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goodnight 4chan
I deeply care for a female friend of mine and would risk my life to protect her like she was family. I also frequently fantasize about getting her blackout drunk and raping her unconscious body. Somehow I don't feel guilty about it.
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I wonder if I have a fear of committing or FOMO that is keeping me from trying and sticking to things, instead of trying and then dropping them after a few months.
I don't know, I think it's kind of bullshit being a grown man and you parents having so much control over you they kept you from a job. I'm w a y too old to being doing this, and then they act like they were going to do so much to make it work when the previous day I was yelled at for it. Literally yelled at for finding a job. It's just the weirdest shit.
Why don’t you confess your feelings to her?
I just want out of here, why had that been so fucking hard to do?
07/25/24(Thu)04:29:26 No.31686689
>>31686678 (You) #
Honestly, what the fuck is wrong with my parents and why do they keep putting me in situations where they control and manipulate me and keep me dependent on them? Even when it's for the better? I lost more than a couple of jobs because of them and their refusal to do anything but say it after the fact. This whole fucking family has drug me down for no reason at all
She's taken and has been for years. I would've asked her out if I had known her when she was single.
This isn't normal. None of this is normal and I honestly shouldn't even be here. I never wanted to come here, I just wanted to be left alone and let to move on with my life. I thought my time with them and their bullshit holding me down was over and I could move on..Nope, and I'm at fault for being a pussy and not standing up to them like I should have. Why don't they want me to be happy, and living my own life? They stole so much time and opportunity from me for now reason. I'm in my 30s still at home drunk and miserable, why dont they want the best for me? Why don't they want to see me happy and living a good life? What I have is a pile of shit.

The biggest issue is my mom, she's the one that causes the most problems. With me and everyone else. She's a controlling,backstabbing,manipulating, narssistic, spiteful lair. She's the one that wouldn't give me my irs money to buy a car and illegally held it from me. Which is actually what cause everything and my me lose more of my life dealing with this shit I won't get back.
It's like they want to destroy my life,even more than it already is and I can't actually make sense of any of it. They're keeping me miserable, drunk and in their control. It's odd because of my age, and odd that they've been so controlling and manipulative of me. And sometimes, the people that were once around me, and my mom being the worst. She's the one that barged into the house I was renting and got my roommates emails and numbers and harassed them to the point one fell apart and started bawling. There's something wrong here, and I've been fighting against this for years. O ly to get fucked over again and then told I'm not doing anything. I had a job, I had a chance and they took it away from me. Just to sit here and rot, for no reason.

For no reason, and see me in the brutal pain of existing, but not living. And not being able to live, that hurts the most. Seeing so much pass you by, and it making your heart ache, and your stomach turn
Lot more engagement in GIOYC, huh? Good for you guys. You can help each other out a lot like that.
I fucking hate my parents
Sorry to hear that. How old are you?
Considering having a clean shave to see if that makes me more appealing for jobs and social groups. I keep myself trimmed but I'll look at most 22 years old if I shave, the whole reason I keep facial hair is so maybe I don't get carded every time I'm out lmfao. Maybe being more young and nonthreatening - as if I could be threatening, I'm a fucking 5'2 twig - will help.

You can't fail or be bad at something or have some nebulous Other Person mock you for your interest if you never do anything. Kill the critic in your brain or the 4chan mind goblin calling you a cringe faggot or whatever.
34, and you know what's fucked up? I've looked into controlling parent type stuff before. It's not uncommon to have parents like this, especially parents that are overbearing,invasive,and manipulative. This isn't about being a parent, this is about the complete control over someone's life by someone else. None of this should be, and I have no idea how everything got to this point
You still living at home, then? It’ll help if you get some distance between y’all. That helped me a lot with my parents.
Yeah I need some distance and independence. I was actually doing alright until they got involved again and fucked things up. Sending me into depression again I treated with heavy drinking made me lose everything. I've been here for almost 6 years and that's a lot of time gone. I can't find a job, and when I did, they fucked me over so bad I had to let it go. It's like I can't find a way out and away from them. I still regret not standing up to them and telling them that I wanted them put of my life until I was comfortable again with it, or for good
It's kind of like breaking my legs and yelling at me to walk, they're the ones that cause the damage and I can't "walk" because of their choices. If I was allowed, I wouldn't even be living here, and maybe being a better person with a better life. It's just been so fucking hard to get away and I have no idea why. After I lost everything, and had to come here it was only supposed to be temporary. But they did everything they could to keep me here despite how obviously unhappy I am with this whole situation. I don't understand any of it
And one more thing, I can't leave. No car, no money, no nothing. If I had a way out, I'd be gone far from here and them. Sorry that they're getting older and I am too. I just need to be on my own and o know it'll make me feel and live better. This just isn't it and I got fucked over again because of them and the question always is

I find this girl in my social circle cute, but have no idea how to approach her. I've seen her only once in a party, but she was in front of her friends and I didn't see fit. Having in mind that a party like this will not happen again in at least months to come...

how do I hit on her? should it be next time I see her? because I don't think that sending her a follow request is a good idea

maybe I had my moment and fucked up, lol. idc
I have to add one more thing, I hate this lifestyle. Sitting around, no Jon, no friends, no nothing. Just sitting around by myself drinking and smoking every night and it's pathetic. I feel so low, and I just want out of this. And the best thing I can do is probably stop the drinking and smoking to deal with shitty feelings. It sucks because I can't get rid of the shitty feelings. I don't want to feel like this, or live like this anymore. There's nothing coming from it, nothing that's making me and things better. I'm just wrapped up in depression, loneliness and addiction and I hate it. When I was working, despite issues at work, I felt so much better. Because I was trying and trying hard and finally something had worked out. But since then, it's been even more downhill.
All the guys who made my school life hell got married, got good jobs, had kids, while I still live with my mom, am terrified of women and two years away from being a wizard, and constantly think about offing myself.
Got an art tutor to teach me digital art. Hope the lessons are productive:3
It's just self destruction through depression, and I hate it. I barely have motivation to do anything like I used to do. It's just sitting around, putting in applications, making phone calls, and waiting for something to come up that doesn't get fucked up by my parents. That car would have changed everything, and almost 4 years later I'm still trying to get on my feet in a place that has offered nothing, or a way out of all of this
You romanticize that life because it's the life you were denied. Married with kids and jobs and such is a hell of a lot more stress than living with your mother.
do you have a garden, or any sort of yard you can work on? Working with plants and getting your hands in the dirt can do a lot for your health. You don't have to stop feeling shitty, you just have to rip out some weeds and clean up some areas, maybe you don't recognise something so you google it to try and figure it out and learn some new facts about your country's flora and history.

