing because she was all I thought I could get.
I believe u missed the part of what nani did to all her exes. The truth is out. She has no credibility in any field not even being a mom. shes shit tier even as a muay thai fighter. she has no heart and its all about a phony image she tries to maintain.
I know now. I thought I could save her. Thank you for the warnings. Needed that. Felt that.
Payback is a bitch. Nani thought she could get away with cheating on Ikaika Ford and Raymond Chevlin.
I think this is true and maybe even subconscious to begin with. Especially in young women as they have larger social circles at that time as well. Most avoid confrontation and need the extra security before breaking up.
If she is wifeable, the signs shes checked out will be there for months before acting out for you to either fix the relationship or breakup.
this is sad man. you got cheated on, let it go, like nobody here cares, at this point your ex obviously made the right decision by abandoning you.
I hope she sues you
This is the horrible truth, stripped of the typical hyperbole and bitterness. The nature of women is the nature of people - it just looks uglier on women, like a scar (and they experience more opportunities and temptations to express that nature, which compounds the issue).
you are glorifying cheating and that’s what’s wrong with the world
she hasn’t sued ikaika or Raymond because Nani posted on her TikTok that she sold his social security number, posted his number on Craig’s list with fake posts selling things, planted panties in his car and keyed it. They will counter sue her..that’s why she didn’t reply to this thread this time. she has too much dirt on her and its the truth
Yeah she'll do the same to you whenever she finds another man she likes more.
we have a coffee date..im breaking up with her before she cheats.
I sometimes visit prostitutes, but I don't consider it cheating.
you already have the answer for this question retard. just a matter of time until she shits on your head too and you know it
It's not about whether you consider it cheating or not, it's about what your gf/wife will think
I'd stop now if I were you, it's playing with fire
I second this. If you already know what she’s capable of doing, why even bother with a ho. She’s not marriage material.

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