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This is really weird/nigh on mystical, and I really hate it when people go all "It's in the signs"/mystical on me, so I apologize.

But I've just got this bad feeling.

Like, I don't know what. I've had it since I came home from work that something really bad is going to happen. Just this nagging, "You better prepare, shit's about to go down." But I have no direction about when or where it's supposed to come from or what the hell it's about.

It’s called anxiety. Everyone gets it.
Its the moon. I feel it too. Anxious.
I believe you, OP. I had that same experience, it’s distinct from anxiety, right? Feels much deeper? Yet can’t point to what, exactly. I had that same thing happen to me back in October of 2019. Same rumbling of my mind and body, something big was coming but I had no clue what. Wasn’t even a mystical or spiritual guy at the time. Two months later, Covid hits, it started.
I still to this day can’t even own it and wish it was just coincidental, but idk.

Look, best thing you can do is just accept the feeling. But don’t necessarily accept anything will happen. Be prudent, but also try to be at peace in your day to day in equal measure.
Jerkury is in rectalgrade.
Thanks bro.
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No problem. And here, I had a feeling to check today’s verse of the day for you. This is what came up.
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You may have the gift. Or curse. It's more like a curse, most times. But it's not magickal. It's not psychic. It's a computational process in the brain some of us have in much greater degree than most. You're sensing diverging paths. Nodal probabilities. You're sensing the future. Or at least *A* future. Now, finally there is a name that's been given to it. It's still a very VERY new area of science research. Literally less than a decad since Tetlock started studying us 'in the wild' in earnest realizing there was something more going on. No, you're not a wizard, Harry! You poor bastard you're a superforcaster. It will bring you no comfort, but if properly fed & developed it can make you one heck of a good living. Machines can't do anything even close to it with as little data as we can make an accurate intuitive jump from. But again, it's not psychic. Or magical. It's a stochastic aggregator that allows you to sense human mass social moods, movements, pressures & counterpressures. It's not prophecy. It can err. It only works on humans or human driven systems. Cant predetermine natural disasters, animals or physics driven random events. Can't give you lottery numbers, for instance. Rusty Cole called it the psychosphere in 'true detectives'. It's as good a name as any. Better than most. The gift was first empirically described in the early 60s when the US Air Force & Navy was trying to figure out what set 'top gun' pilots apart from all the other stick jockeys. They found almost universally among top guns a capacity to 'see' upwards of a minute or two into the future.
The fact that you, an uninitiate are sensing what's coming this far out speaks highly about your potential. It's up to you if you want to develop it. But know it brings no peace. Quite the opposite. More often than not it's a curse of Kassandra. Sensing big events you can't do a fuck'n thing about. Sometimes preciously rarely...You can. Do you want to know what you sensed? Be very sure of your answer
Fight the future.
Did you get it specifically when you came home? Does the feeling disappear when you leave home? I might suggest taking your most precious valuables and perhaps going somewhere else for a few days, maybe a week.
It would help if you know what is causing this instinct to activate. Was it coming home? Using city transport? Or something else? The answer to this will help guide you on how to address it.
That's called "anxiety".
Your monkey ass brain is considering the possibility a tiger could be hiding nearby, so you're on alert to fight off imminent tiger attacks.
There's nothing paranormal, mystical, or psychic about it. You're just having an extremely common human emotion.
This anon is seriously advising someone pack their shit and skip town over impending doom; an extremely common just about everyone has felt at some point for absolutely no discernable reason.
You people are retarded kek.

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