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How do I improve my appearence and personality as a femoid? I really feel like I don't look my best although it might be body dysmorphia, but I truly wanna know what to do to improve myself physically, mentally and personality wise.
There's lots of videos on YouTube that might help you with that. Or at least some were helpful to me. Also unironically stop using 4chan, staying here for too long will lower your self worth.
Thanks for the advice. That is actually true, whenever I come on here I end up feeling empty and worse about myself lol.
depends on what you want "improved". if it's weight, lose weight. if it's something that can't be helped without a procedure, either work on accepting it or shell out the dough to get it fixed
same anon here. note on the lose weight part: take care you don't fall into anorexia nervosa or bulimia or anything crazy like that.
It's the weight, but aside from that I do not like my face, my smile, my nose, etc.
Go to the gym and start running. It'll take a while before you can do both these things on a consistent basis without hurting or being really sore. Give it like six months to 1 year. Women look really good by just losing a few pounds and tightening up. For your mental health see a therapist at least twice per month. Everyone has some things to work on.
Gotta lose around 30 pounds, starving unironically looks very attractive right now. I don't think I have a lot of willpower, and losing 30 pounds "healthily" will take years.
i'd start working on the weight, it's the "easiest" part to improve and you'll find that with a lifestyle conducive to losing weight (exercising, better diet, healthier habits) the rest of you becomes easier to accept and you might not even want to change anything else about yourself. self love begets more self love in my experience.

face will likely improve with weight changes - bone structure becomes more evident/cutting and such. the only "at-home" thing you can do for your smile is healthy brushing and flossing habits, everything else is cosmetic dentistry/braces.
starving is one of the worst ways to lose weight. you can't starve yourself indefinitely and most likely will return to old eating habits and undo your progress. it sounds like a long time but after only a couple of weeks of healthy weight loss techniques you (and others) start seeing the differences physically and mentally.
Thanks for the advice. I don't just think it's my weight, it's my face, my hair and my overall "look". I've gotten confused with being a kid before and I don't look as attractive as your normal girl would. Seems like every girl I see online looks way better than me.
It's better if you take it slow, not only for your skin to properly adjust but also because of potential health issues. Wish someone convinced me to take my time back then.
Got braces right now, gonna get them taken off soon. Let's see how that goes. And yes, probably will lose the weight. It's just so hard, I'm not lying when I say I've tried for 4 years.
I am 20 but I feel like I have no time left lol, I was suppossed to be "peaking" at this point. I feel like I have no potential to do anything and look good. I know it's a self destructive mindset but it's just what always comes to mind.
I would just try to love yourself, go to therapy, and do the best with what you have. We all have things about our appearance we wish weren't the case. Eventually age will steal our looks anyway. A strong mind is way more important than a perfect nose or smile. Maybe start a skin care routine, start getting waxed, get your nails done etc. No need for surgeries. Get braces if you must
I know there isn't cheatcodes to weight loss :/
I overate a lot on my teenagehood and now this is the result. Can't really live withput food. If I eat I feel the necessity of eating garbage, if I don't eat I do not feel that necessity. It's strange.
I've got braces, I do not go to the salon or dress "femininely" and my mom hates that. When I do do those things, I feel like I do not belong in what I look like and I don't look as impressive as I'd like to look. It's always my mind saying something is wrong.
it's definitely a challenging journey to change weight. i was underweight up until my early 20s when i finally learned some good dieting and such that worked for myself and my goals. it doesn't have to be painful though - there's a popular misconception that you need to abandon all your favorite foods and live a painful exercising lifestyle to get to where you want to be and it's rather unfortunate. i'm no dietitian but visiting one and learning i could still eat the shit i want (in moderation) and workout in different ways that worked for my specific lifestyle was a godsend
I am sorry you struggled with weight yourself, it fucking sucks. Wait, you don't have to give up the crap you wanna eat? Lol.
fuck nah, you can still eat your favorite shit but if it's fried chicken and cakes you can't eat it every meal. just in moderation or as a treat every now and then in addition to your healthy diet. or even in modified form - if you want chicken for example it doesn't need to be fried junk with fries, it can be some baked lemon chicken with sliced potatoes

the big thing that helped me was learning about macronutrients and empty calories - sometimes i'd crave a big fucking shake from McD's and realize i just wanted a bit of sugar, so picked up a small thing of chocolate milk and that'd satisfy the craving without all the glutton. wanna eat a big fucking pizza by myself - couple thousand calories? i just want carbs with some protein on it, lemme go make a sandwich w/ some ham or some shit.
So it's replacing your big cravings with something more normal? I see. How fast would that be though? Probably will take a while xD
post them
yeah speed's definitely not something you can say the healthy way has, but it's the best way; you'll feel better in more ways than just your physical appearance. just please don't starve yourself or do any "fad" diets or any shit that promises quick results -- the only "quick" result you'll get is disappointment that it's not having the quick results you want.

