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How to start drawing/painting if you have 0 fucking idea how to? Always attracted me but whenever I've tried it doesn't really seem to go anywhere.
BAD ANON! /ic/ is in theory supposed to be devoted to helping you improve but they have the same doomer crab bucket mentality as the rest of 4chan.

OP, what kind of art do you want to do?
I got a tutor on Wyzant, maybe you should do the same. They'll teach you fundamentals and guide you.
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Kind of the type of art I'd like to do. Left it's "Berserk style" of drawing, and the right is landscape artwork, something I'd like to paint. VERY ambitious, but it's a dream of mine to achieve either of these
Thanks for the advice, anon. But I am a broke college student at the moment lol. Unless I ask my parents for some bucks.
/ic/ has a beginner's guide and other support material, which is reason enough for OP to start there.
It does have a wealth of resources in a sticky. Also https://discover.hubpages.com/art/how-to-draw-learn.
Thanks anon, I checked and it does.
Nta. So what you want is inking, and oil painting.
It's stylized comic book figures but I like David Finch's youtube channel. https://www.youtube.com/@DavidFinchartist/featured
Would those be the terms? Then, basically, yes.
Oh man, I have a huge liking for comic-style art. Thank you anon.
You only need a pen and some scrap paper to get started. No money required.

Don't fall down the rabbit hole of reading all the theory and buying all the expensive materials and getting involved in all the discussions, but not actually drawing anything.
You've got to stick with it. You are going to have to spend years drawing really basic stuff before you can get to the level where you want to be. The only way to do that is to practice regularly.
Have patience and do not expect overnight results.
Thanks anon. It doesn't matter if I'm not very good at first?
No one is very good at anything when they first try. We all have to learn and try in order to get better.
Forget it. It’s impossible for you to make it. It’s not that it’s hard it’s just not for you.
In my almost 40 years of life I have never seen anyone become a remotely good artist with an half assed attitude like yours.
An artist naturally gravitates towards experimentation due to his innate curiosity of the medium. Then yes he seeks instruction, with a much more critical understanding than someone who is clueless.
My advice is to focus on a proper career. Become great at what you do. Cultivate self discipline of the mind and body. Enjoy friends and family.

With that said berserk and landscape painting are totally different endeavors. The former is illustration and the latter is painting.. like the name suggests one is more concerned with illustrating an action or a scene and a meticulous technical presentation is important whilst painting is more about expression in an aesthetic, intuitive sense if you may.

In both cases I recommend professional education. A few months in a painting workshop will give you more fundamentals and confidence to than any book or online course combined throughout several years…
As an intermediate the best practice is master copies.
As for manga do like the creators did, get a sketchbook and pen and copy religiously your favorite drawings, after a while you’ll begin to understand how it works.

A few years later you’ll realize that if you didn’t instinctively start in childhood you never really cared for it in the first place
Try pic related for fundamentals. Don't ask anyone on /ic/ about it though.
And Loomis. The one (Edwards) is "top down" - seeing shapes as they are while not imposing one's pre-conceived schematics - while the other (Loomis) is "bottom up" - construction from geometric forms. You need both .
I'll say a little more on this..

The top down approach is necessary in order to paint real things, such as portraits and landscapes, while the bottom up approach is for painting things that don't exist, such as cartoons, fanciful creatures and so on.

There is a phenomenon in art called as mannerism (look it up), which is a kind of neurotic trap. IMO, anime/manga is mannerism, and the truly creative will avoid it.
Go get an acryllic set and some canvas and skme dollsr store brushes and Start with some youtube tutorials. Go for landscape/scenery etc.

I'm at that level. It's extremely satisfying, and you'd be surprised how easy it actually is. My friends and family are actually really impressed by my work. I have no talent. It's just not very difficult to blend paint on a canvas.

You pick up bits and pieces of techniques here and there and every painting looks better. But it's very satisfying regardless.
Yes those would be what you would want to look up tutorials for and get tools and supplies for. Oil paint can be expensive. You do NOT need anything better than student grade don't let them fool you. Check out dickblick online it'll be a lot cheaper than going somewhere like Michael's.

Oh and don't buy the crappy premade canvases. Not worth it. Start on nice thick art paper and eventually graduate to making your own canvases. It's pretty easy it's just kind of annoying.
I agree, oils might be a bit finicky for you at this point, you'll like acrylic paint more.

I love how everyone is saying to avoid interacting with /ic/.
Debbie downer, go back to /ic/
Read Andrew Loomis for figure drawing/dynamic action/misc comic book things for berserk. Watch Bob Ross for easy to follow landscape painting. Simple as.
Every artist was awful at it initially, it's just that for most of the bigger artists that period was when they were 7 years old. Don't worry about it, just keep at it and you'll improve.
Art education is a meme. Maybe a few classes with a pro to teach you to understand perspective, how everything is built of simple shapes, and how to properly line stuff. Anything else is a meme.
>Watch Bob Ross for easy to follow landscape painting.
All of his episodes are available for free on youtube. His technique is pretty fooproof, you can't really mess it up.
I'd argue that taking a few figure drawing classes is good.
Only if you understand what the point is. The main problem with art classes is that they rarely explain why you do things and how to apply them. They just expect you to come and do it.
Taking a few classes is usually good, especially when you can tell what you need by yourself, but most of the painting courses are a scam
Literally /ic/ sticky, but if after a while of grinding loomis you don't see any more improvement, try other stuff. there's lots of asian artists on youtube with good tutorials and shit
Loomis has to be the most autistic of drawing methods. I wouldn't bother with that one.
Seconding Bob Ross and this book >>31692605
Does this book go into a lot of hippie pseudo science?
If you are going to /ic/, grab the pinned and get out. Don't stick around.

I interacted in there for 5 years and I can barely draw a cube right, I learned nothing in those years. I just do 3d animation now.
This book makes absolutely zero sense to me and I don't think it works on me
I used draw a box dot com back in 2018 when I got the urge to get back into drawing. Teaches you perspective. Andrew Loomis book fun with a pencil is a classic, look for a pdf of it online. Those two things should be enough to keep you busy for a while. Also become a cool guy and draw your own stuff freely, without regard to what's right or proper. Too much formal study makes you a dull boy, leads to burnout. Good luck, fren.

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