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Bathtub Episode
Last Episode: >>31688824
would you date a fat and balding guy?
How about we just shoot women? That sounds better.

well yeah, but it's pretty much over. She'll probably get very curious about this. i dont even wanna ask her about it tbqh.
Shoot them with Cupid's arrows? I agree, that would be good.
No with bullets you gay nigger
Gentlemen, how’s the weight loss going?
Women, what is your biggest fear? What keeps you sleepless at night when you think too deeply about it?
don't be so insecure. that would be like saying that a girl's bf interacted with a prettier woman so now he gets curious about prettier women and will leave her. there is always someone "better", but never anyone with the same qualities as our chosen partner.
How about we just worship Sarah Gadon
Chad shit, Pussy Slayer
That I'll never get revenge on him
Not great. The more I exercise, the hungrier I get.

I have the same waistline I did in highschool with like 40lbs of additional lean muscle.
Still fat, I can do more squats and more pushups though.
Which is impressive considering my weight.
Its still not the same. The penis being big is very important in western society. I dont think this will continue. Searching for similar experiences I come into a couple thats fucking on video chats and the stranger pulls a giant dick that excites the girl

I think Im just gonna do some blow.
What did he do to deserve it?
need to check the results of my bloods today
There are no women online seriously looking for a relationship. All of them are either using it for validation or are scammers after your money
Mental illness
>Get off your high horse motherfucker lol. I sell clean real
Fuck you nigger
you'd doom others to the same fate you're going through?
I'd shoot you dead for dealing drugs
Destroyed me
Well Sarah Gadon is already married obviously
No progress, in either direction of late.
you were already destroyed, he just sent you back to the destroyed box hon
I don't understand what women feel about manwhores
Ladies, thoughts on Indian men?
Flip it over and you got your answer.
I don't understand what women feel about whoremans?
They love them. They wouldn't be fucking them if they didn't.
they're manwhores because they got rizz, that's all the women see
The whole thing. "I do understand what men feel about whores."
Looks and height*
I don't know a single manlet who got bitches. The manlets who were cool with Chads didn't get pussy either.
Was that supposed to be clever?
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23m. I was a semi regular here last year. Haven't been on since January cause I got a gf courtesy of my sister. Betrothed now. Just wanted to say thank you guys.
>only to normie students and preppies and such having a party
in other words, leading them astray at the most important moment of their life
So a minority of women have issues with manhoes, in the same way a minority of men have issues with hoes.
You women are disgusting pieces of shit, all deserve to go to hell, im literally 20/FIT/ and an airline pilot and none of them approach me. I understand when I was in high school cause I was a chubby loser but now I’ve got everything and gotten my shit together. Screw you
no, and you can't have revenge on me either.
Pretty much, and everyone's opinion is different.
Fine. 260 down to 200 last year. Objective is about 185
been losing 1-2lbs a week for months and I look sharp and comfy in all my clothes again
why would I? You're not important to me
This is wrong.
Most females don't have issues with manhoes, they love them and want to get them to commit because most guys are sexless and shit at sex because of that. But most men don't like sluts.
>women should approach ME
Modern western men really are tranners who want princess treatment
That shit is absolutely gay, but the gall for women to complain that others want "princess treatment"
My thread interest has suddenly ballooned into a full blown thread crush
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I don't mind calling it out when men act like trannies, simple.
I can't talk about it at the moment but I might when he's not here
nordic women are hot.
too bad they're apparently all turbosluts.
Sarah Gadon
State gender
Where's your favorite place to be touched non sexually?
Male. On my dick
Femanon here

I like being touched in my heart, cartel style
Probably my shoulders or back.
in my experience they're less turboslut than most women.
swedish women are an exception though, they are indeed sluts.
Based, however,
If women want to live like discount men they should be called out on their tranny behavior also.
The small of my back
He's so hot ugh
that's a very sexual place you retarded bitch
>women should be masculine and not feminine
Interesting theory.
That's the direct opposite to what my post said
Why did I tell her my deepest secrets? She doesn't even know I exist...
Then how can she know your deepest secrets smart guy?
because I was being hyperbolic
she BARELY knows I exist
Doesn't seem so, perhaps you should read your own post again.
Don't know never been touched. Might be adverse it at this point.
>in my experience they're less turboslut than most women.
really? I've always heard casual sex is really common in all of them.
>doubling down on your retardation
Slut is such a harsh word. Why not say promiscuous?
>it’d be nice if women told us when they liked us
>ok tranny
Women suck at communicating
Casual sex is common in all western countries, but in my opinion not so much in nordics, they are more introverted countries. But again, sweden is indeed turboslut.
Girls, does the idea of wearing a leash and collar do anything for you?
>retard missed the point like 3 posts ago
Keep complaining then.
literally just a shaming tactic because women don't want to do anything difficult if they can get a man to do so instead.
why do most women literally not give a fuck if I compliment them on what they wear?
shouldn't they be pleased?
I can't tell you, he's here
Yep, a deranged woman posted this
>Why not say promiscuous?
It's hot to call women sluts. I want to fuck a slut
Sluts are hot
>i'm being shamed!
Hello, redditor.
is 11 year age gap bad
nta but words mean things. slut and promiscuous have different connotations; you can be promiscuous without being a slut and you can be a slut without being especially promiscuous. I have nothing against sluts and don't think the word is harsh. t autist.
Respect women!
What did you tell her?
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>how many men here spent their 20s ''building themselves'' (ie career, fitness, finances)
>is life now improving for you
I've been to uni, worked a handful of minimum wage jobs, tried to socialize and had a couple of relationships by 30

Physically I don't have much else to show for it. I'm hoping by mid 30s I will be at least beginning to be set up with a decent career. I realize this may be too late but it's either that or I just give up on life in general. I have spent my entire life up to now just trying to be accepted by other people and I realize none of that is important now.
>anything bad is le woman
I'm getting tired of this schizo.
nah but it will upset people

