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How would you feel about your girlfriend making out with another girl? Happened to me last night, was out at the bar with her & friends, she got way too drunk. End of the night as we’re leaving she sees a girl she knows, they hug & talk, next thing I know they’re full on making out.

Part of it is she’s mentioned being bi (though she’s never dated or had sex with women), so I feel like the “its just a girl thing I’m straight anyway” excuse doesn’t fly, and in general it was just embarrassing to have happen in front of a ton of people I know, like literally how I saw it was two of my friends I was talking to being like “uhhhh what’s going on with your girlfriend over there”.

I’ve already had some concerns about how pretty much any time she drinks, she gets obliterated, no in-between… on the one hand, I don’t think she would conciously chose to cheat on me, but on the other, it’s definitely planting the feeling in my head that it would “just happen” sometime when she’s shitfaced. What do /adv/? I know the obvious answer is “break up”, but we’ve been together three months and this is the first bump in the relationship… is it worth talking through & giving her a chance to recover, or just bail?
>like literally how I saw it was two of my friends I was talking to being like “uhhhh what’s going on with your girlfriend over there”
LMAO the mental image is fucking killing me, I can totally imagine this. But yeah this is weird behavior. Maybe ask her why she did it.
She cheated on you in your face. Imagine what she'll do when she isn't with you.
Yeah… not fun lol. As shallow as it sounds, I probably could let it slide easier if it was just something I saw, but having it be something a bunch of friends got to watch (and probably get off on a bit honestly) just made it all the more humiliating.

I’ll ask when we talk tonight but desu I don’t expect she’d say much besides “I was drunk I didn’t mean it.” The real reason she probably did it was she was drunk enough to not have inhibitions about making out with a hot girl, not caring what her boyfriend thought… in my experience with shit like this women will just spam the same line about how sorry they are & that it won’t happen again to dodge any introspection. I dunno, we’ll see
Personally this is one of those thing were there’s no “right” mindset, just “your” mindset. Some people wouldn’t care, some people would think it’s hot & encourage it, some people would think it’s cheating. Personally for me I would see it as cheating, but more importantly it would undermine my trust in her permanently. As >>31689649 said, I would probably get super paranoid about her going out without me because if she can’t even control herself in front of her boyfriend and friends, how is she going to when you aren’t there? Her alcohol issues you mentioned only make that worse — are you gonna have to worry about her getting blasted & cheating every time she goes out?

As you said since it’s a new relationship maybe it’s a boundary you just need to establish — but in my experience people in these situations are mostly sorry they got caught & are facing consequences more than anything. I would say if she’s sorry to the extent that she drastically culls her alcohol use to not get herself in this situation to begin with, that’s a sign she’s genuinely remorseful & working to regain your trust. If she just keeps saying sorry and guilting you into accepting her apology without any other work to improve, I would assume it’s just a matter of time until she does it again.
I would be FAR more concerned about her drinking.
>gf making out with another girl
That's hot
>pretty much any time she drinks, she gets obliterated
That is concerning
is no big deal it's innocent
these guys are right and this will be a bigger problem going forward. It's clear she loses control and that's a bad portent. Just be advised I guess
Ding ding ding.

The kissing sucks but personally I’m a bit more lenient on “girlfriend making out with friend when drunk” as long as its not evident of broader disrespect / cheating, but getting blasted like that obv isn’t good from a health or safety perspective, not to mention “can’t moderate their drinking and has to get obliterated” is a huge flag for alcoholism, not to mention a huge cultivator of making bad decisions (like she did here).

If you’re gonna work through it with her, I would be more concerned about handling the drinking than the kissing. Of course, people will always deny that its a problem, say its fine and won’t happen again, etc etc etc. It’s tough to genuinely see your drinking as a problem & work to fix it
Cheating is cheating; the sex of the person someone cheats with is irrelevant.
agreeed. you dont kiss anyone else when your in a relationship
If it was a male who had a cock she made out with you wouldn’t be so chill, let’s be real.

She’s gonna do that bi-strategy on you and either offer a threesome or tell you some retarded shit like how she could never ever kiss another man, only other women (so why aint u lesbian then bitch?)

Ofc its to make you feel all special and unique so you let your guard down again and she avoids consequences.

