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Is it over for me? Do I have potential? Can any females weigh in and give me some feedback on how they would react ot this kind of body? I am trying to lose weight, but wondering if its even worth the effort. I have a lot of trouble attracting women.
Eat less and exercise more. It's really that simple. No complicated explanations or excuses. Literally anyone can do it.
Keep working on your body, because that’s going to give you more confidence. But the primary thing with women is the way you hold yourself, what you’re projecting to the world. If you reek of insecurity, they’ll pick it right up. The beautiful thing is once you’re aware, you can do something about it.
You already life by carrying your weight around all the time, it's easier to transform that fat in muscles than if you are a lanklet. As for girls; the slightly chubby extroverted guy is still going to have more success than the insecure beefy guy. When I was in my fit phase I had a nice body and when I was swimming I got looks and inviting smiles from girls. But being a insecure virgin that time I had no idea how to act on that and never talked to them.
thnx bros. I'm making some dietary changes, lifting more, walking more, and whatnot but I can't seem to lose the weight. honestly considering counting calories at this point. I am on medication which increases appetite but when I'm off it I go crazy. I lost 40 lb and gained it all back. Just terrible.

>But the primary thing with women is the way you hold yourself, what you’re projecting to the world
true, and I'm trying to improve that with therapy and support groups. I have a feeling some sort of hard ass sport like boxing would be super helpful in this regard but I haven't gotten the balls to sign up yet.
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No, it definitely isn't over. Yes, you do have potential.

The funny thing is, you don't even need to work on your body that much, work on your confidence and be kinder to yourself.

There are a lot of great women out there who are attracted to your body type as it is right now. Trust me.
thanks bro and unfortunately I am extremely autistic and shy, trying to break out my shell in variouis ways but basically my entire life I've been quieter and just awkward.
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Don't reject yourself, man. If you're on the sensitive side, don't try to change or hide it. Own it instead. Own who you are and people will like you for that.

>I have a feeling some sort of hard ass sport like boxing would be super helpful in this regard
Would it though? Or are you thinking in stereotypes right now?
thanks, thats nice of you to say and makes me feel good feelings, and I'll work on that confidence and better self treatment.

good advice about owning it, thanks
>Would it though? Or are you just thinking in stereotypes right now?
Oh, nah I think it would help tremendously. My cardio is bad, and I have this incredible paranoia that learning to box would help ease. also meeting new people and achieving things athletically again would really help.

Not a female, but you look Tall/ish. That’s good. You seem to overall have healthy skin / good genetics.

Yes, count your calories, don’t overeat, it’s mostly diet. Maybe try carnivore diet, avoid sugars and unhealthy fats.

Go to gym, just normal stuff, 3 times a week and some cardio, swimming w.e

You should be able to easily lose the weight. Requires disciplining tho.
>I am on medication which increases appetite but when I'm off it I go crazy.
Same here. You need to count calories, if you can't replace the meds or get off of it. I recommend Carb Manager and going below 60 g of carbs a day. Makes you less hungry, but don't go keto.
>Oh, nah I think it would help tremendously. My cardio is bad, and I have this incredible paranoia that learning to box would help ease. also meeting new people and achieving things athletically again would really help.
These sound like great reasons, go for it. No need to "have balls" either, gym rats are extremely kind and helpful to the new guy, no matter how out-of-shape you are.
>I am on medication which increases appetite but when I'm off it I go crazy. I lost 40 lb and gained it all back. Just terrible.
It's about self-control. Using "medication" as an excuse is just that; an excuse. Eat less. Exercise more. It's simply willpower.
I looked like that and the only thing that really worked efficiently was fasting. Literally not eating for a day. The important thing is not to start eating "a little", if you do you're gonna have an irresistible urge to eat your fill later. Just drink a coffee/tea and ignore the first wave of hunger, it will pass soon and you'll be alright.
If you do this for 1 day per week, that's an overall 14% calorie reduction which will add up soon enough, or rather subtract. If you manage to do 2 days it's almost a third of overall calories, and the fat will melt. Might be difficult if you work a physical job though.

In terms of exercise, stick to mild bodyweight workouts because building muscle and losing fat are counteracting goals. You need to lose the fat first. Also, hiking.
Some women would be into that, but you are not in a terrible place. Not unsalvageable by any means. Keep at it, anon, and do it first and foremost for yourself. You have a lot of potential. Looking good and working out feels good, so even if you're not attracting women you're doing yourself a favor.
Lots of potential. Remember, not being fat is not just about looks, obesity is the #1 cause of death in america, cancer comes second. It's insane people are killing themselves in their 30s and 40s just because they refuse to eat less
>Literally not eating for a day. The important thing is not to start eating "a little", if you do you're gonna have an irresistible urge to eat your fill later.
Interesting how this can vary so much from person to person. I feel completely devoid of motivation if I don't eat for a day, but I can manage with only a mild irritation if I eat -700kcal deficit.
I have the same body type and OP and legitimately thought it was joever
but a bunch of very aggressive gay men who wanted desperately for me to fuck them convinced me otherwise and helped me meet a lot of women, shame for the dudes that I never fucked them, but damn did they help me out.
I didn't think anyone was interested in this, but turns out, yes, there are actually a good chunk of women who are into it.
If you're confident enough and funny enough, looking like that isn't much of a handicap. If you're not, losing the weight won't help all that much.
>I am on medication which increases appetite but when I'm off it I go crazy.
I was in a similar boat. I was prescribed seroquel and ballooned. Ask your doctor for metformin. Tell them that the weight is impacting your mental health and quality of life. Metformin helped me lose ~100lbs in a year. It was nuts.
You look like you smell really, really bad. I don’t think you need anyone to tell you how over it is.
Woman here. Definitely keep working on your fitness and self confidence.

But absolutely keep going. When my husband was younger, he has to take prescription that made him grow boobs and get fat. He hated it. Got off the meds, started working at UPS and now he is very fit, runs miles and very good looking.

My point is - that a man who took prescriptions that fucked with his appearance can absolutely recover and be attractive and have a good life.

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