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i think that guys at work who are quiet and usually wear a neutral or negative expression are assholes. am i right?
What do you need advice in
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i need a external view on whenever my thinking is reasonable
are you like that?
nope, you just feel deeply insecure about yourself and project that onto others.
how, that sounds like a canned reply that you can say to anyone
They are the ones most likely to be good at their jobs and become your boss.
That's how words work. They're meant to be able to be said to anyone
it seems that they hate their job. the ones that are great are nice and realize that they need to chat with other people.
Mangler career line is entirely separate from the people doing the actual job. They go to different school to become managers
>realize that they need to chat with other people.
Do they? As far as I know a blown transformer won't fix itself any faster regardless how you talk to it. Anyone is capable of transactional cooperative communication when job requires it.
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im a nurse not a plumber
>I think blue is the best color, am I right?
The only thing unreasonable here is thinking you could have any semblance of an answer with no information and a question so broad.
no, it is fitting. You project something on a blank canvas that doesn't really exist. It could be, but mostly you just project your insecurities onto them. Just like when you feel that people laugh about you, when you hear someone laughing in public.
Have they not relayed to you the information you need to do your job? It is imperative the responsible nurses are aware of the state of patients and treatments at each shift. If they neglect this, do report them, first to whatever your equivalent of a manager is, and if it doesen't help, the authorities. Malpractice isn't a small issue
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there is plenty of information
>Just like when you feel that people laugh about you, when you hear someone laughing in public.
that's normal for majority of people, that don't have a problem with insecurity
information often happens to move when you're just shooting the shit with other nurses, which wouldn't end up happening otherwise
>information often happens to move when you're just shooting the shit with other nurses
If anything we need to ensure crucial information does not hang by the offchance of shooting the shit with other nurses.It's not a nice to have afterall, people's lives may depend on it. Over here from what I've heard from my nurse buddy they have formal sync meetings at each new shift change where everyone is informed about everything. Chitchat can come later if it organically happens
>that's normal for majority of people, that don't have a problem with insecurity
How would you know that? That's just another example of you creating you own reality. It's an insecurity and it depends how a person acts on it. One might feel bad about it for a long time, others just know it's not realistic and move on and some check it out if the laughing people look at them while laughing just to be sure. Same with guys at work who are quiet and usually wear a neutral or negative expression. All those attributes aren't any clear indicator of being an asshole, you are just guessing. Just like I would guess you are a 14-21 male most browsing incel boards solely because you posted an image of a close up cat face.
Here we fucking go, all aboard.
This is a fun topic because I am known to present a cold but polite attitude with new hires, which is apparently intimidating.
I've owned my business for almost 15 years. I have almost zero employee turnover, except for new hires, where it's almost 30% @ 6 months.
I ascribe this to the work culture we've developed, which is work hard, play hard. My guys bust their ass working, and at the end of the.week. we blow off steam. I always have free beer and bbq on Fridays and we usually do dumb shit like racing mini-motorcycles around the shop floor and parking lot, or something equally retarded.
New hires can be a massive disruption to workflow if they aren't a good fit, and for the most part the cadre of long-term employees will be conservative in their assessment of new guys, and they have distinct judgement criteria that are different from mine but equally important to honor.
As owner, I find thst.my naturally warm and welcoming personality is great with customers but sets too low of a series of expectations with new hires. I'm just the guy who stands between them and their paycheck. You crunch your thumb with a hammer, you're going to look for sympathy from Mr. Nice guy and slack off. With a cooler, more reserved boss, you're going to grimace and try to get by for the day if you don't need a doctor. My people see that (they don't miss much) they're going to know the new guy's a worker and has pride. One of them will hand the guy a couple of ibuprofen and a water bottle, and invite them for beer out back on Friday.
For OP, I'll say that it's possible yiu still hsven't won over your superiors. Your boss MUST take other employees' opinion of you into account. Even the assholes' opinions. A work crew's mood determines productivity and guys like what's familiar, which might not include you yet.
your an asshole and should sh just for thinking that. what did they do to you faggot
>that's normal for majority of people
Doesn't make it normal, it's still a sign of insecurity
I think YOU are the asshole
Not the poster, but I'm looking to start a business and like this line of thinking. Do you have any general tips or other things to suggest for someone starting out a business?
> I am known to present a cold but polite attitude with new hires
> I have almost zero employee turnover, except for new hires, where it's almost 30% @ 6 months
> the work culture we've developed, which is work hard, play hard
> I always have free beer and bbq on Fridays
>With a cooler, more reserved boss, you're going to grimace and try to get by for the day if you don't need a doctor
You're a fucking terrible boss holy shit. I don't know why you would admit to being this much of a shithead on the internet and sound proud in the process. The worst part is that you have zero self-awareness about it.
Welcome to working, NEET.
I can't help it but once you speak to me I'm really nice :(
are you complaining about doctors not giving you attention?
He's a typical shop boss, dunno if you missed that part, that is just the culture required for their line of work. Sounds pretty based to me, I'd work for the fucker. That degree of separation is important.
>"'Free food and beer?!
What an asshole!"
LMTYHIK you live with your mommy

That work environment is fucking horrendous. Every boss should be kind. This world is already a shitty place to make it more unbearable. That the reason why neets don't work. They prefer staying at home instead of working to make some asshole (like him) more rich.
Plot twist: OP's coworkers get quiet around him because they don't like him and think HE is the asshole.
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doctors get a pass, though lot of them are nice because they are intelligent
I go to work to make money, not friends, little fella. One of the best jobs I've ever had involved me never, ever seeing anyone above the level of my direct supervisor and him only once or twice a month.
IDGAF if my boss curses like a sailor with Tourette's syndrome, eats a garlic and onion pizza for breakfast and breathes heavy through his mouth, never bathes, and calls me puddin tame - am I getting paid?
If yes, then
Do I need to kick someone's ass for fucking with me?
If no, then
I am happy with the job
Of course you are. They are bad, and you are good. Everyone should behave like you do.
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t. guy who's always there just to work/get a degree/whatever, not to make any gay ass friends or god forbid have a laugh
learn how to quote with t., lol. Funny how you became silent and are now just replying to meaningless posts with shitposting. Clearly it's was only a retard venting thread instead of asking for advice.
>mfw OP enters the room
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i went for a nice 'cycle
what do you think needs a response

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