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NW5, turning 21 soon. I don't want to post pics, but trust me, I'm not exaggerating. I've been buzzing my hair since 18, and now I'm planning on shaving it fully because it's very noticeable how bald I am even with buzzed hair. I started wearing baseball caps when I'm out because I feel very insecure about anyone seeing my lack of hair.
I don't want to wallow in self-pity, but the hit on my confidence has led me to socialize much less over the years. I just want to feel normal and confident, especially among my peers. I know it's just hair, and some people go through way worse, but, man, it affects me, and I don't know what to do.
i think it's not the worst deal and they might cure it in 10 years but for real this time. Maybe socialize during these years, don't burn bridges, see what happens, build a circle, invest in interesting skills. You might date anyway. I genuinely have seen bald ass dudes with girls I would have loved loved loved to date mid-twenties.
Same desu
also dating sucks ass for most men 19-23 anyway
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Make it your image and wear it with pride.

Pic was voted Sexiest Man In The World five years in a row when younger
Shave it all. Theres a lot of research that shows that complety bald men are less attractive that full hair but are seen as much more dominant and masculine (think on Dwayne Johnson or VinDiseal). But balding men are less attractive and less dominant than both shaved and full hair (think on the average mid aged salaryman).
I'm about in my late twenties now and I quickly started losing my hair in high school. I really wish I'd started shaving it earlier, I definitely should have at least started buzzing it around 18 like you did, I spent my college years in my early twenties looking like a homeless middleaged man. You can guess how much female attention I got during that time, and how well my attempt to find a girlfriend went.
I don't know why I didn't do it sooner, I was so ashamed and self-conscious of my hair, I just didn't even consider it as an option, I couldn't let go since part of my identity for years had been of having long hair. I also don't leave the house without a hat, it feels miserable having to hide my head everywhere I go, something normal people don't have to worry about.
I wish I had advice for coping with it, I'm just here to commiserate.

This guy mentioned every time when it comes to coping with being bald. It just makes me feel worse honestly, like all bald guys look so interchangeable they might as well be the same guy. I don't want people to look at me and think of the same two or three celebrities with a trait that I have all the time, I definitely don't want to be compared to Mr. Clean, I want to just be me. Imagine someone saying "Just be like this celebrity, the one with the hair on the top of his head." I dunno, man.
You're missing the point. It is not "compare yourself to the celebrity." It is "Ignore the issue the way he does and others will ignore it too.."
remember OP, being bald isnt embarrassing, balding and refusing to accept it is
t. thinning at 22 and thinking of getting rid of it all if minox doesn't work
I understand the point is something like that, but it just digs up additional neurosis for me every time instead. A reminder that you're not normal and you're in a way defined by your baldness, just like how those celebrities are when they are used in a comparison, as it's a very noticeable feature, hence people will always foremost think of you as a "bald guy" regardless of whether you try to ignore it. Something like that. Doesn't work on my machine, might for some.
Thanks for the advice anons. I suppose there is no other way but to own it and move on.
>it feels miserable having to hide my head everywhere I go, something normal people don't have to worry about.
I know that feel.
Anon please don’t fucking take finnasteride ok? I got post finnasteride syndrome and it shriveled up my flaccid penis, reduced my libido by like 20ish percent, and I was in a really really dark place with serious anhedonia for like 2 months man.

The anhedonia was fucking terrifying man. I couldn’t feel any emotion it was like being trapped in a corpse. I wanted to commit suicide.

Lots of other dudes have it way worse and have been hanging on in that condition for years man. Do not fucking take finnasteride. I’m lucky I only got hit mildly compared to the worst cases. There’s hundreds of guys that committed suicide probably because they lost all sensitivity in their dick, had zero libido, and couldn’t even get an erection with Viagra,

Get a hair transplant and take minoxidil if you choose but DONT take fin.
there were balding kids in my high school that just had a lot of rizz, masculinity, a great attitude, and were ambitious and a lot of girls liked them believe it or not, some grew their hair out or tried to style around it and some like buzzed it. There were also kids with unfortunate hair that seemed to hide in the background and simply exist that I don't remember the names of.

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