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Do chubby guys make it in life? 24 and still no gf
Men would you date a fat and balding woman?
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opinions ons this woman?
Does voting for anyone not red or blue hurt your party (if they are usually red or blue)
I miss her.
Doomers cannot cope with reality being not terrible all the time
who are the doomers in this thread now?
Why the all blue outfit? She dressing like a Batman villain or something?
Also nice tits doll.
They’ll show up and start talking about their insecurities and how it’s over for them soon enough. They’ve convinced themselves despite reality because they’re mentally ill and don’t recognize that they’re allowed to persue happiness and a good life
What op's pic said wasn't attractive would impress me. Honestly that type of autism is practical even if only for some.
Do all men watch porn in relationships? Or am I right to assume if he watches porn that he doesn't actually like me?
hey im the one with the gf and "small hands",

ill admit im obsessed and kinda merntally ill
State Gender
>What pet names do you like to give your partner?
>What pet names do you like hearing for yourself?
she looks kinda familiar. like an older version of a gilr i kknew in middle school
Why do all TikTok stars look the same? The look of annoyance
i have a gf and watching porn makes me feel inadequate because i feel those men would fuck my gf better than me. not every man enjoys watching porn. i do watch porn a lot.
Not sure I understand the question, but voting for anyone hurts every party fit which that person is not the candidate.
I would, as a fat and balding guy.
You have a gf. Ask yourself if you’ve ever actually not been able to do something important because of your hands. If not then it’s not an issue.
Nigger what.
No they wouldn't most of those dudes are forced to pile and edit clips while on viagra, never seen a guy last more than 10-15 minutes on cam.
I watch porn because I can't have sex
They know they're fucked and take it out on people that have it slightly better off.
If she doesn't want as much sex, I'm horny, I'm looking for a release valve. The pressure feels worse in a relationship than outside of one because I won't treat her right if I'm horny and she's not.
I swear seasoned pornstars hate sex
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>What pet names do you like to give your partner?
Farmer John
>What pet names do you like hearing for yourself?
Dumb femoid
I’m stealing this.
Uh, give it back maybe?
From this picture my thoughts are
>probably pretty but angle and lighting make it hard to tell
>she has very big tits
>she probably has an office job in a city and gets paid well enough
>she's blue (da ba dee da ba di)
Erm, no. Finders keepers >:o
I wish women treated men like we're actual humans and not disposable trash.
I'd say trust your gut and stop worrying. If he likes you you'll feel that deep down. No need to throw yourself into a downward spiral like that. He probably made jokes in good fun. Take a deep breath in and out and realize he loves you.
If you were my gf I'd want you to trust me.
Women would literally rather die before they ever did this.
Opinions on state of 4chan
meant for >>31685932
>i do watch porn a lot.
Why, especially if it makes you feel inadequate?
Fair enough.
I see. In my relationship we don't live together but have sex like 3x a week, which I thought was enough.
>I won't treat her right if I'm horny and she's not.
What does that mean?
I dunno, I think it would feel uncomfortable at this point.
>Verification not required
depends how fat and if they were willing to lose weight but in my experience wanting your gf to lose weight ruins the relationship forever anyway because they don't feel like you just love them no matter what for who they are... so i guess not. but would date a shaved head sustainably chubby woman.
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Very nice, i like
^_^j —- u_uj
The Js are little phones.
I guess I don't. I call them their name or get their attention by saying "hey"

The only one I have any strong feelings for being called is only applicable in a sexual setting and I feel weird about liking it. good girl :/
it's dying but i think it's actually getting better at the same time
>Why, especially if it makes you feel inadequate?
the past 6 years have been tough on my mental health. im treated since 2019 ( i had problems even since 2015 but they manifested the worst 4 years later).

Im medicated adn still fall into obsessive trians of thought that are hard to escape from

i should have gone to sleep 3 hours ago now and i just posted shit about bigger men in this threads .
Amajing, very nice
I will steal it
How is that
No we are trading. I offer: J phone. You offer: Simperella.
Women simp over a guy with a thick dick despite the fact that they can’t go 3 minutes sucking a normal dick. Big dick guys like head and spontaneous sex too, they’re just defective and can’t enjoy it
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I have never had a long term relationship, but I have had a lot of crushes and have watched a lot of porn, and I would say that these two aspects of my sexuality are essentially orthogonal - my current infatuation or lack thereof has never really had any effect on my porn consumption habits and vice versa. If I had a girlfriend, I can't imagine that being any different, barring intentionally abstaining because she asked me to.
Who's the best?
>MySpace Girls
>4chan Girls
>Tumblr Girls
>Facebook Girls
>Tiktok Girls
>Instagram Girls
>Twitter Girls
Wdym? I just suckle on the tip and milk the rest with my hands and pp goes in vageene anyways. You make zero sense.
Good girl is the best. That’s the one I use. Usually in a possessive, IE “my good girl”.
Another victory for America.
too much racism, homophobia, and misogyny. too much samey posts from said bigots. its not interesting to read the same slurs with no substance to a post over and over. at least make up a conspiracy theory or something, nobody wants to hear how you think those groups are inferior or how much you hate them for the 100084840th time. It's more boring than anything. also weird porn doesn't get banned fast enough on blue boards..
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MySpace girls no competition
>thinks bjs are only for forplay
Instagram girls because they’re the most confident. Twitter and 4chan girls are tied for the worst.
I guess the femanon who wanted to get the last word in really did tap out before me.
I was kinda hoping she wouldn't. I liked talking to her.
This is a hollow victory.
Femcels, why aren't you breaking down lonely anons' doors right now?
Would low-key fetishize her breasts if we were dating but I'd feel bad about it
No i can milk a man dry with my mouth and hands no. But why would i? The pussy is right there.
You got played so hard bro.
That's at least a misdemeanor charge
i think the average poster is higher quality but traffic is down since peak
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Tryna be a good girl.
Only if they press charges
Why take the risk
i also like girls that just grow out the random parts of hair. it looks kinda punk.
I feel that both sexes believe they're more attracted to intelligence than they actually are.
Where's the risk? Just fuck them and they won't press charges
>myspace girls are wife material
>4chan girls are practice gf material
>tumblr girls are made to seethe from being ignored by the guys they demonize
>facebook girls are based grannies in the making
>tiktok girls are bpdemons that will make sex with any other woman straight up inferior
>instagram girls are for men who enjoy vanilla icecream unironically
>twitter girls are canonically part of the boys and are always treated as such
Pretty true in my experience.
Because he likes it? I eat pussy with the goal of orgasm. Sometimes sex is a hassel and you just want a nut
Intelligence comes in many forms. Being healthy and having peak banter is a form of intelligence.
I don't watch porn in a relationship, but he could be addicted
I want a woman to call me moid in bed
perhaps I did. That didn't stop me from enjoying the brief interlude of what felt like a real genuine conversation in a place like this.
good night, sweet princess.
Femanons, do you think your guy friends jerk it to you or secretly want to fuck you?
What about Discord girls?
No such thing. They're all tranny groomers.
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Again makes no sense because pussy makes a man cum in two mins max.
I’m not her mate. I just watched the back and forth. Glad you enjoyed it, but you cratered so fucking fast.
I only watch pornstars that resemble my gf
Why do you think I know where these people live
Maybe in your experience
I do not have guy friends but if you mean acquaintances then yes.
How girl failure are you?
>I see. In my relationship we don't live together but have sex like 3x a week, which I thought was enough.
>>I won't treat her right if I'm horny and she's not.
>What does that mean?
ok, a healthy adult male is horny 7 times a day. Most of that time, he just deals with it, especially if nothing gets him feeling extra horny. You ever get horny? Like you're just crazy for sex? How about if you're just feeling crazy for sex AND the object of your attraction is nearby. Imagine feeling that intoxicated for sex. There's a risk where you just won't be chill if your partner says they don't want sex. But imagine you had a magical power of having all that dangerous energy just fading away if you just masturbate in private a little bit.
130IQ here and have dated and always felt like my looks and sense of style and socioeconomic status were most important in attraction. I think the more outstanding qualities you have the more you notice. Like I'm blonde which is rare in men, and surprise surprise most of my exes had a lot of blonde exes.
Should I blow off work and go speeding?
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Bout 350
go about 350
If Chirs is evil what about MrBeast? Is the degrees of Goon Clown real?
Femcels are single.
Is it weird or something you’re used to by now?
It probably makes us stronger
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Sounds reckless and irresponsible.
So yes.
Drunk and on speed
I just might.
It’s an insane rush. With the right music with heavy bass and the windows down.
Which is the only one that matters.
I deliberately ignored the femcel part. What you gon do bout it?
I'm enjoying it while it lasts because I know it won't
I'm going to fuck your gf.
Hey now stop scaring me like that.
>I’m not her mate
I know. I'd sacrifice my horny/shit-posting larp any day if it means I can actually connect with someone here for real.
I disagree though, she caved in first and I think she'll go to bed thinking about me, and that was ultimately the goal.
When the social credit scores get implemented globally the site will get way, way less traffic.
>MySpace Girls
Those still exist?
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My what?
if a pussy can finish me in 2 minutes she can take anything she wants from me
atop being retarded you're gonna cripple or kill someone
Femanons, why do you think about sex 24/7
I think that was this anon's point >>31686025
I'm going to violate her.
>a hollow victory
a rather non existent one
You can milk more than 1 at a time?
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Ok. Gimme your soul.
Pls make it stop.
No ew
>2 minutes
Are you really that good?
Yeah, he's complicit
I persevered while she tapped. If mother nature calls that a victory, then so do I.
>What pet names do you like to give your partner?
>What pet names do you like hearing for yourself?
Baby Boy
i feel like that's more so not being dumb and having a certain vibe, not a smart thing
This is cope
All the ancient religious texts are right about your kind
>not being dumb is not being smart
Hmm ok weird one
>Which is the only one that matters
You're pretty based, ngl.
No but I certainly have done it to some of them
>I guess I don't. I call them their name or get their attention by saying "hey"
I do this with people because Im scared of getting their names wrong
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And that is a good thing.
So, in order to manipulate a woman, you just have to be nonchalant about sex and make her feel like she hasn't even begun to maxx out your pleasure meter, while making sure that she always has the time of her life during sex?
Huh, seems easy enough. God bless my deathgrip and my ability to last for literally hours.
Why not fuck em?
It feels dumb to say their name every time when they're the only one there.
No, i would lose interest in a guy that does not moan and whimper if i breathe on his pp. What is even the point?
i would go bright red if a girl held my hand and called me cute, is this a good start?
>because pussy makes a man cum in two mins max
Tfw no refractory period.
Women, would you date a fat and balding guy?
Not for anyone's soul.
Then I'd just experiment how much slack I have to give you so that it's just barely enough to make you want to be an eager beaver and make you feel like you'd have to constantly strive to do more.
I have a boyfriend and they're also his friends
Buddhism is a religion. Very retarded.
Do you ever think about them during sex?
I went to make coffee. I didn't want to be shitty and leave without telling you in advance
>Very retarded.
just like the average woman
they're ever so slightly below average on average achully
how do I know it's you?
Oh sure if I've been thinking about them or spent time with them and it puts me in the mood that's not uncommon
I sometimes fantasized about them while in bed with my bf, but I'm sure he did the same at some point.
> I'd sacrifice my horny/shit-posting larp any day if it means I can actually connect with someone here for real.
Why here specifically?
Never. That was so good. I am AWAKE
What if his legs sometimes shake? Basically as if he were shivering from the cold, but only from the waist down?
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How do *I* know it's you?
The bird of Hermes is my name, eating my wings to make me tame.
Would you consider doing an MFM if your boyfriend brought it up?
Theres this stupid tiktok song stuck in my head and its making me want to cheat on my girl. Its called Tell Ur Girlfriend by Lay Bankz
>Why here specifically?
I'm too psychotic to have real life conversations with most people. I can hold a conversation, but probing a person to see if they're wired to the schizophrenic grapevine doesn't usually bode well.
Fuck that don’t be a faggot go chase a THRILL
My heartrocket is skyrating.
Perfect <3
Dark Lady, are you lurking?
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(you) tell me, ideally by answering my original question. I'm interested.
Gotcha. Have fun be safe! Don’t lose your soul to some lady who eats souls for fun!
I'll keep that in mind, thanks.
No, that's cheating kek I screenshoted something from the previous convo, you made a screenshot of a comment that could be written by anyone else. All this pic proves is that you're the same person who asked for proof, not the same person from earlier
I'd like your perspective on something: to put it in vague enough terms, how does one decide between duty and love?
go erp on discord faggots
Who is your favorite goddess of any pantheon or mythology?
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fine, I thought I might throw you a curve ball and catch you off guard.
I could rip a man apart with my bare hands right now.
If your partner has a z tier fetish with sss tier degeneracy and they ask you to do it every day. How would you respond
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Please do, sacrifice me to kali ma
I am a man. I am THE man. I am bathing in divine power. I can see EVERYTHING
In a sexual way?
where are you from?
Break up
It really depends on her fetish
I do not really have a favorite because i think they are all just facets of the ancient feminine. I do like the goddesses of war and fertility specifically tho. Something about the fringe experiences of human existence between being brought to life and taken out of it is fascinating to me.
With corrections, to fix their brain.
I'm so tired of seeing this fucking post
even if it was sexy or romantic, it's not anymore from overuse
Damn this shit sounds like ass, women cannot make music for the most part.
Such is the way of man, little finger acquired much power this way
Netherlands, you?
Not when you’re ruled by it! You have to rule it, not vice versa! How easily the spirit breaks beneath the feminine!
I need to calm down.
If I were gonna answer that, I would've kept the time in the screenshot kek
How hot is Taylor Swift
How hot are her (adult) fans
Wether it drains or replenishes you to do it.
disagree with the wicca perspective DESU, kind of a copout from polytheism
She’s not my type but I can understand why people like her, she looks like a horse girl. Someone let me know if they see that too.
As for her fans there’s too much variance, she’s a pop star so she’s supposed to have fans of all walks of life.
What did you want me to answer, btw?
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come on, where's the trust? Why not take a leap of faith sometimes?
Jesus Christ my energy is going insane.
Thank me later.
the thing about the explosion. It sounded like the beginning quote to a novel or a movie.
Now why would you do that? I’m controlling it now.
But you like it.
I do but it does not serve right now. And I’m back down.
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Women, how would you feel if you had a partner for 4-5 years, broached the topic of buying a home together and your partner responded with

>''I would like to buy and own my own home. I have not had a stable place to live my entire life and would feel much more comfortable knowing I owned it and it was mine. You're welcome to live there with me, but I want my own place''
Need clingy gf
Where will you go when you die?
I will do it again but later.
Don’t make me feel special now. I bet you say that to all the boys who enjoy alchemy and Hermeticism.
Random eceleb said no one uses Google images anymore? True?
Wherever i want to go.
What the fuck are they using now?
I literally used it 5 min ago to look up the name of an actress
Fucks sake, you don't need a women to tell you that reeks of 4-5 wasted years.
Buy house. Break up. Jk. Maybe. Just but the house.
I can feel that. Stop.
He didn't say. Maybe a coomer site lol
separations happen and it's not insane to think this.
Is there free Onlyfans. (Gfe bfe)
If you notice someone likes you, that gives you a little bit of power over them. And sometimes you can abuse that power just for the sake of the 'beauty' of ruining something, of seeing someone in pain. Had I left without telling you, kept you waiting, I think it would've caused you a little bit of pain, but I didn't do it, because I guess I put your feelings before the 'beauty'
I'm sorry if this sounds self absorbed, but I'm re-telling you the thoughts I had earlier
How does it reek of wasted years?

I just think that anything can go wrong at any time, and I'd rather not move in with my parents again for the 4th time since becoming an adult.
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Essentially, atoga has taught me that the breakup wasn't my fault, I was a good boyfriend, and my girlfriend wasn't worth it. I did the right thing.
Thanks atoga. It's finally beginning to heal.
Me. I am everything and nothing. Ask for my name from someone here if you need it.
I am trying to work and focus on my podcast. I don’t need to feel the sadist sphere where I want to conquer.
Based and true.
I meant all the boys you mentioned. I know your name.
>work and focus
How can you create if you are not connected to source?
Use it for what? Idk, I don't share pictures with people so I don't give a shit.
Women, would you execute male prisoners in WW3?
Not really. There are accounts you can subscribe to for free, but for the most part those accounts require you to pay for each piece of content individually.
Depends on what they did.
What does it mean when native english speakers say something or someone is self-conscious?
>all the boys
Oh you. I just being insecure and playing it off as a joke.
> How can you create if you are not connected to source?
This energy is not conducive for my job. Which is just how it is right now.
I hate when women hug me from behind.
Desertd to get fat and incelpost on message boards.
I'd never buy a house with someone I wasn't married with.

If he wants to buy a house for himself and for me to move in with him, I'd be cool with it.
I'd just tell him he'd be fully responsible for it. I'd pay for half of the bills but not for maintenance, furniture, for the mortgage or the taxes on it. That'd be 100% on him. If he wants me to pay him rent, I'd live in my own house.
>implying anyone normal will afford a house
Reach around handy but it never happens
Thank you
It makes me blush.
Power imbalance.
Now it depends on what cause they were forced to stand with their life.
Too reminiscent of when a woman holds your cock while you pee
It's not often you find someone who also sees beauty in destruction. Though, simply leaving and letting something like that wither, while beautiful in it's own right, is anti-climactic and not at all explosive.
I guess a more violent and visceral outcome might've been more interesting.
But I'm not answering another question until we even the playing field a bit, where are you from?
But more importantly, Have you ever seen a better reflection of yourself than a mirror could ever hope to offer?
I like to hug men from behind to show them I own them
Be my owner pls
DO NOT do this - I will be so angry!
How dare you. I can't hug back like that without breaking my arms.
What weapon is that
Very based. I like to make them little spoon then put my hand on their dick and pull them into me whilst kissing their neck.
Need me a gf like this
Anons, I need your help. How can I compliment a male on his looks (ie you're handsome) without it sounding like I want to fuck him? I'm waiting for marriage
Hold the balls instead, and give 'em a little squeeze now and then.
Based. I like that too and to smell their neck
What, post picture
I wouldn't assume a compliment means you want to fuck me. You'd have to be much more direct than that for me to make that assumption.
>you look very fuckable, but I won't fuck you, because I'm waiting until a priest tells me I'm allowed to make love to you
I am phoneposting, I can’t.
Sometimes i put the other arm under them so i can use one hand to hold the balls and the other to do slow strokes.
How do I tell a woman I prefer to be the little spoon?
Most men would assume that if a woman tell them they're handsome and have amazing eyes that means she wants to fuck them
If she has eyes to see and a heart to care she will figure it out herself.
>Babe can you cuddle me from behind? I want to be your little spoon
Would work on me
What signs tell a woman such a thing?
This energy is too much.
Fascist much? That is not based at all
I've always called that jetpacking
if I said that I would hear "ugh"
Aw man, i thought it was funny
You're dating the wrong women
if it helps I think it's based
When he gets diamonds when you push him on the bed, straddle him and devour him.
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Straightforward women are great
>When he gets diamonds when you push him on the bed, straddle him and devour him.
Sorry, i was trying to tone it down.
Ah, to be burned alive.
thats when I grab hold of your arms, and fall backwards onto the bed
It's reasonable but it would turn me off extremely. I like my husband to worship me and live for me, so that wouldn't even cross his mind.
It’s okay I am just panting and shaky.
tell her you want her to be your little backpack
I was in that exact situation and my response was that either we create a home for both of us or i am gone because i will not live my life just being tolerated in someone elses quarters. I need a place i feel at home and where i belong too.
what if she is tall
doesnt matter. all girls want to feel small and adorable.
my ex was taller than me and I was the first guy to princess carry her around. she loved it, did the whole leg kicking thing
Dark post.
>is anti-climactic and not at all explosive
The similarity wasn't the explosion, it was the destruction
>But I'm not answering another question until we even the playing field a bit,
This is funny because you've seen that I've been refusing to tap out for hours, and then thought the way to go about this is to blackmail me? kek
>Have you ever seen a better reflection of yourself than a mirror could ever hope to offer?
Seeing your reflection in a mirror for the first time as a child solidifies your sense of autonomous self. But when you're older, if you take a video of yourself, the person in the video seems like a stranger to you. And if you edit the video as watch yourself over and over, you become more and more alienated from yourself. And if you film a lot of videos of yourself, at some point the you in the videos takes on a life of its own, and becomes more real than the real you. I don't think mirrors are good reflections of who we are.
NTA but no it’s not. It’s quite beautiful.
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Uh, Boring.
Men, what is a good way for a woman to gauge your interest other that outright asking?
Asking directly I always worry I'll be making someone uncomfortable or creep them out
I'm 30 and I've never experienced what it's like for someone to be in love with me. I'm very introverted, bordering autistic, and I fear a romantic relationship is just not in the cards for me. I'm not sure I'm capable of forming such a close bond with another person. Is it over for me?
nigga im not the one that isnt capable of asking a girl to be a backpack
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How important is the past sexual and intimacy history of the person you want to date or marry? My friend (we both are women) is with her boyfriend and I know she had sex with 7 other guys before she met him and I'm confused that it doesn't seem to bother either of them.

