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i am extremely ugly and im not white. i have always wanted to be loved and give love to someone else. im so tired of being blocked for showing my face or being told i cant be with someone because im brown. i know ill never be pretty without plastic surgery but im scared of being botched.
picrel is not me before you get confused
make a lot of money. the same principle of being rich applies to women as well as it does men.
For every woman insecure about her looks is a hundred men willing to kill just to show up at her front door.
In two of the sentences of your five sentence post you state an unabashed jealousy of white women and a deep loathing of your entire race.

You need to address these deep seated issues within yourself long before you will ever be close to ready to successfully pair up.

The world has some 8 billion people in the world and the better part of 5 of those billions are some shade of what any honest observer would call brown.

By basic math alone, a brown shaded straight woman has some 2.5 billion brown shaded straight men to pick from. Even correcting for age group, removing relatives, weirdos, economic and social factors, and cutting that number by 50%, you still have a billion guys that look like you to pick from.

So what is it, actually? You're racist against your own? You prefer and want a partner from a demographic most likely to exclude you as a romantic possibility? Don't blame this on ugly, I personally know guys that have had sex with power tools. If you're picky to the point of self destructive or incapable of giving to the point of anhidonic, you need to work on you before you can work on getting a 'him'.
It will be ok anon
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which kind of brown are you?

AY MAMI brown or streetshitterderkaderk brown?

older oldfag here - i'd wife up an average or even a little ugly delicious latina brownskin as long as she's loyal and feeds me good and isnt a materialistic bitch.

I've worked with too many derkaderka's though and see how their kids and daughters are raised. I've no wish to have that around me.
Here you dumb cunts are dismissing a real issue looking for real advice.
Get fit, most man can't say no to a fit woman
>i am extremely ugly and im not white
Fix your massive, glaring self esteem issues. You could definitely get a bf but I doubt you'd keep one since you seem incredibly insecure and have let other people determine how you value yourself. Fix that then we can talk about you entering a relationship (I mean this in the nicest way). Even if you do meet your dream man you'll probably just self sabotage if you continue with your unhealthy, self hating mindsey
im half black and half white
i only feel this way about myself because others feel this way about me
Picrel looks like my ex
If this is you, you are not ugly. You most likely just have low self-esteem.
OP explicitly says it's not him.
Keep doing dating apps sure, but like, a lot of guys don't have much success on dating apps either, and if they're decent people odds are they're still capable of finding a good person irl. So do that too, try to find a person irl, not on your phone.

Get a good friend group, don't be a homebody. The best way to get a job is through a referral, and the same goes for dating. Most of the girls I've like were people I already knew and simply got to know better.

>im not pure white (half black/half white)
So what? One of my friends is mixed like that and she gets the guys. Im asian and not normal pretty and I still get girls to like me once in a while.

>i always wanted love and want to give love
very cute, most guys want girls like that, just be sure to put yourself out there. Go out to parties and bars and stuff too
>i only feel this way about myself because others feel this way about me

something about your life experience is causing you to look at everyone else with a bad faith assumption about how they view you. It is highly unlikely you are that severely unattractive as very few people are.

Correct it.
do you have friends anon
>correct it.
try being a nonwhite male, you wouldn't even date me
Half white, half black male anon here. Despite recently finding what I believe to be my soulmate, I understand the loathing of your own ethnicity all too well. I still feel some of the judgement from the white side of my family despite their acceptance of my sister and myself and the black part of my family is so dysfuctional to the point of embarassment.

I found that keeping an identity of my own wholly apart from both sides very emboldening, and my current girlfriend has seemed to appreciate and love me for that.