F. Scratch my back please
F, tummy
>it's incel/tranny hours
>Respect women!
I don't know what this even means, what is is in the essense of the words bitch, whore, slut
that I can't say them
what are they represeneting
what is society trying to cover up by stopping me from saying thse words
about how my family constantly guilt trips me, about my developmentally disabled sibling, I'm sure some other stuff
Why do women claim to like me but never attempt to pursue a relationship with me?
>one told me she had a crush on me a year ago now that she has a boyfriend
>another told me the exact same thing and she got a boyfriend the month after she told me
>another told me she can't leave her boyfriend because she loves him as well
>then another girl told me that she has too many red flags and got a boyfriend too the month after???
I don't want to touch grass. I want to touch him.
You're hot but seem like trouble, or a mess.
>it will upset people
I don't get it
>that hand though
uh idk. you are attractive and awaken womens' romantic instincts, but somehow they use it to get another man instead. perhaps you are too avoidant or something.
Girls, is it more impressive if someone pays for dinner with a metal American Express card?
I do want to get a life and live happily ever after with my thread crush
Tfw no short haired gf :(
>paying for dinner
we'll never eliminate the gender wage gap at this rate
Is she a lesbian here?
I honestly don't even really understand the significance of that.
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Girls, what do you think of my new shirt?
Is there any movie that could make me unmisogynistic?
I will never get over how shameless and blatant it is for someone to find something that is directly in their own self-interest (money) to be "attractive" or "arousing"
As a man, you're seeing it from our perspective where promiscuity is a negative.
I haven't felt this shameful in a long time, maybe years.
Why do hot people post here? What are they doing here?
How did you know I was posting
Sorry to rain on your parade anon, but you're moving too fast. Look up divorce rates by dating duration
A woman massaging my head makes me melt
I don't feel comfortable posting in the presence of hot men
my arms, legs, hair and stomach. f.
They just make me nervous and self conscious
Why are 10/10 women working as cashiers but the more money women make -actresses they get uglier
I genuinely do not get touched, so I have no idea. The idea of a woman touching me in general makes me blush.
Finland and the baltics are the slut capitals
Women, how would you feel if your man told you, as an observation, that something is off about your behaviour in a particular day. Something like: "you're being weird today, I don't like it."
This is pedo shit
How old are the respective parties?
Vague insult and "I don't like it"? Well fuck you too I guess :(
The slut capitals would be most of western europe + Sweden, you underestimate them.
16 and 27
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Do I literally add hand pics to my dating app profile? Foids hate footfags but I'm supposed to do that?
Minus actresses
Idk but wouldn't it be crazy if he posted his discord haha
>hot girls we have problems too, we're just like you
How is it insulting that im noticing something off about a person I love? I guess I could drop the "I don't like it" but I was told honesty is one of the pilars in a relationship
How do I get rid of the feeling that my gf doesn't love me but instead loves the way I treat her?
Be more specific then. "Weird" doesn't tell me anything you're just being mean.
Cashiers are babes, wtf is up with that?
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You probably feel that way because you feel underappreciated. Talk to her.
You mean the weight gain? I'll try creatine for the rest of the year along with a small bulk, I'm hoping to get some juicy pecs
Yeah, that's fucked up. Are you the former?
What's so hot about him?
You said you didn’t have one…
Lookup sociosexual orientation inventory by country
no im a ladder
NTA but it's handyman
inb4 it's *mpaler
Nta but who's handyman? There's a handyman here?
Don’t fucking call me handyman please. That’s easily the worst name I’ve had here.
It's now canon

Fact is, I really enjoyed this larp and you should expand the narrative into something marketable whether larp or not. probably not a novel because literacy rates are falling, but HBO miniseries - get Pat Cadigan if she's still around and working.
I preferred speedanon personally, but whatever.
what is your idea of a paradise society
Does that anon mean the guy who posted his hand or is there legit a DIY guy around here?
Anyone remember the handymen in Time Splitters?
only i exist in it
massively huge forest with 20 people
>What are you ashamed of?
I let my horny get the better of me and creeped out my female friend.
72 femanon virgins
Like everything desu
non-answer - you have no thread crush
Many such cases. I couldn't stop looking at my friend's boobs and she basically ignors me now
Post height and hair color
It's the drug dealer. She's crushing on the thread's drug dealer. For some women there's nothing hotter than a man who sells drugs.
I'm terrified of ever being seen as a pervert so I avert my gaze from women wherever I can
Socrates ideal polity
I told you I can't talk about him rn
I did even worse, I touched her on her bare shoulder.
At least this isn’t about dick size.
6’0, dirty blonde.
Men, post your favorite song of all time
You have to give us something or you are just needlessly hogging attention
Dir En Grey - The Agitated Screams of Maggots
5'9" brown in winter dirty blond in summer
Qt bro please don’t call me the handyman.
Handyman and Dark Lady sittin' in a tree
He's cute too but it's not him
Should I even bother dating?
Bohemian rhapsody
Nta but what types of projects do you do?
5'3 (no, i'm not an ftm), brown
Only if you can get someone hot
Lazarus by The Aleph.
How does someone pick one song only?
Shit I can't delet my shitposts
Anyway bitchez love a handyman
>He's cute too
Wtf get better taste please <3
If you don't bring anything tangible, I wouldn't bother.
M or F?
If M post height
Ariel Pink - Every Night I Die At Miyagis
I’m literally not a handyman, I’m a writer.
tfw no intangible ghost gf
6'1, blond
A very big deck for dark lady to sit on
Men post everything about yourself in 2000 characters
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Sup Chad, how's the pussy?
Which ones the real slim shady?
Noooo I don’t want become lore!
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Adagio for Strings
>how's the pussy?
I'm a virgin
Can we make your shipping name The Black Hand?
I asked I know I'll have to settle
Ouch, mentalcel?
Like the Dark Brotherhood? Maybe wait a while on that.
I feel like I took to long to talk to a girl. I did do it but conversation was bad.
>be me
> can do impressive weights
> I see her watching me
>see her friends also watching me.
>don't do anything for a month
>don't see her watching me as much
>talk to mutual friend and he says go ahead.
>as in I ask him if they were dating and he says no and asks me if I would be interested
>conversation happens and I'm carrying. Then nada
> go about my routine
Is there any recovery from this. I tried to make it clear that I was at least interested but did I wait to long to say anything and anything more is dead in the water?
>Is there any recovery from this.

