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Title. I’m 25 and I’ve given up on trying to find a girlfriend. Being diagnosed with autism+being ugly is basically a death sentence for any man in today’s society, especially with how fierce the competition is in the dating world. At this point, I have accepted that I’m never going to have a girl, but my stupid monkey brain stills yearns for companionship and sex.

How can I kill this desire completely? It’s just annoying at this point to have urges for companionship and sexual desires, even though I know it’s never going to happen due to my mental/physical disabilities.

I’m considering chemical castration, although that seems like a nightmare to have approved by a doctor. If I can’t find a way to get rid of my primal urges, I’ll probably just resort to an heroing. Any advice anons?
Your first mistake is
>autism+being ugly is basically a death sentence

Autistic guys are all the rage nowadays, also unless you're a burn victim, you're way, WAY more attractive than you think.

>but my stupid monkey brain stills yearns for companionship
Good, listen to your brain. Companionship is absolutely paramount, even more so than sex. Sex, you can solve with jerking off in the meantime, but you need companionship. Make friends, male friends, female friends. Don't be afraid of the friendzone, if you're in some nice girl's friendzone, she can help you meet more girls. There are millions of women out there, statistically speaking, at least dozens will be attracted to you in some degree.

Be honest with your desires and you don't need to kill your sex drive
You don't understand. Im fucking AWFUL with women. I have absolutely zero "game". Whenever I try to talk to a girl I like, I always end up failing hard. I literally stand zero chance in today's dating scene, especially against all the other guys who are actually normal and have game.
>inb4 get game bro
I've tried. I literally can't. I simply don't stand a chance against all the other men who can actually talk to women. I would be fine just being alone and focusing on my tisim hobbies if I could just kill my desire for sex/companionship. If I can't do that, I will unironcally blow my brains out. I don't want to be stuck in this stupid fucking ape body with my primal brain constantly craving something I will never have.
Literally me. I'm 25 just like you l. Sucks doesn't it? Even more so when people shut down everything you say because they don't have the slightest idea how impossible it is. "You should get a girlfriend Anon". Yeah I should probably just be a foot taller while I'm at it. Go fuck off.
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Fucking cringe. Nowhere in my post did I mention this shit.

I'm talking about meeting people and getting to know them. Allow them to know you too. Allow yourself to be vulnerable around them, yes, this includes your desire for sex.

You say you would be fine just being alone and focusing on your tism hobbies, but you obviously are not fine. It's okay to want companionship and sex, they're on the same caliber as food and water, you do stop your hobby to drink water, right?

>I've tried.
What exactly is it that you tried? PUA shit? Yeah, that shit will only land you superficial people who don't care about you. PUA shit gets worse for you the more successful you are at it.

You have hobbies and interests, it sounds like you even have a social circle. That's good. What's the worst that can happen is you lower your walls and talk about yourself to other people? Some faggot is gonna make fun of you for being autistic and expose themselves as a horrible person? Fuck them if they come across you. Most people will give you the benefit of the doubt.
Do you actually want a gf? You don't sound like you do and you're right that getting one for quelling urges is a bad idea.
Yes, there are easy ways to get rid of your sex drive. Try pretending to be a tranny if doctors don't want to touch your condition otherwise
>Do you actually want a gf?
I would love one.
>Try pretending to be a tranny if doctors don't want to touch your condition otherwise
Good idea actually, could work.
My only social circle is on Discord, I have zero friends IRL. All I do is work, go to school, go to the gym, and sleep all day until 9 pm. I've tried dating apps, talking to cute girls at work, etc and nothing works. Girls can tell there's something wrong with me, they are great at sniffing out malfunctions in a potential mate. Even if I do somehow land a gf, she would eventually end up cheating on me anyway for a better guy who isnt mentally fucking insane, that's why I'd rather kill my sexual desires completely.
In all honesty, I'll probably just end up blowing my brains out by the time I'm 30. My brain is far too broken and malfunctioned to be a normal human, that's why girls dont like me. They can smell the tisim on me form a mile away. Im completly fucked.
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You're not fucked, you dumbass.

First off,
> dating apps
terrible idea, dating apps are a scam
>talking to cute girls at work
also terrible idea, don't shit where you eat

> I have zero friends IRL
I have some trouble believing that.
Have you tried meeting up with people from discord? It doesn't even have to be for the purpose of finding a sexual partner.