I'm not kidding when I say it was dumb luck to have mer her, and I bet it will be the same for you too anon. Stay true to your own self and dont try to pander to either side and make yourself look like a race hating house nigger or a fucking bum. You're you and thats it, your partner will love you for it when they find you.
Half black and half white? Nobody cares dude. I'm a latino dude. Yeah, you being lightskin doesn't mean shit.
Your skin color has nothing to do with being single (the loneliest, miserable creatures are "white" women in their 30s trying to make someone else rich). Your biggest weakness is your pride and approaching men.
>im half black and half white
That's not bad. There are worse things like being a slav or a medishit.
t. virgin eastern european
You can't even hear what I'm saying anon, why the fuck does it matter what other weirdos think of you? That's allowing people to dominate your mindset and that in turn affects the quality of your life. You know the one thing that we have one shot at and don't get back?
People have been pretty harsh to mixed race people recently, I have peeped that. At the end of the day what can ya do. People will always have naive views, do your best to spend time with people who have open and kind hearts. Not those who try and exclude and exile people. I understand how mixed race people feel (trapped between 2 worlds, neither one wanting them) since my best friend is also half black/white. He leans more towards his black side but he can see that people on both sides try and exclude him situationally.
Is your gf also mixed? As a mixed girl I found that I could only really connect to mixed guys for a relationship. I'm engaged now and my husband is amazing. I didn't have to explain anything and he just gets me since we went through similar experiences
I don't think you'd understand if you lived it but other black males are often very weird and funny towards mixed/light skin black males

Source: my lived experience
*Unless you lived it
There isn't an issue
just get a shower, some friends, dress well, nice hobbies, a nice life, put yourself out there. I've seen countless 1/10 girls pull Chad if they do all this.
You OP? It sounds like you have very low self esteem and it causes you to perpetuate this cycle of negativity and low self esteem.
Here is a "real emo" song I think relates to your situation. I'm a latino male and it isn't exactly ideal to not be what people think of when people think of someone who is good looking. At worst the stereotype is that we're lower class, at best there is indifference. I get that lightskins get shit on by black dudes, dark skin men mostly, although I don't know to what extent that is the case, while also being lusted after by the same dark skin men who'll put you down for being some approximation of whiteness and light skinedness. I don't know, neither a lightskin nor a woman. I do know lightskin men get the stereotype of being soft, fruity, effeminate, "gay", weak. Eg. 1 drake's first album
eg 2. drake's second album
eg 3. drake's thrid album
eg 4. mr aubrey graham
eg 5 drake's entire existence
eg 6 most lightskin dudes on ig posting thirst traps
Unless you're butt ugly, you have men interested in you. And if you are, then idk what to tell you. Chances are either your expectations are out of touch with reality or you have a negative confirmation bias and you seek to reaffirm it by any means necessary. So even if the reality is that you're not an unattractive woman, because you feel that way and think that way, you find it anywhere and everywhere. What are you looking for and what do you want? cause it sounds like it is deeper than just wanting a bf and being lonely.
forgot the song
Hagpill OP, grow your hair out long and stringy, huch over, get a cat, and cackle at people when they walk by your house
I'm not op I'm someone else
Another brownoid here. Unless you wanna live in shitty conditions you aren’t going to be around other browns. Most people around you aren’t going to be your race. In my case my race makes up 13% of the population and a majority of those women are obese or extremely overweight. Not only that but depending on how you grew up there can be big cultural gap between you and other people of your race. It’s easier culturally for someone like myself to date white people but most white people obviously don’t find me attractive because we look nothing alike which is fine. I’m not an immigrant but op is probably. She should most likely go back to fix her problems.
My girlfriend is about 75% white i'd say mixed with some south american heritage. Appearance wise though she might as well be a full white european.

We connected mostly through shared interests and first (anime/manga) but grew to really appreciate eachother for our features and lines of thought. I think we also connected through our shared experience with unstable but supportive family units and such. I think alot of people just get bothered when they can't pin you down ethnicity wise, except for other mixed folks lol.
Cute. Wish the best for you two
Thanks anon and same to you :)

we've yet to meet in person but we've supported eachother for nearly a year now. Planning on visiting her later this yeaar if all goes well.

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