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How do I get a girlfriend? I need as detailed advice as possible. I have never had interest shown in me my whole life. The only girl that I could hold conversations with daily and felt I clicked with rejected me after I told her I liked her recently. I just need some sort of guide, I'm so fucking lost, I have no clue what I even did wrong. That was the most on top of my game I've been on socially and it still wasn't enough so at this point I think I'm about to die alone.
i don't know. try dating apps
(i'm a virgin NEET who never attempts to date)
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Read DEFM and check the r/TheRedPill sidebar + the /htgwg/ threads here
Don't ever bother telling someone you like them, just flirt until it happens, essentially everyone wants to fuck everyone else by default.

Don't ever red pill yourself, actual gateway to lonelyness even if you pull a girl with it you won't think of them as equal.

You gotta just realise that women are actually just like you but with boobs and a vagina and they wanna get cummed in and be shown interest just as much as you wanna cum in them and you want interest shown in you.

Act with confidence, get fit, get a style. Take all oppurtunities and make as many as you can, go out and always be pro social. Don't expect changes over night, be good to yourself and be good to others and you'll do fine
I agree with everything except "Don't ever red pill yourself", you don't want to be a simp. All else of what you said is true if you have natural social skills but I am assuming OP is not since he said: "I need as detailed advice as possible. " One should red pill oneself with moderation, they are tools, you use them then move on with your life. If you make redpill/manosphere a religion then I agree somewhat with you.
Dating is a game of numbers;
If you hit on someone you risk getting rejected, but if you don't eventually hit on anyone your chances are zero. You can improve your chances by being a generally good partner.
Being a good partner consists of all the things you might look for in a potential partner and some other parts which are a matter of gender and personality.
So ask yourself: What do you bring to the table?
Start with the obvious stuff like basic fitness, general health, cleanliness, having a job, having a social circle.
If you don't have those, then those are the things you should prioritize.

I could go on more, but your anime picture hints at that you've already got some homework to deal with, so focus on becoming a better catch, then try again.
I been out of the dating game for a while now, but really you just have to put yourself out there. My funnest relationships fell in my lap, both figuratively and literally. Do something fun, you ll meet people if your and their stars align, and if they align romantically, then that's it. Really though, if youre a normie then that's what you do. If you got the 'tism, then I suggest talking to a therapist who specializes in neurodivergency and come up with a plan that allows you to communicate better with other people.
theredpill's more about maximizing sexual strategy -- the kinda guy who crushes different puss on the nightly, not so much about getting and maintaining a gf. if you want a girl attracted to the dark triad go for this advice. if you want a qt3.14 loyal gf it's still not bad advice to be aware of, but not necessarily to live by
Good shit. You almost soundlike you seen a real life vagina before
Granted, I try not to look when I fuck your mom.
My mom's a trans man so that makes you a faggot. Haha you're a faggot.
Sheeet, I knew that awfully big clit seemed sus.
True, for LTRs they have r/marriedredpill
>How do I get a girlfriend?
Relationships are formed through proximity and bonding through shared experiences. You need to be in proximity with women, share previous or current experiences, and bond if compatible.

>I need as detailed advice as possible.
Unfortunately I have a job and dispense advice in drips and drabs. I'd write a book but I'm already not writing several others.

>I have never had interest shown in me my whole life.
Real question; think about: How would you know?
Are you such an expert on women that you can pick up subtle interest. Yes, some women are obvious as little girls when they gush over a hot guy. But many women learn to be subtle. They learn that showing the slightest hint of interest to a guy can trigger unwanted attention. And other girls tear down obvious women as being sluts even if they're innocent virgins.
Women can be subtle.
Once I got a bf who looked at me in all sorts of ways, I noticed the subtle ones in other women.

Women could be looking at you like "Hey.... what's this guy's deal? Hmmm..." And you're expecting hearts in her eyes.