and if you only gotta lose 30 pounds, liposuction and such probably isn't necessary here. you can lose about 1-2 pounds a week with the right diet. don't get too hung up on the day-to-day -- your weight WILL fluctuate depending on many factors like water intake, the weight of the food you ate, fat burn, all kinds of shit. focus more on trends -- if you lost eight pounds in two months, that's good shit. if you gained 2 pounds between yesterday and today, that's not enough data to say you're "gaining weight."
the main trick is calories in vs calories out. if you eat more than your body burns at its base metabolic rate, you will gain weight, and vice versa. you can go online and get an estimate, or you can go do this thing called the "bodpod" and get a more accurate estimate of the daily number of calories your body burns at rest just keeping your muscles and brain working. once you have that number, calorie counting becomes much easier and more useful.

fun fact: the best way to increase the number of calories you burn daily is to build muscle.
That is very true, I am gonna be honest, I wanna feel better mentallt and physically. Thankfully the "slow" way assures that for yourself.
Thanks for the advice, anon. I have a BMI of 173 pounds, which makes me overweight. Do you think muscle gain will speed up the weight loss process?
a lot of anons above said this too but lose weight first to see if you look alright then move from there
>starving unironically looks very attractive right now
You will regret it if you try that. Starving just leads to uncontrolled bingeing, which leads to more starving, and you end up in an endless cycle where you get more and more skinny-fat (more fat and less muscle) each time round. The first fortnight of dieting you lose a lot of water weight; after that you should never be trying to lose more than 2lb a week, and a little less than that may make it easier to keep the weight off. If you try to lose more than 2lb a week, you'll be burning up muscle and organs, not fat.
i'm not entirely sure, like i said earlier i'm not a dietician but muscles can really only help you. i know that they increase the number of calories you burn at rest, but if you're eating more than your daily metabolic rate you'll see weight gain regardless of how much muscle you have. if you're working out regularly and eating lots of protein the weight gain will more likely be muscle gain though, which is good weight to gain.
Understood. So would muscle growth require to consume more calories?
>What you should do looks wise:
Obvious answer, but exercise. Don't overdo it. Anorexic level thinness is bad, and being morbidly obese is bad. Everything in between looks good though. Go for 110 < x < 180 (even 200ish is ok).

Be moderate with makeup use. Too much is almost always bad. I would advocate for none, but a little bit doesn't hurt.

Dress in what makes you feel good/happy. I am not interested in girls who wear something because it's popular or "a designer brand." Men's preferences for clothing styles in women vary, so just wear something you feel confident in.

>What you should do personality wise:
Really just embrace yourself and your own interests. Avoid adopting false personalities. A lot of girls conform to popular culture. I can't speak about my fellow men's preferences, but when a girl is an NPC, I'm turned off.
In a sense. Muscle growth is achieved through exercise, naturally -- exercising creates microscopic tears in your muscles that, when nourished with protein and good rest, regrow bigger and stronger. People who workout a lot will tend to require more calories to maintain their weight or get bigger and stronger. Protein inherently has calories, all nutrients do, so in a sense, yes, muscle growth requires consuming calories, just as all bodily functions require consumption of food. Read up on macronutrients and check the sticky in /fit/ for more qualified info on this than my own.
I have a bf. Would this advice still count when dealing with him? He says he'd like me to lose weight due to my health. I also have no hobbies lol. It sucks.
Thank you for your advice and help.
>I have a bf
Your looks and/or personality are probably sufficient then.

>he'd like me to lose weight
Do long walks on a weekly basis. Low effort, but consistency will give you good long lasting results.

>I also have no hobbies
Hobbies specifically aren't necessary. You can like things x and y, and that's completely fine.
Thanks, that calms me down more honestly.

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