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Just for reference, my gf and I have been together for years and I fully trust her. A few weeks ago she was talking about nudes and how her friends don’t really send their bfs any. Then she asked if I’d ever shown her nudes to any of my friends, and I said no (actually haven’t), and she kinda was just like “hmmm”. Then, she kinda randomly started spitballing and was like “if someone were to secretly record me naked in a changing room or hotel or something, I wouldn’t really mind. If they’re willing to go that far to see me naked, they kinda deserve desu haha.” She keeps saying stuff like this and I wonder what she’s getting at. Is this normal girl behavior?
Guess you know what you gotta do now
> Is this normal girl behavior?
No. Your girlfriend is an exhibitionist.
That's fine as long as she doesn't pursue it without your consent.
Ok, cuz the other day she jokingly brought up the hypothetical of making an anonymous O F. It definitely seemed she was trying to gauge my reaction and saying stuff like “That would be ok right? Since I wouldn’t show face?”
Yeah, she's an exhibitionist.
There's also a possibility that she's currently going through a period where she feels negatively about her own body and thinks getting attention from other people using her body will make her feel more confident. Had an ex who was the same way. Make sure you let her know you think she's beautiful.
She might be trying to plant the seed for doing exhibitionist sexual stuff like spying on her or having sex in public or outside with you. The OF stuff is a bit far because then that footage is out there on the internet for all time, even with face covered. Unless yoir happy to be involved as well and fuck her while masked too

I'm an exhibitionist too and one of my ultimate fantasies is having sex while another woman watches. None of my past gfs have been willing and my latest gf is too sweet to bring it up to her so it remains a fantasy
hot, she's an exhibitionist pervert and wants you to know.
She will cheat in you. Maybe.
She wants you to film her and make it look cute and sexy. Learn how to take good photos and videos and you might turn her on, but be careful she doesn't get a taste for whoring herself out online.
Jesus Christ OP, it’s simple. Just translate her womanese speak. Don’t listen to most of the anons ITT except maybe this one, he seems to get it:>>31691637

>Be you
>Ask her for nudes (yes that’s what you meant when you said ‘she was talking about nudes and how her friends don’t really send their bfs any’)
>Then she asks if i sent her nudes to other people (aka did you post it online? I want to feel safe that i can trust you with my nudes. I just got done tellig you most girls dont send their bfs nudes as much as you keep asking)
>hmmm she thinks. (she’s tired of having you constantly ask her, so here’s the idea)
>(if someone aka you were to just take pics of me aka just take a picture itll last longer, then maybe you can stop bugging me and i dont need to keep snapping pics and posing and sending for you cuz its a nuisance. Like just take the pics yourself? If you’d go that far for it then id take it as a compliment from you anyway so you’d have earned it.)


Lol learn womanese bro
>That's fine as long as she doesn't pursue it without your consent.
Incel logic. Yes, you are in a relationship, but that does not entitle you to ownership of her body. The only person whose consent matters here is the girlfriend's.
She's seeking validation from sources other than you. I would take this extremely seriously man. Get some resources before it is too late
So what should I do with this information, especially if it really turns me on
go with it
say it's kind of hot that she's like that
maybe tease her about being an exhibitionist
it's up to you what to say depending on the conversation, but be chill and play along
No dingdong you're just too retarded to see what that anon means. He means:
>If she wants to continue being in a relationship with me, then she needs my consent to show herself sexually to people other than me
His consent *to be in the relationship* matters.

The anon is NOT saying:
Which is how you're taking it. Stop being stupid.
What she is is "a product of imagination".