Feelsbadman. You'll be a slayer if you ever figure that out
Are black chicks really like this?
If so why don't I have a black gf?
So what's your discord?
Watch any Sarah Lynn Gadon kino. That will end your misogyny.
>He wants women to approach him
What a cuck
My hecking silly discord is r0se13
Please be nice to me!
In my defense he was really tall, had really good hair, a huge dick, and it was only weed.
Hard question, What difference does it make by The Smiths or the lesser known "Rubber ring"
That's firmly in the "dad's shotgun" category of unacceptable
Am I at least correct in assuming she was interested in the beginning?
Lies, she's a classy domme, not some plug's outlet.
Hobbiton (as in the books and the Peter Jackson movies).
Solitude in E minor
Give me a sec
*jeopardy noises*

not really. women fixate instantly on men performing any physical task with apparent vigor. you can pretty easily rotate that into more but nothing about the scenario has anything to do with you personally.
Dark Lady, have you been known by
that for a while, or is it a recent thing?
Ok so hello Asian guy here. Im pretty short. I have tattoos but I regret them. Our family has like 5 cats but one of them is just like roaming the streets or whatever so we barely see him(only when he cant find food for himself ig). Also im 25 years old. I just graduated from college recently but im still unemployed. Im writing this in ms word but I just realized that you cant count characters here, only words(unless?) My favorite person is Jesus Christ maybe, he’s pretty chill and progressive. I like it when he was like “aaaargh fuck capitalism” outside the temple. When I was 16 and going to another city to take my college entrance exams, I got molested by a guy in a bus. I’ve only ever had one gf my whole life, which was when I was 16. She was pretty cool desu, cooked for me and took care of me when I got sick and stuff like that. Anyway we broke up because I was an asshole. I don’t know how she’s doing nowadays but I wish the best for her. Also I guess I switched college majors like 3 times. My first major was computer science but then I realized I hate math. Then I majored in education but teachers are underpaid so yeah… And yeah I majored in IT for whatever reason(I heard software developers get paid a lot, if I could get employed maybe). Anyway my hobbies I guess I like to play games. I’m playing vampire survivors right now, it’s pretty fun. I also had a period when I tried to study art and how to draw and stuff like that but I gave up, although I keep telling myself that I stopped cause I was content with the skill level I got to(not real). Also I want a gf, preferably someone who is funny(and cute, mostly cute). Oh we have 2 dogs too, they are strays that my mom picked up somewhere, same with the cats. I barely go outside btw, unless one of my friends invite me to something(I think most of us are the same desu). Ok writing 2000 characters is much more difficult than I expected. The weather here is pretty shit, wish you were here.
Killing people with no consequences and free guns and explosives
Skill issue.
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They say a picture is worth a thousand words. This one will cound for two.
I ain’t reading all that. Congrats though… or sorry that happened.
39 centimetres long weighing 16 kilograms with 13 millimetre armour piercing rounds. The Jackal!
This is my fav track ever, I play it in pretty much every set
Also I'm on the techno madness https://voca.ro/1dp3mVuNAVCr
Also sampling Straberry Shortcake rn https://voca.ro/1kmhsOcqdAR5
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Weak shit
dark lady is swiss
and pathological liar
Is this supposed to be a TRVKE?
State gender

Favorite piece of military equipment, past or present?
Sr-71 or the A-12
What asshole things did you do that you broke up?
Also, who is funding all your degrees? Your parents?
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Tie between the FAL and thermonuclear warheads
Are black chicks the only option as a NEET?
This works oddly well as a soundtrack for road construction north of Eugene, OR
The .50 BMG caliber anti-material rifle. I want one.
Both of you have good taste.

Female. Probably the SLR. Go bigger? Aircraft carriers.
>pathological liar

hot but is she any good at it?

the pound sterling stands alone
And what are you?
Mustard Gas
I like chemical warfare
Never broke up, I'm still married to the guy I've been dating since 10th grade.

I'm sponsored by a wealthy company so I have a full ride.
You could just get a job buddy
>soundtrack for road construction
I will take this as a compliment kek
Drill drill boys go back to your techno roots
>normalizing noise pollution

fuck you, die
KEK. Easy to make and incredibly painful too.
Hard to decide between the M2 and the F-15. They've both had a huge impact on warfare over the last half century or so.
Now imagine nearly 4000 of those per minute coming at you out of the sky.
There was also a historical black hand which killed archduke Franz Ferdinand and started ww1
i’m fat ass’d and can’t imagine a sex sound that isn’t “plap”. what’s the skinny sex sound? bonk?
i was a very jealous bastard so we argued a lot and i kinda demanded her attention full time and she went along with it, only for me to focus my attention on something else, neglecting her. also my rich uncle paid for my college
Can women even carry battle rifles? They're fuckin huge, esp the fal
Oh right I forgot about that. Sounds more apt.
You said you broke up with your only gf because you were an asshole?
Also, you are married to a guy? This is getting more and more confusing.
MGS2 got part of its inspiration from the W88 fiasco
Damn so you got people giving you a free ride all your life and you still fumbled it left and right? Amazing.
Akkkshually the A10 is meant to engage infantry and soft targets and would therefore use high explosive and not armor piercing rounds, which could be better or worse depending on how you look at it
Not well, I haven't stayed trying again, just maintaining and I'm probably not doing that well lately.
I want to get an svd
4 to 5 weekly gym sessions and tons of weight training + cardio really does pay off. The average woman would probably fall over, but c'mon, I've fireman carried my mates for entire kilometers without much issue. A battle rifle can't be that bad.
They also go after tanks and APCs sometimes.
Tsar bomba
Art is an explosion
Why the hell are king size cigarettes and regular cigarettes the same size?
i think thats some random tard mistakening ya for someone askin the thread lmao.
They sometimes use DU ammo
>normalizing noise pollution
>tfw no aussie special forces gf

guess that's it then
Congrats, you have a very good sister, I wish mine was like that.
yeah... cant even make excuses or make jokes about it. i just really fucked up a lot
Idk brotha just get Chesterfield Superkings Red innit, 20 pack for a tenna
They're not?
Whats the worst city you've guys been to?
Same price I meant. Silly me.
Los Angeles
I live in Los Angeles
I was about to say that.
Who actually falls for those “meet hot milfs in your area” ads? I cannot imagine someone stupid enough to fall for that
Vancouver. Dirty shithole. Edmonton sucks too.
Niggas be horny
I used to be in a CoD clan that had a few jobless black guys, and their girlfriends worked full-time to subsidize their entire lives. Absolutely blows my mind
Memphis was pretty bad, so was New Orleans
Should have said vanc instead of Montreal. Or ronto.
Indian men
Toronto another one. The sleeper OP shithole is Winnipeg though.
good ol white phosphorus.
I figured as much. Weirdos.
How spoiled were you as a kid that you felt like you can afford to make life choices like that?
Boomers. They also fell for the nigerian prince, so it adds up.
Nta but this is absolute mad to me, I agree. I have a full-time job and I still can't imagine having a gf bc the pay is too low. This is also why I sell drugz bc it makes good coin and I don't chastise any1 who is a deala in this econ
>"I didn't mean to hurt anybody"
How did you manage to fuck THAT up? Damn son.