Stop trying to shortcut your way to a woman's pants. Why are you so resistant to the idea of getting outside with friends?

>Even if I do somehow land a gf, she would eventually end up cheating on me anyway for a better guy who isnt mentally fucking insane
Also, cut that shit out, this insecurity is the only thing holding you back right now. Why do you keep comparing yourself to some abstract ideal? This shit is the thing you should talk to your therapist about, not the "kill my sex drive uwu" bullshit. There are millions of autistic guys around the world who are in happy relationships and have nothing different from them.
I'm in the same position. Buddhism and meditation are helping me. Has worked to monks for millenia, should help you too.
Do you not understand the difference between libido and friendship?
To solve sex drive, masturbate.
Anon, you're spiraling hard. Don't go on projecting suicide plans into your fucking 30s like that because that's absurd. You need to gather your thoughts and try to think rationally for a moment. Your emotions are clouding your judgement. You're not unlovable, you're not undatable, you're not hideous. You're just anxious, confused and scared. This all has a solution, it only requires time and effort. But first of all, you need to calm down regarding relationships. Consider where this is all coming from, is it imposed from external sources or is it really what you want? Do you believe that having a gf is the pass you need to be a worthy person, or that it will fix your life? That's not the case. Your value as a person is not measured by whom you fuck or date, you have intrinsic value as a person by virtue of being alive and conscious. Now, I think your anxiety is not only feeding into these fears, but is preventing from realizing your desires. The root of the issue is the importance you are placing on the goal of having a girlfriend as though that's just a score and not a life change.
For now, you need to focus on yourself and in normalizing relationships with other people. You have Discord friends, that's great. But you need practice with irl friends. Your Discord friends can be those people as well, I recommend you try to contact them in person. Socialization can be very hard, and it can induce terrible fear, but it has to be overcome.
That can be done with exposure, little by little, at a pace you are comfortable with, but without stagnation. I'm not gonna pretend that I can fix the life of a complete stranger online with a single post but I believe in what I'm saying. First and foremost, you need to learn to get comfortable with other people and to appreciate who you are, you are not a lost cause, and fantasizing about death or castration is not the path and it won't help you get what you want.
You're in a bad place but it can be better.
ok so your in a pretty shitty situation. but try to find another autistic girl. hopefully, it will work out for you.
that doesnt really work. i can only imagine how much better a girl would feel than masturbating
Only if she knows what she's doing; masturbating feels better than a bad lay.
i know i feel the same way
good point
I just want to be normal bros. Why did God curse me like this
Get a good job and a poor brown woman, it's better than nothing.
>mental disabilities
Are you retarded or mentally ill? There's a difference. If you're mentally ill then just ask for antipsychotics and it will absolutely destroy your sex drive. Ssri's will do that to some people but unfortunately I'm bipolar so ssri's just makes me a horny monster.
Can't you just use porn?
It only works for a little. After a hour max I get horny again and my lizard brain starts craving sex/companionship again
> I'll probably just end up blowing my brains out by the time I'm 30.
This used to be my thought process because I've never had a gf before and felt like I'd feel guilt for missing out on relationships before. Once you find a girl you won't really give a fuck anymore.
I know autism fucks your social skills up but I need context to know what's your issue. Which parts of interaction with whamen do you precisely mess up?
me except i have small pp so i give up on meaningfully having sex
I just can’t find a girl who likes me. I get some matches on dating apps but they never respond to my messages or I fuck up the conversation at some point. I matched with this cute girl and I got her Snapchat and she asked to see my face and when I sent it to her she responded with a grossed out expression. Idk if it was a shit test but it completely killed my self confidence and I ended up unadding her. I’m just never put in a situation where I can talk to a girl and organically make her my girlfriend. Dating apps feel so unnatural to me and I don’t even know how to even ask a girl I’m interested in out. It’s like a foreign fucking language to me. The fact that I’m not good with women makes me feel less of a man and like I’m a giant failure. That’s why I want to get rid of my sex drive. Even if I somehow land a gf, Ive become so blackpilled on women that Im deathly afraid she'll just end up cheating on me
I should say that I have had one girlfriend, but we broke up recently. The heartbreak of how fast she moved on truly hurts me. I dont know if I can go through that pain again, although I doubt Ill ever find a girl again anyway.

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