If you can't get paid work now for whatever reason, have a look around at what volunteer places there may be - if you drive, I know in my city there's constant begging for volunteer drivers for the disabled and elderly with the organisation's own vehicles, the libraries and community boards are always plastered with it. I'd be dead ten times over if I didn't drag my carcass to volunteering at a community center cafe, they let me take home so much food and I got to do a bunch of side qualifications and workshops to put on my resume since they needed people to justify the donated classes.
I had jobs BTW, one at a medial equipment plant, lost that because my fat ass was sweating around shit, and Walmart I eventually got fired from due to shitty managers and employees. And I get something come my way again, and I have to lose it because of them. Do you know how fucking annoying that is,? Having a chance and having to lose it? And I've been doing this for almost a year, if I could have kept that Walmart job I'd have got a car and saved up. Now it's going to tak longer and none of this makes any fucking sense.
I used to ride bikes, walk, jog(when I was lighter), go to the gym, and train in muay Thai. I was a very active person, but since I moved here, I lost all of that. The only thing I get up for is the fridge and to go get beer. The old me is gone, and the man I wanted to be ill never see. It's so fucking brutal, and I'm still fighting for something. But I can't help but look at my parents and the problems and set backs that they've cause that put me here. I was always wrapped up in this family's problems, and I was never just let go like normal parents would.
I feel secure in myself for once in my life and ready to take on anything. It seems like a lot of people's criticisms of me was either seethe or cope or projection. Now that I realized that, most have nothing to say to me now.
Also called "fuck em", I get to wrapped up in what people think and say about me too. People can take or leave you.
Indeed, and y'know I was so worried about being completely alone and people leaving me like they always do that when it actually happened I found peace.
I did that before, but being alone sucks and is really bad for you in a lot of ways. In some you'd never even think too, people need to be around people.
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God damn it sucks having a small dick.
My gf doesn't even bother to fake a reaction anymore when I put it in. She outright told me that "PIV is mostly for me" and that she mainly gets off when I give her head and finger her. She has the patience of an angel and I do get her off, but I can tell she's not feeling it. Shit kills my confidence every time, but I don't think she has caught on. I feel like the fact that I go down on her and that I make her laugh a lot are the only things holding this relationship together.
Do dick pumps work? Is there a real and reliable way to permanently increase your dick size, or am I just fucked?
I'd argue that some select few people can adapt quite well to being alone, hell I've been single for a decade and I'm quite content.
I want to eat my friend anus but I don´t know if he is gaes like me. I don´t know how to tell if he is gaes or normal.
Sodomitic people normally have certain things that they like to do: they are feminine in manners or they are fat with a lot of hair. They also like soap dramas because they consider themselves as queens.

Bear in mind that most sodomitic people descend from microplastics in the womb that blocks testosterone development in the brain.
Passively suicidal and bulimic again. Fml.
I’m starting to think that every OP on this board asking for advice already contains the answer in the post. As in:
>I know I have to do X, but I won’t because Y
>How do I cope with Y without X?
>How to avoid X?
>I should do X. What should I do?

Etc etc etc. Anyone else notice it? What the fuck is this? OP already knows the answer to their problem yet is psychologically unable to see it
>I’m a neet and I hate it but I don’t want to get a job.
>I’m lonely but I don’t want to talk to people or make any efforts.
>I have mental problems but refuse to see a professional
???????????? ??? Is this thing on????
Sometimes people know what they have to do but need an outside kick in the ass to do it.
stfu with your incel whining, women don't care
hyperbole but not exaggeration
omg women on dirt bikes are so hottttttt
Laying down comfy coz while listening to rain sounds with natural lighting as I await the opening bell is such a good feel

Might just drift off. I haven't given myself enough time to just rest and just Be in quite a while. It's only money
I know a lot of them lie when they say this, but are there actual instances of female being too busy?
No one is ever really too busy to reply to a text, Anon-kun
Nobody would ever go on the bucket and pinch pinch yank either

But yeah her valid reason might be a convergence of God making her too busy to have time for your whiny ass lole
I'm 25 and was dating a 35 year old for a moment. She recently blocked me on everything. What's a good way to cope and move on?
One day you're nice and you remind me why I like you so much. The next you completely ghost me and when you do talk you forget most of the things you've said when you were being nice. I don't know if that's because you're a schizo, which I don't mind you being, or if it's just because you only see me as an option on the nice days when none of your better choices are around.
You have no problems opening up about things so why can't you just be straight with me.
I'm probably doing myself a disservice by hanging out with WoW addicts. They're nice enough, I'm just wasting a lot of time that I could be using to do something productive.
>be asian
>friend talks about how she dated an asian with a small pp
>gets drunk and says her white bf has a big pp
>don't even feel like talking to her anymore
Make your new friends and e-friends people trying to learn a new skill. If you're on Discord all the time hanging with art homies will improve your gains
Yeah definitely. My actual friends are all intelligent and successful, I just happened to find myself with a group of people who play a lot of vidya and kind of got sucked into it out of nostalgia.
I understand you're scared, angry, and hate the people you're talking about. But there's literally no logic or reason to anything you're saying. You bring something to me because it's related to my field, and also makes a guy you hate look bad. I tell you "Nah, it's bullshit. Several people have tried to verify it, and there's simply no evidence."

Then the next day, you come "Well, this is happening after. It's kinda weird, right?" People are fucking weird, man. Doesn't change the fact that what you originally showed me is bullshit.

Blind animosity makes people believe anything, and I'm unfortunate enough to have a background in a field where I get to field a lot of people excitedly pushing stuff into my face they don't understand because they have some vague notion it makes a bad person look bad.
For the past few months I've kept seeing a sticker for a neo-Nazi group on the side of a postbox I walk by every day. It gets ripped off, then replaced a few days later. The current one says "REJECT POISON" and has pictures of stuff like alcohol and cigarettes. I think these are ads for an actual literal neo-Nazi organisation, as in legitimately bad people. And now that my search history includes Googling their name and hundreds of visits to 4chan I'm beginning to feel like the police are gonna knock on the door. It's probably just some crazed fat red-faced bald-headed benefits cheat putting them up. I'm just paranoid, right?
Yea, it's just paranoia. People look up terror groups and controversial organizations all the time. Not to mention all the actual illegal crap people get away with looking up on the clear web.

Legally, while the FBI has gotten in serious trouble for flaunting this in the past, they can't even target your history without a very narrow, and specific authority to do so.
This, if it really mattered my fucking mom would be in prison for curiosity. That said, don't forget that profiles are created for all unique internet users; we're all fucked anyway.
The two extremes cancel each other out. Also, there's no way she doesn't detect danger from you in regards to the rape thing. Girls just have a sixth-sense for this kinda thing (even if they ignore it a lot)
My white girlfriend listens to ghetto rap music and calls people nigga and I want to break up with her every time she does it but she only does it occasionally and is normal aside from that.
If you're American you have nothing to worry about. If you're German I dunno man just don't upset Antifa or whatever
He'd only have to worry if he's British, and even then they go after rude twitter comments not site history
By the fact that she's eggless and she's forcibly made you dodge a bullet.
Also, date younger, no self-respecting man dates a woman a few years his senior let alone 10 years his senior.
Only real exception is if you have an actual mummy fetish, which the solution to that is getting a girl pregnant.
feelin good today, time to stop torturing myself
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I cleaned my room
I emailed 3 professors
I requested transcripts
I went to therapy
I applied to jobs
this never happens, but for today i am unstoppable.
I went to the office and jerked off all evening when I got home. You're doing god's work, keep up the pace anon.
Thanks. I’ve basically been rotting in a depressive slump, so todays a special day.
I was prescribed Lexapro about 3 months ago but I haven't had the balls to take it, Im deadly scared of the side effects and the posible long term cognitive effects, but I also can't keep living like this, each day gets darker and for the past few weeks I've actually been close to killing myself. Convince me to take this shit once and for all, please. Any experience with it/similar ssri's would be greatly appreciated.
I’d say take it.

