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At what point does a boy become a man? Do you consider yourself a man?
You know for yourself

I am

The problem is the society we live in today, that tries to postpone manhood as much as possible.
I think the main trait of a man is taking personal responsibility. If you make a mistake, own it and do what you need to do to correct it, then you're a man.
When i murdered all those people in Iraq, that’s when the boy inside me died.
When you have taken full responsibility for your life. You have your own job, paying for your own place, your own food, your own car, your own retirement etc.

As soon as you produce semen you are a man. So 12ish.
When you can stop asking that question.
At your bar mitzvah
For me I think it was when I took control and responsibility for my life. It was a turning point that even if I didn't have it all figured out and wasn't in a situation that many would consider me taking care of myself that change in mindset brought all of things with it in the comings years.

I still remember just doing things because it was easier and I knew that others would approve and I was "on the path" so to speak, not really caring about what I necessarily wanted or cared about or making decisions on my own but just what was expected of me and told to me.
From what I can tell a lot of people might naturally get this over a long period of time of needing to sort things out on their own, but I could genuinely have went my entire life without ever striking out on my own or needing to, but I couldn't live like that.

The defining change was I would ask peoples thoughts on things, because if I took their advice and it didn't work out then it "wasn't my fault" as I was just listening to them, it was their fault, consciously or subconsciously, accepting responsibility for all of my choices and living with the consequences of my actions and that anything I ask others is to supplement my own thoughts and never a crutch to make decisions for me was the key turning point.
I can personally pinpoint this shift to an exact moment, an exact argument, where I was just sick of what I was doing and fully realized exactly what I had been doing, how disgusting that was, and that I needed to take control of my life.
A lot of people will still do this at any age and never really grow up, but to me, that is what it is to be a man.
Good perspective. Thanks, anon.
I'm 5'5 so no I don't consider myself a man. If I was a normal size I'd feel a lot better about myself
this is it. being a man means facing who you really are: becoming aware of your faults and using that knowledge to become someone better.
Same. I'm 5'4 and I feel like a child LARPing in a world of adults. Embarassing life.
when you're smarter than most adult human males which happened to me at 13
>when you're smarter than most adult human males which happened to me at 13
And what a terrible fate for the cost. I was the same. If you know you know.
Exactly this. Had the exact thing recently. Realised I'd been coasting along achieving nothing before 25. Leaving my tolerable but dead-end job, dumped my toxic gf, got into consistently working out and will get in to study medicine next year. Felt like I was taking responsibility for the first time in my life to get my own shit together. Felt like being a man
I am not a man. I'm a NEET shut-in with health problems who's fully dependent on my parents at 24 because I have trouble holding basic jobs. Even my dick doesn't work anymore because of a rare condition. I feel like I have to pretend to be girlish just for the pity points to survive. I'm like the house maid.
I will never be a man and don't see myself making much longer without checking out early.
When you decide to be
Deep down, I still feel like a teen still but am an adult. I think it is because college to me, honestly just felt like high school but expanded. I am done with it and feels like stagnation in terms of "life" in a way. Sure I am attempting to get a job, with goals for career and life starting to develop, but I still consume much of what I enjoyed as a teen. I don't go out much if at all besides seeing my grandparents or helping parents with something. I still live with my parents. Don't have a lot of money. Am in debt. Etc. I guess being a man is more of a mindset, but for me it feels like a position in life. Independence and shit.
I feel this way currently but haven't grown since discovering it...
Not really. I'm 25, have a body of a pre-teen boy and act 15 but extremely asocial.
I felt like a man plenty of times, but when I had a child and had to take actual responsibility for something, I realized I had been acting like a kid my whole life before that.
I don't given that I still live with mommy and am dependent on her. I know it is absolutely fucking pathetic, gross, and shameful. No man living with his mom can ever call himself a "man" unless he is paying all the bills, has a wife, gf, or several women he is fucking, and who has his shit together.
You become a man once you start taking responsibility for yourself and others. It's the hardest thing to do.

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