I mean how fucking gullible are you people?
This anon is actually retarded. He is reaching like crazy and then actually has the hubris to say everyone else is wrong.
Also >>31691797 is definitely the same guy which is doubly ironic since his original post reeks of hating women.
Not everyone's an kissless virgin incel, anon.
Woman like OP's gf exist in real life.
They do, but for some reason they seem to concentrate around incel ridden places like 4chan, right? Nothing odd about that, right?
Because to nobody's surprise but yours, a lot of the guys here have girlfriends that have some mental issues which often presents itself in the form of kinks and insecurities. The idea that everyone on this site is an incel is a stereotype, a bunch of us (especially /adv/ regulars) have relationships. Consider that you might be projecting your own situation onto others.
Believe whatever you want to believe, but I refuse to take the sheer volume of alleged cucks and only fans hoes on 4chan serious.
People like internet attention and therefore they tell stories.
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>definitely the same guy
Fine so just ignore the advice then, tell OP ways to fuck upnhis relationship if it pleases you
I don't think you realize the sheer volume of young women who think about doing only fans. I've had to talk multiple past girlfriends out of doing it. It's become extremely normalized is certain parts of society.
I never told OP to fuck up his relationship and your left-field schizo logic doesn't count as advice.
What the fuck kind of parts of society do you frequent that defacto prostitution is being normalized?

Like seriously: People don't generally consider whoring themselves out a perfectly acceptable way of earning money. It's not broadly normalized.

Either you're making shit up, or you live in a weird anomaly and attract trashy hoes.
It's not about the money for a lot of these girls, it's about the attention. They're generally late bloomers and social outcasts who became really insecure from a lack of male attention in high school and now that they've grown they try to remedy their insecurities by getting what they couldn't before through overt sexuality. This is extremely common in alt and nerd subcultures. If your girl has dyed hair and tattoos, or is into cosplay (which describes a lot of the girls 4chan guys date) there's a very high likelihood she considered OF or at least some kind of lewd insta at some point in her life. You can pretend all this doesn't exist, but you'd be wrong. I've personally been good friends with over half a dozen girls that were like this.
What can I tell you: Either weird anomaly or larp, unclear for me what that is.
Just because you personally haven't experienced it doesn't mean it's either of those. You should look beyond your own experiences sometimes.
For instance, I've never met even a single person who cheated on their partner (as far as I know). Just because I've never met someone like that doesn't mean I don't believe they exist or that cheating is some kind of freak occurrence. Just means I don't frequent the parts of society where that is common.
>I never told OP to fuck up his relationship and your left-field schizo logic doesn't count as advice.
Maybe (you) didn’t, I kinda suck at knowing which anonymous is what lol. And even if you were one of the dudes telling him she’s an exhibitionist, it’s not like you’d tell him to fuck it up on purpose, you’re just trynna help.

But it ain’t schizo logic. It’s just experience with women i’m trynna share. (no im not a chad just an older dude). Most women typically do this thing called:
>’Speaking through the flowers’
Which basically means ‘speaking between the lines’. And most women do this, a LOT. And when you date enough of them or talk to enough of them, you realise that’s what they do and they become easier to understand. Is it annoying at first? Sure. But I don’t hate them for it. Just women being women.

Women are self-conscious. About their looks, about their bodies, about their own personalities. And especially about how they might look in front of others, especially to the guy they have feelings for. Want proof? Pay attention to how they hold in farts 24/7 and feel bad for eating in front of a man or mixed company and will choose smaller portions of food when they actually wanted more lmao.

This same social self-consciousness shows up in their speech. So when they want to tell you what they want or what they’d prefer you to do, they say silly shit like
>Wwweelllll, if someone were to, idk, take pics of me when I’m not looking, then maaaybe i’d enjoy it more cuz that SOMEONE would have flattered me (earned it) and I wouldn’t mind! (aka - boyfriend just take the pics of me, save us both the time).

Y’know what schizo advice looks like? Taking that funny social faux pas and instantly assuming she wants to strip for other men. Especially when she already expressed worry to OP about her nudes being shared or not by OP.

