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is college worth it? I feel I'll regret not going while I'm still relatively young. Any advice how to pick a major?
Find something you enjoy thats STEM. Avoid basketweaving degrees like history and multicultural studies and you'll be good.
What field or career can you see yourself doing? Pick a degree that takes you there.

if you have no idea get a certificate / vocational training / trade school / go to community college

do not fuck around with student debt and a useless bachelors degree in english, history, communications, etc.
exactly this

if you do not know what you want to do, take STEM classes. don't fuck around and end out with a general studies degree

college is worth it if what you want to do requires it. if just serving your community or some shit gives you life you don't need it. if you're mechanically minded and wanna work that you don't need it.
I just want to add that ur thinking is correct, you want to do it awhile you're young. You will probably regret not getting it overwith and stuck working full time and doing school part time if you wait till you're older. Trust me I waited to get my bachelors and only got an associates while I was young and it sucks. So, get at least a bachelors and do it while you're young.
I think you should take a look at the money you'd be making in different degrees. There's statistics for that kind of shit, now take one degree of the upper bracket of earning that is offered near you and go with it.
Define "worth it."

Will college guarantee you a high-paying career? No. Will it guarantee you 4 years of fun and sex? No, (It might provide those things, but it might not.)

Will it give you the opportunity (if you make use of it) to learn a lot of interesting stuff, meet some interesting people and also learn a lot about yourself? Definitely.

College is not a trade school, though too many try to use it as one. There is NO field of study that guarantees a job and none that makes you unemployable. In fact, there is very little relation between field of study and ultimate career - only about 25% of grads wind up working in the field of their degrees.

What happens is that in the years of studying Subject A, you discover talents and develop skills that can be used in Career B

An English major who can analyze poetry discovers she can analyze sales reports.
A CS major who can program discovers he can design CGI film
Someone who is only OK in a STEM field has the personality to sell tech.
It was worth it to me for the social education.
For others I only recommend it if you know how your degree will help you get the job or career you want.
If you have no idea what you want to major in go to community college first. I dropped out but I wasted WAY less money than if I had gone to a "real" college or university.
My comment on purpose and passion: https://archive.4plebs.org/adv/thread/31681566/#q31682547
What about blue collar courses like welding, electrician, etc.?
It depends.

If you were a smart kid in highschool and/or had drive and ambition, AND you pick a good degree that has realistic employment opportunities then yes, college is worth it.

If you just want to go to college because you want to "experience college" or its just what you think youre supposed to do, then its a horrible idea.

>Any advice how to pick a major?
Some will say follow your dreams, some will say follow the money, but I think the middle is the best choice.

Consider something that you have some interest in, seek out a college degree in that, and also make sure that there is a realistic opportunity for a job that pays well after you graduate.
>If you just want to go to college because you want to "experience college" or its just what you think youre supposed to do, then its a horrible idea.
what instead

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