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Went to an ER for a 72 hour hold, got out. Written in all my documentation the nurses and doctors believe I was faking it. Am I actually being followed by a shadow person or because I occasionally recognize that this is a delusion this means it's not a delusion?

Now I've begun my path into Catholicism because I think I might be possessed or have some sort of demonic attachment. Since starting prayer I'll occasionally hear something whispering my name and go from completely calm to extremely irritable and angry.

before all this happened I would fade in between believing my delusions and recognizing that they are delusions.

Is this an actual mental health issue or were the nurses right?

I will soon begin a fast of 18 days, I don't know what I have but if it is fake the only thing I can trace it back to was the night a shadow came out of my closet and attacked me. After that happened I went deeper and deeper into the left handed path and at one point attempted a ritual to call one of solomon's 72 demons.

If medical staff believe this mental health crisis was fake then this is the first sign that it's time for an exorcism, right?

while typing this a large fly began hovering around me, I don't know where it came from but I genuinely believe my death is coming soon.

Please pray for me or if you believe this is just another delusion please give me recommendations for help
This doesn't make sense. You would not have access to the actual documentation from psychiatrist notes? Were you in the ED the entire time or on a behavioral health unit? Did you sign yourself in voluntarily or were you committed involuntarily? A lot of this is not clear.
I'm praying for you anon.

Did you see the documentation? Does it explicitly write "anon is faking it"? I find that hard to believe, when you openly say you're having delusions.

Also, have they given you any medication?

Also, it sounds to me like you're ill already and that you're not faking it, I would recommend going easy on yourself with the fasting for now. Jesus will forgive you.
>"I think is fictitious and for whatever secondary gain they are doing this and intentionally"

I only changed the pronoun in this sentence

I got access to these docs because the whole time I was only in the ER for the hold, awaiting transfer.

A doctor that worked there said the hold started on a Saturday (they usually don't) and by Monday at midnight he signed a paper letting me leave ? That morning I went to pull all my documents.
In the paperwork I requested they had a pink slip so it was involuntary.

Do you have a patron saint yet? Figure out who that is.
Okay, but did they give you medication?

Also, if they're a shit clinic, why not get a second opinion from a different doctor?
I'm leaning towards saint ignatius because of his book but I haven't entirely decided yet.
The general doctors in an overworked ER are not the best sources for individual and personal psychiatric aid. Both your mental and religious crisis require the one-to-one counselling of an expert - either a psychiatrist or a priest.
No medication just a safety plan and the social worker spent the whole time talking about how "adulting" is hard. My mom wants me to make a counseling appointment but the last counselor I went to only gave me antidepressants and a month later I was in the psychward for an attempt.
While in the psychward the doctor kept talking about personality disorders then accused me of having an eating disorder
This was before religious fasting was even an idea in my head, these delusions were more aligned with gangstalking
Personality disorders? Do you have a history of cutting or self-harm?
Wtf, go call a psychiatrist and start seeing them. Unless they’re in the health system they shouldn’t see the notes from the ER and will have no idea. Tell them about the delusion. It’s a delusion. You’re schizophrenic. Seek help.

After rethinking my experiences with the mental health industry I've decided it's best to move forward with my religious path and complete the fast.
I remember being told that if someone was "truly" delusional they wouldn't be aware of said delusions without proper intervention from a psychiatrist/therapist. Only after I've made amends will I return to a psychiatrist.
Don't listen to this fucking twit. Going to a psych ward for schizophrenia is permanent suicide, don't do it.

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