How the fuck would an exhibitionist be worried that OP shared the nudes?
Because she wasn't worried about her nudes being shared. There's not a single thing OP mentions that should lead you to that conclusion. She was trying to gauge if anon would be okay with sharing her nudes with other people, which is corroborated by this comment you missed >>31690893 about her testing the water on having an OF.
Just because you have experience doesn't mean you've experienced it all. You're trying too hard to project your own experiences onto OP's girlfriend, who is clearly a lot freakier than the women you've been with.
OP again, it’s funny because my gf is super sweet and “normal” (no tattoos, dyed hair, etc.), and she DEFINITELY knows what she’s got and isn’t insecure about her body or anything. In fact it’s quite the opposite, most of her friends are jealous of her body. I wonder if that makes her feel like she has like some kind of super power lol. Like I remember in college, she took a pole class and the instructor told her she was naturally talented, and encouraged her to try it out. So she ended up texting me and getting my thoughts on her stripping for a weekend. She ended up deciding not to (because she didn’t wanna have to do private dances), but I definitely let her know I wouldn’t have been 100% opposed to the idea
I haven’t had many gfs so it’s hard for me to like gauge how kinky my gf is to the average girl. The other night I got super curious, and decided to look through her messages to see if she’s mentioned any kinks to her friends. A couple years ago, she asked her friends what their thoughts were on having sex in the same room as other people/couples. A lot of them were “hard no’s” and kinda weirded up, but my gf didn’t seemed fazed at all lol. She started saying it would be fun to go to like a sex resort/swinger club/sex club and just fuck with other people around. I couldn’t believe it when I read it lol, I wish she’d brought that up with me
Well in that case OP, you've just got yourself a regular freak without any of the baggage that normally comes along with. Congratulations on living the dream. From what you've said about her so far it seems she's very respectful of your wishes and you don't have anything to worry about regarding her exhibitionism. It's just something she thinks is hot but she probably wouldn't pursue it if you weren't okay with it, a lot of kinks are like that. I used to date a girl who was a bit of an exhibitionist (though she was more into the risk rather than actually showing off her body) and playing into that got me some of my most fondly remembered sexual experiences. Just maintain whatever boundaries you want to maintain and have fun :)
Can you give me some examples of sexual experiences you had with that girl?? My gf definitely is into the risk aspect of someone might seeing, she’s never really done anything overtly showing off her body (other than going out in tiny swimsuit/race outfits). We’ve mostly just done stuff like fucking on hotel balconies, feeling up her ass and tits in public, stuff like that
I live in a country where public transit is pretty big so we did a lot of stuff in trains. Things like me fingering her to completion in a train car that wasn't too busy, or fucking in the toilet right before a busy stop so the moment we came out together all the people sitting near pretty much knew what just happened but couldn't do much about it. We did a lot of stuff out in nature like having a romantic picnic in a field and then fucking up against a tree in a high-traffic area just off the trail. I would also regularly make her wear skirts without panties when we went out in public. One thing we never did but always wanted to do was getting one of those remote control vibrators so we could use it on her in public. We also did some stuff a couple times behind closed doors but with friends present in the room, like me fingering her under a blanket while we were watching a movie, or very quietly having sex while friends were sleeping in the same room. Though I will say that is an easy way to lose friendships. That said, all of that stuff turned her on like you wouldn't believe, but she was very submissive so I'd always have to suggest it and make the first move. If your girl is as you've described her she'd probably be into a lot of the same stuff if you suggest it to her. You're in for the time of your life, anon.

I don't understand why brunettes are always dying their hair different colours like picrel. Can they not just be comfortable in their own skin? Red doesn't suit.
Ok that’s really exciting to hear haha, yeah I recently told my gf that we should try out some new stuff, like maybe stepping up our public sex game, and she was like “YESSS FINALLY!!” (cuz in the last I haven’t been as into it as she has been). Ideally, somewhere down the line, I’d love for her to start posting on GoneWild and stuff like that, cuz I know she’d be a massive hit
godspeed anon.
Thanks bro, nervous but excited

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