She would 100% kiss or fuck another man if she could, if she were reckless enough and drunk enough. Oh and she will tell you how the alcohol made her not think straight. Which is true. But it doesn’t do shit about how you feel, if anything it magnifies how you actually feel.

And how she actually feels is unfaithful to you lol. That’s who she is and what she is, that’s your gf.
What you do next is up to you and her but honestly man, dump her. Your gut feeling is firing alarms and that why you made this thread.

Yknow why healthy couples aint making threads about concerns about their gfs? Cuz they’re dating decent women, not crazies. No thread necessary to be made. But here you are with a big giant problem and her name is ‘gf’.
>three months
>done something you're intensely uncomfortable with
this ain't a good sign for the future. almost nothing she does at the beginning will ever change
This happened recently with my gf but:
She asked me beforehand.
I told her sure, but made it clear I'd never allow it if it was a guy.
The other girl is a friend of mine who I always flirt with but nothing happened because I didnt make any bold moves with her.
My gf also suggested I should kiss my friend, we almost had a 3 way kiss, it could have happened if I wanted, but I did not.
My gf the next morning felt super ashamed and said she wouldn't do it anymore.
My friend told me something like she wouldn't kiss me "in that context" (suggesting she would if we were alone in a different situation).
Lovely girls eh? That’s girl ‘besties’ for you, they’ll gladly stick a knife in each others back over men. Your gfs friend is trying to tame you for herself lol good luck with that mess homie
nah, if it's girl-on-girl it doesn't count
Lol, he doesnt know that girls make out with each other all the time. Plus, its fucking hot bro. Stop being a fag OP.
Personally the alcohol would be a much bigger issue for me than the kissing. “Hot girls making out when drunk” is a pretty classic nothingburger, and similarly “girl who calls herself bi but has never actually been with a woman” is basically just her thinking other women are hot + woke points for “being not straight”. I would focus on the drinking problems over that
No other way: have a serious talk with her, say what you really think about the situation (no desperation, crying etc, be like a normal man) and say what you really think - be 100% honest and real, no hiding.

If she gets angry, upset, says you're wrong or stuff like that, just break up with her. Simple.

The only resonable answer she should give is something around "I'm sorry, I was wrong, I betrayed you and I understand if you want to break up. If you don't though, I'm happy and I'll never do it again. It was my fault". Anything too different than it = break up.
>What do /adv/? I know the obvious answer is “break up”, but we’ve been together three months and this is the first bump in the relationship
Why are you pointing out that it's been three months? Do you mean to say that that's a lot and you don't want to lose her now or that that's no time at all, so anything goes? Either way it's not great.

I guess it depends OP, what are you looking for, do you want one partner for the rest of your life? Are you fateful yourself? Or are you yourself a bit messy in relationships too? Also how does what happened affect you mentally. Do you feel hurt or only embarrassed?
anon the second part of your reply is good introspection but I don’t think there’s anything wrong with OP mentioning it’s a new relationship lol. IMO the context of something like this happening years in vs at the start is pretty different
This, my (now) wife would do this kinda thing all the time when we were younger & stupid & drunk. I never had any suspicion she would cheat and she never has, knock on wood. The fact that she can’t drink without getting annihilated is absolutely the bigger issue.
Is it? If you want to forgive someone you can find arguments for forgiveness and if you want to hold someone accountable that works too.
>the relationship is fresh, so it's not as serious yet, she can be forgiven
>the relationship is fresh, so it's not as serious yet, we can break up and it wouldn't be a big loss
>the relationship has been going on for a long time, so I don't want to lose what we have and work it out
>the relationship has been going on for a long time, so I can't accept shit like this anymore
I'm asking OP why he made the three month mention, because I wonder what difference it makes to him.
All due respect never understood people like this. My bfs lips are for me and me only!
t. homosexual
you could have taken both of them home dumbass lol
t. porn addict
>How would you feel about your girlfriend making out with another girl?
Degenerate. I don't want to date a bislut.
>was out at the bar
Bad enough on its own. Bars are for trashy people.
>she got way too drunk
Getting drunk at all is already "way too drunk". Doubly so when doing so in seedy places.

>we’ve been together three months
That's nothing. Count your blessings that you learned this about her relatively early, and dump.
I'd honestly be turned on. Then I'd fuck the shit out of both of them
If you can then yeah fuck both of them

then dump her for cheating

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