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I have been with my girlfriend for almost a decade now. We are married in everything but official documents, although currently we do not live together due to her work circumstances. She has requested a transfer to be closer to me which should be finished within next year.
Ever since we were young, horny teenagers, we have mentioned now and then how it would be hot to have a threesome. I always made it clear that for me it would have to be with women only, and she agrees as she says she wouldn't like to be with another man anyways. We were one another's first everything and have a very strong bond.

For a while, as we entered adulthood and had a lot of things to sort out and worry about, the threesome talk never came up again, being just a distant "fantasy" of ours. Recently, however, she brought it up, as we have been travelling through our country every so often, have accumulated wealth (individually) and she finds it a good opportunity to find a girl with no strings attached in the places we go to.
However, I have no idea how to initiate this kind of thing and/or if I should even give it a go. I fear I might have performance anxiety, which to me is fine since I still want my girl to enjoy it if it is something she wants to try out, and I know I do a good job even without using my penis.
We are in our mid 20s and not particularly attractive (I'm a 7 or 8 on a good day, so is she) but we are tall, well-spoken and wealthy (individually and collectively). My girlfriend is fit while I am skinny fat.
What would be our options if we decide to go through with it? Tinder? Swingers' places? Go to a party and flirt up girls? I believe my girlfriend would have to be the "wingman" and do the initial approaches since girls have a white flag by default with other girls.
Any ideas or opinions from someone who has done this?
Make sure your gf is 110% up for it.
Pay attention to her primarily, don't over focus on the third and ignore your gf.
Set boundaries beforehand with what you're both comfortable with.
If she asks afterwards, your gf is the better fuck/tighter/whatever.
>married in everything but official documents
>do not live together
So you aren't remotely married, not even common law, you're just deluded.
The best route is for her to keep her ears open. Women talk about sex more than men do, and eventually she'll hear someone complaininag about how boring or nonexistant her sex life is.
You could try Feeld.
Thanks, I'll talk about it with her next time it is brought up.
I think it has already happened in some ways, but this is something we speak about ever since before she had friends.
I've heard about it. Do you know if it is as botted and scammed up as Tinder?

We've also considered a prostitute since it is legal in our country, but I have my reservations about it for all of the possible negatives.
>I've heard about it. Do you know if it is as botted and scammed up as Tinder?
It's not that bad. It specialises in alternative lifestyle people - swingers, poly people, BDSM enthusiasts, etc.
Who is the brown one?
You should do this. Get a hot 18 year old. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity
I think this stuff is dangerous, honestly. Fantasy and reality are very different from one another. And when your GF sees some sexy 21 year old -- I think many hot girls in the age range are VERY willing to do this -- throwing it back on you, something will happen to her brain and it most likely will not be good.
Don't do it.
Do not ruin your bond on pointless hedonism.
> sexy 21 year old
Why do Americans use 21 as the new youngest age you can find attractive instead of 18? 18 year olds are even more willing to try threesomes
Are you sure she’s 100% straight? You don’t want to end up in a Ross from Friends type of situation where she’s been cheating on you with this chick for a while
No idea. Kinda looks like Adriana Lima back in the day.
Perhaps it is.
Yeah, I am somewhat concerned about the possible implications. Cons are the possible emotional impact, since my girlfriend is not very confident herself, pros are that she is pretty submissive and always says that she doesn't mind any sexual activity as long as I enjoy it (and I tend to have the same view towards her, hence my hesitancy.)
I do feel like it is something we should at least try once in a lifetime. I'm no stud at all, so I don't see it becoming a lifestyle or a recurrent thing from my side of things.
lol. Age of consent here is 14, but I wouldn't go below at least near 18 to avoid unwarranted clinginess and also the possible jailbait mentality, since although 14+ is okay they can still complain to family and get someone arrested if their family claims it was rape.
She does bring it up sometimes and has for many years, but I notice she only does it when she is horny. It's not a casual conversation thing.
I don't think she leans too much into women. She finds them attractive, including their bodies, but she says she doesn't really feel anything sexual toward them outright.
She was in a military academy and used to see girls shower and walk naked around her every day, some even had lesbian sex in the dorms near her, but she never really minded any of it either way.
I'll have to talk to her about it, but I wanted to gather some information first so if she really is interested I have some ammo to give her and us both some confidence in the topic. I feel like having a concrete understanding of how to go about it and how to handle the logistics would go a long way towards making her feel comfortable to give me a straight yes or no, since she has very little initiative.
You're going to destroy your relationship kek

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