They don't seem to have any intrusive thoughts or flashbacks. I have a more OCD mind I admit but I would probably have constant flashbacks of my past and cringe to death. How do you guys feel? You don't have intrusive thoughts?
No. You have no control over that. The universe will put someone in your path eventually
>post about women being the big spoon
Nta but asking is no fun. She should slowly explore, observe and escalate and find out herself.
It’s still happening and I even did some exercise. Help
I hate them...
enjoy wasting time playing coy then
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Once the feeling of love takes over, people don't care. I know how it feels.
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only acceptable if you are walking around naked 24/7 like you were crafted out of marble
I am actually quiet intrigued with the things my man has experienced before me. I find it enticing and arousing to hear his tales of lust.
Can you guys help me out? >>31686330
>How important is the past sexual and intimacy history of the person you want to date or marry?
very. 7 is way too high for me personally
No. It's a subversion of the solar masculine/lunar feminine principle. Spiritual darkness, a sign of the kaliyug
I don't. That would creep me out
Do you want to fuck him or nah?
F. A fair amount. I was pretty fixated with it when I was a virgin as a teenager and I refused to date anyone who wasn't virgin himself.
Later in life, I mostly wanted someone who wasn't having casual sex and has decent relationship history. I stopped seeing guys over it.
How does he feel about what you did? Or were you inexperienced?
You need both, and to invert it doesn’t mean it’s absence, quite the opposite.
>where are you from?
aren't you forgetting something?
I find him attractive but I don't want to fuck anyone other than my future husband after marriage
No, you're free to not answer any questions, and I didn't ask any
Would your ideal bf now be a virgin?
At no point did I say anything about the "absence" of either one. It's the subversion THAT IS the problem. Both masculine and feminine are doomed when the order is disrupted.
>and has decent relationship history
So if I understand correctly, now inexperienced guys are disqualified.
majority of guys don't watch porn for pleasure hey watch it cause they are depressed or anxious there is a chance they just do it cause they are douche bags but for the most part its issues of metal health.
People are different i guess.
And yet, gentle darkness lives and thrives. The world is not one or the other but a million shattered grey fragments. There is no “wrongness” in that.
He potentially is your future husband.
No he is stupid but hot
He feels similar. We both enjoy the other being in pleasure immensely.
Probably not, because I'm not virgin anymore and I don't believe most men are capable of being happy with a woman who has more partners than them.

If he was virgin and completely comfortable and happy I wasn't, sure. I'd love to be my husband's first and last.

Not necessarily, but as a 30 year old if I was dating again being in my age range and virgin would be more of a red flag.

I don't know him and he's very old.
Deeply telluric post. You are completely mired in the kali yuga.
I would've in the past tbqh. But I don't anymore because porn has been invaded by trannies and I don't want to be anywhere near that, it's only a matter of time before they bring kids into it.
Fuck this thread men don't want to help me
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Question to the women:
While I've never had penetrative sex, I have performed oral sex and have been jacked off by a woman. Would I still be considered a virgin in your eyes? Or am I some weird in-between thing?
That’s like, your opinion maaan.
I don't want to hear about other men fucking her or kissing her. But I would enjoy hearing anything exhibitionistic she has done. Or if she's done anything lewd with other women.
It's the middle of the night and posting is slow. Chill. Btw, if you blow up over the suggestion to "chill" it just confirms you're crazy.
>porn was invaded by trannies
or maybe that's what you watch
You have the façade of a spiritual person, but posses nothing of substance beneath it.
>histronic narcissist posting hours
I’m currently on no porn which has led to involuntary no fap and I tried to fap to my imagination and started shaking and panting but couldn’t cum. Not fun.
>spiritual wisdom posting hours
Interesting. Your arrogance tracks with someone who believes they’re on Most High, that’s for sure. I’d rate you a 3 or 4. Why would I reveal myself to you?
I have come to warn you and others. Nothing more.
One sided dynamics rarely lead any place worthwhile. If you wanna play this game, be my guest, but why not make it interesting and take a trust fall?
Why are you obsessed with your oneitis? Let it all out!
That is your lie? Altruism is not real. You are craving a masturbatory karmic love. A common pitfall, to be sure. But if you indict the darkness, you are already fallen.
I don't care what you think of me. I already admitted I'm a serial porn wanker. Let me just lay it out
>go to /gif/; tranny stuff everywhere
>/b/, same thing
>pronhub uses tranny flag banner for months
>can't scroll on redgif because trannies don't filter OUT, they only filter themselves IN
I don't have one of those. I don't know any women who are not coworkers or related to me.
I did not claim to be motivated by altruism. Your claims about "indicting the darkness" are nonsense motivated by blindness and ignorance, if not outright apathy.
Have we been playing another game besides the wait game?
What are you hiding for? Tell me your motives, then, instead of slinging righteous words around. Why are you afraid?
I’m sorry you don’t have anyone to be passionate about. I bet you have hobbies?
reminder that a pornhub employee was shown outright stating that they removed the "straight" category so trannies and gay shit are no longer filtered out by default because they straight up want people to explore gay shit
I was obsessed with this girl because she's extremely nice, hardworking, kind and positive also talented in her field
Now I just like her, she's RAD
>he browses 4chan for porn
who would've guessed mentally ill people are into mentally ill porn?
I did some Sarah Gadon posting while you were asleep sir.
I am not afraid. I am standing as tall as I can, with my head held up as high as I can, in the deluge of modernity.
And yet you skirt around my question. You hold your head high, as the darkness you loathe swamps your neck, as I sit above you. I only hold pity in my heart, my friend. You rest your ego upon your righteousness. You see those who crawl on their bellies as contemptible, yet it invokes rage. Why?
Looks like most men like tranny porn. That's disgusting
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Lel, himbo got a choke hold on your ovaries.
I like chubby girls :D
She knew exactly how to touch me and talk to me to get me off and make me feel loved.
you keep trying to insult me and it doesn't matter. I'm just acting as a messenger from the dark places. There's no such thing as tranny-free porn sites anymore. Under the sickly green light of hell I tell thee.
Those make the best husbands.
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Thoughts on this?
That's cause most men are watching tranny porn. If there was a website for straight porn only it would go bankrupt
LMFAO, definitely stealing that word
F. Sometimes wanting sex is not rational.
I'd only date another virgin
I thought we were about to, but I guess I thought wrong. If you're not up for it, we can continue making idle conversation.
Do you at least wanna tell me what you would've been doing if it weren't for our cute little back and forth? except sleep of course.
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WTF are these body types?
Reminds me of the time I read about a gay man losing his virginity to a woman while she was drunk and he wasn't.
There is nothing about righteousness or ego here, and your question is merely a weak attempt at psychologizing. I tread through the swamp of darkness with an inner detachment. The waters push against me, they swish over my body, but I do not feel them. Those that crawl on their bodies are lost. The only contempt is for those who could stand once more, but choose not to.
better question is WTF kind of hyerogliphs you've got there?
What happened next?
Gay men are great. Finally a challenge.
That's pretty hot
Dilating my vagina
Based, i didn't know you were trans
You speak in such angry, hostile tones. That is where I wonder at your leveraged ego. Do I make you feel threatened? Or maybe you see me as an empty mask, whispering the lies that you hate? Perhaps I am one who can stand, but doesn’t. You claim to be unfeeling, but to truly be so is to deny your humanity, and therefore yourself. You are not an entity beyond humanity, your detachment is a signal of cowardice to me, in my humble opinion. You must embrace both sides, feast on the blood and ichor of dark and light.
It's highly unlikely for me to care unless there's a mentally unstable person from her past I need to worry about.
"Body count" as a concept is meaningless to me, the only relevant thing is frequency. I don't care if she's been with 7 guys, but 7 in the last month would make me question her commitment.
She has NPD and love bombed me like Dresden
I see nothing but more psychologizing, empty claims about "egoism", claims about hostility where there are none. You are stuck entirely in the world as is, and there is nothing further to be gained from this conversation.
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Let's end the conversation here.
And you leave without ever interfacing with the crux of my questioning, never speaking to where I could possibly see such anger. Coward. Farewell.
Apparently he tried to be in a relationship with her and it lasted a couple of months. She didn't know that he was gay. Eventually he couldn't take it anymore and broke up with her, but they remained friends.
After a couple of failed experiments on Grindr, he found a bf and they plan to get married and have a child through IVF.
Yeah, but they're pretty much all solo hobbies.
Nice to know you were preparing for me. Now I don't have to go through the hassle of stretching you out myself.
also that anon isn't me>>31686519
and for that reasonk, I'm out.
poor trolling attempt
Why are men becoming gay and liking men who imitate women when there is literally trillions of porn of real women? I don't get it
Spoken like a child angry at their father for scolding them.
Why not? Humans are curious and always want to push the boundaries. Plus everything that is forbidden is tempting.
The more the vanilla things become normalized the more people will go further because they just need that taboo factor. Once trannies are no longer a taboo at all next thing will be animals and kids. We are already getting there with loli hentai and furries.
I like bio females with natural bodies
Misogyny makes men gay. That's why Greeks and Romans were massive fags.
endocrinological dysfunction is widespread in modern society
You're such a fucking idiot. I didn't post this >>31686517 Can you read? Why then did I post >>31686526
I have to go now. Congrats.
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Of the times Kyoko has slapped Godai, that time it was actually justified. Also, Shun has crossed the line. The late half of this romance anime has me piped up to boiling.
>romans were massive fags
Roman emperors literally diddled little boys
When men only have good interactions with other men and their memories involving women are unpleasant, they're more likely to turn gay.
If they were watching hot dudes that would be one thing... but to watch the imitation of something when you can just watch the original instead? That gotta be mass mental illness
You should kill yourself too
What happened to a farewell? I simply tire of countless men who lie and deceive themselves and root their egos in such petty things as Rightousness.
there was one AFAIK, and he got killed by his own guard
>just entered thread
Why is everyone mad?
Your tiresome appeals to psychology and accusations of "egoism" are proof of just how spiritually lost you are on your own.
seething troon
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He's a gynandromorphophile that's upset about being called mentally ill
Idk, all the women just hate men I guess.
>I have to go now. Congrats.
Shame. But whatever, I guess it is what it is. For what it's worth, I do like you, not like you give a shit though. See you in another life maybe.
world's gone to shit
FUCK OFF back to /r9k/
Autogynephilic men are sad and so are gays
"too" implies the tranny chasers need to kill themselves also. Oops
The cluster Bs are having an episode
Hm? I am not mad at all. Just a bit busy.
Oh my goddd
Why is it hot when women say "mhm?"
Do not grab my chest lady, I don't like the power dynamic of that position
Femboy tops are a genuinely repulsive concept to me. No man leaning that deeply into femininity should be penetrating anyone.
And yet you don’t confront the reality of the energy that you are transmitting.
It is?
I’m worried about the dual implications of this.
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They need pussy to heal
You are speaking nonsense. I've given no real reason for you to feel attacked.
Your smelly snatch isn't healing anyone retard fujo
I don’t feel attacked. Your word games don’t work on me. I simply confronted the reality that you said
> You have the façade of a spiritual person, but posses nothing of substance beneath it.
And yet you have shown me nothing of substance yourself. The arrogant righteousness of the holy man crumbles to dust when confronted by the wind. I tire of this, there’s nothing for me to gain from you. Farewell, truly.
State gender.
How do you feel about scheduled/recurring activities in a relationship? e.g. weekly date nights, having a routine around when and how often to have sex, scheduling daily voice/video calls, etc.
Men do not like natural bodies. Stop spreading this lie. Yall gag at the sight of huge implants
As in
“Oh my goddd so hot”
“Oh my goddd so disgusting”
Which is it…
Pleaseeee be a bpdemon with a fat ass
Did some errands yesterday, 3 younger women walked in front of me, one of them separated to the right where I was intending to pass them and the girl in the middle pulled her to the left without even looking back, like she could feel it.
I don't have a clue why this is so cute, and I'm certain I didn't freak them out
Women are just cute kek
I warned you brother. Did you have fun?
They are not gonna heal...Trust me.
I am no holy man
I see no wind
I see no indication of "reality" from you.
Pointless, random accusations about having a big ego for literally no reason.
You have an interesting way to show someone you like them. I stayed because I didn't want to be shitty to you, you on the other hand took the conversation hostage, threatened to stop responding all because I didn't want to say what country I'm from. Does it matter what my country's flag looks like? Besides, I don't want to dox myself, is that allowed or is that too much.
I like unexpected wildness.
Kind of into it ngl
>all the femcels are fujos
Yeah the cumming is good. I’d enjoy forcing that out of someone.
But you don't have a dick? Do you mean piv?
>one of the few female coworkers covered the small gap in her cubicle with a closet door to change her clothes
This job fucking sucks. I miss working at the hospital where nurses were in their bras in the hallways and I could see the outline of their panties if they walked in front of me.
Vulnerability and awareness is hot, the only women I've ever truly been attracted to were insecure about something and it made them more attractive to me
I like women with small breasts because they're usually eager beavers that have a complex about them and feel the need to compensate for them by being extra slutty in bed. That's adorable.
Plus most of you chestlets got an ass for days and nice grabable hips.
Yes I do have a dick.
seething troon
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>Plus most of you chestlets got an ass for days and nice grabable hips.
nobody tell him
Small tits look better, it's the pretty face and short height that I fall for
Insecurities in women are insanely hot I can't even describe it
I know that routines provide structure for a healthy life, but if you ONLY do routine then it sap some of the energy of the romance. I like a lot of routine, but when it comes to relationship activities, there needs to be more of a balance between romance and some spontaneity.
weekly dates nights: very good
when and how often to have sex: very bad
daily voice/video calls: excessive
scheduling voice/video calls: very good

Is it just me or are cluster B men simply hotter than the rest?
I'm not afraid to admit I'm touching myself to some of your posts, but I won't tell which ones.
If it ain’t me IDC BITCH
Yeah I hate implants
I hate lip fills
I hate buccal fat removal
I hate skin lifts
I hate gluteoplasty
Thats exactly how I looked like reading that. It's OVER
There are people who don't have their hands on their bits around here? For shame.
Cluster b moid hands
And I’m immediately back to hating you with all my core. Disgusting motherfucker.
I'm not a fujo and I wash my kitty regularly
>me, believing women will see the disaster brewing in men and society and realize they need to take a stand
>woman, feeling tingles over seeing damaged men starts touching herself instead
I was so wrong. There are no allies across the bridge.
Easy come, easy go.
every time I see a woman with any kind of plastic surgery done on her, all I can see is a figurative bright neon sign pointing to her insecurities. That's easily exploitable, but also insanely cringey.
It’s kinda settling into a love/hate thing, though.
I'm sociopathic and I fucking can't stand myself, the only difference is that God gave me the ability to feel guilt and I feel it immensely after thinking back to how I treated people. I know how sympathy works and I can project it but I don't feel it in my soul like normies do, never really knew how to love anyone, I was only violent when attacked but didn't have restraint in commiting violence in the moment.
Stop getting wet to the thought of us, we're terrible people and most of us don't intend on changing it, being fearless gets you too far in a shitty life to care if it's good or bad.
I can't decide if this term is cute or weird.
>I’m sociopathic
>God gave me the ability to feel guilt
You are not sociopathic.
>he doesn't actually like me?
That's probably not the case.
However, when in a relationship I can't think of fucking anybody except my gf. Like even if I'd watch some porn for some reason, my mind inevitably would wander to you. Give him some sexy pics and he should not even think of porn anymore, otherwise that'd be weird.
I can live with that. As long as you're unarmed during the hate parts.
I can't wait to get a gf and to get nudes from her every day. I'll make sure to ask for plenty of butthole pics too.
Sorry it ended the way it did. It kinda always goes that way, doesn’t it?
Yeah I try really hard to refrain from attacking you personally like I used to. Do you feel honoured?
yeah I hate this term
I've never been to a non family member's wedding before. he mentioned this overseas wedding for his friend like 3 times now. is that a big ask from him? idk when it is, he was joking about twin flames too but since it's in the future we dunno where we'll be by then *takes deep breath* :)

we've just been talking for awhile. idk how i would feel if he actually said he loves me, I mean he sent a few songs with that mentioned but =/= I think imo
To me, yeah. Even when typed out
> You are not sociopathic.
Yes just like all autists like trains and can't hold a conversation and just like all schizophrenics think they're Jesus.
This kind of black and white thinking is delusional and will get you in trouble.
I feel guilt because I've made conscious effort to change parts of me. Just because I don't resonate with your emotions doesn't mean I don't understand that you shouldn't feel bad or whatever.
The best way I can describe it is I don't "understand" people on an emotional level, I understand them in the same way you'd understand how an engine works and what you shouldn't put in it so it doesn't break.
> This kind of black and white thinking is delusional and will get you in trouble.
So you logicize emotion. Neat. You aren’t a sociopath, you’re underage and can’t be here.
How does pain feel like to you? Do you feel it and is physical different from emotional, does it come from your ego?
a word used by trannies and hamplanets
Anyone remember the Swiftie femanon who'd derail whole threads?
Oh, it's the highest of honors. Much as I'd like to cut back on the things you hate, at the end of the day, can't please everyone. So I just do me. Your toleration is the most I can ask for.
I gained a stalker on 4chana nd I don't know how to feel about it.
I doubt that's (you), but fuck it. No one forced you to stay. Plus I just didn't want you to have that hanging over me, and I was trying to get under your skin a little bit. A dirt move, admittedly, that was my bad. I don't like when people have power over me, as I'm sure you've guessed by now.
You seem alright though, what's wrong with wanting to get to know people you like?
stop pretending to be me you pathetic fuck
You look so cute right now ^_^
The things people do for feminine energy…
He's not from this board
I don’t mind, knowing when to have sex builds excitement
Oh shit. /r9k/? How the hell did he even find you?
This, the tension is palpable
> So you logicize emotion
Because that's literally my condition, I'm making an effort to improve it
> you’re underage
30 and I was way worse as a kid
I do and it's localized, getting injured in one part of my body doesn't incapacitate me, it's just like a warning light that I need to fix something that's malfunctioning
Emotional "pain" is selfishness, I feel bad for things because I've learned that if I did something wrong it comes from the idea that we're not supposed to do them, not because I think someone felt bad because of it, so mostly ego
Anger and fear are physical though, you just feel blood pressure increase in your individual blood vessels
I've never been to r9k.
He hasn't doxxed me or anything like that but he's tracking my posts and it bugs me a lot considering that whole point of 4chan is to be an ANONYMOUS board
I don’t like femboys
Yeah that’s creepy. Do you respond when he says things? You could try to mix up your lexicon a bit. As a former stalker I can tell you that you get a “sense” of who the person is by the way they type and they tend to repeat certain patterns. You could switch a few things up for a while until they get bored and leave. Is it one of the slower blue boards, then? Like a specific general?
Are you sure this is actually the case and you aren't just schitzo?
I don’t know and I don’t care
Wouldn't it be more tense if you were freeuse and your bf could fuck you any time?
How do I get laid, give me advice
You are in the wrong place trying to have an ambiguous conversation like the one you so desperately try to have
Sounds hellish. Sorry for your condition. Forgive me for doubting it, considering how often and misquoted it is amongst edgy people.
He links to me archived posts
>Do you respond when he says things?
Yes. Other posters respond as well. Some are on his side, some call him a schizo
>Is it one of the slower blue boards, then? Like a specific general?
Yeah, but I'm not gonna say which one, I don't want to dig myself a bigger hole
>As a former stalker
OK, now I'm intrigued, what happened?
for women:
What are your thoughts, do I try to win her over? She says she can see us working as a couple, however she seems real conflicted over actually dating. Seems like a fun challenge, and I really like and cherish her a lot (we've been friends for a real long time, this is a new direction we've never explored).
your mouth is in the wrong place spouting all that shit, when it should be wrapped around my cock instead.
I'm not gay.
It doesn’t matter to me. I only care if we are sexually compatible
What would be sexually compatible to you? Certain kinks or behaviour?
I wouldn’t date any who would hesitate like that.
> Yeah, but I'm not gonna say which one, I don't want to dig myself a bigger hole
That’s fair, I wasn’t trying to get the specifics out just wanted a clearer mental picture.
> OK, now I'm intrigued, what happened?
Well, I started stalking a girl in high school but that was fake account masquerading as a guy from another school and adding her to befriend her because I was too spergy to ask her out (eventually I did reveal myself but I never actually ask and she ghosted me eventually because I tried to act like I was a badass druggie lmao). I was thinking moreso of the time I spent about a month stalking someone on 4chan, doing exactly as I described, looking for certain tells. Stuff like punctuation and grammar style is a good giveaway, especially because most people have a unique vernacular and will use certain words often, plus they tend to react to the same stimuli in the same way, IE posting pictures of a cat, and the person goes “CUUUTE!!!” The 3 exclamation points are a give away, as are the caps, the Us, etc. hence my suggestion of altering your lexicon for a while. It’ll throw him off, he won’t/shouldn’t be able to find you, and he’ll get bored.
Do you think I give a shit?
that'll change after I'm done with you.
Yes that’s pretty much it.
You okay?
F, idk about the name calling and pregnancy for a mtf but lol. I personally really love androgynous guys but the one I'm talking to might need to suss it out of himself and cave in and say he might let me dress him up if we get more serious, idk.
Idduno man...
Now other people are reposting my old posts but I can't figure out if they want to piss him of or me.
Probably both for the sake of drama. You’re making yourself a spectacle, sadly, unwilling or not. Honestly, why not lean into it? Unless you’re a community figure with something to lose.
Peachy, it's hard to complain.
My horny ass was wqiting for some examples, but ok.
I know, but you also get what I mean without details hehe. Also every time I talk about sexual compatibility here it tends to anger a lot boys that want to argue
Nah I'm just some rando girl
Unless you are JH, it's fine.

