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See photo attached.

Do I make up a reason to not see her? Don’t want her to get the ick by thinking I have bad hygiene.
No, faggot.
circles are basically empty. just go, have fun
Has she not seen you before?
Wdym bad skin your skin looks healthy. Be happy a girl wants to hang out with you. Is she cute?
Jesus fuck they do not care kek.
You're overworrying, if this is the worst thing you can find to worry about, then it'll be fine
1. Gently pick off the flakes you can
2. Rub it with a dry towel
3. Rinse it with water
4. After it dries, put face lotion on it. Be sure not to use body lotion
I don't think anyone would think you have bad hygiene because of skin issues. If someone doesn't want to hang out with you because of skin issues that you don't have control over, that's because of their own standards/opinions/feelings, and doesn't have to mean anything about you specifically.

Also, I don't actually know what you circled in that photo.
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A better photo
u do not have bad skin

>> Person I met on the internet wants to meet
>> Feel insecure, so am making up excuses
>> Really I don't look anything like what I told her

New episode of MTVs Catfish incoming.
I don't get the what you're saying. I'M catfishing a woman?

This is a woman I know IRL
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you what?
That’s not bad skin anon. Get over yourself
You look completely fine.
t. on isotretinoin atm

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