It’s better that you get a headache or whatever mild side effect than you literally die by your own hands.

Caveat: some SSRIs can make a small subset of people more suicidal, so if that happens in the next 3-5 days, please stop it and/or go to a crisis center immediately.
I really did not need this today. Why so fucking rude
Married for 5 years. Wife doesn't want kids but said she would never have an abortion. I want kids. I sneakily nutted in her a little bit and pulled out late a few times last month, because if she won't have my kid I'm gonna divorce her soon anyway so I have nothing to lose. She missed her period by three weeks now, but she had covid recently so she thinks it's due to covid.
I know the odds are low because she doesn't feel nauseous or have sore breasts, but I hope she's pregnant right now so much because I love her like crazy but I'm very close to leaving her due to not having kids. I filed for divorce, she thinks the divorce is because of my business liability, we didn't break up yet. If she finds out she's pregnant and gets an abortion, I will be devastated.
Most likely a nothingburger because she often has irregular periods, but I'm making myself crazy about the possibilities.
I am cutting ties with everybody and everything. I'm doing this to reinvent myself because I think my psyche depends on it.

My mistakes have ranged from moderate to severe. I'm not an evil person. I am a fundamentally good person who has made some mistakes.

I have lost basically everything important to me and I don't get it back. Life only moves forward and you don't get any take backs.

I have a lot to say, but I think I should keep it to myself. Ultimately what I want to impart is that I am not an evil person.

I think if haha if you were me you would just. I don't know. There's a lot a could say let's put it that way.

Essentially as far as human beings go I'm not so bad. I only ever really wanted love and maybe acted irrationally at times.

Right, so anyway. I am deciding to just forgive myself and start over on everything. Clean slate. I lost some people. That's okay. You only get one. Life continues.

I want to say some wise parting words for anyone who wants to listen and there's a lot I have to say, um, but I think what I should leave out on is something to the effect of: love is a real place in your mind, and also society was built on and for the connections of human beings. If you look around you at everyone we are constantly trying to connect to other people. So the human organism is a social animal that desires connection from other humans, and also that transcendent experiences of the mind, such as losing yourself in a goal, are part of the human system.

Everyone is just trying to feel okay, if that makes sense.

The last thing I would add, is that it doesn't take a lot of effort to be nice to others, but it has fallen a bit out of practice by my measure. So just once a day try smiling at someone or just say "hello" or "hi" and if everyone just committed to a single day of making a few positive conscious interpersonal decisions we might see another renaissance of cool interesting or creative things.
He's just projecting a tough guy "knows more than you" to haggle, don't take it personally.
My husband died from leukemia and I was pregnant. After that, our baby was a stillborn. I have nothing to live for anymore and planning on suicide in December.
I feel a lot better now that I don't sugar coat shit anymore snd tell people to start being accountable for their actions or look in the other person's shoes. Haven't done it a while and unfortunately i allowed someone to control how I interacted years ago and made myself unlearn it.

It feels good being me again.
I'm feeling angry today. I think I want to retract my apology to someone. Shit I had to go through for him then he said I had to say sorry and I did. I previously said sorry in all words but that. It's like fuck you...

>You can't fail or be bad at something or have some nebulous Other Person mock you for your interest if you never do anything. Kill the critic in your brain or the 4chan mind goblin calling you a cringe faggot or whatever.
"...my wife..." - when or immediately after reading your post I was imagining her to be Twilight Sparkle and thought that was kinda funny. I'd say "sorry I'll take my autism elsewhere" but I don't feel like demeaning myself or apologizing for expressing online something I thought was humorous.

>I have nothing to live for anymore and planning on suicide in December.
Sounds like a bad feeling. I have some things left to live for, but sorta/maybe wish I never got involved in things in life so that suicide would be easier.
I finally got with the girl I have been simping for for years, the one that got away. However, we started by her saying she was not ready to commit because she recently broke up.

Meanwhile, before this, I was fucking a friend of mine and she still wants me to keep at it, and she is way better in bed, though she's an addict so obviously not relationship material.

Every week I see the dream girl I get more guilty about fucking around with the addict, but I dont know if I even should feel bad when it's her who hasnt yet said she's ready to be exclusive. Is the guilt warranted or should I just have fun when I finally can after having had a dry few years, I wonder...
you dont have anything to live for now, but nothing lasts forever
I just want my WOW addict to bang me and once in awhile curl up and fall asleep with me.
once you get established and proud of yourself it can be nice to have an at least once a week time waster
That's why you need to verbalise it. That's why people need to respond. The real struggle is the person calling for help actually accepting it and choosing to struggle to get better, and for those seeking to give help to reflect on if they're actually helping or just enabling or contributing further to the poor lifestyle OR using it as a way to essentially self harm with attitudes such as "I need to stay and wallow in this with them or it'd be cruel to leave them alone" which turns one miserable person into two miserable people enabling each other in their self pity.

You'd be surprised how many young adults I've come across who have been crying about their home life or being unable to afford to get their driver's license, when (in my country at least) there is so so fucking many support services and government supports they could access. Most of the time they don't know about them because those same supports don't really advertise them since if they don't have to spend the money on the programs they get to keep the money. The other bunch have been so beaten down by their parents or other abusers that the idea of leaving the cage when the door is left open plain doesn't cross their mind, or the incredibly frustrating and understandable "well others have it worse than me, I probably deserve this and need to stop complaining". Little Timmy starving to death in some third world country doesn't change the fact you have been unemployed for a year and shower once a week. You need help. Accept the help. Help yourself as well.