>I know, but you also get what I mean without details hehe
No, that's boring to me.

It's hard work, but honest work.
we all know you're talking about dick size, no need to be shy
Men, hypothetically would you be willing to fuck your gf while cosplaying as her favorite character?
Yeah, I expect people to doubt it or call me out because it's beloved by edgelords who think it's cool. It's not cool, it's going from being stuck in a human form to being a human forced at gunpoint to be a piece of shit while you're the one holding the gun. The worst part about it is that people laugh and like you for the very things you'd wish to eradicate about you.
I'm an adult now and I like interacting with people to learn how to understand them. I kinda learned that not everything needs to be transactional, or rather that I can use knowledge and skills instead of emptions to exchange value with others, if they find it useful that means I was of some use to someone.
I hate psychos though, they're disingenuous sleazebags with God complex lol at least their crap doesn't work on me
I’m not whatever that is.
You can make a post and ask about kinks?
maybe, depends on the character
But I don't mind dressing up for sex generally
What if it's a character she wants to fuck more than you
>You can make a post and ask about kinks?
I did literally ask you lmao
Forget it, it's no fun with complicated people.

A lot of male cosplays are really not that great for fucking, but I would definitely give it a try.
I talked with my ex about buying her cosplays whe likes and then fucking her in them. I know most cosplayers with a bf do that too and it's hot.
sure, if she doesn't mind doing full black face and talking in ebonics
Then you’re okay. It’s annoying yes, take the advice I gave either way you wish.
Sounds like you’ve come a long way, good for you man. You deserve happiness in your life too, no matter what. The fact you’ve essentially built an artificial empathy machine is more than 99% of NPCs in the world who don’t have your condition lol.
> hate psychos though, they're disingenuous sleazebags with God complex lol at least their crap doesn't work on me
Same, they’re all faggots.
yeah, there's not many charcters I could cosplay honestly but I'd give it a shot
>Also every time I talk about sexual compatibility here it tends to anger a lot boys that want to argue
This is 100% either size queen, raceplay, or group sex.
and i'm not cosplaying DIO either
Okay then what about your favorite male character
doubt i could pull it off so idk
Female asses need to be pumped full of cum.

I'd just put on VR goggles strap her to a chair, open a custom animation of her character and sync it up to a fuck machine and leave her there for like 10 hours while I go and have sex with a girl that doesn't want to smash 2d characters.
>tfw no gf(female) who can orgasm from buttsex
haha non of those, but it’s funny you went there
It’s less complicated making a post asking every woman. Why are you making this so complicated for yourself when it triggers you?
he listed the usual suspects. It's a pretty reasonable conclusion to draw honestly.
Yeah I just shot at 3 big targets. I could dig further, like…taller men? Fat men? Idek.
> you’ve come a long way
Maybe, I still need to make up for the last 10 years for being absent so to speak
> deserve happiness
I don't know if someone deserves something just for existing, especially if they gave no reasons for it. Good people yeah, not bad people. I really have an issue with injustice and those who can't leave others alone, morality being disregarded and even I as a lunatic understand that concept.
> The fact you’ve essentially built an artificial empathy machine is more than 99% of NPCs in the world who don’t have your condition lol.
Kek artificial empathy machine sounds spot on, good one anon. I'll try to learn how to make an organic one in the near future but avoid calling people NPCs lmfao that's counterproductive because I'm actively trying to stop looking at them like NPCs, because if I continue that train of thought I'll reinforce the idea that I myself am an NPC
> Same, they’re all faggots
Kek, fuck them, I'd have no issue with hurting them just because they're annoying.
Here's a freebie for you, take notes;
Ignore the normie description of psychos on how they're mysterious and undetectable, the easiest way to spot them is they sell bullshit they themselves don't believe in, you'll see it if you pay attention to their eyes because they'll force eye contact to appear as non liars. They also don't get annoyed by insults as much as they get annoyed by you not giving a fuck about their made up opinions
Replace cum with tongue.
You wouldn't get it, just move on.
men, would you let your gf fantasize about raceplay, group sex with tall guys, and big dicks during your love making sessions, or would you reprimand her for such lewd fantasies.
> Ignore the normie description of psychos on how they're mysterious and undetectable, the easiest way to spot them is they sell bullshit they themselves don't believe in, you'll see it if you pay attention to their eyes because they'll force eye contact to appear as non liars. They also don't get annoyed by insults as much as they get annoyed by you not giving a fuck about their made up opinions
Thanks for the tip homie. I didn’t know about forceful eye contact, that’ll be handy in the pocket.
I’m not exactly sure if this would make it worse for you, but I do think you deserve some credit for how you’ve recognized a problem in yourself and the steps you’ve taken to solve it. It’s a complicated thing, because your mind doesn’t work the same as most I encounter so giving praise feels very delicate. Gotta frame it super well, like even the “deserve happiness” idea I didn’t expect your response. Best I can do is commend you for the progress you’ve made, even if it’s a reaction to you feeling a form of penance for your earlier life sins, still noteworthy.
big dicks are nice though
Honey please. I know that I’m insanely charismatic but you have to stop taking my creations and using them. Make up your own stuff.
Now I feel validated.
>would you reprimand her for such lewd fantasies.
If being reprimanded was her thing, yeah.
I'd corrective-fuck her if she needed it.
What is your stance on long vs fat dicks?
Assuming the other stat is average and not gimped
I've never actually fucked a big dick, but I imagine it'd be even more uncomfortable than using a big dildo. Of course I'm not opposed to trying, I just think I know exactly what sized dick would make me happiest in a vacuum. Obvs this is all shallow for the sake of simplicity, since sexual gratification and compatibility are infinitely more complicated than a few cock measurements.
I need to prone bone JH.
long is better, even if it's skinny or can't bottom out you can still work with it
>fantasizing about other things during sex
How bad is he at fucking that you can do anything but fixate on the feeling of dick and his voice?
Double validated.
NTA but I can do both, preferably in succession
NTA but:
Fat but can fit > long but can fit > long and can't fit > fat and can't fit
Anal, with creampie, while a vibrator is in her pussy.
>vibrator is in her pussy.
Ruined. Tasteless.
You need to find better porn to jerk off to, that's what you need.
No, with my forearm on her neck while I moan breathlessly in her ear.
can we have one dick size discussion where JH's caramel ass doesn't chime in for fucking once.
How about we stop having dick size discussions?
blackpilled by girthmaster yet again
which atoga has the biggest dick?
>with creampie
If you mention cocks during this time of day, it's inevitable.
>muh hypothetical vacuum
>muh average dick
>muh size doesn't matter if I love the guy
if you have nothing new to contribute stfu
Pretty sure my 22" double sided dildo beats everyone else ITT.
I like the perfect stretch, sue me.
at least we're finally moving away from BBC shit, so whatever porn brainrot the next generation will suffer won't include bbc shills
I loved the feeling of stretching out my ex. The “ooooh~” made my stomach burn.
> I didn’t know about forceful eye contac
ASPDs don't feel the conversations they're having, we just know what we're supposed to be doing x or y in steps by gauged reactions of the other person. Not me at least not anymore but the point is psychos will avoid breaking eye contact when they're trying to spew bullshit because they analytically know lying is detectable that way, as a result their eye movements will appear unnatural. You know how when you're talking to someone and you look away and look back unconsciously to make a point? Yeah they'll twitch in those transition periods because they'll be self conscious about knowing you might bust them if you notice they're not looking at you. Best way I can describe it.
They'll also stroke your ego so you should appear to have fake interest in things you don't care about to give them false leads. Reply to disingenuous compliments with the opposite of what they say.
> Nice car
> Nah it's a piece of garbage but thanks for trying
You get the idea
> I’m not exactly sure if this would make it worse for you, but I do think you deserve some credit for how you’ve recognized a problem in yourself and the steps you’ve taken to solve it
Don't worry about it, thanks and I mean it
> like even the “deserve happiness” idea I didn’t expect your response.
I don't "deserve it" because I didn't earn it, I know I fundamentally suck. I'll deserve it when I start making others happy and it's gonna be a chore because I first need to figure out how to make an emotional bridge between me and the dude sitting across me.
You're alright anon, stay safe from people like me, especially the ones who don't bother fixing their perceived power
I swear women with dildo collections deserve to be tied to a chair and be forced to fuck these things while being forced to watch their bf fuck a girl that actually enjoys real dick
what are you packing brother?
I enjoy dick more than any toy, this is just a numbers competition right now, though.
Cheers brother, good luck in your journey, I wish you happiness and fulfillment. Don’t worry too much about me, I’m…higher up than most. I see a lot of things, and can protect myself. I appreciate the concern, thanks for the tools.
finna coom to this image
>i am here to whine and pity myself about muh diqq
Nothing exceptional, a 7x5.5, but it does the job and I love my work. You?
finna coom on this statue
I feel like if I told you it would be bordering dangerously close to engaging in a humiliation fetish, so I'll refrain from doing so.
Let's just say that some of us ain't gonna make it. Fly high brother.
Thanks, I'll figure it out and you do you, just don't let it go to your head.
Mind if I ask you something?
Do you ever talk to someone and imagine looking at yourself through their eyes? To sort of understand what's going on in their head.
I know this sounds retarded lol but I've gotten better at realizing why someone might hate something and like the other thing, the thing is I don't do it without measuring the reasons behind it, unlike normies who vibe with others
She activates my savior complex
also nice tits and gyatt
Aw :( Thanks mate. Appreciate you.
Fuck off faggot, women have a right to rape men.
>I need a place i feel at home and where i belong too
This is exactly why I don't want to put myself in a position where I do that with someone else though. Things can and often go wrong.

Why put in all the effort if it's not guaranteed
I'm not small, her opinion on it just happens to be more useless than a paper mâché bunker.
>nothing exceptional
>two inches longer than any cock I've ever taken
cut out the pity and fuck some hot bitches for me will ya? I'll hold them off, tell my family I love them.
None because I'm not a heathen
> Do you ever talk to someone and imagine looking at yourself through their eyes? To sort of understand what's going on in their head.
I personally do not. For me, I see into their minds from my own side, like looking into a window, or through a glass ceiling to be more precise. What you’re describing is much more natural and is actually the way that most people, to say, normies, would do it. To refer to the artificial empathy machine, to me, does not differentiate from a natural empathy machine in function.
Sorry for the weird esoteric tone, I was studying occult shit and it can take a while to descend back down lol, hope that made sense.
Fun fact: When my aunt and uncle where staying in Russia as renters, their landlady's boyfriend snuck into their room and drank my aunt's perfume
>almost 4am
My dreams, they got a kissing, 'cause I don't get sleep, no
I also rounded down to be fair, it’s closer to 7.5.
I got you bro, I’ll remember you as I’m cooming. No homo.
Women what is your opinion about putting on latex gloves and searching for your bf's prostate?
Not a great picture, and probably not the prettiest girl in the world objectively speaking, but she is my type
How am I supposed to know what she's fantasizing about? I'm not a telepath
Wish mine looked like that..
Didn't read, Juri is hot
Feetshitters need to be mas executed btw.
Doesn't do anything for me, but I'd do it out of love if he prepped well enough.
I'm addicted to bunnygirls
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She has more going for her than just feet
Do you like it when you go to conventions and see cosplayer cosplaying as your favorite character but when you talk to them, they reveal they don't actually like the show/game, they just thought the character was sexy/cute and they'd look good in their outfit
Horseboys > bunnygirls.
I couldn't care less about street fighter garbage.
I'm just saying feetshitters need to be mass executed.
horrendous take
>Do you like it when you go to conventions
I do not, no
Suck my dick.
What is there to even like about bunnygirls besides the ears and the "haha rapidly multiplying" joke?
>Be JH
>Pop in without any provocation and insult a straight guys preference
>Shill your own favorite furfag subgenre
>Start a fight over two distinct things only men and only women should like because you're a faggot
>Get recognized for being into bestiality instantly
The type of characters made for women by women are always so boring, because it's always just he's this or that way in bed, and he's got a giant dick!
>Pop in without any provocation and insult a straight guys preference
If you mean
I'm a guy.
Defend your opinion.
>be stupid anon
>impotently post a rant about another poster instead of engaging in any sort of discussion at all
You don't read the right kind of smut, then.
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>What is there to even like about bunnygirls besides the ears and the "haha rapidly multiplying" joke?
Fucks fast and good, sexy fit legs and ass, will probably pound you cowgirl or even amazon position, energetic, bouncy and bubbly, a literal symbol of fertility, soft and fluffy, will wear a bunny buttplug

What good is a horseboy but for muh heckin' horsedickerinos?
I will not look at porn.
It's all the same.
I will look at porn.
Simple, horseboys have nothing more than a pair of dick and balls that are worth looking at, horse girls have the meaty massive legs and hips, the tight pussy that feels like no other could, the puckered asshole of dreams, and huge milkers that you'd find on a real mare.
Horseboys cannot compare, it is that simple.
Shut up.
Girls place yourselves on the compass
Humiliate me more mommy
How’s this? I’m a dude. Lmao!
Cosplayers are baseline cringe until I get to know them personally and determine if they really are or not
And I don't go to conventions
Humiliate me more daddy
Thoughts on the latest boogie2988 fiasco?
>mommy angela white
oh nonono
this chart is pure schizophrenia but please tell me the blonde in the top right is a woman
> I was studying occult shit and it can take a while to descend back down lol, hope that made sense.
Fuck, I'm game, wrong thread but I'd like to know more
And the part about normal people looking through each other's perspective was surprising. If true it might shed some light on this and help me along the way
Your dick will never satisfy a woman.
You can ride a horseboy along a romantic hillside at sunset. Automatically beats out stupid rabbits.
>internet e-loser gets off on attention episode 24,782
What kind??
I don't even know all of those people.
What is that icon top left, who are the blonde and glittery in the top-right, who is the gun retard?
Don't know what it is, don't care either.
I don't really care about lolcows to begin with and his schtick is played out.
State gender.
Do you ever want to save an image but can't be bothered to do it right that moment, so you open it in a new tab and just leave it there for days or even weeks until you finally get around to it?
who is top left supposed to be?
F, no. Since it's usually something inappropriate at best or pornographic at most.
Some lesbian who fights terfs on the internetz

It is right? I love it
>she's not talking about kemonomimi anymore
coming to these threads is like a speedrun to numb your empathy towards women.
If I linger around enough I can finally bring myself to treat women like a piece of meat in bed and ghost them right after without an ounce of remorse.
It's a bunch of eceleb schizos and a few philosophers and historical figures.
You don't need to focus on them exactly just where you'd place I'm guessing.
I find it funny though that the only people capable of loving both dick and men at the maximum level are trannies and gay men.
Which is true.
Some obscurant bitter twitter user likely.
>but I'd like to know more
I'd have to go way back to the start of my journey, around 2013-2014 on /x/. I got really into creepypastas, but they never felt "real", obviously works of fiction, then I stumbled across the Three Kings ritual. I never actually performed it, but from there I realized that communing with other entities was a thing, and over the years I've studied a lot of literature around energy vampirism, alchemy, theology, and now I'm studying Hermeticism through the Kybalion, as well I've listened to a lot of Manly P Hall lectures and read some Crowley. The kybalion is meant to be an intermediate jump off point into more advanced paths, it's meant to pull together a bunch of pieces you've heard elsewhere and bring them together, which is exactly as it's doing right now lol. The basic principle around occultism, though, is that you don't share it with others lmao. The best I can give you is to start with Manly P Hall lectures on Youtube. This is where I got started.
>And the part about normal people looking through each other's perspective was surprising.
A lot of people actually do lack a more solid empathy that extends beyond people they like. They can do it, but they only want to do it for people they like, does that make sense? And that's how they empathise, due to all of their shared experiences and intimacy. What you're doing is logically learning the basic codes and ethics that most people are "imbued" with, which is good. It will serve you well. It's the same way I had to teach myself how to talk in socially acceptable fashions and construct my sentences accordingly, because I was literate before I could talk properly. Reading chapter books at 4 years old can screw up some more advanced talking.
>Some lesbian who fights terfs on the internetz
why are dykes placed so high on the "loves dick" category?
Like any sane person I shut down my PC at night.
Idk what your stupid weeb terms even mean.
>You don't need to focus on them exactly just where you'd place I'm guessing.
I want to know though.
You can just open all your tabs from your history
>having a pornstar mommy
>choosing Angela White
Shit taste. Absolutely horrendous.
Maybe if you post it a 3rd time you'll get some (You)s.
Why would I?
Why wouldn't you?
Why does Bailey Jay hate men?
To generate exposure by making them mad and secondly because they have sex with MtFs lmao
Thankfully I don't think anyone here is autistic enough to name all of them in one post and if you want to know good for you but I'd rather not I really don't need to know.
realistically, how bad would we have to make this thread to make the women finally leave?
what would we have to post to make them mad enough so that they fuck off already.
It's pointless.
I just meant those 4 I mentioned since they stood out to me.
>how bad would we have to make this thread to make the women finally leave?
Dude, you are retarded. The thread is catered to a co-ed space.
Sounds like you can't handle atoga.
Maybe go to your incel boards instead?
When the fuck is ovulation?
What a horseface.
Worried my gf might have cheated as she has something that looks like hickeys

We were together sunday night. I do not remember giving her any hickies on her back. at all. and I usually don't.
Monday night she was at a concert with her parents, cousins and friends and didn't get home until 1. She says her parents drove her.
She says she just worked at home tuesday night and slept.

We were together last night and we went to have sex and I noticed two kinda faded blueish gray spots. One on the back of her shoulder and the other kinda close to her spine about 6 inches away from her neck.
When I was behind her my mouth lined up really well with the spot on her back.