based FAC boomer
Honorable mentions:
>Camden, NJ
>Youngstown, OH
>Baltimore, MD
>Newport News, VA
>Waterbury, CT
>Hopi Reservation
>Gary, IN
>most of West Virginia
>Sliven, Bulgaria
>Wilkinsburg, PA
Mark 1. Must have been terrifying hearing that clunky metal box coming closer
Portland should be in there.
Horny doesn’t make you that stupid
The snake eats itself
Boomers are easily scammed. Why are they this way?
Male anons of /atoga/, what military uniform would you like to see your girl wear?
I guess we technically are
Overrated weapon.
OH FUCK YEAH! I like the Mark 4 personally

Good choice lmao.

D'awh, my favorite piece of kitchen/laundry equipment is women!
My aura is simply too strong. I quote an anime about guns and the /k/ommands come out.
Nazi ofc
Hospitaller Knight armour
Haven't been since 2012. I still doubt I'd get shot there like I might in Camden or Youngstown
And how are you holding up now?
Idk man their brains are exceptionally slow and underdeveloped. Probably because they never learned to think in fast, connected and logical ways since they did not have the internet growing up.
Women belong nowhere near military shit
>How spoiled were you as a kid
Somewhat I guess. More stupid than spoiled maybe. I think our school had a no failing policy as long as you attended once in a while. Used to do no studying and only went in after like lunch. And then my uncle told me to study in another city to become more independent. I mean I'm not blaming him, it is still my own life
They do be versatile.
One of the snazziest uniforms out there, if I do say so myself.

Deus vult.
Cry about it, and go stick a type 93 up your ass.
Man i wish i got opportunities like that in life.
Anyways, good for you but what a waste of potential and opportunities.
I tend to dictate the flow of conversation with my silly posts.
If we do we won’t get rid of you
Sorry man. /k/ommandos can't be contained.
What did you quote
Oh anon
Hellsing. With the “39 centimetres long” post.
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my planefu
look how cute and quirky she is upside down
Your place is in the kitchen, not the middle East.
I have a gf, and we both love each other, as well as having a really healthy relationship, but... For some reason, I am deeply unhappy in it. I feel like she barely tries, or that we dont joke as well as we could. I sometimes dont find her fun to talk to, and I am also starting to lose interest. I put in more effort overall, and she is very passive

To give some good stuff; she has always been nice to me, and accepts my faults, deeply. She's almost always attentive and responding to my texts, flirts, and whatnot.

I love the shit out of her, and this is a great relationship. I've been open to her about this, to which she says she is working to change as well as a "sorry"

There's a whole lot more context, of course... like the fact that I am sexually unsatisfied in the relationship (I've had her orgasm multiple times, but she has never given me one, and she doesnt really ever try to, since she only seems to touch me for her satisfaction).

All in all, I want to keep trying to make this work, because I feel like we have something good here, and I am terrified of hurting her in a breakup, as well as knowing full well it will destroy me too (BPD).

Still, I want to know what you would do in my situation, and give advice if you feel like you have something to offer
Women shouldn't be in the military, especially not women I care about
Maybe they don't take their clothes that seriously. Or maybe they'd rather you pay attention to something else?

I'm personally pretty happy when someone notices what I wear if I'm wearing milsurp jackets or something.
1940's Navy uniform.
I’m happy to be the rallying figure. Just kinda ups my exposure a bit more than I’d like sometimes. It can be hard to be low self esteem here.
You got one reply and that was me calling you a faggot for thinking 13mm was cool. All the weapon posts were in response to the other post.
Seriously. Now that I'm thinking about it, I really wasted a lot of opportunities. Nothing we can do about it except to keep moving on and trying to be better, I guess. Better than wallowing in the past and what could have been and not doing anything to improve(literally me)
Kinda disingenuous. I say something and it inspires people to write around it. I’m not being a narcissist, it happens a lot.
>mfw anon doesnt want women to go to the frontlines and die
BTW if anyone from, or who can travel to, the UK is suicidal and interested, pls reply to this post, and I can make a server or something so we can stay in touch. x
I hate you and your stupid anime
I would break up.
If you really want to keep trying do couples therapy
I get that sometimes. But the anime is sick, I recommend watching the OVA.
Real nice, kek. WHich country?

Aye, I pop up here and do some tacticalfagging from time to time
I wished I lived in UK. I've been trying to find someone to do it with, too.
I really hate you sometimes qt
bro are you the one that was mogged by a pigeon that one time?
That's ok I hate myself x
I hope you find peace anon
I enjoy flexing my proverbial muscles occasionally. The real ones I do in the mirror.
A truth nuke, like somehow people didn’t know that.
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Yes, that was me lmao
>full well it will destroy me too (BPD)
I'm bipolar and people like us don't deserve relationships. Break up with her and let her find somebody satisfying and good for her. Honestly how selfish can you fucking get?
>expectation: by the year 2024 we will have underwater cities and affordable space tourism
Reality: let's go die, bros.
>Real nice, kek. WHich country?
I was thinking US, the UK also is nice. Others from that era looks similar to these or are just shit.
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would you go on a pirate hunting date with me?
Eh fair enough. You've got good taste.
Nag but I've dreamed of doing this. I hate somalis so much
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The Spanish one that has lots of cleavage.