At the end of the day all you can do is choose to be kind, and hope that others choose to be kind and choose to try and improve things and accept help. You can lead a horse to water and all that.
ex came back after 3 years telling me that she missed me, she was surprised when i texted her back. she broke up several months ago from a depressing and disappointing relationship, i had no feelings towards that as our love went away in those 3 years but i was still surprised out to find that she hasn't forgot me and stuff. i had no intent to pursue her back, we live in different cities now and that would be impossible, different jobs, different careers. after 2 weeks of talking i told her that i would like to meet her for a coffee/drink for the old times sake and several days later i got ghosted. i don't know if she has done that due to fear or due to the fact that she received some attention and validation and then decided to left again. i m thinking about leaving a last message asking her why she decided to come back and stir shit up just to leave without any reason.we've had some good convos and she basically decided to left me on read one day. thoughts? thank you
I saw my father today walking down the street.
It's been 6 years since we seen each other
It's been 11 years since we talked
It's been 24 years since he was my father
I said hi and he just ignored me, walked on like I did not exist.
Am I a nigger?
I'm late
How do I know if I'm trans or not
yes, if they work in corporate management.
If he left you, he probably doesn't want to deal with you(Because he's an asshole.)
do you believe the outside world should conform to the view of reality that you have in your heard?
Yes and what's more anyone who contradicts my worldview, openly or through there mere presence, is ontologically evil
You have no idea how much I relate to this with a girl
I shall now refer to all women between the ages of 2 and 18 as cocksuckers.

Do not be jealous.
dated a girl like this once
wondering if i should really just kill myself, maybe next week and just get it over with
My dearest S,
I hope this letter finds you in good health. I, for myself, am so accursedly tired. I am tired of feigning normalcy and ignorance. I am tired of pretending we are not in love. I cannot go another day without being able to hold you. I yearn to be by your side, and I curse the boundaries between us. But all boundaries are conventions, and conventions are easily broken. Damn the consequences!
Forever in love,
Your errant knight.
I think I really need to step away from 4chan, and the internet in general. I'm not in a good place.
>he is an asshole
I am his son.
You're insane
sue me
If this is some sort of sarcastic mockery, I never presumed the feelings of another, only stated my own.
It's not about you, dawg.
All I want is for you to let me love you.
I really be out here, listening to the Cloud Atlas Sextet and writing romantic poetry to my star-crossed lover. Real thug shit.
What's in the way?
Poetry is supreme
I worry she had such a shitty start that she doesn't know what it's like to be loved. She likes the attention from being lusted over. I don't lust over her. I see her as a person. Someone I want in my life even with the baggage.
You should try, anon.
Express that to her. Maybe she doesnt want to be lusted, but men lust so everyone thinks that what she wants.
She may need reassurance.
i went to the movies alone today and imagined that you were there next to me like before. in a theatre that we'd been in together when it felt like it was just us. you don't even think of me anymore but i loved you. the last time we were together was nice - i helped you clean your apartment a bit and then we cuddled and watched movies which is what we did when we were in love. i'm glad that was the last time i spent with you in person and that those awful times before that were not the last time. even though i think at that time you were using me for money and groceries and shit and sharing it with your abuser i'll still choose to believe that some part of you still loved me then and that it hadn't completely turned to dust yet like it is now

you shot an angel
be cool as fuck if someone loved me that i loved back once more before i die
im kinda of a mediocre person that's done a lot of bad things in my past, i should probably be grateful my life is somewhat enjoyable and im not being punished even more, besides, it feels like literally anything is possible except dating
A long time ago I was in love with a girl who's father died of cancer when she was twelve. She had real abandonment issues and tried her best not fall in love with me or give me her heart even it was both of ours first relationship and I loved her as hard as could and gave her everything. She always held a piece of herself back and never really let me all the way in. Eventually she left me even we were both very much still in love to spare herself the pain of me leaving her. This absolutely destroyed me. What I'm trying to say is that you shouldn't love someone with all your heart if they aren't willing to love you back to the same degree. Some things you just can't fix.
a clean slate for you maybe, but what about the people that you hurt? you get to move on and have a new beginning and never face the things that you've done, right? there will never be a clean slate until you make amends
Amen. I feel this more than anyone could imagine.
Cant wait to have a special someone love me. Honesly doubt it ever happens for me.
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We don't live in that kind of world.
yeah because of narcissists who don't care about the people that they hurt. apologizing is extremely easy
Cutting ties and disappearing is the coward's way out. You can move to the other side of the world and change your name, but you are still running from your problems. You should atone for your sins.
I'm trying ;_;
I have to put all of the effort in and really I don't even mind that. If I could just talk to her for a little while, the two of us, uninterrupted then I know she'd see things in a different light. Not only do I want to make her happy, but I know that I can without deluding myself.

Thing is we've never had that chance yet, not really. At the start I was even at a sort of crossroads mentally where I knew that I could go all in or not go in at all. I chose the former because even when she was telling me her red flags, I didn't care. The second I saw her she was all I wanted and truthfully she's really not the type I would go for ever. I've seen girls like her before and I didn't even take a second look. I felt absolutely no feeling for them. She's different for some reason. Even her friends, I don't feel anything for them. Only her.
I feel like an absolute fucking fool for putting myself in the situation I have.

Also I'm sorry to hear your girl left you anon.
Wish I could find some pregnant woman to jerk me off and send me on my way
I'm at risk of falling out of love with my gf right as we're planning a multi week visit to meat her family

Not gonna tell you not to go for it. But
>I have to put all of the effort in and really I don't even mind
Is a big risk. Eventually you will get tired and will want someone to mind the gas pedal for a minute.
I've been in situations, that didn't turn out for other reasons, where I didn't have to put in all the effort, and man was that nice.
Be prepared for a very uphill battle.
Make a lunch date or something to give her your full attention. One on one. Plan what you want to say so you dont get nervous and forget.
You got this.
Putting in all of the effort is all I've known. Usually once I do that and can fully express my feelings the dynamic does shift. Right now it's a struggle to even get to the point to be able to express my feelings.

That's what I'm trying to do, but even that's proving to be difficult. Making it worse is that the more I try the more desperate it makes me sound and that's not what I want. I just know if I can get that one moment alone everything can be different...or maybe it won't but at least I'll know where I stand. I just need that opportunity.
I'm usually alright with spoken words, but I've still been practicing what I've got to say just in case I start sounding like a complete sped.
I appreciate your optimism. I'll try to believe in it myself.
You do not know me and I do not have to care about you.
I have sufficient training in occupying small rooms with few personal items, following daily scheduling and routines, and keeping to myself while not making a fuss for others in these institutions. I have reason to believe a life of that sort of restriction and simplicity would overall actually be better for my mental health.
Life feels dull now that I've turned 25. Still live with mom in a 2 Bedroom apartment. My family has been running a "'Family Owned business" which they fight a lot over mostly because my brother funded most of it. He is 28 No Job only works on the weekend (business is weekends only) and lives off of it. He's super fucking tight with his money pays for almost nothing and I am tired of living here, but now without a job ( was fired over a small mistake, first for me) I am just sad and tired of all. I want to go live somewhere on my own and learn how to be independent. But yeah I am honestly afraid of all.. I can't drive I can't cook I can't do basic stuff a normal adult should be doing it's just disheartening..... i hate my friends as I now see them as deadbeats. It's all so tiresome.
People who have like really fucked up, like sincerely fucked up, and I mean like killed a person fucked up or like years of domestic assault fucked up or sexually abused children fucked up, like more irreparable than whatever description I apply to myself for irreparable fucked up, does anyone know what kind of mental health services they receive after they've served time or what "no judgement" truly means?
i live like this
I'm really struggling and i need something
idk but all we can do is live for the day and not care about the consequences of our actions if punishment may or may not come some day or confess and pay our penance if that's an option and continue from there. The future does not exist, the past does not exist, relics of the past exist in the moment.
you’re so fucking boring
How are you?