But I don't remember putting them there and im like 99% positive that I did not.
And I'm worried they're hickies and she fucked around.
Maybe they're bruises from sitting funny or something. Idk.
Adding to this anon, why does ovulation make women horny if it's so bloody too?
That is not what ovulation is bro.
which is why it would be funny if women were excommunicated.
For me, it's Lisa Ann. Perfect ass.
No, that would be pointless. That's like saying it would be funny if you took the tires off your car.
Also shit taste. Sorry.
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>Lisa Ann
You're incredibly fucking retarded.
It'd be like having a burger with nothing but bread.
what are you talking about, that's peak degenerate humor.
There's a line between degenerate and retarded. You cleared it in heels. Just accept the L.
sorry bro, I saw her back and immediately knew it had to be blown out.
Hope I didn't rough her up too bad. Tell her to bring some chicken and waffles and a handle of vodka next time, we're gonna get turnt tf up.
I'm such a Good Samaritan. I deserve head.
I'm such a pathetic fool. I deserve to have my dick used as a throat toy by a woman, until it hurts me too much to continue.
tomato tomato. Women already hate men, might as well stop simps from coming here to mooch off dribbles of female attention.
Why are you just inverting every post I make? It's funny as hell, but why?
>might as well stop simps from coming here to mooch off dribbles of female attention.
You can leave anytime lil bro.
There is nothing degenerate about it at all, no hop back to wherever you crawled out from
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kek I've only done it once but I just noticed others have too, lmao
Bullshit. Well, maybe not, I'm kind of a chadonova. Reading pathetic fool made me cackle though, good shit.
>tfw you'll never be a stay at home bangmaid to a career woman
nah, they need to leave.
What's up men bros
The women are all out there fucking and sucking, so it's just us now.
> Three Kings ritual. I never actually performed it, but from there I realized that communing with other entities was a thing, and over the years I've studied a lot of literature around energy vampirism, alchemy, theology, and now I'm studying Hermeticism through the Kybalion
Good shit, might read up on it later and thanks for the suggestions. I don't know about hermeticism but have heard the term thrown around
Willing give the yt channel a watch
> A lot of people actually do lack a more solid empathy that extends beyond people they like.
I expected that, outsiders aren't as important as your friends and priorities are established, sometimes you just lack energy to listen to everyone
> What you're doing is logically learning the basic codes and ethics that most people are "imbued" with,
Yeah this basically, it makes you loose sense of identity if you had any to begin with
> It's the same way I had to teach myself how to talk in socially acceptable fashions and construct my sentences accordingly
I just mirrored everyone unconsciously, basically behaved exactly like they did down to finger movements and speech patterns and they automatically liked me. It's disgusting lmao, I did the complete opposite of being genuine and myself yet it was received well, nowadays I try to change posturing, topics or mood just to kill the mimicry before it turns exploitative. We all have a lot to learn in life it seems.
There's some advice for the socially awkward crew reading this btw, mirroring is crazy effective
Men are fun to fuck, in a different way
No porn is killing me.
stop gooning.
Sex is fun
>It's disgusting lmao
Try not to resent them. They really aren't capable of functioning at a higher level. To them, it is just their existence. The resentment only burns you bro.
>mirroring is crazy effective
Yup, very easily to manipulate because they don't have the self protection required. Occultism teaches you that as well, I actually got interested in the energy vampirism first because one of my sisters was such a huge bitch and she always would follow people around and insult and berate them until they'd freak out at her and she'd get all happy, that was my first taste of it. I find mirroring distasteful personally, too manipulative.
What do you think I'm trying to do? I'm on day 5 and I fucking pissed cum today.
No fap is gooniing.
What? I am fapping but it's way harder with my imagination. I am trying to get off porn and learn to just fap to memories. Then again I'm seeing girls in shorts and I'm going ape so.
that's gooning too
Okay, what's your suggestion?
Live life, nigga, fucking gooners
>don't fap bro just go outside and have sex
Dude. It is not on demand on tap bullshit. Unless you mean ignore sexual urges entirely in which case lmao?
god damn it's liberating not giving a shit if you get laid or not.
As long as you get good at self control and learn to keep the horny in check and learn to reject women in funny and bizarre ways, you feel unstoppable.
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Emotionally? I'm with you.
Physically? This woman is the hottest thing I've ever seen.
You haven't seen many women, huh.
I am just very hard up. I could pop at a Sears catalogue.
idk man, I've only had to do it once so far, but there is something about straight up rejecting a girl that makes me understand why women do it so often.
A girl tried giving me her snapchat at the gym and I told her I'm good. I still smile thinking about that.
> thing
it’s over, hoes
Make sure to sneak in some disses.
Fuck. The misogyny comes out sometimes. I usually say "bitch" mentally.
imagine the lap pillows
imagine sitting on her lap
> Try not to resent them
No I mean my behavior, I know it's automatic and wasn't something I learned from books but I don't really like the fact that I didn't be myself when talking to others, I was a wall that bounced every word off and reinforced any rants or dislikes someone had. Cool shit, this is how you inflate egos but you loose the sense of humanity and belonging because as I've said, that's not you talking, it's the other guy talking to himself and you're just nodding metaphorically
> energy vampirism
Real thing, some personalities are abrasive as fuck and they really mess up those who can't disassociate with crazy in the world, gaslighters are a prime example. I just find them boring and useless since their idea of fun isn't the same as mine. Might as well try to educate others on how to protect from these weirdos, they might find it useful and live better I guess
> I find mirroring distasteful personally, too manipulative.
I know, and so do others when they take notice of it, that's why I said I'm trying to get rid of that process
I've recently talked to a woman who was sad because her marriage was going down the drain, husband is dumb and careless so she has to act like everything's alright. I even managed to associate her experience with mine because I too lost a lot of time goofing around and not having a personality. This is much bigger for me than you'd expect, it felt weird.
Instead I am imagining bending her over my bed and giving her slow deep strokes with a handful of her hair.
>Make sure to sneak in some disses.
Yeah, maybe someday. I don't wanna demolish their self confidence, I just wanna be able to control the simp part of my brain.
Madonna whore complex?
how does that have anything to do with anything?
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Sounds boring.
Good news the horny has subsided.
while the thread dies
I see a connection between thread vitality and horniness.
Well yeah, I create a lot of content by virtue of my chadonova aura. Told you I’m powerful.
you haven't lived until you truly stop caring about womens opinions about you.
I wonder if sociopath anon can confirm, he seems like a strange fellow through
Men what are you thinking about right now and why
Plapping a fat ass slut and then sleep. Because I am horny and sleepy.
downloading the cod because it's on gamepass now
Legolas or Aragorn?
>apply to a company
>interview went well
>they offer a contract
>they wanted a reply on Tuesday
>wanted to call but couldn't due to other things
>wanted to call Wednesday but couldn't due to other things
>guy send me an email on Wednesday asking if I had made a decision already
>Only today (Thursday) did I reply after I tried to call him
I should've emailed him earlier. How bad does this make me look?
I agree. But you can have fun and enjoy peoples company without having to bend over backward for their approval.
Thinking about what questions to ask on atoga.
So i can get my only form of female attention
who said I wasn't enjoying people's company?
Wishing I could be a boytoy to an office lady
Fall of the west (again) due to some bullshit in the news
What happened
All the normies at work rn?
My dick broke Kamala.
Can I be fat and still have nice muscular arms?
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women do you ever make facial expressions like this irl?
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How thankful I am for the anon who recommended me Eizouken like 2 weeks ago.
I just finished it, gave it an 8/10 because it was really creative and so emltionalmy satisfying!
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I wish I was a native American because girls are so hot there. Do women feel the same way about other nationalities? No shame
>How bad does this make me look?
You better have some really, really gold excuses for every single day, bwcause that is some truly shit behaviour.
And you posting here instead of calling...
some latinos in my area payed me a bunch of money recently after word got around I'm into music production and commissioned me to make them a reggaeton beat.
Funny thing is, that shit takes probably like 15 minutes to make start to finish, which means I can spend the extra time making it sound polished af and make it stand out among all the other local soundcloud rapper wannabes so they'll recommend me to all their friends and I'll keep doing the same for them and so on.
Some of them don't even sound too bad, they're just missing someone who knows sound engineering, and I'm offering competitive prices.
Livin' large rn.
why not?
I was busy on Tuesday with something although I forgot with what lmao
Yesterday I had another job interview that took up half my day
I just called them and the guy didn't even care about me being late
God I love my communication skills, a quick joke about it being a little late, then the 'turn it on him' trick that I already called but he hadn't picked up and suddenly we're laughing and he's okay with it and wants to talk about something else
damn, and they probably are super into white guys, right?
As soon as I finish gymmaxxing, I'm gonna visit wherever the largest reservation is and try to fuck around and find out.
>Jerking off cures my headache 95% of the time
Women would you help out your bf when he has a headache?
>have three job offers and have to tell one I'm gonna decline after accepting first
>we were already at the point of signing the contract
>they've been super lenient and patient with me while I kept putting them off because I was searching for better opportunities
I feel so bad about this. It's like the 6/10 cute patient girl wants to date me and me being an asshole to her and saying I found a 7/10 with a bigger ass so I'm going out with her now.
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just outta curiosity, I didn't watch the movie. Which one of them was her main squeeze?
I do but as a joke.
Neither did I
How do you even approach someone like her? She's intimidating.
haha wouldn't it be funny if you did that right before you gave me a blowjob
yeah that'd be very funny indeed
you should try it with me
I know women irl who do this and unironically think they look hot doing it.
It is in those moments I'm convinced I'm gods toughest soldier because he keeps presenting me with the ickiest of icks.
By being a chad coloniser and raiding her father's camp then stealing her as your war bride
Still counts in my book.
well, don't you have google or something?
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Are you a girl or something? Why are you asking me to Google something when you obviously have it too lmfao
In general yes, but it depends how fat
google has banned all of my IPs and devices after I kept sending dick pics to the Google CEO's wife and she kept sending nudes back.
state gender and a nuclear tier ick the opposite gender has given you
Then duck duck go it
can't, looking at the duck pisses me off and I end up smashing my keyboard out of raw hatred for whoever thought it was a good idea to call a web browser fucking duck duck go.
Just google it for me man, stop being so stingy bro
If she's not willing then I don't want her.
I want him so bad it makes me nauseous Why is he doing this to me
Sometime I wish I was Norwegian or something. Instead I’m an ugly white girl
>tfw I'm not him
Haha that would be hilarious haha
You sound terrible and I would not want you at my company.
why are women like this?
Why don't women think that about me?
What has he got that I don't?
Even better after you just swallowed my cum and I give you a massage in return.
Would it not be better the other way around?
Sexualizing children.
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I see fat guys with cute gfs all the time
Watching porn is for losers
Go outside
MySpace scene girls
>she looks like a horse girl
Holy shit this
No they're retarded
But you can feel boobs
Are you?
He actually talks to me
>Are you?
Am I not him?
Yeah, I'm not him.
Who gives a shit, not like I'm a saint either (tho I am virgin)
Women what is the most sexist thing you've heard irl? Also what is the sexiest thing you've heard irl?
You could’ve been
why don't she want me, man
You want me to massage you and in return you suck me off?
>He actually talks to me
I'm friends with most the girls in my uni class, none of them think that about me.
Idk being called a whore for wearing the same ring men wear

Sexiest - I don’t know I don’t have sex
>Women what is the most sexist thing you've heard irl?
When my dad told me i am lucky i am blonde since those make the best prostitutes.
>Also what is the sexiest thing you've heard irl?
Groaning, whimpering and moaning.
>the same ring men wear
A cock ring?
lol, as if.
Yeah it makes more sense. I get horny from the massage, you get horny from touching me, i finish you off. Much better than if you lost all your horny and knead my body all uninspired.
What do you mean anon.... Norwegians are white
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Yesss, you're getting to the good stuff now. What episode are you on?
I agree Godai honestly deserved a few slaps and Shun did cross the line
>When my dad told me i am lucky i am blonde since those make the best prostitutes.
W-why did he say that to his daughter??
Images like this make me wish I could draw
I like to think my massages are good before and after, but if you like to be the good girl that pays back, that's nice too.
But the danger is, when I work your naked body, I might start to start sucking on your clit and that could lead to me not being able to hold back...
I wish i knew anon - i wish i knew. I was only 13.
My best guess is religious fanaticism.
File deleted.
Could anyone suggest a good power station? I was looking at the Vtoman 1500 and I like all the connections it has and the watts but it's like 40 pounds and I'm F and I don't know if that would be a concern. Thanks.
I don't believe this is not a LARP lol
Is this Feel Good Inc?
Depends on your state, if it's a tight swing state then maybe, if it's a solid red or blue then not really

All are terrible, I'll say 4chan are best

Yes but it might not show as well as if you were skinnier

Gonna be going in to work soon, why

Gotta shower and get ready for the day, early morning meeting that I need to prep for too

It's liberating to not give a shit in general. Don't be a cunt but don't worry about every little thing and life is more enjoyable
Win win
Wtf has he done now lol
I miss the early YouTube days of his silly Francis skits and such. Now seems to have become another run of the mill Internet attention whore blogger. Ik he had a shit childhood and everything but gotta give it a rest buddy
I want to punch him in his face.

Do you have some good BJ tech?
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Crap, wrong picture, sorry.
Does areola size affect nipple sensitivity?
About if I can be bothered to respond to all these voicemails and messages about job offers or if I should just smoke another cigarette
I just got up at 2pm lol
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Pro tip for men:
Take up dirt biking. That shit is so hot oh my god.
I'm good, I've got a list of other potential hobbies I'd rather try first
I could just visit Japan and have absolute sex tourist spree for the same money
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But are they as hot as this one????
What's your use case?
I would love to actually, I used to like mountain biking and have tried riding some lower CC bikes
Just need to get a loicense someday. I need a new adrenaline rush lol
The King's Road
It was the peak of wrestling
Yeah but this is also actually fun af and you can spend time with your frens and be in nature. All whilst increasing your rizz by 1589%.
I don't really care about whether or not my hobbies are hot, I just want to do them for fun. The ones I'm thinking of doing at some point are spearfishing and rock climbing
I think I'd rather do downhill on a mountain bike.
Do it.
Adrenaline junkie moids are the best ones <3
But you know you will probably never get one of them?
Emergency power out. I'm thinking I might even get some solar panels. I like the AC outlets and I think it's pure sine wave. I've been told that's better.
Those are based too i guess.
Also nice. But why?
the same people who go ride dirt bikes are the same people who unironically think paintball is cool.
You probably saw some good looking guy in a biker sports suit take his helmet off in slow mo and got wet and are now projecting it to the rest of the male population.
It's like saying men look good in suits. Yeah, the good looking ones do.
It's okay if I mercilessly spank my cousins right?
She looks like she used to be attractive but kinda hit the wall.

Also, is that nipple? I thought women wore bras to prevent that.
And why not?
No this is the ideal sport for ugly men because you get to wear a helmet. You can look great even with a deformed face and a pudgy body since you wear protective gear that is very forgiving.
don't be a fag
This is so much fun
I remember in late high school my buddy and I would go to this really high hill and then race down and see who could get to the bottom of town the quickest, the whole route took like 20mins at high speed and there were tons of natural ramps you could bunny hop off
I had a pretty gnarly wipe out once jumping off my bike into stinging nettles cause this doggo ran at me lol
I think you should get better taste lmao but based
Why couldn't she?
>wearing a helmet
Yeah I should probably do this desu
This is totally the kind of thing you shouldn't wear if you have big boobs. Just draws more attention to them.
women how are your ovaries doing today?
Can you comfortably carry a medium sized dog?
sweety I've got the skills and ambition to make the company better
I also am communicative and interested in you as a person
I also want you to look angry at me while you suck my dick
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is that why you are so nice today?
>better taste
Name one sort of moids hotter than the adrenaline junkies. I am waiting.
unsure why the other poster would ever want to give a massage after the climax
you do it before so she's all hot and bothered and then she sucks you off
only risk there is that it'll never get to sucking off but it'll escalate to full blown sex because when I see that pussy all wet I will dive in for a deep tissue massage
I've never actually tried that. What breed? Dogs are squirmy though, right?
One of them is getting an egg ready for the next attempt.
does it hurt?
Women, what's your idea of dressing yourself like a slob? Would you do anything in public like this?
Okay forget the dog lol, can you carry a well behaved 6 year old?
The weight shouldn't be too big an issue then, you won't be moving it much. Worst case you can put it on a dolly.
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omg women who play volleyball are so hot.
WOMEN, pro tip:
If you wanna look hot, you gotta play volleyball
hottest way of describing your cycle I've ever heard. I now desperately want to fertilise your eggs and watch you carry our children.
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According to my cycle i should be pmsing rn but for some unknown reason i am way too horny.
>Name one sort of moids hotter than the adrenaline junkies
Sensible people who value their health over cheap thrills lmao
I'd teach you how to bike though bb
do you have any cool ovulation stories?
ummmmm, women?
why aren't you playing tennis? It literally makes your attractiveness shoot through the roof.
My achy breaky egg
nta but do you have a dolly? Maybe you could get something with wheels to help you slide it around. How much is it?
Are you into different things during ovulation or mostly the same but more intense?
>women are only nice on here when they're horny.
cool good to know. At least you're all synced up to the same few days at the end of each month so I don't have to waste my time coming here the rest of the time
I'm too busty.
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No those are the boring ones. Count me the fuck out.
Yes pls teach me.
One time i ovulated all over the place. It was based.
>Name one sort of moids hotter than the adrenaline junkies.

I'll never understand this. Is it because they are easily manipulated into doing things that are make no sense to do and are ill advised like jumping off of buildings and dating you?
Can confirm, one thing I miss about my tennis days.... also badminton gals are great
Just like me but on feral crack.
>Also nice. But why?
Don't have to worry about the gas and the motor going fucked in case anything happens.
Plus no annoying noise and you can do it in more spaces much more easily.
During covid and also while having it myself, I mentally escaped with downhill videos among other things:

>And why not?
It's ok to have fantasies, but it just doesn't seem likely to me.
M but do women ever release two eggs at a time for a period or am I just stupid?
>those are the boring ones. Count me the fuck out
Honestly I would see a gal like you as a bit of a red flag but I am intrigued lol
>jumping off of buildings
Once I did this back in my stupid stunt days and the next day I legit couldn't walk, someone had to help me to the bathroom
No i like people that enjoy feeling alive. They make me tingly.
Sweat pants and a ratty t shirt. I might go to the grocery store in that.
women whats your opinion?
Basically not dressing and leaving the house in pajamas or bummy clothes that are old and tired/too big/too messy Going out without washing my face or brushing my teeth. I will leave the house like that in a pinch if it's already late and I wouldn't be embarrassed to be out at the hotel breakfast in my PJs or anything like that but if I'm actually going somewhere I like to get ready.
Why would I play volleyball when this girl is just going to mog the shit out of me lol
I don't think that's a thing? I only know vaguely when it should be happening if I remember when my last period was.
Bad at it. Plus my sister played tennis and we tried not to play the same sports in school.
wow, how have women not realized that playing golf literally makes them 10000% hotter. That's crazy
Hey babe are you a rat cause you're poisoning my heart
Foids, how many of you fell for the tattoo meme?

X chromosomes were a mistake s m h
If she still plays Wii Sports Golf she's a real one
That's how you get fraternal twins actually. I still think it's just the one ovary releasing them at a time though.
Last time i went to the gynecologist she did one of those insertion ultrasounds to check the ovaries and first she checked one side and said this one is ovulating atm then she checked the other and said oh this one is ovulating too but double and that i should be cautious rn unless i want triplets. So…
>red flag
I always get what i want.
A dolly is a good idea. Thanks, anons.
No opinion, head empty.
What is yours?
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errrrmmm hellooooo,
wake up women, playing soccer will make you so hot, it's wild.
Nah i like my body to feel like it is timeless.
>What is yours?
My opinion is that you should get some opinions
Pantless in just panties, no bra and a t-shirt. I would not go anywhere looking like that.
Why are you so triggered?
>I always get what i want.
Show me.