Waiting until a girl confirms or shows interest is a mistake. Waiting until you're certain you want to date might be a mistake. Wait until she's comfortable with you, ask her out, find out on the date if you're compatible.
>The only girl that I could hold conversations with daily and felt I clicked with rejected me after I told her I liked her recently.
Either she wasn't ever interested in romance and nothing was lost or you waited so long that instead of a casual and natural exploration of whether you two would be compatible, you likely hit her out of nowhere with a surprise expression of "like" from someone who hadn't expressed any interest before.
Declarations of affectionate feelings don't work unless they've been secretly feeling the exact same way like a cheesy movie.
Don't declare your feelings and expect them to either make you happy or reject you. That's giving them a responsibility, not a gift of affection. It should be an opportunity. You're giving them the opportunity to spend time with you in a different way. If that's something they're interested in, great. Set a date. If not, the opportunity is still there for now until you find someone else. No harm no foul.

>I have no clue what I even did wrong.
Sometimes she sees who you are and isn't compatible and the relationship wouldn't have worked anyway.
Sometimes she can't see who you are due her own issues.
Sometimes she can't see who you are because of how you present yourself.
Sometimes you do nothing wrong, she's compatible, and everything falls apart because of bad luck.
Life is pain. Anyone who tells you otherwise is selling something.

>at this point I think I'm about to die alone
Giving up is a terrible Plan A or even Plan B.
Keep trying.
Keep failing.
Keep learning.
Fail better.
>How would you know?
It's crazy that this is even a question. I haven't. I just know it.
> you likely hit her out of nowhere with a surprise expression of "like" from someone who hadn't expressed any interest before.
She told me she had no clue I liked her. But I was actively trying to flirt and dropping hints. What the fuck am I meant to do, I can't stop thinking about it. I didn't even wait a long time, only a couple of weeks.

I can't help but think of this as untrue. If that was the case, why did she feel nothing when I told her I liked her? Why did she just not even care much? If someone confessed to me I at least wouldn't be able to stop thinking about it for a bit, but she was so nonchalant about it. I can't get it out of my head.
>I just know it.
You don't know anything.

>She told me she had no clue I liked her. But I was actively trying to flirt and dropping hints.
Which she didn't get because you don't know anything.

>What the fuck am I meant to do
You didn't necessarily do anything wrong. You tried and it didn't work out.
Keep moving forward.

>I didn't even wait a long time, only a couple of weeks.
Seems like a short enough time to me but maybe she felt different. Women will often take a guy not making a move or giving any indication he likes her as a "passive rejection".

>why did she feel nothing when I told her I liked her? Why did she just not even care much? If someone confessed to me I at least wouldn't be able to stop thinking about it for a bit, but she was so nonchalant about it. I can't get it out of my head.
Here's a universal truth I figured out in high school loooong before I figured out how to socialize:
Telling someone that you like them doesn't make them like you.

Some people might like the attention but if they're getting plenty of attention already, they won't be fooled by the endorphin rush of being liked. They're already liked.
I love you, I litterally love you and I want to be in a relationship with you.

If that is seriously all it takes for you, you need some more self love.

The reality is she did feel something for you she just didn't like you as much as you liked her, sucks but that's how it goes and yeah most people want more than just a simple I love you to get into a relationship. Words are cheap as they say.

Statements like that are more sealing the deal in a relationship than starting one. Don't let it get you down, it's a good learning oppurtunity.

To answer why she didn't secretly like you like you liked her idk, I have no context but take it for gospel if you were in her position you'd feel the same way. Maybe with that information you can work backwards to figure out what went on. AKA what would make you feel not much to being "confessed" too.

Big tip for relationships in general but be easy, don't put responsibilties on people and look after yourself, being easy to hang around is one of the most universally liked traits in people. Being the type to randomly, from their point of view, confess does not make you an easy person, it's dramatic af.

This means look for ways to be assertive and flirty but not over bearing, complimenting looks is so easy and goes a long way, work up to non commital dates where you get some private time with them and be playful. Once you have that it's perfect to do a little teasing "you know I really like you" or something. The lynchpin of flirting is plausible deniability, it lets both people say what they think without being over bearing on the other person. If you don't know how to flirt or what to do just think what you'd want a girl to do to you (seriously) and then do it to them
>If that is seriously all it takes for you, you need some more self love.
My heart started beating faster reading the first line
if you had an emotional reaction to some random stranger on the internet confessing to you, you almost certainly need therapy/need to seriously take a long look at yourself and figure out what's up.

Everything I said earlier about treating women as your treat yourself is true but it's gotta start from a point of self love and self respect which I think it's likely you're deficient in. You can get better and when you do you'll get your partner

Good luck bro

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