I appreciate the response. I just believe that a therapist at this point in my life is probably really not going to like me and it scares me. I understand it is their job to allow me to say what I will and then have at it, but it just feels like it would be a giant waste of their time, apart from the whole getting paid thing.
Take that fucking attitude with me again and I'll punch you straight in the windpipe you stupid cunt
im basically just a bad person or was and people seem understanding. I think this is the kinda era where people believe in fate through nature and nurture. Wanting to change at all is the most important part.
i am good mostly but torture myself over things sometimes that i could not worry about
im so gonna use this. Made me laugh so hard
Keep doing good
I've given up hope with overcoming my porn addiction. I am also depressed about never having had a girlfriend in my entire life. They say I'm young, but I won't be young forever, and everyone else among my friends and family has found their soulmate (or at the very least is dating someone).
My addiction to Benadryl sincerely has not helped with my fear and anxiety. I should not really be all that surprised to be called a baby but like a baby I was and a super baby have I been reduced to
u2 mate
I watched something recently about that redditor who was addicted to Bendryl and OD'd. I didn't think it could get as serious as it is. Please stop.
Long term Benadryl use is associated with dementia which means it causes a form of brain damage. You need to stop.
I wish I had learned Japanese back in 2015-16 when I initially attempted
I could've been so fluent by today...
I am. I knew the risks going in, read the erowid experiences, didn't care, wanted to run it into the ground.
Who said anything about me lol
I'm only telling you that you'll never have peace if you don't make amends with people you've hurt. You're obviously way beyond help though and probably a full blown sociopath. You will die alone
honestly what’s even the point, it’s just always getting worse and worse, I literally don’t look forward to anything anymore. No future.
You're just describing self harm with extra steps. Not every fuck up has an immediate reacrion. It may be 20-30 years before your Benadryl abuse catches up to you. But it will. And it causes something worse than death. Utter and total confusion while your body stays alive and slowly withers away. And if you're lucky you'll be appointed to a nursing home where minimum wage techs wipe your ass while you slowly whither away and die.

You need to quit. You don't have to tell anyone you abuse this shit. It can be our little secret
White rice cooking is a sexually arousing smell, I don't understand how their birthrates could be so low.
If they're what I get then I guess I get what I deserve for doing it, having done it. I am quitting.
holy shit i think i had such an intense emotional breakdown the other day that it gave me an emotional hangover
Space hitler, italian opera
what triggered the breakdown?
I know. Pretty based, right?
Based on what
I'm a total fuckup and I don't understand why. I was diagnosed bipolar 2 but somehow it feels like an excuse.
Fight the future!
my emotional breakdown = 1/3 life crises + breakup grief + body dysphoria + X

now solve for x
How am I based? Based like a chud? I mean, am I redpilling you? I’m here to redpill you?
I actually The Nobody
Get the fuck out of here, Tommy
new love or drugs?
I fear no man but The Nobody, it scares me
The Nobody^^^^
Had to cancel on my dinner date for Saturday night because it's my sisters bday

Organised a Sunday picnic to make upnfor it, but this is the second time I've had to cancel and reorganise a date with this girl and I feel shit that I had to do it

Hopefully we find a quiet park so we can kiss and be cute
Are you asking if I am going to try to solve this by doing drugs or looking for new love? Neither
There's no time like the present, set aside a little time daily and you'll be there before you know it.
Don't look back ten years from now again and wish you had done it.
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this is important. making amends does help. but you have to know whether or not you're actually helping anyone when you try to change.

it will feel bad to change. this is why addicts, psychos, narcissists, retards, autists and liars tend not to do it when given the chance. they repeat the same behaviour on loop until they either understand, or lose all the people who care about them.

these types are either too self-centred to care, or too self-focused to realize when they are the perpetrator of something unjust, and gaslight their targets.

'I FEEL bad and you MADE me notice it, so fuck you for trying to help me.'

unfortunately, these targets are often the ones that person cares about most.

but there can be no useful change until a person is willing to go through pain, see the truth of their actions and of others in the situation, and make amends through apology and change their behaviour for the better.

most of the above misfits get stuck on the last step, or only get some incomplete understanding of the issues, so change doesn't happen at all.

i'm in the middle of trying to not be one of those idiots.

humility is key. hunt your demons down and realize they're a part of you, but then _act_ how other people need you to as well. you're no less human for being imperfect, but you're a real piece of work if you can't feel your own pain, notice how you're hurting others, then not even change for the sake of those who love you.

feeling guilt is necessary, don't forgive yourself until you're damned fucking sure you're not going to keep hurting people the same way you did before. doesn't matter if your only human contact is delivery people, stop being an asshole. the cabin in the woods escape isn't necessary if you can do that.
We need better commercials
you told me to solve for x. is it short term memory loss?
Please allow me to go sleep and never wake again

Just give me an embolism or a heart attack. Stroke. Whatever as long as I'm unconscious.
I wonder if phone\tablet-all-day people feel more connection to the world immediately around them than desktop pc\TV all day people this thought is dumb bye
oh... your joke/guess didn't seem to utilize math anon i was setting you up jeez
x = emotional breakdown - 1/3 life crises - breakup grief - body dysphoria

i cant tell if this is enlightening or just schizophrenia manifesting
I'm not sure what's even going on anymore but I think I got over her and her abuse and now all I have is general anger for everything and everyone. I'm also easily bored. Is this normal?
You don't see hair like that anymore because we stopped making hairspray with hydrofluorocarbons. If we didn't stop using hydrofluorocarbons, there'd be no ozone layer and you'd get third degree burns every time you step outside.
Plants would get sunburned. You know how much sun a plant has to get to get sunburned? We couldn't even grow food anymore. We'd all be dead. There's nothing amusing about this.
Dreamed about her again
At this institution with many people around, I couldn't find her but I knew she was there
I was trying to look for her but I'm dealing with some bitch telling me that if I break anything I'm going to get in trouble and she's on my ass
The next day I'm on my way there again as if I'm going back to school and I miss her getting a bus at the distance
I go back there but somehow I have no way of entry and I'm trying to look around the facility, I'm sure she's there but I can't access it

Some young plants need taller ones above them to protect them from all day sun, in nature.
I love my girlfriend. She's very thoughtful. The other day she gave me flowers at work.
Why was no one bringing the Warp Stone gifts any more? Did he have Warp Family? Warp Friends? Did they warp?
Has a woman ever made you feel special?
I'm glad we are back together but she griefed our minecraft world when we had our break. I don't know whether to start from scratch or fix the original lol
Yes actually,
Your apology was ass and after time to think about it I rescind my acceptance of it. You took zero acknowledgement of anything you did to me and I just accepted it because I was surprised you were apologizing at all.

