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I'm now at 28 so I stopped dating just for fucking.
I'm dating a Latina, I always dated latinas, I only had 1 white gf in my life.
She is lovely, caring and gorgeous. She has a few red flags but nothing serious for now. (We have been dating for a few months now, so I might still be at the "she is so perfect" phase)
The thing is that I cannot see myself having a child with her (or any Latina).

I am white, blond and blue/green eyed. I want my kids to look like me, and all those traits are recessive, so the chances of a white blue eyed kid is very low.

I swear to God that I'm not racist. I just want kids that look like me.

I know that what I am saying and thinking is fucked up, but I can't stop thinking about this.

Please talk me out of this mindset. I can't talk to anyone about something like this, not even my therapist.
>I stopped dating just for fucking
>I'm dating a Latina

I'm already lost. Yes I'm retarded.

Tell us the red flags?
Marry and have kids for love autist not muh genetics, plenty of non mixed couples have ugly kids it’s all cope.

If your seed is virile and strong, like a bull, the baby will be white. My dad knocked up some Native American chick, brown woman, second wife, kid turned out completely Aryan.

You should be able to talk about with this anyone. Stop being a fag. Btw your just dating now, take it easy and slow, she a Latina, so prob a hoe.
hope you get a good white gf anon
White is not a reccessive trait, your children can be anywhere from your skin colour to hers.

It's unlikely she has genes for blond/blue eyes but could be true as well.

The kids will look like you despite this. There's so much more to a persons appearance that skin/eye/hair colour.

If this is all you think about though you're unready to be a father, you need to think of your child first and be ready to support them no matter who they are.
So why are you wasting her time? Especially when you fundamentally don't respect her identity? And don't say you don't because your actions show otherwise.
She is wife material, but I don't see myself having childrens with her.

She sometimes jokes about being jealous. It is just joking but in every joke there is some underlying truth.

And she is not as attentive to me as I am to her. I am always there for her when she needs me or needs something. But it is not so much the other way round.
This is not how it works you absolute retard kek
He's saying the blonde hair and blue eyes are recessive which is indeed true. Which is what people regard as white. So in that sense whiteness is recessive. Depends what you count as white though
What is it like to be with a latina? I have only dated white high IQ autistic women who break my heart. On the one hand I hear latinas are loyal and will go to the death with you, but I can't imagine them also wanting to watch my old kinos or appreciating the kinds of autistic things I do.
Well, as a Latino I'll tell you to ditch her at those red flags.

Generally speaking, Latina woman are fucking treacherous human beings. Add those red flags in there, and my advice is to jump ship.

I'm gonna leave it at that. I'm telling you to leave her. If you have more reasons that not to stick with her I guess do it.
>I hear latinas are loyal and will go to the death with you

The bad side is that they'll fucking kill you or get someone else to do it if you cross them the wrong way.

Don't do it. I wouldn't wish that shit on anyone, no matter how much your race pisses me off.
>a few red flags but nothing serious
I don't think you get the meaning of red flag op.
don't be salty jorje, maybe you'll be born white in your next life? cheers.
Depends how she looks like. Is she white latina? If so, more than likely they'll end up looking like you. And what's her ethnicity specifically?
Her mother is white, her dad isn't. She is mixed. She is Mexican. She is really tall for a girl, like 5'9'' or maybe 10''
I'm married to a Mexican woman. She is kind of crazy, I'm actually getting the war treatment from her right now.

My kids look white but for sure you lose a lot of the whiteness. Definitely a downside but I love my kids.
>She sometimes jokes about being jealous. It is just joking but in every joke there is some underlying truth
My wife is Mexican. I'm not allowed to have females in my life
You mean her mom is white american or just white hispanic? If her mom is white american then, dude, then more than likely they'll look like you. It even works if her mom is white hispanic.
im almost 29, and now im dating just for fucking, now for relationships anymore. If a perfect marrigable woman falls into my lap, sure ill go for it, otherwise im focusing on myself and my happiness.
White Hispanic, forgot to add

Glad to hear anon! You sound like a lovely father, keep it up
Well I am like her too, except my dad is the white one (Green eyes and everything). I was quite white as a kid, and my hair is light brown, and I am taller than average. Everything else like my features I inherited from my mom though (Small eyes, round face, etc.). I'm quite mixed, my brother does look like my mom more though. I am dating a white guy too, eyes like you. I honestly have no idea how our kids might look like in the future. But honestly, if the colored eyes don't run in her family, then consider your kids not having colored eyes. You'll probably only really get the skin tone from them. I say if she is a genuinely good woman then have kids with her.
Thanks for the advice! I wish you a happy and healthy relationship with your bf!
Thanks a lot man, I hope you and your gf have a long lasting relationship. Evaluate if she is wife material and you'll see if she is the mother of your kids or not! When life blesses you with a good woman, please take the chance.
>She is wife material
>I don't see myself having children with her
so you aren't her "husband material" sounds like, she just doesn't know it yet.

Otherwords, if she knew this she'd probably dump you
>another racemixer with a fetish and mental illness
If this isn't bait, kys.
Kek, i'm a latino loser but am not interested in having kids at all, don't matter the race. I would only marry a mexican if she didn't balloon to 200 pounds at 4 foot 9 20 years into the marriage.
Never been with a white, never see it happening. Honestly, black women do it for me.
I was in a similar situation. I am white and was in a relationship with a Latina. We were in a relationship for 3 years. I loved her and still do. But one thing I will never accept is children who do not look like me. I have distinct features and I look very much like my father. Granted, my ex-GF was relatively fair -- but still had a darker hue in particular lighting. She had big, brown eyes, too. I have to admit: I am not the biggest fan of solid, dark brown eyes. My eyes are green. The cultural difference was somewhat of an issue for me, too. My ex-GF was mostly assimilated and did not grow up speaking Spanish. However, she was aiming to recapture all that -- or become unassimilated. I was not interested in that. I was not interested in naming my children Spanish names or anything of that sort. We are both Catholic, though, and that was foundational to our relationship.

I entertained this all many times over. This was very difficult for me, and like you, I have never openly discussed my reasoning for being so reluctant to advance our relationship.

You will not talk yourself out of this "mindset." You want your children to resemble you, and there's a high chance that if you have a child with a Latina, especially one with distinct, dark features, the child will not look like you.

I'll always love my ex-GF. We're no longer together, although we still text from time to time. And we did have a great sex life -- despite being faithful Catholics -- and had she gotten pregnant, we would have married, and I probably would have knocked her up several more times. But it is 100% for the best that such a scenario never materialized.

But just know: I never got over the feeling that you are now experiencing, despite the deep, deep love I had for my ex-GF.
>racist but dates nonwhites
>Catholic but has sex outside of marriage
>"in love" but broke up
I'm seeing a pattern here...
Your weak genes deserve to go extinct. Have fun raising some slavic orcs.
This thread really is proof that humans are basically apes with superficial attractions.
Nice try juan, but white men will still fuck your women.
What the hell are you talking about
Sorry, Juan -- you will never understand the complexities of being a human being. I was talking to her tonight. You will never feel that passion.

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