Eh. Cringe desu.
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Imma be real with you guys. I don't like big boobs all that much.
>Eh. Cringe desu
No u
Typical of me, I know. Such is life on Most High, basking in the eyes of the All.
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>underwater cities
sorry just ignore my shitposts lol. I'm going to take a quick nap and then distract myself with vidya before getting smashed at the pub again and doing drugs. Everything is total despair for me but you people can be better than me. I honestly feel and belive it. Let nature take its course. Xxx
Post pic
tacticalfag gf in full gear>>>thot gf with boobs out
I'm bulking for summer.
Spend some of that money on therapy?
I miss my threadfu.
I killed her
Bi femanons, r8 her boobs
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I think I will make a despair server on the weekend though. Even for people who don't want to join the suicide cult, just to be able to be fucking honest about their feelings. I think this is what is lacking in ATOGA. Jannies will ban you if you are too honest and it makes me sick. I need to pretend I'm sleeping now bc people walking past this sofa but I will elucidate later.
That helmet is way too big for her, she looks so retarded. I hate women so goddamn much.
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>I don't like big boobs all that much
Why would you waste money on therapy if you can just do drugs and die early? It's still a pretty good life even though it is short.
looks like a walking uniform violation lmfao. is this within dress code
why does it feel like having hobbies is rare?
If you actually make it I’ll join it.
Yes that is the uniform, and what she would wear lmao.
>busty brunette with short hair
I will find one irl or die trying
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>she looks so retarded
retarded women are the best
All the others have open shirts, so yes?
It was fun. I wish I could see the fear in her eyes again.
women suck, so stop trying to get a gf/give women attention.
date a man. fuck a man. suck a man. men dont suck like women, amirite? dont you love men if you hate women?
Yeah that can be a nice feeling. Sad…but she’s not dead, I keep her immortalized in my heart.
Not gay. Just don't like em.
Holy KEK, that's soo goofy lmao. Showed pic to my militaryfag husband
What money? Rn any extra cash is paying off my uni debt. I can't afford therapy but I do miss one lady, I was talking about her with my sis tonight haha
>do drugs and die early
Yeah, my main issue with this is I'm not going to be able to release all my music for a few years yet. But if I hit a wall in my mid-30s or whatever, for sure I will pull the plug. Or have a serious crisis and go balls-in to make my cat orphanage a reality
How come? OK maybe on the weekend. But then I will probably ghost it
That's why I only plow my homies.
Sheer boredom.
>In my heart
Looks like something else has got to go.
6/10. The bra and top do all the work, have to see her naked to know if it’s good stuff
Why don't you guys go bully some bilderburgers or something instead of going out in a basic way like suicide?
You can’t break me, I’m afraid.
>Sheer boredom
I feel you there desu. I'm fucking bored of life. Idk about you but I feel like I don't have the right kind of brain for this life, to be successful or stay stimulated or occupied. People like us are disturbing the equilibrium and this is why we must die.
I have to go but I will talk very soon.
So based, homiesexual.
I'm not this faggot btw
I meant I will stab you to death
Please do. I’ll take all your pain and hate with love.
Fair point
>bully some bilderburgers
What, who?
The "basic"ness of it is irrelevant. We are tired and want to die. The method itself is irrelevant. Cliff-jumping is the safest option in a gunless country.
Stay well Qt, love you big man.
Usually, if you're bored, it is because of you. I mean... do you expect interesting things to fly down for you? you HAVE to find what you find fun or interesting.

And if you dont find anything interesting... then shit, learn to do so. If you haven't found something, it is because you haven't tried enough, or because there is something wrong with your brain. And if there's something wrong with it, then fucking fix it
male anons,

your gf/wife wants to test drugs on you. do you allow her?
No, and she gets dumped for being a junkie
Imagine making your soldiers look like straight out if gay porn. Is this on purpose? Is this to gross out the enemy and underestimate you?
I'm really not mentally well lmfao but thank you bro, that honestly means a lot xx I really hope you are well too, and ofc feel free to talk about anything
My sister is picking up my bipolar meds today and honestly I think I might actually have another crack at taking them. Even if I become a zombie NPC nigger again. Anything has to be better than this, Jesus christ
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Only if they're obscure compounds with names I can't pronounce
Just don't be sad. It's that easy. I'm bipolar too and I just choose what I want to feel and what I don't. You are a bitch to your brain when your mind should be it's master.
The numbness might let you chill.
>feel free to talk about anything
My heart is confused. My ex cut me off permanently today and then I get some attention from the thread. It’s hard to know where to go from here and how to ground myself. It’s relieving that after 3 months of being fucked around and pain that the breakup is finally finalized but it sucks rn.
They're European.
The meds cycle:
>holy shit i can not keep living like this anymore
>takes meds
>meh they don‘t really do anything and they give me dumb side effects plus they are a hassle to get
>idk man i am still miserable and my life is a mess and i managed so long without that shit i do not really feel like taking them anymore, what if i lose my spark or it destroys my liver?
>oh well i ran out and i can not be bothered to get a new pack, guess we will raw dog this mf again
>yeah as i said, this does not change anything really, at least the headache is a bit better now
>holy shit i can not keep living like this anymore
So basically, your fault, not the meds
Do men in this day and age have chest hair anymore? Any guys itt? I sure don't.
I have some yeah.
Who said it is the meds fault? But honestly, they do not really do much. It might be mainly placebo effect the first three weeks.
...just because it doesnt grow on you it doesnt mean it stopped existing
I see it a lot less now in general
I do. Not Greek amounts of it, but enough that I can't unbutton my shirts.
What is your record in taking medication? I'm about to start taking some for MDD (which might actually be BD type 2)
>Women, what is your biggest fear? What keeps you sleepless at night when you think too deeply about it?
Not being able to die peacefully, I don't want to end up killed or murdered, I'd become some very bitter entity if I were to get killed, I would seek vengeance
Idk man maybe three months no break? I am not good at being consistent and i hate how they make me feel.
Geolocating you so that I can kill you when you least expect it
I'm not even sure if I ever want to have sex again
Sex is the worst. Stay away.
Snitched on you to the mods and feds unironically
...that is less than the 1/4 of the time you'd need. Controlled medication has to be CONTROLLED, so not keeping up can cause side effects too
My hand and phone are better than sex. Might buy a fleshlight and have no need for women at all.
not that anon, but imagine some chick kicked ur vag and u died. Would that make you a bitter entity?
Existential dread.
I haven't had sex, but dry humped and... it's so smelly and tiresome, jesus christ, so much SWEAT
Won't stop me. My heart is too full of desire.
Dick game that bad?
I'd haunt her and and make sure she'd never rest in peace either and her entire bloodline.
Yeah no shit. Tell that to my therapist. Not going to take meds for a year that i see no effect in but that make me get fat, be unable to sleep and give me a headache from hell.
her bloodline... like how she took yours? (no cooch, no babies)
I'll see you on the news..
Why are you fat and unwashed and make out with crack whores?
I think your therapist is the only person who doesnt need to hear that from me, and if they do, theyre probably shit.
Sure, but I'd probably have punched her in the windpipe and kneecaps before she tried anything
IVF and a c section
Got a better suggestion? How about you? come here and fuck me anon
Absolutely not.
she has nudes, but they're locked behind OF :(
Just google (her name) of leak if you wanna see those saggers so bad
I tried a few and they are all the same kind of shit. I give up. It just do be like that now.
Not a question.
Erothots is your friend.
Leave me alone you stinky animal.
Nta but I don't trust those porn sites. Gonna give me viruses
I can personally vouch for it. It works.
I see. I’m not really interested digging for her nudes
He says as the crypto miner quietly does its work in the background
I have a shit ton of protection.
I should run for the hills but I'm horny, what to do? She makes music and has bpd
Kill her
I'm so traumatized by a bpd bitch I honestly have trust issues
its been years. dont fucking do it
Mom said it’s my turn to get traumatized by a bpd bitch (again).
I'm not a bitch, im a male anon, but i have BPD.
Lmao, what can a girl possibly do to traumatize a man?
When you open up to them? A lot.
That's what I'm saying. These niggas bitches.
But to be fair she can call the cops or pin some shit on him and fuck his life up, which is why I don't date women.
Louisville is shit, but there are other cities I haven't been to that are probably worse.
If I had lots of money I would absolutely do this.
Do you think people look better in pictures?
Quite the opposite
I'm gonna do it she's so hot and sweet, BPD shouldn't be a life sentence to loneliness
That's it? Like bro move on, if she cheated that just means she was shit from the start and you aren't losing anything.