For one, you made a 3D model of me and had it fuck a depiction of a child. And sent it to me. That's probably a crime of some sort.
There was no acknowledgement of any weird shit you did to me like this. Just vague platitudes about hurting people. You couldn't even acknowledge it.

I should have pressed harder and sent it to your classes. You're going into education and pulled that. You're lucky I was enough of a lovesick retard not to.
Once i huffed 8 cans of deodorant in one night like a year ago… how fucked am i?
I hope my parents last to see me get married to a nice woman.

I hope I can buy them stem cells.

I wish I wasn't a screw up.

I wish the people stalking me didn't have such control over everything. (I don't care what you say I know they did)

I wish I could have lived life more and had more jobs, without people being freaks and fucking weird to me.

I wish I could have gone to a Weird Al concert, and those fucks in Werner left me alone.

I wish I the freaks stalking me didn't demand to know everything.

I hate living.
I really hate this part of my life. I keep smoking to make reality feel less grim than it is, drinking too. Not to excess. I don't see it going any other way than euthanasia and being phased out either. I'm so fucking disappointed that I cut. I want to live. I don't want to die a victim. I don't see the point in getting clean and sober at this. I just want it all to be perfect before I go or not go at all. I hate pouting about it. I feel so sick and suicidal. I am going to thrash and bawl so hard that I can't achieve simple sustenance. I already did at my betrayal.q I am going to smoke that you are denying me, ok? I have a leucotomy and I want so much more than to be tortured to death by predators, please have a heart
i dont really crave a relationship. the women in my life are kind of stupid, i dont treat them horribly but i find myself disgusting sometimes and dont understand why they stick around. i secretly wished they came to their senses and dropped me. i want to believe they care but that would mean nothing to me because im avoidant. and im avoidant because im not interested in getting into a relationship, and im lowk feeling repulsed by affection lately. thats all they want. to flirt to spend time with each other to be playful and be an absolute fucking drain on the human character. i might have people pleasing issues. despite my disgust with myself, with talking to them, or my desires to isolate, i still try to make them happy. is it because i want to keep them around? honestly no, id rather be reality checked for being an asshole and dropped and exiled from bad bitch nation
so why do good girls love bad guys? i had this question for a real long time
I've been a bad boy and it's plain to seee
Define your terms (words).
I am a step closer to finding out what it truly means to be human
I have made mistakes and have gone through both pain that is my fault and pain that is not
I will climb that mountain that is life, no matter how much I may slip
There are those who believe in me and see my potential, even if I am blind to my own
But that only strengthens my spirit
I think my chumbavision is trying to send me tubliminal thumpings
De chumba wumba
buying my pc was a grave mistake
I am really, really, really depressed and being surrounded by my shitty white trash family makes me want to go nuclear. What a combo - extreme depression and pure hatred. Super healthy.
Do you mean in real life or in media? In media it's just interesting. In real life that's not true, just go to walmart and look at couples. Those arent bad boys with their wives and children, theyre just guys who probably got them flowers once
im finally here, i feel nothing about anything. nothing is remarkable and no one should care about me. only reason i say this here is because this is the only place where i feel safe in saying it, theres nowhere else that i would say this. not even in my own log, i want this message to be buried forever in a random gioyc thread.
there gets to a point where i feel like spending time with my family feels more like an obligation than something i actually want to do, and ive been at this point for so long now.
god does not wishes for my success
Brother, move out.
>hey, what do you think we should do?
>oh, it's up to you
motherfucker im asking you for a reason
I resent my boyfriend for all of his shortcomings and awful behaviours during the past 3 years. I stay with him solely to punish him and watch him suffer. I am far wealthier, more fit, and more successful. He has nothing left but me and a pending job application (slim chances haha).
Same. I love them and I wish the best for them, but I am actively working to change my life where they are not.

I plan on loving them from a distance, but I'll never allow them to dictate the course of my life.
Do tell us how you are going to make him suffer. Does he deserve it?
is it even worth it to rationalize how i feel? i just do them for the sake of posting in this thread. i have nowhere else where i want to rationalize them.
I have to wait until Monday to see if I enter the master's program I want or not and I genuinely don't know what to do to keep my mind of this.
God does wish for your success
You have to persevere and thrive through all the tough obstacles and challenges you must face. That's what I was put through during 2019-2023 and even up to now.
Don't stop now, keep going. You will thrive
i’ve got… no one. what the fuck do you do when you have no one? go on 4chan?
I am a person who needs someone. To love, and be loved by. Family and friends aren't enough, I need the deep intimacy of having a partner. I get a lot of judgement for it from family though, especially as my last relationship was very abusive in the end. I feel shame for my nature.
I wish I didn't fall for mentally unstable guys. It seems like the common denominator is me, and I'm sorry if I ever hurt anyone along the way. It was never my intention.

I still think about you, but you never replied to my message. I guess that's for the best. I will try to remember your smile from our first video call and hope you become the person you said you would be.

Now, it's time to focus on getting better for myself.
Now I feel like an asshole because my dad wanted to go to that avail show. I just changed my mind because I just don't think I need to be in Richmond anymore and finding excuses to go. What happened sucked, and I lost a lot of good people and friends but I don't need to go back there. I'm just chasing my past, and I did kind of want to go at one point. But I feel like a dick, went twice and saw avail and some bands I've wanted to see live and saw some people from mopeds. I just kind of don't want to go
Look, my dad's ex-gf. You are like a mother to me, you helped me out a lot and I respect you a lot. But almost all of our talks end up talking about my father and you keep initiating that. Maybe just talk to him instead of using me as a conduit for that???
We are social creatures by nature.
Know that I share in your pain and you aren't alone in how you feel and what you just experienced, as I too have just left a very unhealthy relationship.
I hope that one day you can receive the love that you deserve from a person that truly sees and accepts you for who you are.
The most intimate human connection I experience regularly is the nice person at Starbucks recognizing me and correcting whichever part of my order I forget on a given day.

Yeah I'd feel like an asshole too not going because I have an epically retarded beef with a moped gang from 13 years ago
I have every symptom of some kind of stomach ulcer. I'm fatigued, nauseous, bad indigestion, feel like their is air in my throat and chest, constantly burping non stop, pain in my stomach, have the shits, and vomiting.

I can't get an endoscopy consultation until febuary, and then it'll take a few months after that to actually have it done. All the doctor did was give me anti-acids and anti-nausea meds which have done fuck all.

I'm absolutely miserable and feel like I'm dying.
Get your bladder checked. Sorry anon. It's your body telling you that someone in your life is also causing you excruciating stress!
I get so mad when I hear about bad men manipulating vulnerable women. I want to be in their place and find a vulnerable woman, but I would only manipulate her a little bit, no evil intent
My friend had one years ago and they put him on a course of some kind of tablets and it was gone. Took a while though, must have been almost a year.
I just had blood work and urine samples taken like 3 weeks ago. I was also tested for h. pylori and it came out negative.

