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I feel dirty, I'm worse than a whore than a thousand bodycount. I have been masturbating my cat because I thought he was feeling pleasure, but I got to the worst point where I licked his penis, it was like 5 seconds. I'm a virgin girl but I'm worse than a whore. I'm going to hell. I don't feel any attraction to animals, I just did it without thinking about it. I also haven't watched porn for two years. Do I have salvation or am I going to hell?
what the?
FAKE (girl bait) fuck off
I wish it wasn't real
be my gf pls
>Do I have salvation or am I going to hell?
no, but getting b& for being underage
I'm 19
Haha, gross.
Really, you made a mistake. The lesson here is that you need to move your energy elsewhere, preferably not into your cat. Please go outside.
I love my cat very much but not in an attraction way. I'm practically every day at home (I'm a neet). It all started because my cat liked to knead the blanket while rubbing his penis. I feel like after this I have no value as a woman.
You do. You need to stop being a NEET, it’s causing you psychosis. Everyone makes mistakes. The solution here is to let the shame and regret flow through you, and out. Forgive yourself when you can. Probably don’t ever bring it up to any romantic partner unless you feel super safe. This was a shameful act. You have to own that to move on. You’re gonna be okay, your life isn’t nowhere near over. But stop being a NEET.
Is he not castrated? Most women have sex with their dogs, or doing other sex acts. It's not that weird and more common than people think. They just don't tell most everyone. Reality is that you are an insecure mess and anything you do makes you be like
> I have no value as a woman.
The point is that I committed a sin, the sin of bestiality is a mortal sin. As a Catholic I feel bad that I committed that sin.
The thing about white women fucking their dog is more than a meme, I'm not even white. There is a statistic that says that those who commit bestiality the most are men.
Then Confess. Do your penance, and you’ll be forgiven. Any sin is forgiven under the Lord.
> more than a meme
no, it's not, only the literal fucking. But stroking off their dog or pet. It's not a sexual act for the women, more of a dominance assertion or extended petting. There are literally "funny" tiktoks with horse girls and their stallions boner. That statistic just includes to worst degenerates that are caught ripping dogs anuses apart
Telling that to the priest is going to be a challenge, I live in a town.
Actually, what I did was not done in a sexual way since it didn't turn me on. He did it out of curiosity, what a funny South Park episode where they disturbed the dog. https://youtu.be/9slgiOD0VAk?si=poyUD_GSs9wZKr7S
Take a trip to a city if you can and confess that way. Also aren’t priests sworn to confidentiality?
>I love my cat very much
Why did you abuse it then?
>Most women have sex with their dogs
Fell for the meme

This is so disgusting and i don't get why everyone's so chill about it but you shouldn't be.
>not done in a sexual way since it didn't turn me on.
I know and that's my point. South park just shows how common it is. You're just stuck in being a curios but unfucked teen and you can't jerk of a bf out of curiosity or boredom. Kinda your business with religion, you'll feel guilty about everything anyway in catholicism.
>chud is being outraged
stick to your containment board
Decided, I have to keep the secret until I can confess to a priest in a city.
I never thought it was abuse
I was recently an atheist but converted to Catholicism. My parents are religious but not extreme.
Literally my reaction to masturbating for the first time.
Average AO3 enjoyer
God forgives. He's merciful. Chill out. You genuinely regret it. Move on and avoid it.
Pray for forgiveness too ofc.
> I have to keep the secret until I can confess to a priest in a city.
Such is your penance. Good luck, remember that you are worthy of forgiveness. And get a job.
You're confusing cause and effect. Your real issue is your isolation, NEETness and general loss of a sense of who you are. This leads to confusion in other areas, including the sexual. And in that confusion something very out of character for you seemed for a moment like a good idea.

The good news is that you immediately realized it wasn't. That is solid evidence of your essential sanity and normality.

Confusion is not a sin. A mistake is not a sin.
are you a white woman by any chance
>I was recently an atheist but converted to Catholicism
Well that explains it
I don't read fanfics
In the name of God, I hope for forgiveness.

I'm not driving because I don't feel the slightest attraction to my cat, I did it out by idleness.
I'm mixed as fuck
I regret my fedora cringe days.
As if the dogpill wasn't enough.
>The point is that I committed a sin, the sin of bestiality is a mortal sin. As a Catholic I feel bad that I committed that sin.
Fucking christfags. Do you consider sucking on meat sausage bestiality too? It sure has some % of dick in it too.
Yeah people who convert from atheism to any kind of religion always have some serious mental issues going on that they think religion will be the easy way out of.
Whoa, religion literally caused another one to have a mental breakdown. No, you're not going to hell. Yeah what you did was inappropriate, but if both you and the cat enjoyed it, just move on. Your value as a human isn't correlated with your virginity either.
the question is why did you do it???
hey its ok, we all have done things. Imo jacking off you're pet cat without having any feelings/attraction towards it , is just an experiment that you did. There are far more worse things ,hell yours don't even compare to the terrible things people did. The world is very big and full of possibilities, leave your lil wrong doing behind and move on
kek. castrate that lil beast, if not he could get aggressive. Also, u better brush ur teeth
I honestly hope this is fake.
Youre not evil, youre just mentally ill like all women.
This is a troll post

and gay
fuck off either way

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