be seeing you
It's kind of like if you hollowed out a hard candy and then filled it with Tabasco, salt and rat poison
Depends on the woman. I personally want nothing to do with them.

Not a fan.

F. Back of my head.
BPDemos keep snagging the men just like Chads are snagging the women.
Haha yeah, wanna date?
I avoid BPD women, but normal women ignore me, so I don't blame the guys who get with BPD girls.
>airline pilot
>isn't fucking the sky waitresses
i didn't know failure came in this strength
>Sky waitress
She was upfront and honest about so I can't be too tough on that
No, I just wanna fuck, but then I wouldn't fuck outside of a relationship and I don't really want a relationship right now.
She knows guys like that
I'm gonna take my own life if you dont
karma is a bitch but so are you and a fat one 2
it's because they are 16 years old
Oh, you'll find out
Oh, we know.
They think about me if they’re single.
I’ve imprinted myself into the femoid subconscious over the past year or so.

When I appear, it’ll be like an MK Ultra trigger and they’ll be insanely aroused.
My loved ones being sick or dying.
You ain’t me bro.
I think I’m starting to feel happy single finally
Pedo scum
I've done worse things than rape kids
>your gender
>the most public place you've had sex
Oooooo you want a girlfriend ooooo
F. A pool.
Such as?
Never had sex
Killed and ate them in a sacrifice to Moloch after I raped them
That seems difficult
Your mother's bedroom
Why did you endorse Kamala? You know she's an airhead.
Can't wait to stack up cash so I can finally raise a kid with a trad wife that isn't on 30 meds and isn't mentally ill.
Pro tip if she has any type of mental illness her trauma will do nothing but bring you down and drain you mentally. Avoid any type of personality disorder as they all have barely any human resemblance.
You will never make her understand or care she will always do what satisfies her emotions at a given time with 0 repercussions for you or anyone around her.
I'm bill gates dumbass, I didn't endorse anyone. I don't care who these Jews get to sign the papers they put in front of them, makes no difference to me. As long as I get my newborns I'm happy
>she's an airhead
Wow I love Kamala now
me and your mom in public...
Wtf.... Voting for Kamala now, airheads raise up
Me and you and that anon’s mom in the public.
split a castle courtyard, a forrest near a popular hiking trail, next to a highway and the city park (though it was just a footjob with the last one)
I never understood why women in relationships and only women in relationships both to be upset if I said I didn't date
no. the reagents are in the freezer, it's about time she practices using them.
They get off on annoying men by tying them down and they're angry that you're free and that another woman can't feel the pleasure of nagging you.
Thought you were hilldawg
Hell no. That bitch stank.
F, synagogue
In her bedroom in a shared apartment
State gender.
How do you feel about pity dates? Would you go on a date with someone out of pity? Would you accept a pity date from someone?
Yashem have you no shame? It would be like having sex in a church or wherever you dogs go to pray.
F. I have no interest in that, if I don't really like someone and I don't feel like they really like me I don't care about going on dates.
The whole point of a date is for courtship. If you have no intention of doing that the it's a waste of both of your time.
Women, what would you do if there was a guy that hung out with you often that you knew for certain liked you, but he won't make a move?
I wouldn't pity date but I enjoy receiving pity sex. I admit it, I'm not as selfless as you ladies
Strangle him to death
I'd make a move myself if I like him or start detaching myself if I don't.
Wow, that seems extreme. Why?
I'm not a girl but I would do it for the fun of it
He’ll eventually be so into someone that he can’t help but make a move. If I help him out, I’ll end up in another relationship where I do all the work.
>He’ll eventually be so into someone that he can’t help but make a move
I wish this were true but I'm a pussy bitch and she never knew
See, I can’t help but feel like you weren’t actually into her.
I was thinking of her every minute of every day, you have no idea. I had eyes for no one else.
I wouldnt want anyone to spent time with me out of pity and if anyone wanted me to spend time with them out of pity I would tell them to get some self respect
But then how could your feelings end? If nothing changes in your relationship with her and your feelings were as strong as you say, they wouldn’t have just fizzled out. You just haven’t been in love.
Women are so adorable is not fair. Any thing they do they make it cute by being them.
M. Would give but not accept
I did that with two different women, and with each of them by the time I worked up the nerve to ask her out it was too late. It took me two years with one and three with the other, and my dumb ass always waited until right before a major life change like graduating high school or moving to another city.
I still think about her, the feelings never died. Though less so now that I haven't seen her in so long. But they'll never go away fully, every time I see her I'll think about how I felt. What's so hard to understand about some men just being huge pussies?
Probably distance myself, this happens too often
This is the truth. You're so cute ladies xoxo
Why are you in love or obsessed with her?
No idea. Just happened the moment I laid eyes on her. She's so cute argh.
Im not in love or obsessed with anyone
Men are only pussies when it’s convenient to them. Crushes are always entertaining, but full fledged relationships are tedious as hell if you’re not really into the other person. You’ve never wanted someone enough to be in a relationship with them. But that would run the crush, so instead you’re “too much of a pussy.” Imo.
Because she’s way too cute and has spent so long messing with me that I can’t not be. Stupid threadfu.
I would have been with her if I could have. There's a bunch of other shit in my life that I'm too pussy to do as well. But I'm flattered that you think I secretly have balls of steel and I'm just using cowardice as an excuse to create drama like a woman.