And like 6 months ago I had ultrasounds done on all my stomach organs and a colonoscopy because i've been having bad stomach pains and they found nothing in either of those. All I have left is the endoscopy and they said that's the only way to tell if I have ulcers.

The air in my chest in throat is incredibly uncomfortable. If I lay down I have to sit up like every 30 seconds to burp. I haven't gotten any sleep in like 3 days. The nausea makes working on the computer incredibly difficult too. It started sunday night.
the main cause of stomach ulcers is h. pylori but I don't have it, unless I somehow magically contacted it in the last couple of weeks. Which wouldn't make sense either because I was taking anti-biotics for the last couple of months for an ear infection and those would have killed the stomach ulcer bacteria.

I saw two doctors and neither of them know what to do other than "here's some anti-acids" and make an appointment for an endoscopy which is fucking next year. The only way to get it sooner is to get admitted into the hospital from the ER as an inpatient and then they rush an endoscopy. But they told me not to do that unless it becomes extremely painful.
I said I'd kill myself when I reach 40 years old back when I was 18. Just 4 years left to go.
Yeah I mean this girl I was seeing on Bumble she has a good fashion sense but she's kind of annoying.
>> but I would only manipulate her a little bit, no evil intent
If you loved someone, you wouldn’t manipulate them at all. Fucking narcissist.
I work at a big company, in the company restaurant. See a lot of people every day, take care of their food, have a chat. It’s fun, love the job.

Lately, this guy has been coming along. He’s really handsome imo, pretty hair, amazing smile. Didn’t realize it at first, since it’s work and I keep my private stuff out of it. But one of my coworkers noticed I apparently acted different around this guy and he’s been coming by to only my station ever since I started working here. She noticed some other stuff from his end too she says. I’m definitely crushing on him. Work 5 days a week and he does too, I get little butterflies every time he comes in. Already know exactly how to make his order every time. We make small talk every day and talk about weekend plans and work. Finally asked his name a while ago and I got so shy.

I can’t ask him out. I’d love to go out with him but it’s a work setting, and by his outfit he definitely looks like he has a high position. I would never be able to match him financially, which honestly makes me feel all the more that I should stay away since he definitely deserves a more equal partner.

I’ll just be happy having my little talks with him every day. Secretly kinda hoping he might ask me out I guess, but I won’t get my hopes up. Definitely don’t wanna make getting food awkward for him lmao.
He's gay or already taken many such cases unironically
Yeah true you’re probably right lmao.
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I think we have our differences and sadly we’ll never agree so I’ll leave it at that. I’ll gladly tell you in person so that’s, that.
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>made an Instagram account a few months ago to get in touch with some previous romantic interests
>a couple of them blocked me
>one of them won’t accept my request to follow her
Kek man, I really need to quit doing this to myself. Every single time I try this it just makes me fucking depressed.

I should probably just delete the account and let it go.
I broke up with my girlfriend last night. We weren't together very long, only a little more than half a year, but it still hurts as I've been very selective with my relationships. She was a sweet woman, incredibly kind hearted and caring, but when she got angry she didn't even register my emotions. I got tired of dealing with that side of her that didn't care about me, it felt like I always had to validate her wants and needs and when I needed it most I never ever got it in return.

It's weird thinking about a relationship that is 90% perfect and 10% awful, because the perfect parts are all I can think about even though the awful parts have hurt me so much. I know there is a relationship complaint post every minute on the internet but it's nice to rant to the void I guess. I don't like being alone with my thoughts right now. I feel very alone. I know I am acting like a huge pussy but I just feel like grieving a future that I wanted but couldn't have. I just want to be happy.
I can be speaking to a group of people who share my humor. Make a hobby specific joke, like poking fun at players in D&D who play Tieflings, and some fucker not even involved in the conversation will pop up to wag his finger and go "just explain it doesn't fit your campaign and..." blah, blah, blah... let people have fun.

Not all "negativity" is meant to be negative.
Sigh. I can't get a relationship, but I can be friends with women who are in relationships. It's all I can get because it's all I deserve.
Maybe ask them to set you up
I still want to die.
I just want to be in love. Love someone. Have them love me back
You thinks it's really that generic? There isn't someone specific?
i think a lot of guys have such bad options that average woman that is nice is the dream. If there were more women than men it would probably be the opposite from what I've seen historically.
I don't want options bro that's like a McDonald's menu dude y'all lookin for a double whopper with cheese rofl
Your desires and expectations are driven by your circumstances and options.
No there is something deeper. Actually the game was rigged against me yet I found my truth. Proof positive right their G.
the you from the timeline im from said that sounds gay as fuck and also seems happier than you. WW3 was awful but the other side of the war was paradise.
Well no shit Sherlock that guy is an asshole. I'm from a much unhappier place :)
ok that's it: the grass is always greener on the other side so I'm gonna do my work and I won't complain
stop talking to yourself
Stop copying the way people speak. You freak
They don’t sell whoppers at McDonald’s.
there is always someone specific
Only if you go first since you started it :)

They are the copies and I am the original. Simple as that.
im the other timeline anon, i was not antagonistic to clarify. my people have grown tired of such things.
on the count of four ready
I think Gen X is kind of just a retarded generation. They don't really understand negative emotions so they dump it on the youth lol. Pretty fucking CRINGE bro okay sorry I swear I didn't actually write this.
Yep. But careful who you say that to. Mother fuckers be WAITING to knock you and yours down.
I miss her touch
This is one of my favourite paintings by Japanese painter Suyeon Na
Where are you
>off by one
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I get to work on Saturday I’m so happy
I’m on the train