>unless i want triplets.
Did you go home and flip it extra hard at the though of you being super-fertile right now? lol
If I were you bf and you told me, there would have been no holding back, might have even broken through the BC.
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Was rereading On Writing last night and I realized that I should probably just focus on being good and working hard at the things right in front of me rather than worrying about the past or the future. I should trust God more and that my worries over finding a girl or being good enough are becoming an obsession that's distracting me from God and the people around me and my life right now. It's not that I'm giving up, I still want to find a partner, but I just need to trust that if I live a good life and keep my thoughts on God and doing the right thing that maybe I'll find her.
But why?
Why do women need two ovaries? :/
But the outfits are never cute. And my dad would want to play with me and that's just gonna be traumatic and remind of when he was my softball coach lmao.
I still don't have one but I do want one.
Nta. Oh shit that's either lucky or unlucky depending on what your life goals are.
>show me
>flip it extra hard
No i shitposted about it itt and anon got so triggered he wrote UwU pls bit a bb in me incels and that is how that meme was born.
new cheat unlocked:
Women you HAVE to try figure skating, it will make you look insanely hot.
>Going out without washing my face
Forget, that's a big one. I feel like a slob if I'm not wearing ANY makeup.
Sorry if it was a bit cheesy =P
Women i think you should kiss me. It would make you unbelievably hot
Not sure how you got "get closer to God" out of anything Stephen King has written but, happy for you.
>send funny reply in Slack to manager reminding us to check some random report
>cute coworker reacts with a laughing emoji
Golf is tricky for me on account of boobs. They're not even that big really.
Women, what causes catty behavior and strife in a group of woman?
call me crazy, but I think female gymnasts look soooo sexy.
Like literally it's a free boost to your attractiveness and all you have to do is just become a gymnast. It's free.
Cause opinions make you cool
I know triplets would be kind of a hassle but that's kinda hot. Do multiples run in your family?
What are some cool opinions?
Yeah on my dads side.
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I haven't read anything by him except for On Writing but he mentions God a few times at least. Plus my mind is on God so that probably helps in seeing him more. One of my favourite one liners from the book is "If God gives you something you can do, why in God's name wouldn't you do it?"
>Why do women need two ovaries?
In case one breaks. I am being serious.
Same reason you need a backup parachute. In case the first one don't work.
>I feel like a slob if I'm not wearing ANY makeup.
Thankfully I never got in the habit of wearing it every day. I would feel weird if I showed up to something I dressed up for without at least doing my eyebrows and mascara though.
Do you actually though? I figured the boob thing would be a problem for men.
Competition for validation.
Ok women, bear with me here.
Formula 1 racing. Do it. It's like a night and day boost to your sexiness.
Honestly intellectual girls who play chess are the hottest. And it's not to hard to beat me cause I'm stupid. Take my queen and then be mine
nta but On Writing is the best thing he's ever written. Funnily enough, it's a tutorial about writing.
>What are some cool opinions?
That 5'9" men are handsome and awesome
Good girl. It seems like every girl (those above 16) in my area has a tattoo. If it's not visible, they get some small retarded shit on their ankle.
You are now the hottest woman alive
Your super fertility is arousing.
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What have i done…
Fine i will never tell you what i think is hot ever again. You happy now?
wow wow wow. Women. All I have for you are 3 words.
Track. And. Field.
it will make you look so incredibly hot it's honestly not even fair
Nah, it's understood that the gymnast body is boobless.
I read it years ago on the suggestion of a guy, I guess I don't remember it being that prevalent because it didn't speak to me the way it did you. I know he does believe it wasn't my intention to invalidate your interpretation I just think it's kind of funny that he writes what he does/the way he does but also believes in God. It's almost like he's God in his stories. Hell in the dark tower series he literally is.
Yes women need to shut the fuck up about what they find hot.
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Slack is an IM service right? What makes it different from Teams?
This might sound like a stretch, but peep this:
Olympic long jumping?
Do you see what I'm saying? You'll thank me later
>Gif rel
thats a jpg, silly
Oh wait, it was to mock the foid who posted about dirt bikes. Carry on.
Is there anything that determines how big your boobs get during pregnancy or is it just random?
why did I have to come on atoga today. Men are so cruel.
This thread is blessed
Would you date a fat and balding guy?
You are more cruel to non-Chads.
Idk why it posted that. It was a gif. So rude
Can you stop flood the board?
good, I'm glad you learned your lesson.
I haven't read it in years but the story about his son's baseball team sticks in my head for some reason.
I did. I wasn't very good at the "field" part though. Too timid. For a lot of that shit you have to full send.
Oh, well this is a welcome surprise.
Women would you rather date a man who is smarter of dumber than you?
>Men are so cruel.
After years of making fun of short male bodies, heads with thinning hair and a lack of money in the wallet, now you're saying that men are cruel for having preferences. Get a grip.
Why can't you look like this?
No, I don't want to date ugly men.
Women what do you find hot?
I have not. I am just pouting and sulking.
Women only like hobbies that signal wealth
Men only like hobbies that signal health

Prove me wrong
I think dumber. Not dangerously or destructively dumb but a little slow on the uptake. It's endearing.
Smarter than me is fine if he doesn't have an attitude about it.
Maybe i do.
>Oh, well this is a welcome surprise.
Of course. I daresay that big boobs on a slim women would look weird, almost fake. I think a lot of guys would agree with me.
Yeah, it actually is pretty funny, you're right.
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Oh i get it now. You are mad i said a hobby is hot that requires you to buy a dirt bike.
Why are you poor?
Uh uh yea shake dat GYATT
I'm just playing bb
You mean
Who cares if he has a sailboat if he fucking sucks at it.
Smarter. He's the rational one not affected by his emotions so I'd like that when he's making decisions.
Himbos... we're winning.......
Tbh as a poorfag a lot of people I know have frankenstein'd bikes instead of cars
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Femanon dont get my hopes up like that please
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If only women knew the tricks to become hot...
why are women so annoying when they're horny.
I'd honestly rather have them be mean and shit on guys instead of being this whimsical.
You would never go for any anon here. Save us the hornyposting and go hit up chad on tinder or something.
Frankenstein bikes are cute.
>mfw Stephen King is 6'4"
Buying a dirt bike is the cheap part anon...... There's maintenance, travel, gas, fees etc etc

No but seriously though, wealth seems to be the most important part
Bro are you gay or smth
What sort of question is this anon? Women are literally always dumber.
Most women can't tell a smart one from a dumb one anyways, most smart men pretend to be dumber than they are to date and most stupid men are able to fake intelligence for a few weeks.
>Save us the hornyposting and go hit up chad on tinder or something.
I think hornyposting here is just a tiny part of their activity, the rest of the time they use for texting multiple guys on Tinder.
Oh it is the retard that thinks atoga is a hookup server. Begone.
Hornyposting is perfectly fine, but the way they do it is sooo boring and minimal.
They want the man to write everything a d then they just go "sounds good".
You just know they'd be a dead fish in bed IRL.
A shitload of makeup? Yeh, we know that.
Fine then don‘t do it.
Women hate any hobby in men regardless of what it is, they just don't like you spending time on yourself or what you enjoy, your hobby could be performing free surgeries for orphans and women will make up an excuse for why it's immature and you need to drop it and watch netflix with her.
>Women are literally always dumber
my highschool gf was in Mensa and astronomically smarter than me
I am the kind of guy that unintentionally gets the group laughing in social settings because I say stupid things
>texting multiple guys on Tinder.
You make it sound like this is a crime or something
Are those E bikes any good or is it just a fad?
Smarter, I like when he can teach me new things. Also I think a little bit if cockiness and smartass-ness is cute, but when he's a total smartass about everything and can't turn it off even in situations where it's obviously better to just let it go, it's incredibly annoying. I can't put up with that type of behavior constantly.
Why don't women want to give fat and balding men a chance?
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You don't need a lot of it...
>women: "We all have a soulmate!"
>also women: gets gang-banged by X amount of dudes
>also also women: "My soulmate would accept me having gang-bangs!"
I feel like I'm part of a dwindling minority of people who see this as cope. I'm in no way trying to bash women here, its just I don't understand it. If you believe that the soulmate thing is real, then why denigrate yourself for hedonistic pleasure? Isn't that basically disrespecting your future soulmate? Or maybe is it this the attempt to soothe the psychological trauma of having a believe, acting against that believe, then trying to tamp the negative emotions you feel of potentially betraying your soulmate or something?
Himbo supremacy. If you're smart enough to assess danger and respond to it appropriately and not get us sick by cleaning wrong we're good to go. I'll cook, dw about it.
I'd rather them talk like real people instead of doing the whole
>wowza I love u guys mwah <3
>wow all of u are so hot uwu
>I'm so horny rn it's craaaazy, pls respond to me
You were smarter than her. She's a woman and definitely was dumber.
Where do you people get this shit? almost all the fat bald guys I see irl have a woman in their lives
We can do both you know.
This question was intended for women
Well duh. Only hobby I'll have is sex tourism
>You make it sound like this is a crime or something
It's annoying because your attention is always distributed and hotter guys are always at the forefront of your thoughts.
Why don't the women /here/ want to give fat and balding men a chance?
Why do people do this? Have an extreme personal bias on something yet be so insecure that they want people to challenge it?
why can't women just have good bone structure and genetics?
It's not that hard, why are all of you still ugly?
Ugly insecure men are the worst.
How is it personal bias.... It's the TRVTH
What's a hobby that signals wealth?
Being aware that you're constantly talking to objectively hotter men isn't insecurity, it's being realistic.
I'm answering for them because I'm smarter than them. Don't talk to her, talk to me. She doesn't know what the fuck she's talking about.
What causes this?
>Why are you poor?
The use of some femboy anime avatar should have given away exactly what type of guy he is. lol
They're all the same kind of poor, weak NEETs.

>fat and balding men
Dimes a dozen

Feel free to stop bringing your cuck fantasies here any time.
I like cooking and cleaning but ok that works too (:
Bro this is an anime imageboard might as well have a laff
>You were smarter than her
Bro I really was not. She had the patience of a saint when we went to a museum and I kept asking the guide stupid questions like if the cavemen met the dinosaurs (in my defence I was only like 16)
you don't talk like that the rest of the time. We all know you're only saying this because you're currently blinded by hormones, in a few days we'll go back to business. You don't actually like anyone here sexually, you just need a place to vent and use us as your proverbial punching bag. Fuck off.
Women, how long does it take for nail polish to chip off?
I think you are overestimating the percentage of women that get gangbanged as well as the percentage of women who get gangbanged while also believing in soulmates simultaneously.
Sailing and polo.
Does anyone else feel like they're too ugly to stare at hot people?
I got a job should I use emojis in my thank you email or keep it brofessional
Not really, I look at myself all the time.
Why do people shit on NEETs, especially male NEETs? It's incredibly hard to get a job if you don't have a pretty face in the current economy, being NEET or poor isn't a choice....
You WERE smarter than her. She's a woman and was definitely dumber.
Two hours.
Fun fact I did not know this until I watched a joint interview he did with George R. R. Martin and saw them next to each other then had to look it up. George is 5'6".
The dumbest person I know is a man. He's adorable but my God he's going to kill himself one of these days.
Naw this isn't a good way to think, it's not like you're not allowed to find them attractive
I try not to stare though, might just take a few cheeky sneak peeks
>Dimes a dozen
women do you think men who sit all day are hot?
the women that keep being posted here make me think guys don't actually mean it when they say they don't JUST like blondes.
Men are filthy liars.
Ok now why would I find that hot if they were bad at it? How much of a dumbass do you have to be to buy a boat and suck at using it?
>why are all of you still ugly?
If all of us are ugly, why don't you just date a man?
This >>31687689 or never if it's glitter polish.
You do understand that skills require you to have the equipment first to train and improve, right? What kind of not like other girls retardation are you spewing?
It doesn't get truer the more you say it
She literally got an offer from Cambridge University and turned it down for something more specialised
>It's incredibly hard to get a job
Bro unless you live really rural there are a dime a dozen wagie jobs at warehouses, grocery stores, reception desk etc.
I applied to jobs yesterday and just got one
Women, do you feel bad about outearning men and making them unwanted bachelors as an result?
Gay men tend to spend more time on their physical appearance, so women want them even though they can't have them.

Of course wanting a "well groomed" man is a lot like wanting an "in shape" man, they all say they want it, but then complain endlessly about the time spent in the gym or on skincare or whatever, it's like they just expect you to wake up every day with a perfect face and six pack abs.
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I like dark haired women
>glitter polish
Real, that stuff would stay for two years.
You can clean I just kinda want to watch you do the dishes the first few times to make sure you're being thorough, I have issues.
You ever see a post, then typed up a response
then realized that they're not meant for you, they're meant for people who are hotter than you

Cause like... the people that made the post don't want your attention, they want the attention of the more attractive person, which isn't you.
Pale with dark hair is the absolute peak of femininity imo.
Not everyone is in the US, Europe is a shithole
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Oh no... They're onto us...

I would destroy this woman.
i dunno, never used Teams
dw bro I know what the score is
pls stop posting models sadfjlskdajflsjfklskja
This is the thought process when talking or typing messages to women. Before sending, you realize that what she's saying isn't meant for you and you hit the backspace button until the field is white again.
I see... How about this? Not blonde or a model.
>skills require you to have the equipment first to train and improve
You don't need a super fancy boat to learn sailing.
I'm not gay, so I gotta make do.
At the very least keep your body in shape so that when I don't have to see your face during sex, I can at least pretend to fuck someone else.
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As one of the blonde girl memers I concede I don't actually care about hair color
I think only one girl I went out with was blonde and that's cuz she dyed it
OK that's understandable
>they want the attention of the more attractive person
Bro this is an anime imageboard
I'm literally in Europe
This looks like a student kitchen lol
I will never be thin like her.
My hips will never be as wide as hers.
My face will never be as pretty.
I hate men I hate men I hate men I hate men I hate men
You're a self proclaimed retard that's dumber than a woman apparently, why would I trust your judgment on who is smarter?
stop copypasting posts from CC
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i agree brother

what about cute samurai girl?
Sure but if you have the money for it, why not get the fancy stuff to try a new hobby?
It's worse here but desu I know a lot of couples where the woman outearns
blond women tend to be bitchier ime. Dark brown = black > light brown >>> red > POWERGAP >>>>>>>>>>>>> blonde
probably, but its obvious I bring it up specifically because I'm curious about it. Just take what I say as gospel and respond. I'm aware it isn't all women but at the same time, take out the gang-banging and replace that with normal hook up culture and you get the same problem.
>This looks like a student kitchen lol

I'd risk prison to try and get her to be my wife.
>during sex
as if you had any

Would you rather date a fat and balding guy, or be alone forever
>who carries the most debt
>who spends the most
>who produces the most
>who saves the most
>who are retiring early (as early as mid 30s)
Men are taking time off and letting women carry the load.
Babe you are enuff <3
If it makes you feel any better I currently like a woman double my age who people here would say has "hit the wall"
It would be way harder to learn on a huge boat and you would feel worse if you damaged it.
Wtf is your problem.
>red that low

you might be gay tbqh

Factually incorrect unless you live in some little remote village with 500 people or less.
And even then, chances are you can get a job within an 1h commute.
Be alone forever, I'd rather roll my dice on the hot looking guy
Methinks you are just a sexist
Lol. Reminds me of idiots that buy a fancy, top of the line drawing tablet and then find out that they don't like drawing.
no offense to red women but they tend to be either annoying adhd spergs or stacies.
Women has a mosquito ever bitter your labia?
The objective tier list is

Ruthless intelligent blonde > Redheads > Brunettes > retard bimbo blonde
Why are you even here.
Which is only an issue if you can not afford it. Otherwise, who cares?
women do you ever feel bad?
>little remote village with 500 people or less
My job before last was actually in a place like this even though I lived in a town
Because of public transport times the commute was like 1hr but then people gave me lifts
There is always a solution
Honestly when I see people who say they are NEET because they can't find a job, I think they just mean stuff like cleaning toilets and flipping burgers is "beneath" them. It is always better to be making money than zilch
>mfw I'm a redhead with adhd
To answer questions for women when men ask them.
Lol you're just wrong

You're still throwing money away. Rich people don't like that, right? I mean, isn't that how they get to be rich?
Redheads often have freckles and sometimes a bit weird hands. Both of which are super off putting for me.

Nope, you are just lazy.

>There is always a solution
Absolutely correct.
At worst you can do some call center job from home.
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No anon my life is all glitter and rainbows.
Moid hands
>Cleaning toilets
Unattainable for most NEETs, you need an unblemished record
>Flipping burgers
Again, unattainable. There are hundreds of applicants per spot and most places only hire pretty women
It's not sexist to say that women are always dumber than men when it's objectively true. If anything it's sexist pretending otherwise.
>Unattainable for most NEETs, you need an unblemished record
Absolutely fucking what. lmao

Again, you are just a lazy little shit.
Stay poor.
women would you give me a pedicure?
There is a difference between rich and wealthy.

>a bit weird hands
this, no women would ever bother replying to someone they wouldn't date
are you being sarcastic?
What's that?
>most places only hire pretty women
Projecting. You do not need to be a pretty woman to flip burgers.
They don't even LOOK at fat or balding men in real life, there's absolutely no reason to talk to them online. If they even suspect that you look like that then whatever you said is erased from their memory.
Women what are the requirements to date (You)?
I've noticed some have extra red finger tips and it's even worse when they have a ton of freckles on their hands.
I'm unemployed
Forever alone please
I don't believe so
Only on Tuesdays, weekends, and every day between the hours of 5 am and 2 am.
>Forever alone please
wtf, why :^(
I would NEVER
So you trusted him? With your angelhood?
Yeah, such is life outside of Germany, US or UK. There's a glut of labour so people get picked under stricter requirements than before

You don't need to be but you have to be to get hired.... I swear to god if I go and order a burger the only people there are women, pretty blondes and the like
Level 15+
Positive karma
Good relationship with my faction
Completing my questline
Why do vaginas look the same?
Literally the only thing most workplaces are looking for is for you to not be retarded. Every single part of the application process, every requirement, every verification and measure to process you is literally just to try and filter retards.
No, i did not. But i have a thing for reckless behavior so…
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Women, would you date a functioning addict?
Oh, that. Yeh, that's just my circulation and you can notice it really easy because I'm so pale.
>you need an unblemished record
Bro I knew people with criminal records when I worked as a janitor and in food service
The only job I can think of where they actually prioritise pretty women is stuff like reception desk and even then I just got my third job doing this as an average moid
>women are always dumber than men when it's objectively true
Source: anon's ass
I really think you are just a misogynist lol. I have met countless women who were wayy smarter than me
God copy & pasted all the vaginas
Attractive, has common sense, similar life goals, similar morals and values, has a job he likes that pays enough to be comfortable or be working towards that, sexual chemistry, I think most of his hobbies are interesting and he thinks the same of mine even if we don't do them all together, appreciative of my cooking, good with kids but doesn't want his own...I could keep going but it's kind of pointless you can't figure out if someone is compatible by looking at a list.
I'm not fat.
How do I increase reputation with your faction?
Well, yeh, pretty women work service jobs that deal with people. The actual flipping of the burgers is not done by pretty people all the time.
>I'm not fat.
Do you have a ton of freckles?
>every day between the hours of 5 am and 2 am.
Sis is scheduling her sadness
I respect the efficiency
Have you actually applied to jobs or are you just hypothesizing
A little bit like dating it's a numbers game. Send out 50 applications today (you can just use the same resume for each one, wagie jobs don't typically ask for anything else besides personal details) and I guarantee you will get a call back tomorrow
Women, there's a new trend of men waiting a number of years to see if they start balding or not before deciding whether to try dating. What are your thoughts?
It's too late for you, all those posts about roasties made you hostile to the femcel guild
Actually, no.
>good with kids but doesn't want his own
can I start romance questlines with other members of your faction too?
What? Being an asshole to kids/disliking kids is a red flag no matter what.
>I have met countless women who were wayy smarter than me

So your "evidence" is completely invalid. You're literally dumber than countless numbers of women. You're egg on brick levels of retarded.
single mom energy
I'm gonna make another cup now dude
Total retardation.
Why waste your years of a full head of hair to lock down a girl?
NAG, but I gotta ask
Isn't that retarded? Shouldn't you date while your hairline is still good and try to lock down a girl before God steals your sex appeal?
*cat mom
>Women, do you feel bad about outearning men and making them unwanted bachelors as an result?
Those women are shit at their jobs(some of them) and or complain a lot.
>You're egg on brick levels of retarded.
Okay I'm not *that* stupid
>tfw wasting my long curly locks being terminally single
Seems kinda dumb. That's like waiting until I'm old enough for my boobs to get really saggy to start dating.
I mean not that it means much coming from some random stranger on 4chan, but I that'd make you more attractive to me.
I know some are really into freckles, but I'm not one of them.
On the assumption that women leave when the guy they picked doesn't fit the bill anymore.
As a cat uncle she sounds compatible desu
I don’t care if you’re balding or not. If men were oh-so smart, they’d realize they could start balding after they start dating so what’s the point?
I'm that way. I'm really good with my niece and nephew and spent countless hours with them when they were younger, just watching over them or playing some games together.
But absolutely no fucking way would I ever want any of my own.

This is the perfect idea of a woman for me imo.
God I wish
I'm personally not a fan of that look and would probably try to cover it up with makeup if I had them. I don't know where the freckle love came from either.
Will I at least be able to trigger the bossfight against the faction leader if I make the "wrong" steps now?
>sounds compatible
>perfect idea of a woman for me
But you don't even know my morals/values or what any of my hobbies are yet you literally can not know this.
Reminder that the world is screwed for average men:
-you will never buy your own home
-you will never marry a virgin female
-there are more young men than young females which means even getting sluts or fatties is harder
-all the high paying jobs are going to females because of sexist quotas despite men paying more taxes
I don't really believe in the soulmate thing, I think genuine love is more than just compatibility, but I don't think there's one specific person that's destined to be with you and if you somehow fuck it up you'll never get a bond like that again. But personally I'm also against hook-up culture. BUT I'm also against men judging women for having past sex lives. And yes if a guy is overly weird about you having had a specific amount of sexual partners that's a red flag. Simply as it shows insecurity and distrust. Let's assume both partners get checked before getting sexually active and don't have any STDs, as I see it the only other potentially bad thing about having a high body count is you believing they will cheat based on that or you getting insecure as it apparently having a high body count lowers a woman's 'value' and trustworthiness. But the thing is, if you were in a trusting relationship there wouldn't be any reason for you to suspect that your gf is cheating and you wouldn't have to worry about 'not being as good compared to what she's had before' either. Anyone could cheat on you if they wanted to. By directly tying it to some statics about cheating you read online, you're just showing that you don't view your partner as an individual you trust to not hurt you. You're reducing a human to one single aspect of their life.
So idk if that answered your question as I don't really see the benefits of hookup culture myself (and I also don't see a reason to judge people who do enjoy it either) but generally I think being weirdly obsessed about the body count and pureness thing is a massive turn off. But then to be fair I have to admit that I myself wouldn't want to date a guy who's been a massive manwhore either.
I think the reason why some people participate in hookup culture while believing in soulmates is to maybe find their soulmate or find out more about themselves or simply to have some fun and enjoy their lives.
I think anon meant like if you're balding, you should metaphorically mercy-kill yourself by taking yourself out of the dating pool out of respect to the women.
Apparently it's hard to weed out superficial women who would consider dating you, but only because you have X and Y physical traits.
Women get that feeling too?
Why is fat and balding such a deal break for women in these threads?