I'm >>31692544
One of them was a rocker girl, kind of a tomboy, very playful and fun to be around, but also cool to just hang out with. She had basically no tits and owned it, but she was still cute and hot.
The other one was also very playful and liked to poke fun at people, and she didn't try to be extremely feminine most of the time, but when she did try it really, really worked. She also had big tits and sexy long legs.
NTA but I've never been in a relationship, yet I've still never been able to seriously pursue a relationship because I'm always certain she doesn't like me.
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I figured something out
Women actually want to fuck incels.
Women, am I allowed to wear cargo shorts?
She has the kindest, purest heart I've ever known. I've never seen her be mean to anyone, I've only ever seen her good side. Her life is dedicated to making the world a better place, so I'd like to dedicate my life toward protecting and ensuring her happiness.
Sure. Doesn't look great but there's no fashion police.
I understand this. Valid reason
>we are basically a quarter of the way through the 21st century
What the fuck
Crazy shit dawg. We probably won't live to see the end of it though.
Pretty good actually. I've been going for long walks pretty regularly, have gone one belt loop tighter and lost about 15kg from when I last weighed myself (month ago)
I fucking hope not
I am obsessed with her, because she is an insufferable cunt and I want to kill her painfully, but can't, because I would go to jail.
>"I wish I had a girlfriend"
>"why bro you've got friends"
>"that's not the same"
>"why?? because you aren't getting your dick wet bro??"
Did people like this just not have parents that loved each other?
At the beginning of the month my BMI was 33.7 now is 32.99
it's literally
>"Yeah I have functioning legs walking isn't that useful man you aren't missing out"
Weren't you supposed to be on r/IncelTears right now?
Niggas gfs suck. They just complain and eat your food and waste your money. I'd rather have a homie than a gf.
There’s nothing like romantic love. I hope you find a love just like your parents have for each other.
State gender
Why are you not anarchist?
I'm not 14 anymore
Sucking rich people's dicks is what it means to grow up from being 14?
If the world descended into anarchy tomorrow what would you do?
Though I didn't read this, I did end up sleeping pretty well, thank you!
Nothing really. Humans kind of suck on average, but I'd rather die because there are no rules than die because the rules some rich faggot decided don't work at all and aren't enforced and people don't believe in them. I refuse to be governed by someone who has no idea of what normal people's problems are
Then believe in a system than does work instead of no system at all. Also if the rules aren't enforced how can they affect you dumbass.
He would start sucking my dick to protect him.
>if the rules aren't enforced how can they affect you
I don't want to make it sound like some kind of plot, but rules are mostly not enforced for people that can pay enough money.
Beside, I don't want to kill people or steal, but people do that all the time like it's nothing and what is the law doing to prevent this? Not much I'd say
Governments, economy and mass media are some of the worst things that happened in history
So called ((maturity)) is just accepting obedience. All of child raising is solely geared towards breaking the wildness and individuality. Unfortunately not growing the fuck up will hurt you more than it hurts society because you just get no money no bitches if you do not fall in line and life without abundance and love/pleasure is no fun at all. Basically if you want to have fun as an adult you first have to give up all the fun. You just swap one kind of fun for another but if you get stuck in the middle you get none.
Everybody stop what you’re doing and do 10 push ups with me.
Nigga just learned that the world is run by satanic pedophiles and is acting like this is some kind of grand revelation. Gou are definitely 14.
Because I understand that it doesn't scale very well and will quickly devolve into an oligarchy or despotism if you have more than about 30 people.
Wanna see how many the woman will do. I'm guessing ~4
Yep, let me write some name onto this piece of paper. This will show them how much of a grown up I am!
Idk about the women but I do 20 each time.
If the punishment is just a fine then it is only forbidden for the poor.
No thanks.
But I just fired out my 20. Don’t be a bitch, bitch.
the only type of push ups women like are the ones done by men on top of them.
I'm in bed and thinking of how to get rid of my morning wood.
I can do about 30 easily. I will not do them tho, I'm a lil nauseous this morning.
Thanks, anon
That's not a nice thing to say
Nigga honestly thinks his opinion matters any more than the guys voting for the Jew puppets. Praying for you lil man.
The exact opposite actually.
It's very funny how some people get all worked up making up enemies in their mind
Women, you are not like this, right?
You mean feeling defeated, powerless, hopeless and paranoid? Sometimes i do. But it usually only lasts like three months until i get tired of it and decide to ignore it again.
Let's just say that hypothetically, the abstract concept of rules just disappeared and all of the sudden nobody is aware of any that currently exist in any form, anywhere. You're just sitting at Denny's, eating your grand slam like a big boy, and any rules, do's and don't just cease to exist in your mind and the minds of everyone else. You no longer feel the need to suppress your arousal as you shovel down your soggy scrambled eggs and sausage, so with your right hand (because your fork is in your dominant left hand because no one beat the witch ghosts out of you as a child) you reach down and unzip your pants while you continue to consume your 6pm depression breakfast. Whoops. No, that was the fanny pack. Ok, so, you put your spaghetti back in and then reach for the correct zipper. Dick in hand, you disgrace yourself in a dirty booth. Mid-act, you look up and see many others doing the same.

"Man, we really like eggs around here."

