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Idk, advies or help

Im typing with my grilfrend but im got Concern when she Tell me , im wil copy it and put here

I enjoy watching r*pist and torture p*rn, hearing the painful sounds turned me on

Sound im angry, conserd idk we not yet met in reall life and that freak me up, because its not normal for me and idk where to go to help, no google rearch give me answers so im posting here. Pls im need some help/advice of im should stop it.
>I enjoy watching r*pist and torture p*rn, hearing the painful sounds turned me on
>we not yet met in reall life
You are getting catfished, its a 500lbs man you are talking to. Get a pic with her holding her pinkie up to her right eye or gtfo
she is not real
Are you low-IQ? Or just ESL? I’m worried about your decision making capabilities.

If you have never met this “girl” or chatted with her over a video call, then she is catfishing you.
Wow your grammar sucks
melanin fingers typed this
OP is polish, look at the screenshot. Doesn’t rule out low-IQ as well, seems to be obvious catfish

If you haven’t met her she’s not your girlfriend
brooos she litry talk wth me like hours and her frend to with me so its not catfish and sure other polish have low IQ if you say so im wil not figh
Ok this proves it. I mean this when i say this quite seriously: you are either functionally retarded/ cognitively impaired, or a teenager. Remember this if the former is true, because it will be your greatest weakness.

Anyone can LARP as a girl, anon. If you have never video chatted with her or never gotten a timestamped/unique photo from her, she is a scam.
she littery spams with fer pictures, and im know her because of another one gril,video call cheack ,never mind hen im ask for help and im get im stupid again waw next time for sure wil shut up and never iven try ask help again
how is OP even breathing?
nigger sounds like he doesn't even have a brain stem
OP has she ever asked you for money?
Motherfucker out here talking like they grew his brain in a petri dish
Shocked that they allow people like this internet access honestly
She never ask for money, she was like against is im pay her for like painting, she even made 2 paintings for me forest on ivem im not ask for them juist said im love forest. Wel sad then she said was molested by her uncle and wanna run away but im geust eehhhh.
Post the paintings!!
And for other cuking idiots who olny came to say o idiot shut ta fuck up, no body ask you about that.if you can not have noral conservetion than fuck of and go back lurcin for hentai and for last fuck of im trying to have life not like you.
Why would you tell your GF this?
why im should post paitings if there is my name and her nickname
BRO im did not tell it, she tell me
In that case just block her. Shes BPD or something
You literally type like you’re having an aneurysm. I’m actually shocked. Please seek neurological assistance.
cover up the names, I want to see the paintings too
Please please please post the paintings with the names covered up on microsoft paint or something. Do you know how to do that?
I don’t understand this. You can read and presumably understand every single word the other anons tell you. Why are you unable to type coherently? How does anyone understand you in your life? Do you work? Do you go to school?
Actual advice if this is real:
Sometimes people might enjoy watching porn of something, even if they would never do or want that thing in real life. I wouldn’t worry too about it.
The local cumdupsters "petri dish"
Gotta keep the thread alive until OP comes back and posts the painting
im interested in seeing the paintings, as well as more of op's english language skills

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