Are they simply more superficial than real women in the real world?
What else can we gaslight women into believing is hot? (like the moaning thing)
Omg no never, we're not driven by our emotions like that lol
>Stop projecting this nonsense

Fine, go ahead and answer them then. I'm just trying to protect you from looking like a retard when you inevitably say something fucking stupid.
If you believe in this determinism shit, you aren't a man, you are very far from it, you are an animal, might as well kill yourself at that point and I say that non-maliciously, it's just the logical conclusion if you believe one hand is all you get and that's the game
You’re stupid as shit bro. No one is chewing you out for being bald. Stop being insecure as hell.

Before you say it, where are there any women talking about they wouldn’t date something like you?
My exs both have homes? And have non virgin gfs/bfs but are happy/coping, probably. They have high paying jobs. Why are you such pessimist, are you even trying?
But I can still make a statement defending a woman for her love of cats.

It's a meme you insecure dick waggler.
You’re the one sounding retarded by being mad at nothing, little boy. Grow a pair and drink some damn whiskey.
>BUT I'm also against men judging women for having past sex lives. And yes if a guy is overly weird about you having had a specific amount of sexual partners that's a red flag. Simply as it shows insecurity and distrust.
I don't get how you can say this with a straight face then turn around and do the exact same thing back. Just sounds like you've had a lot of sexual partners and you're insecure about being filtered about it.
Nope, I can still make life miserable for others and that's my main motivation now.
Let me clear this up for you:
Men who can't get sex are losers.
Women who can't get relationships are the female version of those male losers. Simple as.
>Are they simply more superficial than real women in the real world?
Yes, like actually it's just this.
women is it possible for you to truly love a (human) man?
I don't know about that. either. I know plenty of balding dudes who got GFs no problem and here I am with my perfect hairline and unbelievably thick chestnut mane and I'm about to be a 30 year old virgin
Well, no shit. What are retarded question.
SO TRUE lmao
Men use "no pussy" as an insult, women use "can't make them stay" as an insult
There's a Herpes epidemic in America right now, majority of those who are infected are women. Hook up culture is a spiritual, mental, and physical health disease that is destroying people.
Yes, just not a person that asks a question like that unironically.
Daily reminder that women can trust me. :^)
I don't trust you though (male).
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are rats cute
i think they cute
Gender, how many times have you had HPV so far?
Uh, yeh? Men AND women here do not represent men and women irl at all. It's kinda dumb to even have an /atoga/ to be honest.
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yeah, and I know plenty of wheelchair-bound, short, ugly, poor, small dicked, balding guys with schizophrenia, autism, depression, and anxiety that walk around with 10/10s
what's YOUR excuse?
Well yes, i am retarded myself

>just not a person that asks a question like that unironically.
Thats fine
Men here are nicer than men in the real world so women HATE them.
Women here are meaner and way more superficial than women in the real world so men LOVE them.
M. Yes I like rats.
But no, females aren't capable of love nor loyalty. The fact that every female can say "my ex" proves this.
Apparently women have it more than men because it’s easier to get it from men than vice verse. It’s basic research that you took out of context. But of course, incels will stop at nothing to make the opposite sex look bad.

>Women are more likely to get genital herpes than men because the herpes simplex virus (HSV) is more easily transmitted from men to women. According to the Illinois Department of Public Health, about one in five women aged 14–49 have genital herpes, compared to one in nine men of the same age. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 13% of people aged 15–49 worldwide have genital herpes caused by HSV-2, and women are infected almost twice as often as men.
The difference is that men who can't have sex are generally easy to spot due to their physicality. For women its a mentality, they might look sexy but spend any longer than 30 minutes talking to them and they'll dump a shit ton of red flags on you all at once because they think that doing that will make you stay.
Its an attempt to be transparent, which is a good thing, but a lo tot of women for w/e reason don't understand that this is the female version about autistic lly ranting about your favorite sonic game to men.
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You don't know anyone like that
>Men here are nicer than men in the real world
Lot of people here confuse politeness with not having a spine.
Based on his family, my bf will likely never go bald. It might be a bit wasted though since I like bald/shaved heads to some degree
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Only when they’re dead
I'm not mad though? I'm just saying that women don't say anything valuable or useful, and that they hurt themselves whenever they talk. I'm not angry, i just have to speak for them because they don't know any better.
>women having more sex, more often has nothing to do with it
Why do you have to make science a gender war thing? If more of A goes into the herpes machine than B, you will get a product that is majority A...
You just insulted a lot of people.
my aunt was with my uncle for like 50 years and when he died she just sort of died with him. She just stopped doing anything almost instantly because there was "no point"
only thing ive seen id call actual love
at first it might give me "i can save him" feels, but in the long run i wouldn't like it.
I'd say that not a single men here understand what having a spine means.
It doesn't mean starting shit whenever they feel wronged, it's called standing up for things that matter
and none of this, literally nothing in these threads, is actually worth standing up for.
>My hecking environmental activism-arino!! We need to fix this problem, because.. REASONS!
Do they not see how earth will continue with our without humans? Why are they so selfish?
You’re retarded as well. That’s the projection part of it. You’re not even making sense with your bullshit either, so congrats, you’re no different than women.
Rats are one of the only animals capable of real altruism
They are good hearted and misunderstood
0 and I shall protect my virginity till my dying death. Can't wait to get so old and ugly that I'll be left alone.
Femanons I want to find love so badly, this timeline is hell.
My autistic grandpa did it, why can't I?
I don't even know what that is
Hey! I understand in theory.
People who like rabbits/bunnies and rats tend to cheat more.
Domestic rats are okay, feral rats are not okay but I've felt bad for killing a few
So their solution is to wait until none wants them anymore at all? Is this the famed male logic and intelligence?
Did I say that? No. I love how you attack me for bringing up a gender war when that dipshit said something about it first. You’re dumb as rocks.

With the way a lot of you men on here speak, I wouldn’t be surprised if you guys are just as promiscuous than us because it’s clear you’d fuck anything that moves and still call a virgin woman a whore. Let’s not even pretend men aren’t whores that can’t spread diseases just as easily. Okay, bud?
This, lol.
so basically all the people here including the one you replied to are just here to start shit, basically spineless rats
>I don't even know what that is
The least talked about side effect of the miserable hookup culture of the 2010s and 2020s.
Anon, I see where you're going, really, but that implies that we all have a death wish.
>things that matter
that's still subjective you moral signaling retard.
Fuck you. You're the one who replied to me you fucking cunt. You're the one who felt the need to open your mouth and spew retardisms all across your post. Shut the fuck up.
More fast food means more cows which mean more methane farts which means more bad environment right?
Wait until someone wants them for more than a temporary relationship because they look hot and interesting at the time. It might be hard to comprehend that some men only want long term, committed relationships but it's the truth.
uh huh, very deep for a 14yo
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It's not about the people, it's about the animals
I'm not really interested in reading some hysterical and emotional posting of some woman that got upset by reality and now is doing this weird "attack on a whole gender because I was personally upset by something I read". You've got a lot of maturing to do.
That’s what I like to see! Angry projection!
But what does ruining a Monet painting do to make any change actually though? Or anything like that
Also the anon that said that.
You're a smart man. I know exactly what you mean.
I think it's because females never had to try in dating, so they don't know what things to avoid saying, whereas men know that they should never show weakness, never tell a female that you're a virgin etc. A few females I was involved with casually said: "I still get along with my ex, he pays for my gym membership" and a different one said "I live with my male best friend, I hope you don't mind that".
>I wouldn’t be surprised if you guys are just as promiscuous than us because it’s clear you’d fuck anything that moves and still call a virgin woman a whore.
>60% of men in the US 18 to 50 are still virgins
>too retarded to read and learn
>complaining like a bitch
You maturing is realizing the fact that men are spreading diseases that women get easier, cunt. Grow a pair and grow up as well, bud.
Currently, yes. Fast food doesn’t have to be cows though
I'm sorry, what?
Why do these people care more for other animals than humans ?
Go look at adsb exchange right now
Industrialists decided to kill the planet a hundred and fifty years ago, the policy decisions have been made and if policy was going to change it had to be done decades ago. Get over it
Where’d you pull that out of your ass from?
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animals bring me joy, people bring me pain
What is accomplished here? Publicity? No changes will be made
None that I know of?
Where are those guys?
Not to be a dick but ghis place is whiplash for women it's almost entirely vitriol or simping the regular nice dudes are few and far between. I'm shocked when I have a completely enjoyable conversation on here.
Grandpa has the benefit of women not being allowed to own credit cards in their own name yet. You're playing a harder version of the game.
You have to ask…?
Would you leave your partner if they turned fat, lost their hair, or are otherwise not as attractive as when you first started dating them?

State gender,
Pew Research.
If foids cared about the environment like they claim, they wouldn't buy the latest smartphones and wouldn't fuck men with cars.
>I know exactly what you mean.
>proceeds to show that he did, in fact, not know what he meant
They seem to think that animals are more pure than humans, not realizing they they can be nasty fuckers too and humans are actually animals.
>Where are those guys?
I'm here, but women rarely have conversations with me, because I wear my unattractiveness on my sleeve and not behind my anonymity.
If he became obese and there was no medical reason he couldn't just stop eating so much and get some exercise to lose it I would break up with him yes. I would not break up with him for things that are outside of his control like a medical diagnosis that would cause him to gain weight. Can't guarantee I'd still want to fuck him though.
>women are just children that can't stop having sex to save their lives.
Like I said, you can point the finger and do the gender war stuff until you die, won't change the fact you gotta grow up if you don't want to be alone.
I found this funny and feel horrible at the same time
Can you insecure men stop posting your victim, sympathy seeking nonsense already? Why do you have to look for validation every second of every day?
Just an example. You always used to hear about how shit the ozone layer was. We stopped using stuff that was bad for the ozone and it fixed itself.
So should women also wait until they are old and wrinkly with saggy boobs to date to avoid shallow men that just want to experience the joy of being able to be physically intimate with a hot young body that comes with the woman they love? Got it.
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>Grandpa has the benefit of women not being allowed to own credit cards in their own name yet. You're playing a harder version of the game.
You're saying we need to go back?
Yeah it is much harder now though, and it sucks.
yes if it's drastic. If she gains a couple of pounds I'd probably invite her to go to the gym with me or close my eyes during sex more to picture her slimmer version, but otherwise no biggie.
If she turned into a whale even after me saying that she should watch out for her health, I'd be gone without explanation
I'm a woman, but okay
Benefit for him. Not for grandma.
so if he lost all his hair, you'd stop having sex with him?
Grow up, bud, and take your own advice already. You can stop projecting and blaming women for everything as well, but of course you don’t have self awareness to realize that you do.

You guys have way higher chances of dying alone so I don’t even know why you said that to me, a woman.
>>People who like rabbits/bunnies and rats tend to cheat more.
I'm not watching that. Summarize it. Why'd they have to drag Monet into it?

Oh, is it a Peta kinda thing? Yeh, I agree with you. Protests like chaining yourself to a tree are kind stupid.
>turned fat
>lost their hair
assuming it isn't from a disease, I'd leave if they refused to wear a wig.
>otherwise not as attractive as when you first started dating them?
No I don't give a shit about balding if he's willing to shave it once it gets bad. Being fat is the deal breaker.
Surprising. That shit is annoying regardless.
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Hey, betas. It's me.

The chad of the thread. I shit on one of you yesterday and I'm back to do it again. Let's see what we have ...

Imagine being such a low status male that these are the women you have access to exclusively.
>reddit spacing
You can double down all you want but eventually what your running from will catch up to you and if it doesn't it will be there on your deathbed. All your doing is driving people away from you in this childish temper tantrum.
- loyal
- trustworthy and trusts in me
- genuinely loves me
- good at communicating, especially when it comes to communicating about needs or wrongdoings
- honest
- mutually attracted to each other, but our bond grows way deeper than that
- has a positive mindset and sees how beautiful this world is
- has a job
- responsible with money
- shows me that I'm loved
- loves to surprise me
- loves to make me smile
- not misogynist
- empathetic and respectful not only to me but to every human being
- likes physical touch even when it doesn't lead to sex
- is fine with taking things slow
- smart
- protective
- genuinely wants the best for me
- respects different opinions from his
- is proud of me
- I can talk to him about women's issues without him making it about men's issues
- sexually compatible
What's wrong with cheating?
Anon, smartphones and cars make our lives much easier. If YOU really cared about the environment you wouldn't be using a laptop. Don't point fingers.
>>31688055 was meant for >>31688044
Totally delusional cope. No scientific community in the world still believes humanity is going to survive the anthropocene mass extinction event.
Like anything I could ever do is worse than Taylor's private jet.
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>the state of Atoga today
Good god man. Did someone put something in your drink that compels you lot to act like caricatures of yourselves today?
This is just a list of red flags desu
I never claimed I do? Go clean the dishes, dumb cunt.
Nta but, how?
>have a good personality (calm, confident, kind)
>be taller than me (5'5")
>can be average height, i don't mind it at all
>be close to my looksmatch
>be in the same ug music scene
that's it.
women having standards is a red flag, the moment a woman says she needs or wants something from me that isn't fun for me I dump her.
Which is why everyone has stopped advocating for change, right?

That's total crab bucket mentality. Though I shouldn't really be surprised to find that here.
Atoga anthem: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HH9kRlPd2Qc
Another arguing and projecting incel. When are you niggers going to stop? You people hating me won’t stop me from finding a husband and living life on “easy mode”. Suck it up and get over it. Bye.
>>be taller than me (5'5")
Why is that important?
To add on, go be bitter to someone else. I don’t care to hear it.
Which youtube doomer video did you learn that one from?
Its a joke, relax.
It's another one of those days.
Sure, why not. I know of women that look good at 35-45.
Policy makers have stopped advocating for change, or in the rare cases where they have not it's just lip service
I think you need mental help, you make weird schizo jumps and assumptions about people who disagree with you. I doubt your married if this is how you act, nor will you be unless you grow up.
You're one to talk
Gotta ask, you never know what's going to set off an incel
nta Anon, a male shorter than 5'5" is an odd curiosity.
>>be close to my looksmatch
I can read between the lines, lol.
Honestly, I’ve come the the personal conclusion that women's standards are not THAT bad as people here tend to think. They’re a bit unreasonable but not prohibitively so if you have average looks and social skills.
What seems to be the challenge (at least for me personally) is actually meeting people in places that are conducive to forming a relationship and in settings where it’s welcome. The wrong first impression can really doom everything. I suppose if I bit the bullet and opened a dating app account this would be easier but my pride won’t let me.
Isn't it Japan and mudhole countries that are actually doing most of the environmental damage?
Being in Atoga in the first place disqualifies a person from getting on a high horse generally. But that won’t stop me from being an unashamed hypocrite
For the first paragraph, you really think you can reason with a bunch of bitter incel?
>never know what's going to set off an incel.
I love how women have this fictional boogie man that is somehow gang stalking all of them and making their lives living hell. This is a collective delusion that's got so out of hand that has made the majority of women in the west undesirable outside of sex.
Shame shame shame
women generally prefer when a man is taller than themselves. men evolved to be taller than women, that affects it a lot i tihnk.
>there we go with the gender war bullshit.
I don’t intend to do that. This is just my perspective on the matter.
I haven't masturbated in three days and I had a dream of a crush I had in highschool.
it's not like all men are eligible to date young women, so...
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now THIS is crab bucketing
>collective delusion
That this thread constantly perpetuates, if it is a delusion. I rarely know if someone is joking or if they believe what they're saying because tone doesn't translate through text. I take all the horrible shit guys say about women here at face value.
>you're a decent man who'd make a good partner and I'd be proud to raise my kids with
>you make me laugh and I love spending time with you
>we share the same goals in life
>I find you good looking enough
>you love me and I love you
then they go and act like them not having any standards is a good thing
not too ugly, not too attractive
I have a dream that one day I will live in a nation where female creatures will not judge men by their height but by their character.
>people on incel message board are weary of incel posters
>omg the heckin west has fallen!!!
I had a dream last night.
>Policy makers have stopped advocating for change
Anon, Canada just took steps to reduce emissions and move towards more electrical. It seems like America is really the only country that doesn't give a shit.
You guys can’t even decide what you want.
It's mostly India and China, Japan does overfish though and fishes critically endangered whales.
Did you also have a dream about shrinking them down and putting them in a tank? Kek
You can’t make this shit up
why is it that when I see a guy posting pics of himself on 4chan (usually to prove that he is indeed attractive or fit to prove an argument), other maleanons become really bitchy and seem to basically lose their minds? a lot of men never seemed to learn to control their jealousy i think.
i never see this when femanons do a similar thing (hate or nitpicking from other femanons).
F. No, it's not that important. My husband gained some weight after he stopped taking a medication a few years ago, when we started dating he was underweight at 160ish lbs and went up to 240 lbs in a year or so. He is now a healthy weight but I never stopped loving him. It only hurt he felt like shit about himself.
So it seems like education should come first. And that seems like it would take a lot time.
>Canada just took steps to reduce emissions

Oh thank God, we're saved. I will now help to expand the economy.
Link it.
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>I'm aquarious
its over for me, Isn't it? I will never find love
>Immediately changes tone when you realise its not a man
Honestly fuck y'all
My point is that most countries that give a shit haven't stopped. Only Americans.
The feeling of competition is inescapable for men
Yeah it’s jealousy, sometimes it’s just not understanding what women find attractive
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>tfw virgo
It's all a cruel cosmic joke
I don’t know what those guys are expecting to happen. If you post a selfie on a website known for its neurotic, highly nitpicky insecure users what can you realistically expect?
Imagine posting a selfie on those women message boards like lolcow… you’d be ripped to shreds
>i never see this when femanons do a similar thing (hate or nitpicking from other femanons).
Because that's pickme behavior and is unbecoming and pathetic. Jealousy is a useless emotion.
Women would all be happier if they all just dated fat and balding men.
I'm here to pass my time until I am fully over my ex again and have some therapeutic talk with people in a similar situation. Whether on the recivong end or not.
Sometimes it's also nice to flirt a bit or just blogpost about what I cooked or watched.

/atoga/ means different things for different people.
>i never see this when femanons do a similar thing
F you just blew your argument. Girls do this all the time, if not moreso.
virgo is usually ranked in top 3 most popular signs though
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Chill in the water
In your teens, did you (girls) also fantasize about stopping time and having sex/taking nude photos of people? Or is this a man's thing?
Let me rephrase what I'm trying to say:
I do not think it's weird to chose a partner who has a similar lifestyle and view on monogamy.
I do however think it's weird to decide what views someone has in that regard solely based on body count.
No, I wouldn't date a guy who is known to be a player or fuckboy or whatever.
I would however date a guy who has a high body count but consciously decided that that type of lifestyle isn't the right thing for him and left it behind. Obviously it'd take a certain amount of trust for me to believe him seen his past and I wouldn't trust him if he just decided to change his views on that type of stuff one day ago, but I wouldn't be like inherently grossed out by him as his body count is too high.
Women, would you be honest with a guy you're friends/ acquaintances with on what their looks match is?
No, ew.
I don't want to be with a woman who knows this.
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And yet I'm ranked bottom 1
Could be a good meme if the person's notion of "sucess in life" wasn't materialistic bullshit.
I already cleared the rumours. That was a different anon.
I would abstain from giving an opinion. If I don't find him attractive I'm not going to be able to do that accurately.
Women, have you ever had a desire to hate fuck?
You're projecting
>i never see this when femanons do a similar thing (hate or nitpicking from other femanons).
Have you never been here when the boob arguments are going on??
>gf says she loves my small penis
>her toys are all around 9 inches
Women are such liars
NTA but that’s kinda the behaviour we expect from women and what they’re notorious for doing. I find it very strange that the men who claim to have deeper knowledge on gender issues and stand up for men in society behave almost identically to women when they see a man who dares to be a little bit confident or vaguely not insecure. It’s almost like owning le females is a secondary factor compared to dragging other men down
Devil's advocate. Feeling jealous can sometimes indicate that a person values a relationship or possession highly. It shows that they care deeply about something and may motivate them to take steps to protect or nurture that relationship or possession. Jealousy can also lead a person to improve themselves.
I don't think you know what pickme means. Not getting angry when another woman posts a picture of herself is normal/good behavior
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Just saw a woman with big tits walking outside, jiggling around
"ooh ooh ooh ah ah"
Sorry women only men can understand this post
Me n my niggaz be bangin
Slangin them dicks around
Bussin like a super saiyan
People say confidence is key
then why do they want me to feel bad about being fat and balding?

