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How do I get real friends and a real relationship
im a mediocre-bad looking woman good features but bad overbite, quiet but i wouldn't say socially awkward, atleast i can hold a convo and is generally friendly when people talk to me, but i can never get a relationship past acquaintance level. It's holding me back so much I am so lonely and i really do yearn for some sort of relationship in my life. what do i do anons how can i get friends maybe even a romantic relationship

note : I am getting jaw surgery for my overbite next year it's either going to make or break me I just wish I was prettier
Since you're a woman, I can't really help with friends, I'd say avoid guy friends though, overwhelming majority will either catch feelings for you, or be playing the long game from day 1 to try and date you, only pursue that if you're happy to have to disappoint multiple men, since you can't date them all.

As for relationships, essentially just try and be a woman that men desire, without changing yourself too much. From my own experience I enjoy it when a woman simply enjoys just sitting with me while I do something, basically just show them you care about them and what they do, even if you aren't actually that interested in what they're doing specifically, i.e. whether or not you play vidya, sit with them and watch them play, or watch their favourite show with them, they'll love you for it, just going off of my own experiences and what I know from the women ive dated ofc. Good luck

P.S. don't sleep around if you have the chance, most men will want to avoid you or sleep with you and then ghost you if they find out.
yea i had a few guy friends before but the amount of straight guys i've been friends with that hasn't caught feelings has been 0, i always feel awful but i usually turn/ghost them down and it gets awkward. Honestly reading your post on "women men desire" makes me realize i may have been unintentionally giving them signals from just watching them play vidya, I love watching people play games cause me and my brother used to do it maybe I'll tell them I'm not interested in it next time. I def don't have the looks to pull off sleeping with everyone and it's just not my style. I swear if I was born a man i'd be an overweight incel
Well i'm an overweight fakecel, anyway, yeah that would do it, would explain why they catch feelings, you're basically using a silver bullet, guy friends you have to keep a reasonable distance with, only do that sort of stuff with a guy you like, or you're going to hurt a lot of men, and as a man I really can't endorse that, especially since it's happened to me multiple times.
>How do I get real friends
>as a woman
it is over sis, women are never friends and men only want to fuck
I just want to experience a true friendship like men have
no random ass friendship you start at school or workplace or at the bar is going to last unless rngesus blesses you.

get a real hobby or passion so that you can meet real potential friends. as a woman, chances are you're shallow as shit, already evident by your near tunnel vision obsession on looks that you couldn't help but bring up. be an actual person, otherwise the only friends you'll make are people like you right now: not worth shit

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