>I ride the C-train, I ride the C-train, mama can you wait, mama can you wait
Sung to the tune of I Love The Cocaine by Buckcherry
Youre not the only one
You may call me not the only one but I am a dreamer.
Fake News
because austin is head of state he has to do full volume Fake News test
that actually now starting
Dont we all dream of what it would be like to feel loved and love our partner?
This is literally end goal for most eveeyone. My heart goes out to you, anon.
Vehicle Face Want TrJd Say
ok austin is now actually doing the full volume Fake News test
I would hope so but... some days I just don't know. It feels like I may be the only one.
people be coping these days and trying to convince themselves
Yeah, it’s really nice! A :3
So, it's my fault, like always. I'm always in the wrong and you claim no responsibility for the fight we had last night. I'm not allowed to ever get upset or angry at anything you say because you never do anything wrong. Any time I express how I feel, I'm the one who ends up feeling guilty for doing it. I just have to grit my teeth and bear with it no matter what.
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I've studied for months and I'm so fucking cooked. I had confidence at first, but the more practice problems I do, the less confident I feel.
I have my bar exam in a few days and I want to scream. Failing it once feels like I'd not only be letting myself down but, more importantly, the rest of my family and friends. Hundreds of hours wasted, thousands of dollars, all fucking wasted. I'm too old to waste anymore time, I can't afford it.
She gave up. What do you want?
If she keeps / kept fighting, you would lose respect. Do you want to be chased or to chase?
In bed, feeling sad. Where are you?
Same. Missing my partner.
Where did he/she go?
I’ve tried. I’m unemployed and I’ve tried to get jobs but can’t. I’ve tried to transcend my shitty clueless upbringing and not gotten anywhere. No one will hire me and no one will let me rent even though I have savings from my last job.
Go rizz up a rando bro! Maybe you will find some low-key love vibes and shit! It'll be good for you!
Go to a bar and talk to people, you can get plenty of job offers when socializing
Sir please I have no home I haven't ate in a couple of days. Sir I can't do this physical labor my body is lacking the nutrients. I need a peaceful job sir please. I can't improve myself anymore it has killed me. Sir please just something simple enough that can pay the bills sir.
In America a man doesn't deserve healthcare! You have to earn it by serving us! If you won't serve us then just DIE! But would we ever kill you ourselves? I think not! Does that make us strong or weak?
Gotta say I'm feelin' a little bit uwu right now...
Big fellas, what the fuck is up with the little fuckers today? Is it Thanksgiving or Halloween?
Alright sorry for misbehaving. I'll go make tendies now mommy.
>really horny during periods
>period sex is messy, gross, and painful
Fuck my retard life.
I had a genuine big glow up, and honestly it's still fucking with my head. Any time someone compliments me I just think "They're being polite" or "Everyone says stuff like that" because to think I had an awful childhood for no reason except I was ugly makes me so sad man. Honestly I didn't earn my glow up at all, it was just puberty. And even now it feels like the moment I embrace being "attractive" all of it's going to fall apart. Like a bus will come hit me, or I'll have to get my teeth removed and it fucks up my face. And life will be like "Haha the retard fell for it! He actually believed he was hot!!"

I watch a lot of blackpill youtubers because I still feel that way inside. It's all so unfair man. I was one of them.
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My ex girlfriend told me once about a person she knew online who she was close to, I think she catfished them, and then she blocked them one day and ghosted them. She was very young, she told me about it and she was crying really hard. I felt bad her for then, but I understand her guilt now.

I tried doing the right thing after having done the wrong thing for so long, and now I’m experiencing the repercussions. The people I talked to every day all find me disgusting and repulsive now. Girls I loved to see happy, I hurt them so badly. I saw a message today that she had sent me some time ago, all it said was “please don’t hurt me” and I didn’t listen to her.

I miss them all. I wish they could all be happy now. I don’t know what to do. There’s a lot of regret.

Even now, I’m too afraid to tell the truth. The whole truth, the full truth, however you want to put it; even now, anonymously, I’m still too afraid to say it.

My circumstances now, they’re all so fitting. I kept the truth from so many people, and now, people believe things about me that aren’t true, because of the things that are. Isn’t this what I wanted then? I wanted to keep the truth from them, no? Now, nobody can have it.
i can't breed
im incredibly parasocial with a couple of anons in another thread and i dont really know what to do about it
>Be me, 25, gay and lonely
>Have a roommate who I sometimes go drinking with, she's manic depressive and always asks about my sex life/past relationships
>A few weeks ago our preferences in men come up, leads to us watching gay porn together jokingly
>notice both of us are getting more and more into it
>she asks if we can masturbate to it together
>in the heat of the moment, she's stroking me off and I'm rubbing her but have no idea what I'm doing
>still manage to get her off
>despite me not being attracted to her it becomes a regular thing
Where do we go from here bros? Should I stop or keep going?
Damn, I think she collects guys like Pokemon. Am I rare or common?
My roommate's vagina smells really, really bad. I can't smell it in normal interaction but I can tell whenever I use the bathroom shortly after her. The smell is disgusting, it makes me sick, and it's very strong. I think she might have an infection but it would be a weird thing to bring up.
It's not something I can discuss with anyone I know but I needed to get it out of my system.
as humans evolve new types of relationships emerge, from family, to tribe, to religion, to clan, to nation, and so it goes. Just don't forget from what you came from; it may or may not matter. Lmao even. Based. Unironically.
I seem to hang on her every word. I feel somewhat pathetic for being this happy to talk to her again. Our conversation is as innocent as can be, yet the fact she finds me worthy of friendship and is dedicated to our daily exchanges feels almost like an addiction.
Tell her. It could affect you too
i love him but he doesn’t choke me out. he does not know what he’s doing. i have told him what i like but it isnt his thing.
how can you be sure its her pussy that smells
Common. Gotta catch em all, fucking whore.
Yeah, that makes sense.
Don't ever stay in any type of abusive relationship no matter how much you love the other person.
It's not worth it and the damage is hard and takes a lot of time to recover from.
If there's one thing I'm a master at is self sabotage
Yeah it sure does. Ptsd sucks unironically
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>average dick
>cum super fast
>mediocre at oral sex
>intensely nervous during sex or talking about it
>profoundly insecure about everything
>only have sex once every 1-2 weeks
>same routine every time we do it

What the fuck? It's like I'm specially designed to be trash at sex and make it as disappointing as possible for both of us. I've been with my gf for several years. I thought I'd get better, but it's like I'm somehow worse than I was at the beginning of our relationship.

What do I do? Is there any hope? Teenage virgin me would hurl himself off a bridge if he knew this is how it was gonna turn out.
I'm also a girl, the smell is recognizable to me. But theoretically it could also be her piss, which has me even more concerned if her urine has a musky fishy smell.
Not likely, unless she wipes her pussy on the toilet seat. Plus, she doesn't have any medical insurance to do anything about it anyway.
Does she drink coffee?
>never heard of sex in the shower
If she's bored of me then why does she want to keep me?
I'm starting to want to be free and do fun things again.
I don't want to be kept in a safe little box for her.
>you can get plenty of job offers when socializing
Easier said than done and the whole social group or lack thereof is part of the problem
I think I'm becoming a misogynist. The more I read about dating and psychology, the more I realize that most women aren't actually loyal, selfless, loving, or trustworthy. I hate that I can't refute it.
I know she's bored of me and this relationship has become far from my ideal
I know I'm going to get overlooked for the position despite working so hard for it
I know I'm not going to get a call back for a new job despite applying everywhere
I know I'm not going to escape my crippling debt any time soon

I just don't get why I can't catch a break in life
If they did gouge my face off and eat my organs what would you do? I honestly don't feel safe in this country anymore... but I feel safe around you, although I sometimes worry about talking to you since they were harassing you hard.

Things that happened to me in the span of 10 months working outside:
>Get accused of rape by my female rapist
>Get targeted by a serial killer
>Get accused of sleeping around
>Get accused of sleeping with you
>Get accused of sleeping with him
>Get accused of wanting to sleep with her
>Get accused of stalking my stalker
>Get accused of being an evil witch
>Get accused of being a golddigger
>Get accused of having excellent social skills
Life isn't the same without you
haha bro i suck so cool, look at how cool i suck :/

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