It's like they don't want me to admit that I am or something
Projecting what? Of course I can't be sure, but it's quite clear what this "success in life" in the post entails
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If you have to clear rumours on an anonymous website you’re doing something wrong.
I know you are just writing a fanfic, but if you had a gf, she love'd it because it's yours.
I never see that happen, but men do it to each other constantly. but of course I don't use social media and only use image boards, so that could cloud my judgement.
>Guy says he likes walking
>But he drove his car to the shop
men are such fucking liars...
I don't mind angry fucking. Like pausing an argument so you can take out some frustration and orgasm so you can talk it out afterwards more calmly, or better yet decide the argument wasn't important and let it go.

But hate sex just sounds like I would hate myself afterwards for sleeping with someone I hate.
This is so true. That’s really what I be like
remember when women tried to get this picture deleted?
>that’s kinda the behaviour we expect from women
So... what, that makes it ok? You can never complain about Twitch thots now.
Kill yourself bitch. You’re imagining shit.
Confidence is key when you're good looking.
you're ugly
Feeling jealous indicates insecurity. That's it.
I think you misread because that is the exact opposite of what I'm saying. Getting angry about it is pickme behavior.
Oh the edgelord from reddit is back. Explains a lot
I'm not ugly, I'm just fat and balding. :^l
The phrase "success in life" is completely different to a pastor, a professor, a scientist, a politician etc. You read it and thought "materialistic bullshit", that's on you
No, it doesn’t make it ok. That’s kind of the point actually. It’s absurd for people to claim to know better to be behaving like bitchy high school girl bullies
Am I a weirdo for liking how I feel when I jiggle around? I think I might be.
You’re making up stupid shit. What the hell are you taking bitch?
Bald women are hot
Depends on why
Lazy bitch? yes. I have a home gym, she has no excuse
Health issues? No. Maybe. Depends how bad it gets and how attached I am.
Never seen any of the titty monster vs. chestlet stuff then?
Andrew Tate said he'd fuck a tranny
I have man titties, and they make running feel bad, I'm this close to buying a sports bra. :^)
Coom bait. Go to the timeout corner young lady
Make an OF.
I don't want to. :^k
If you are, I hope I meet more weirdo girls.
>Feeling jealous indicates insecurity.
Which may move you to change. The first step to improving is noticing something is wrong.
Hdym? About the jobs? Try it and you will see. I'm sure people here can help with you
This isn’t r/4chan buddy
Yeah I'm esl and understood your post wrong. But yeah in that case men seem to be more pickme than women lol.
*with your resume (omitting personal details)
I was half-joking but just saying from what you wrote I was like hmm hmm I agree
Obvs I don't know you personally lol
if its so useless then why do we have it
Qt map asked on July 1st: https://archive.4plebs.org/adv/thread/31536914/#31538296
>when did I say that?
Qt map on June 20th: https://archive.4plebs.org/adv/thread/31473392/#31474141
>Uncle getting jiggy with it
... ok. :(
I think I've seen it once or twice yeah, not constatly like with bitchy maleanons ngl.
You’re allowed to leave in 5 minutes. Please think about your behaviour
>not making any sense like a Down syndrome patient
Now I see that you’re just retarded as shit. I know for a fact that you look just are retarded and slow as you sound right now.
I mean there is more to life than materialism and bagging the hottest chicks bro. Lots of people with poorfag jobs still have nice gfs
Never I think?
I still think guys instigate that because it makes them horny or something.
>had a dream that I got ball cancer
You can think "I want that" without feeling jealousy though. Jealousy doesn't motivate action it motivates thinking poorly of other people because they have something you want.
Thanks for the gold kind stranger!
>dream about me and a girl named Alyse singing the French version of chick habit. She sang the high note in the song, the song played again, focusing on a black guy with short dreads, a black jacket, and jeans, and a sunset at some point, but this time the high note went lower and sounded creepy.
Actually, its not. I know she likes my peepee.
It just kills me on the inside when she's going through ovulation on its highest, she prefers to watch porn and use her toys over me.
One time, we were on a phone call while I was busy doing work, and she was just masturbating, and when I told her I would like if she'd include and that I'd go home, she just ignored me.

It fucking kills me on the inside, I feel so unwanted, unattractive, unmanly.
M, no ofc not if I love the person
I always act like a caricature of myself here desu
Why do we still have appendixes even though they provide no benefit and occasionally explode and kill people?
Women why are you so mean to lonely men?
because its the best part of the lord of the rings
Sour grapes kek. I had this when I posted in rate me threads on /soc/, a girl would say something nice then suddenly guys started shittin
Jealousy is not envy. Jealousy typically arises in situations involving relationships or interpersonal dynamics. It is the feeling of insecurity, fear, or concern over a potential loss of something valuable that one already possesses, such as a relationship, status, or affection. For example, a person might feel jealous if they perceive a romantic partner showing interest in someone else, fearing the possibility of losing their partner's love or attention. Envy, on the other hand, usually involves feelings of longing, resentment, or coveting something that someone else possesses, something that one does not have but desires. Envy is directed towards another person's qualities, achievements, possessions, or advantages. For instance, someone might feel envious of a friend's new car, wishing they could afford one themselves.
Lonely men give what they take in spades. Just observe this thread…
Anyway they aren’t real humans like me so I don’t have to feel bad for them
Produced a genuine chuckle. I like you.
A lot of men like that absolutely despise women and idealize killing or abusing women. And then they get whiny when a woman ignores them.

Modern male = victim complex
Virgo virgins where we at
You can still be confident in yourself as a person, while acknowledging your less-than-ideal characteristics
My sister's bf is bald and gotten a bit skinnyfat since leaving blue collar job but just jokes about it
The function of the appendix is known. It just rarely crops up anymore due to modern food safety.
>Modern male = victim complex
Go outside and meet people in the real world I’m begging you
As opposed to unlonely men who actually do kill women
Modern female = victim blaming
this is so tiring...
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>You can still be confident in yourself as a person, while acknowledging your less-than-ideal characteristics
>My sister's bf is bald and gotten a bit skinnyfat since leaving blue collar job but just jokes about it
I personally think I look great. :^D
Bro it's called a joke and then I said I was glad the nonce cunt was dead lol
A lot of you blame women endlessly for your made up issues. They can’t stop being victims every second of every day. Why would I care?
yep i was talking to an anon the other day basically complimenting him and having a nice flirty convo. i don't mind giving attention if a guy is brave enough to post himself on an image board (outside of /soc/). but other anons kept butting in constantly and insulting him and how he'll never meet a woman, it was interesting lol.
Backup gut flora. Redundancy.
No, it isn't. People's view of "success" isn't defined by their job. The post states implicitly: women are interested in the kind of "intelligence" that brings you money, and being knowledgeable about something that doesn't bring you money isn't really being intelligent.

With materialistic standards, the pastor, professor, scientist and politician have all the same view of success: money, comfort and prestige (those 3 to a varying degree).
Based femanon
Look at how angry and whiny they got. Many modern men act like very much like trannies lol.
Take your own advice
It is your fault. How is it not?? It’s not our responsibility to make sure you’re okay.
>feeling of insecurity
Exactly what I said at the start. What was the point of this? Jealousy is insecurity and it is always unattractive. If a guy is jealous that means he's not confident that he can keep me and he's creating a self fulfilling project by doing that.

If a romantic partner of mine shows interest in someone else I don't feel jealously I feel disrespected and angry. If they don't want me I don't want them.

Jealousy and Envy are synonymous depending on who you ask and both are centered around being covetous.
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Aww how romantic. The two lovers met each other again on a different board
Let's get that green buddy
Ya, crabs in a bucket fr
4chan does not have modern men, anon.
>Take your own advice
I have a long time ago. And it has enabled me to stop painting 50% of the entire planet with one brush. You should try it sometime
>It’s not our responsibility to make sure you’re okay.

Refusing to accept that it is your responsibility is the core problem with you, yes.
I know we're all autistic here but you get my point.
>Why would I care?
Of course you don't. Because we're not real humans to you
Nah, I'm going be a cashier and and then eventually move into the rural lands where I can get killed by coyotes.
>b-because you just m-must ok?!
No thanks. I prefer low maintenance men personally. But I pray that one day you’ll learn to wipe your own ass
>it motivates thinking poorly of other people because they have something you want.
This part is not jealousy, it's envy. Yes, it's a little autistic of me.
I just said the reason why, anon….
The rural to coyote pipeline
>Men bad when don't open up
>Men bad when open up
Fine then insert whatever definition makes you happy
>Because you perceive that they could take something you have
Whatever. My point still stands. Jealous men are insecure men and I don't want em.
There you proving why you don’t deserve love. Grow up.
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>Because we're not real humans to you
Come on don’t be like that man. I was shitposting when I said that
I'm pretty low maintenance.
I just need a "I love you" every other day, and a "I don't mind that you're fat and balding" every other month.
also nta
>tfw about to accept job as clinic receptionist
>tfw just got interview for job in flower shop
aaah idk whether to just take the first job or wait on the second (which I may not get then I might lose both)... might be fun to try something new though
they're both minimum wage and similar distance away
how do you decide what job you want to do...
>If they don't want me I don't want them.
That is totally sour grapes mentality. Real "you can't fire me, I quit" Kinda childish. Expected of a woman.
chad shit
I take whatever I can get.
What does the flower shop job entail?
i reject your stereotype of lonely men
Can I be jealous in the protective sense?
>whines and complains 24/7
>more annoying than any woman
Tranny 100%
In terms of dating that’s completely reasonable. We call a person who wants someone who doesn’t want them a “simp”.
Why should anyone stick around for that shit?
>flower shop




Do you think "Chad" feels jealousy? Because he doesn't. If someone disrespects him he moves on. Don't tolerate subpar treatment because you're "afraid to lose" someone.
that interaction i had wasn't on /soc/, while his was. but it's a qt idea.
I’m going to take your family hostage and force you to do cardio every day until you’re no longer fat. That way it will save me a lot of effort on the affirmations I need to give you
It seems kinda "if you can't handle me at my worst, you don't deserve me at my best".
4chan only has modern western men with victim complexes, anon.
Just be protective then. There's no need to be jealous.

If I see a woman getting a little too friendly with my boyfriend from across the room I will go over and give him a kiss and hug to make it known that he's taken but I don't stare daggers at the girl the rest of the night or hover around him the rest of the night like a hawk.
I'm not wearing any panties
Because he knows he can easily get someone else. Not everyone has that luxury.
Too bad it’s not about you, huh. Good for you.
It really doesn’t. I don’t know how you reached that conclusion. I hope you don’t stick around pining for women that don’t want you.
Find God.
I'm not, I mainly just don't care about them particularly.
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Why would I be protective if I wasn't somewhat jealous of something? If I didn't give a shit about it? They are somewhat intertwined.
I'm only mean to men who are misogynistic
>Because he knows he can easily get someone else.
It is a luxury. Confidence is a fuckload easier to develop for beautiful people. It we all need to try.

You need to value yourself as a person beyond your attractiveness to the opposite sex. If you think you're a good person who deserves good things you won't tolerate being treated poorly.
>I take whatever I can get
I mean that's my usuall strategy too kek
Shop assistant so basically just talking to customers, watering the plants and tidying, restocking stuffs
Tbf when I worked at a garden center before there weren't too many Karens. And most of the rude patients at clinic were men desu
male hands
Women would be far happier if they dated me.
Oh, you don't think so? Prove me wrong by dating me, then.
I don't really have family, but I appreciate the thought, lol.
Just need to wait for summer to pass, this shit is way too intense.

I was petting my cat the other day, and I actually worked up a sweat just bending down and squatting a while, so fucking humid.
Had a nightmare where I was using a milling machine, working on aluminum, while naked. I look down and see blood, then pull a corkscrew shaped shaving of aluminum out of the tip of my penis, then I wake up. Worst dream I've had in a while. Does it mean anything?
Should be up my skirt when I’m not wearing panties
Why do you need to be jealous to be protective if your girlfriend is getting hit on in front of you? If she's not receptive you go save her and if she is receptive you get mad. Where does jealousy come in to that?
>it's a qt idea.
in another universe...
This is just called not being insecure
Which let's face it 95% of us on this website struggle to do, hence someone who does is "chad" lol
But women don't like dating men with AGP, anon.
>I mean that's my usuall strategy too kek
Get higher pay or if the difference isn't that big, closest one
Money is money, but if that's pretty much no difference, then Time is money.
Me neither!
Well, I guess i DO have A Great Penis
We are men who act feminine most violent?
Erm checkmate women. You lost
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Honestly there's a lot of fucking shit going to happen once the majority of young men have nothing to lose. All it takes is one good politician to rally those men behind him and start a war.
I was trying to speak to you guys in language you would understand lol

Confidence really fucking is key. And faking it til you make it does work. You just feel stupid for a while at first.
Why am I hooked up on being miserable and delululu, unable to accept help from others
Just stop being avoidant.
For me how much I enjoy a job and it feels rewarding is the biggest factor
I think working in clinic is a bit easier to get that but it can get boring sometimes
Anyway I'm going to pub with ppl but ttyl
>so fucking humid.
I tried to walk my dog in the rain, since he needs to go potty, but the typhoon is making it so it's literally pouring the entire week.
and while it was nice and cold in the rain with the wind, once I got him back, it instantly turned hot and humid, god, if I can choose, I'm going to pick a country that's dry and chilly
Violence is a female trait
>I'm going to pub with ppl but ttyl
chad shit
I don't want to touch male genitals. Sorry
Both sayings can be seen as a form of entitlement. That one deserves unconditional acceptance and appreciation without considering the dynamics of mutual respect and compromise in relationships. This promotes a lack of accountability and discourages self improvement. Also justifies emotional manipulation under the guise of self-worth or self-expression.
Shit test passed 100%
Avoidant? I have way too many meme diagnoses at this point anon, no more
touch horse
It's not a diagnose, but how you behave.
Violence is a male trait*
Feminine men are just more neurotic, which makes them act out when paired with their natural violent male tendencies.
>You need to value yourself as a person beyond your attractiveness to the opposite sex.
This. Even if just because you know it will eventually fade. And then you have nothing.
The fuck are you talking about?
If I'm not a tiny bit jealous I won't give a crap that someone's hitting on her.
Hot, crush my head between your thighs.
Women, are you still looking for the Jim to your Pam?
>I won't give a crap
If she's not uncomfortable then you not giving a crap is fine she's a big girl she can shake him off herself.
How many women actually think like this though? They want their big, strong knight in shining armor to protect them.
Oh, I do act like that. I wonder if it's a coping mechanisms
Spanking your wife to correct her behavior should be legalised and mandatory.
If I ask him for help and he doesn't that's fucked up because all he needs to do is slide over and put his arm around my shoulder but I think it's kind of funny if he comes over afterwards and we both make fun of the guy who was hitting on me.
Describe, before I pass judgment in a bad way.
>if he comes over afterwards and we both make fun of the guy who was hitting on me
Because he dared to make a move on someone he found attractive?
I don't know how to describe my life. I long for human connection but shy away because I feel like I'll be judged, I don't accept help because I'll fail anywya
That's my point, you shouldn't even need to ask for help. Women look down on a guy that doesn't think to step in if he's right there.
Women pump up their own ego and confidence by putting down those that dared to like them.
women why do you hate seeing men happy?
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men who look depressed are my type
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What's the appeal of nipple piercings?
How old are you?
I talked the past two days here with two other femanons who were also avoidant and have their social battery drained easily, plus it's how my ex hurt me several times.

Do you ghost people or take days to reply? What do you think are your main issues?
I mean I'm not that keen desu as wanted to do more today but I'm sure it'll be alright, I could do with a few beers lol
interesting pic, i've never seen bushy eyebrows on a naturally blonde woman
There's no appeal. Women just do it for whatever reason. Like septum piercings
Uh why
nta but sounds like avoidant personality disorder.
I find it more unusual that she has fake nails on as a runner.
So you like fat and balding guys.
Chad shit, drinking and partying with different girls every other day
No rebuttal? Ok, guess I won.
i can save him
can be chubby, or balding, but ideally not both..
They taste like pennies and I am all about change
Women do you massage or play with the balls when you give blowjobs?
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>but ideally not both..
Why not, lmao, that's the quintessential depressed fit.
Yes I do
I feel drained by social activities hard so there's that too, insecurity

Not this...
I actually would be okay with being spanked for being late to things. It might help. Then again it might make it worse.
Same old "us vs them" mentality anon. It's funny because he never had a chance and maybe he has stupid shoes.
Empathy is a virtue, and not a lot of people have it.
>shouldn't even need to ask for help
When I say ask for help I mean make eye contact with him. Idk I'm used to dealing with it by myself because I dated a musician for years so I had to handle myself while he was playing gigs. I probably am not the average example but this is my genuine opinion.
>Not this...
Why don't you think that?
unironically why do people online say they like autistic women but irl it gets you nothing but insults and attempts at friendship turning to rubbish without ever really knowing why
not even a question really, more of a venting comment
Want to be my friend?
So, what, I'm supposed to join in to make you feel better? That's kinda sadistic ngl. Is your ego really that fragile?
I can't explain it but it does things to my brain.
a lil bit
i think that only other autistic women genuinely like autistic women.
some neurotic men also say they like autistic women, but they usually just mean a woman who acts just like their favorite anime character.
Can women understand that confidence is often a facade? Put that typically attractive, well dressed and assertive man face to face with a tall, insanely muscular brute who is also witty but unmannerly. Your pretty boy will cower in fear and revert to "uncharacteristic" behavior if he feels danger.
How do I force women to respect me?
Desu I think it's mostly the perception that they'll be "easier" based on an idealized version of the disorder. When presented with the reality people get upset.
You don't like me, you just like a fictionalized version of me.
Eh, you learn to deal with people who are mean for no reason.
you kind of have to if you want to survive in this world.
>Can women understand that confidence is often a facade?
Uh yeah I did that for like 5 years. True confidence is apparently not giving a shit because I have transcended.
Cool, you like it?
Men who are successful with women don't seek to transcend, they just want to fool you long enough to get what they want. And women are easier to fool than other men.
These are most likely correct.
The men who fetishize mental illness think those women are easier to get or some freaky form of innocence around them.
It really is the equivalent of grooming underaged girls.
my bf isn't mega tall (5'10") and not muscular, but other men generally really respect him since he's charismatic and fun to be around. I don't think any brute has ever tried to fuck with him because of that. This is good for me.
>And women are easier to fool than other men.
Why do people think like this? Are we more naive in general?
the hair on my face doesn't fully connect on one side. should I have it cut into a chinstrap so I have some facial hair around the jaw or just cut off both sides and leave the goatee?
They're essentially a fidget toy, and you guys seem to like it so I'm happy to oblige.
Would/do you give your partner a blowjob most of the time you have sex? What is your style of blowing like?
>It really is the equivalent of grooming underaged girls.
I am mildly offended by that. :)
>It really is the equivalent of grooming underaged girls
But there seems to be no alternative
Certain things blind you easily. I think you lower your guard and turn off your brain when conditions are met.
>don't seek to transcend
Correct. They have no need to because they're already there.
And they don't need to fool me either he can just move on to the next woman.
Anon means from the guy's perspective. A predatory kind of thing.
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femanons, whats on your mind today
I think that anon means they're the guy who's into it
Oh, ok. Like you guys and boobs kinda?
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I have Depression, ADHD, social anxiety, no way I have something like an avoidant personality syndrome. That's one step too far, I'd be a walking meme
women why do you hate when men are vulnerable about their insecurities?
What I usually end up doing in a relationship is giving round 2 or 3 of the day to the blowjob. If we only have sex once it'll probably be penetrative maybe with a little oral as a warm up.
i could look like that if i gained some weight.. i have actual noodle arms and ribs show a lot, i don't like it.
other than being insecure, i've thought about my crush.
I doubt a guy would use an emoticon in that circumstance to lessen the appearance of confrontation.
Not exactly, because purely from a physical attraction standpoint there are more men drawn to small boobs and zeroass than there are women drawn to 5'9" guys.
Why are we allowed to be born ugly if people treat ugly people so much worse?
So you like just going down on your man's cock and giving him som stress release, even if you are not into the whole game again?
Uhh how good is your jawline?
>social anxiety
Ok, well, this then.
Women don't though. Sounds like you're the type who only whines about how muh women hate you.
I believe in you. that body isnt hard to achieve at all
Hate is too strong a word but it weirds me out because the stereotype is that a guy is supposed to be more stable than me.
I mean it's generally mutual but I'm not opposed to dispensing free blowjobs especially if I'm consistently orgasming more than once during individual sex sessions. Feels fair.
>a guy is supposed to be more _______ than me.
Blank field now. Pick any word to continue.
nta anon, boobs will put a guy in headlights regardless of their size.
Love you, keep it up
That's a meme.
Ah so a little 69 on the side?
Do you also swallow?
OH, OH... violent.
>anon got instantly triggered
She's right.
You know what, I could too fuck this shit I'm eating some peanut butter and going to climb some hills.
You gay, bro?
Violent? Like towards you? Do you wqnt him to just force his cock inside your pussy or what?
Are you?
Thankfully women don't walk around with their boobs out. Men, however, do walk around with their height on full display unless they have an extremely bad posture.
As for their guard being lowered, generally there are few opportunities to see boobs out and about so men don't necessarily know how to react. But tall men can be quite common in the life of a young woman.
Anon, what is wrong with you? I even said "stereotype". :)
I'm not a big fan of 69ing. I find it hard to focus on either thing well so I usually ask if we can just take turns.
For my bum
Stereotypes aren't bad and they influence you a lot anyway :^)
I mean just in generally really.

>Do you want him to just force his cock inside your pussy or what?
I'm taking the Fifth on this one.
I hate when women say "I'm just joking, lol", more often than not the controversial opinion they expressed is actually just straight up their opinion that they wanted to lessen the impact of but claiming it in a joking matter.
Indiscriminate breeding time.
EVERYONE bend over.
I think this seems right. It's just exhausting. I really try to make friends sometimes. I tried to share common interests but sometimes people just don't like it or they get angry at me and I don't know why. I made a real effort recently with someone I thought was interesting and suddenly they just accused me of being autistic. I admitted I had aspergers and they looked so pleased with themselves it made me feel sick. I really despise people (reddit types) who glamourise this and pretend it's basically like being normal. The good part is that I suppose I don't get that lonely on my own most of the time.
Thanks for listening anyway anons. I don't mean to make it about myself. I just don't really talk to anyone else.
>I'm eating some peanut butter and going to climb some hills.
let's do it!! gaining weight seems easy, but motivation is also needed if you naturally don't have a big appetite.
Hoe_math jooookes video basically
Too bad I'm not American so I,m just going to ask youtright how you want to be taken?
Assplay too?
Am I undateable if my english skills are valued C1 for everything except speaking which is B2?
Would it be annoying to hear me saying "I cook-a da pizza"?
>they looked so pleased with themselves it made me feel sick
This recently happened to me also. Why do normies do this? I mean, is it really difficult to sus out autism?
I think incels would be happier if they became modern day eunuchs and lived among women like in ye old times. They are often very feminine anyway in the first place.
Not jk.
Women do everything in their power not to be challenged. There are multiple layers to this.
Hah. Means exercising my right to remain silent and not incriminate myself. Oddly enough, I don't like anal.
What happens if you challenge them or call them out? Do they dry up or get off to it?
Please don't do that, I have a fear of confrontation.
>english skills are valued C1 for everything except speaking which is B2?
That's better than half the native speakers I know lol. You're fine.
Ugh don't I know it. I have some "medicinal" motivation but it's only effective if the hunger level and desirability of the food check out. If I don't want the food it ain't happening.

You'd think we'd be able to manage it, people are supposed to want to eat lol. I feel like I'm perpetually gaining and losing 5 pounds instead of the 10-15 I want to gain.
I think their non-confrontational nature coupled with their need to appear to be good and virtue signal, on top of the fact that most human just aren't good people, make certain groups of women infuriatingly annoying.

Like evil men with none of the social grace of women would just be seen as evil, and you just look at them and go, he's evil, and move on
but women who are equally bad, will often have more social grace, maybe not by a large margin, but enough to mask it from most people not paying attention, and that just makes them that much more evil and annoying to those that notice
What if I'm nice about it? I don't mean to get mad at you or anything, it's just that your bullshit sometimes gets old lol
Depend. Can I make Mario jokes?
>Means exercising my right to remain silent and not incriminate myself.
The joke was that it won't apply in our conversation...
Fear leads to arousal. You can monitor the female closely and find that she may cross her legs.
Would you get mad at me or feel hurt if I repeat things the way you said them because I thought it was funny or the sound was pleasing to my brain?
I will stutter and stumble and feel really silly. I may even blush.
Pls no bully
100% moid behavior
Then I say chinstrap
>I'm not a big fan of 69ing. I find it hard to focus on either thing well so I usually ask if we can just take turns.
I'm similar. I find it easier if it's a bj and he's fingering me, though. It's one of our favorite things lol. I'm surprised it's not more common.

Pretty much every time, unless we're having a quickie/lazy sex/kitchen sex
>with gf last night
>kinda drunk getting soft with each other
>she loves to talk shit and is super witty
>makes a joke about the first night we slept together
>"yeah I guess I just thought you'd be better in bed,"
>kinda hit me off guard and ask if she actually felt that way
>tells me she was joking, clearly, as she initiates sex a lot
>open up about how its really important to me that she enjoys herself
>she tells me she sometimes feels shy or bad because I'm a lot more experienced than she is and she can't always tell if I enjoy it
>tell her I've felt the same way in the past
>have a convo about it, she tells me she appreciates me talking about it
>i tell her the same
>this morning she's super lovey, telling me she loves me and is deep in it with me, wants to see me saturday morning before we go out with her parents
>embracing me a lot, tells me she doesn't wanna leave
>kisses me goodbye and says she loves me

I then saw her before she went into work and I thanked her for opening up and she said "i like how we're at work right now because I'd be all over you if I could. Thats completely normal and this is how its going to be as long as we're together. We can talk to eachother about anything,"
Laugh and flirt together for 10 minutes before I leave.

Is this what a healthy relationship is actually like? being able to communicate your insecurities and shit and have meaningful convos about them together? like what the fuck?
Please expand on that information
Yeah sure
If you feel like saying it just say it, I also think my pronunciation is funny
Then you're ok in my book, anon.
Yeah that would turn me on lol
>If you feel like saying it just say it
You are hereby deemed dateable
This person subs to female twitch streamers, you can tell from their aura.
Ideally, yes.
>this is how its going to be as long as we're together
Yeahhhh, about that…
yes to me it sounds like you got a really good relationship. this is what people should strive for, instead of acting like dating and relationships is come kind of competition between men vs. women.
>I even said "stereotype"
like that makes it any better
>if I laugh I get punished!
Heh, thinly veiled kinks.
>yeahhhh, about that....

what you mean?

I'm not used to this shit and she knows I've been hurt really bad in the past and I'm not used to being able to talk about stuff like this
Do you like giving head? Do you let him finish in your mouth?
that's ironically one of my icks.
men who follow, engage, watch, associate with women who use their attractiveness to garner online clout.
Why do women think the vast majority of men even care about the "male loneliness crisis" or male suicide rates or whatever? I really couldn't give a fuck about the average man anymore than she could, it's not the dig that women think it is. Do women understand that men view almost all men outside of their family and friends as competition? If dudes become trannies and cut their dicks off or niggers shoot each other daily or middle aged men off themselves then that is directly good for me.
>what you mean
All couples think that in the beginning. But hey, maybe you two are the exception.
I don't write the rules, anon, I just follow them.
>i can save him
Pls save me, been dealing with it most of my life.
Vulnerability and insecurity are hot, I know personality meme is overused but those two things unironically make women attractive
There she goes with the non-accountability again
just don't shitposting woman-hating anons affect you too much lol. trust yourself, trust her as well if she's shown she's a good person.
Why don't girls grow blonde hair?
Okay which of you is the fellow ADHD/ASD femanon who I was bonding with the day before last. Solidarity <3

>Thanks for listening anyway anons. I don't mean to make it about myself. I just don't really talk to anyone else.
I like hearing your experiences, it's nice for me.
Back in middle school I embraced the "lol so randumb" thing of the time since people were already calling me a weirdo. It's like that comic, "jokes on you I was being retarded on purpose"
Oh here's a social flop middle school memory that haunts me: I thought I was so cool and one of the guys by "rough housing" with them... By punching them in the gut when I saw them. They just tensed up and tried to laugh it off since they didn't want to seem "weak" from being punched by a girl. I thought their laughs were genuine. Until one blew up, yelled at me, and never spoke to me again. Oops.

Eventually I learned that leaning into the weirdo persona was actually damaging more than helping, and I learned to fake being a normie.
>attractiveness to garner online clout.
Aw. Am I allowed to do it a little bit?

This after a lot of male anons on here said they would do the same if they could.
Autistic men say that online and then normal fags bully autistic women irl.
ah yeah no i see what you're saying

yeah good point
That first thing my eyes focused on was her pits
I guess I'm a pits guy.
I have a crush on a guy and I think I'm annoying, we're both quiet around each other(which is my fault but that is due to various things, I didn't have a crush on him immediately) but there's obvious sexual tension between us. I guess my thing is that I keep seeing him outside of school accidentally and I kind of hate thinking that he's pissed off when he sees me, and also, I guess my question is what would be the best way to just be able to talk as normal people when we've been awkward previously? I guess my other question is how often guys can be sexually attracted to someone yet dislike the person.
Suppose that's true, it seems like most men don't care about each others issues. if you spend a lot of time on image boards that can warp your perception of men a bit though, that all men are some kind united beta front against all women.
This is awesome. Thank you for sharing. It's great to hear about healthy relationships like this. How do you feel looking back at the comment she made? I have some ideas on how to interpret it favorably if you're still hung up on it
what are you like?
She will leave you, actually she is fucking Chad at work at this very moment because she thinks you're a gay softboi
>it seems like most men don't care about each others issues.
NTA, obviously lmao, but I do try to care for other male Anon, those are less whiny and are just lonely, since most women wouldn't even bother responding to them.
Isolation kills the mind and the soul, so I try to reply to them when I can.
Yeah and yeah
What makes you so convinced that he's pissed off and dislikes you?
I'm not really hung up on it but go ahead and shoot anyway.
She talks loads and loads of shit. She's really witty and clever and we give it back and forth to eachother most times
>those are less whiny and are just lonely
Same, you can tell when a guy just needs a pat on the back, or when they're just dumping their entire responsibility and duty onto you.
Offer to blow him, if you're good at giving head that's the easiest way to get a dude to fall for you, no way around it
Her eyes are perfect.
I honestly didn't even notice her eyes.
could've been written by me, i'm in a really similar situation with my own crush. almost never talk to each other, but feel like there's a lot of tension between us.
he seems jaded to me and perhaps that means he's unlikely to go out of his way to pursue women, but at the same time i'm mega shy and have a hard time showing even a small amount of attraction openly towards anyone.
but i do think that if a person is having a crush, and it doesn't get resolved, that crush will likely just keep getting stronger and stronger until you eventually snap and do something about it. but it's probably more ideal to try to ease into it. talk to him more and try to realistically gauge his interest/attraction towards you. think of it like a game, your goal is to find out what he thinks and how he sees you exactly.
Nta but really? Better than letting him nut inside and making him yummy food?
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I need to marry this girl.
Some blonde women are cunts and some are not, some are chill. I wish I had auburn hair ngl.
I'm funny and very chill, I can talk a lot though and I try to be very kind and Romantic.
Then you're one of the rare ones
Could work, depends on what he's like and what you're offering. But we will want to have intercourse with any woman we're interested in first and then decide if she's good enough and if we have feelings for her
I'm not that rare, I've learned to stop women on the pedestal and realized the simple reality that most people are not that good, hence, most women are just evil.
neither, they're both me and I almost never post and certainly never on /adv/ but it would've been inappropriate to do it anywhere else
>I thought I was so cool and one of the guys by "rough housing" with them... By punching them in the gut when I saw them.
I know someone who did that for some reason. I think she saw it on TV. I couldn't tell whether people liked it or disliked it.
>Eventually I learned that leaning into the weirdo persona was actually damaging more than helping, and I learned to fake being a normie
This is the part I find hard because it seems almost impossible to even know why things go wrong. I couldn't tell you why attempts at friendship seem to so consistently fall apart. They don't give feedback. Things just seem fine and then suddenly they're not. I'm not sure what else can even be said about that.
why are you depressed though? and it's nice that you don't seem like you're "too far gone" to the point where you become a guy who is very bitter/hates everyone
>then decide if she's good enough
Haha pass
Why is this general always so blackpilling?
It's like I'm from a different species
>I've learned to stop women
I've learned to stop *putting women
Because the world is cruel and uncaring.
Live for yourself and only yourself.
What a bitter sad creature. Hating women obsessively doesn't solve male issues, anon. But you seem like you're too far down the redpill rabbithole.
What blackpills have you seen itt today?
Do you think women will evolve extra brains in their boobs since they can formula feed now?
I don't hate them, I just realized that they're not inherently good or nice because they're women, they have to show kindness for me to recognize their kindness.
One is that she had this unrealistic idea that it would be this absolutely mind blowing event, especially if she was a virgin. Then she had to adjust her expectations to enjoy what's actually happening. So not necessarily that you're bad comparatively to the rest of the world, but that the sex itself wasn't what she expected.

Alternatively, let's say that you genuinely didn't have the "skills" and she expected you to immediately just know intuitively what felt the best for her. It takes some time to figure each other out and experiment. What worked on the girls you were with in the past might not necessarily be what feels best to her. So as you get to know each other, it naturally refines.

Also, sex is the best with people you have a deep bond with (in my experience). She may have been expecting a surge of love that ended up not that intense, since you were still getting to know each other.

So overall, less about your abilities personally, and more about her having inaccurate expectations.
Well by seeing him I don't mean spending time with him, I just literally mean seeing him, like at the store etc. I mean I have seen him with a female friend and we three hung out together but it clearly threw him off to be around her, they also can actually talk. Around me he seems curious about me, things I do and sort of looks at me sexually or purposefully avoids looking at me sexually, which may just be how men are wired even if they don't really like you and he acts more shy but I am more shy.
Their whole body language changes when you contradict them. They may secretly enjoy losing arguments with men if they're sexually submissive but they'll never admit it.

Someone should do a study where men shout at women and arousal is measured in real time.
yep. don't put anyone on a pedestal, but also don't mistreat the other gender just for their gender, that just make you miserable.
Any of the sexhavers
I'm not really seeing anything in there that indicates he dislikes you
So the fact some people have sex is blackpilling to you?
I think one of the core issues that people who thing being autistic "is cute" have just never interacted on a person like that on a non-surface level. They have no idea how hard it is om both parties and see it as just something uwu.

If you are the femanon with those issue, it's not directed at you, but at the guys who think what I mentioned above about fetishizing you.
Just the same way a teenager isn't at fault for getting groomed, it isn't your fault for being fetishized.
Yeah, she told me she enjoys it when we fuck, which I believe her because of how often she initiates it or how often we have sex in general.
She also told me that she thinks sex is best with someone you really care about and that she loves everything that we do and that I make her feel special.
I think she was just talking shit when she said that.
So is it a safer bet to always call them out on their crap or should I always play along with it and bullshit even more for fun? The second option sounds better for me
Is it fucked up if i don't invite a relative to spend thanksgiving because she has anorexia and i want to enjoy my holiday?
Last time i ate a meal with her she ate half a cup of quinoa for dinner and that is it. She kept getting up and walking around during the meal. She also photographs all her food that she doesnt eat. She is nice enough but i don't want that vibe at my house. How would i explain that i dont want her there?
Not being nice to them isn't mistreating them, it's being neutral towards them.
Most of the time, women aren't really neutral towards men, they're actively hostile, though plenty of men are actively hostile towards anyone.
Just go on vacation on thanksgiving and have a nice dinner in a remote cabin.
Yeah, pretty fucked up. Eating disorders are brutal to live with. You're a selfish piece of shit tbqh.
>women ignore me and i'm unpopular with women
>this means i'm being abused by women!
What a fag
Are vaginas basically tiny dicks with a hole where the balls should be?
dude that is cold
I didn't ask for your story, but thanks for sharing.
I like this idea
>women aren't really neutral towards men, they're actively hostile
What kind of shitty third world hole is this where your daily interactions with women IRL are HOSTILE?

Who you invite is your decision.
But how much and what somebody eats is their decision.
Is your Amerifat dinner really just about eating some shit or is there more to it?
She is in her 30s and needs to get treatment the same way a junkie does.
>What kind of shitty third world hole
US, I guess you'd be accurate to describe it that way.
You should let them win sometimes because it makes their cogs spin faster.
Because even here I'm not even normal
I'm just a pathetic outcast
Like I'm a different species of person
So is it better to just pretend you don't have insecurities in front of women?
That's not what you asked. You asked about the level of fucked-up you are, which happens to be in the millions/10
I can be all of that except not misogynistic
>open up
she will now cheat on you
it is over
by definition
No, dicks are enlarged clits with a vagina that grew shut.
Still whining? It's okay to be feminine.
Cry more. she is selfish for being weird in public. I'm going to enjoy my holiday and invite everyone but her
Insecurities exist because there are people out there who will confirm them for you, you don't want to find that person.
So no, your job is to wear them on your sleeves and to numb yourself so you can find the one that's honest with you.
Then maybe do not go to a thread where men and women are.
you are both disgusting
Is your insecurity
>wah alll women hate meee
The femcels will look up and shout "save us" and I'll whisper
>Not (You), hoe
How do you know?
What a post, I suppose you're the hostile man I talked about.
I'll save her
>mention that you don't go out of your way to treat a person better just because they are woman
>people start tweaking
What causes this?
Nta, but third world female creatures are very kind because men are allowed to punish them if the females start killing babies or cheat too much.
I have no idea, Anon.
That's your prerogative but it makes you human garbage
So I'm not to be anywhere?
I know that my only real option is suicide but I'm just too much of a pussy
Yes, it's fucked up. She's family and you should support her and provide a social net to her. It is also completely understandable.
Just acknowledge that one day you'll be old and those you've helped will be there for you at your funeral, remembering you as a good person. And those you've not helped will not be there and have forgotten you. If you don't care about an empty funeral, you should visit one before you die, and see how sad it is to have passed and been immediately forgotten.
Tfw no rorschach bf
I feel lonely and like I'll never find love, and that no one wants me.
I've been depressed for a long time, it started from being bullied pretty bad in school.
rorschach was an incel
Worrying about funeral attendance is a reflection of your own insecurity. I'm not worried about that
I guess that's why you're so defensive. Thanks for the (You)s regardless, feminine anon.
Sure, Anon.
I will sleep well regardless of how you feel.
Men have you eaten your own cum not as a fetish but just to see what it tastes like
>female creatures
Stop being this edgy little boy.
Nobody will ever take you seriously.
>why are you depressed though
I don't get my pee pee polished inside other people's mouths enough
a good kind of incel, he was pure and his beliefs led him to go against "the rules".
i also have a fetish for masks so that's a part of it, sorry.
Female Creatures is a reference to a movie, dum dum.

No, they usually get nipple herpes
Wow, you must have been really turned on during the Covid pandemic
If everything triggers you then yeah, your only option is to lock yourself in your room and avoid the internet as well as all media.
It has the flavor and texture of turkey gravy.
Which one of these would you date instead?

Tradcel homophobe >>31688766
Euphoric gender equalitist >>31688740
that's a bit interesting because you say you're fun/chill. i suppose usually people who got bullied end up as very shy and awkward. i ended up like that at least. i love you anon.
but if I'm forced to pick, I'd rather not be around anyone that just says fag a lot.
covid masks don't do anything for me, it must be more or less full coverage or else my fetish doesn't trigger.
>those are less whiny and are just lonely, since most women wouldn't even bother responding to them
Thats funny because i only ever get responses when i post provocative questions. No one gives a fuck if i just say i'm sad or lonely
Why would you want that I'm p sure he canonically smells terrible. And is a fucking nutcase.
>I'm too cool to memento mori
which is why you'll be forgotten but my grandkids will be smiling at the heavens thinking about me
can you say the same?
at least I can call people niggers, right?
Thank you, I love you too.
And I my friends find me fun and chill, but no matter how many dates I go on I just never meet anyone who wants to be with me.
i can't not want him, dunno why. but his personality is definitely a part of it.

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