Suddenly, a mother reaches across the table and slaps her child. "Timothy! You've cum on my eggs! I do not like the taste of child cum! You must not cum on my eggs!"

A rule has been established. Timothy is not allowed to cum on his mother's eggs. You ponder this for a moment. "Can you do that? Can you just tell someone not to cum on your eggs?" You decide that yes, you can indeed demand that no other person's cum contact your eggs. Another new rule: you can protect your eggs from cum.
I command you to stop being a sissy and do some exercise.
Timothy breaks your train of thought when be shouts, "I can cum where I want, mom!" Rules are beginning to contradict each other. This is chaos. Where can one cum, if not in eggs?

A man in the corner speaks up. "No, no, I agree with your mom. My son came on my eggs and I don't want them now. I also do not like the taste of child cum outside of a few particular flavoring applications. I don't think we should cum on other people's eggs."

Many voices around the room announce their agreement. Children may not cum on eggs. A new rule.

"Anyone else have different cum on their eggs? It's not child cum. Fuck, I think it was the cook. Damn it, can someone yell at him to stop cumming on eggs back there?"

Several people enter the kitchen to assault the cook. A new rule is made: the chef can also not cum on eggs.

"I'm leaving. I'm not eating cum eggs. I'll go see if they have cum on other things at IHOP."

The manager steps into the room. "I want all uncummed eggs for myself. Anyone in possession of uncummed eggs bring them to the cash register or I'll cum on your purse. Thank you."

"You can't cum on my purse or take my eggs. I want my eggs. I do not comply."

So many new rules. Give him eggs, don't give him eggs. He can cum on a purse, but not her purse.
Yes,.that's what you need to have morning wood.
It's too hard and I'm a bitch
I wouldn’t know, my morning died a long time ago. I am swallowed whole by the darkness.
Understandably, everyone is confused and frustrated by all the cum and not knowing where they can cum. After several hours of debate inside of the Denny's, a majority reach an agreement on a new rule that nullifies any prior rules that would contradict it: do not pull your dick out in front of other people. Any actions that follow the pulling of the dick that would not be possible had the dick not have been pulled are also not allowed. This means cumming on another person's eggs is automatically not allowed unless all parties present are in agreement that it is allowable and there is no reasonable expectation that an uninvolved party might witness the cum. This is agreeable.

A group is assembled to enforce the dick pulling rule and all of its sub-rules. Feeling they should be compensated for being on dick watch, they tell the rest of the room that they demand payment. This is found to be agreeable to most, and a compulsory collection for dick watch compensation is instated.

Again, a voice speaks up. "I came to Denny's today to cum and to eat cum! You cannot tell me that I have no right to cum where I want. I do not abide by your rules. Anyone who wants to cum on eggs and eat them, please join me on this side of the restaurant. I declare this side 'right Denny's'. All may cum as they see fit."

Then there was a civil war in Denny's over cum and a lot of new rules were made. Anyway, if you just get rid of rules, people with compatible wants will just band together and form implicit rules until their numbers and diversity grow, at which point rules that most serve the interests of the majority will be explicitly stated. Variation and nuance follow from that as populations of like-minded groups grow.
Do it and I’ll post something awesome.
Please stop posting about your weird fetishes
Hello m*n. Why are you so mean to me? Thank you for reading
If this isn't the work of ChatGPT I applaud your creativity
Thanks for entertaining me while I pretend to work
I have a pretty small penis
I'm afraid of being with a woman and being smaller than somebody she was with before

Is this a reasonable fear to have?
I'm not
What a beautiful decryption of societal construction and the intersection of human interests with natural designations. Now I want eggs. Am I gay?
I luv yuo mwah
I <3 foid. One foid in particular moreso but Yknow.
I could only do 8
Well that's overly dramatic, huh?
Ok thank you, that really means a lot to me
I love you toooo
Ok I hope you two get married and are happy forever
Just go back to bed.
You did good buddy, proud of you.
That is me in a nutshell, yes. Deeply metaphorical etc.
>get married
That would be interesting to say the least! We’d probably kill each other.
A girl was showing me a tattoo on her arm and her wrist was so small, it felt like it was going to break when I held it. Like a twig. Women why are you so small and delicate?
I'm not, why are you mean to me?
>Deeply metaphorical
Didn't sound that deep.
I wonder if the super obvious scar on my right hand knuckle is a turn on for girls.
It wasn’t meant for you, I’m afraid. It was a wank.
I tried and then I got very sad and I thought to myself, well I have not been on /adv/ for almost a year, let's go post there
Well I'm sorry to hear that, please do not kill at all ever
I'm not really probably. Are others mean to you?
You replied to me with it.
That means it wss personally adressed to me.

Anyway, time to finally get out of bed
>f*mgroid is acting up again
>well I have not been on /adv/ for almost a year, let's go post there
You were doing so well babe...
What are you, the Catholic Church?
Yes, women are always mean to me unless they ignore me, which is also not nice.
I dont know what that means
NOOOOOOOOO well it is better I post here then on gaming board
No, I'm not the most religious
Well I'm sorry to hear that. Hmmmm. I don't know what to say to fix that at all. Surely that will change, that problem
>Women, you are not like this, right?
No, my only enemy is this guy who sends me rude emails at work.
Hehe even the way you girls type is so cute. Night babe
It’s called ESL.
anyone been playing/looking forward to any good indie games? I need some recommendations
>don't know what to say to fix that at all.
I know how.
You should hornypost with him.
Play Outer Wilds if you haven't already
NEVER ask white boys for game recs. They will give you some indie platformer that is actually about depression.
I second this.
An outlandish and ultra creative masterpiece.
The fuck is wrong with you dumbass niggas
Fuck is wrong with me for wheezing at this shit
yeah, I've tried it before back in 2020 and I actually thought it was good I just don't like the "saving" style... I took my precious time and got an hour into it before even taking off and my pc crashed... tried booting up and it forced me to restart....
Depends what you call indie. This year I got into 7d2d and Valheim and they were pretty good.
Ok goodnight, sweet dreams!
English is my first language but I do have slight accent, but I am American. I love foreign language and I wish I could work in some kind of international relations thing
I don't think he wants to and anyway, I don't know how that can work. Kind of pointless.
Dino Run 2: I'd like to play when it comes out, I was a big fan of the first one
Noita: my favourite game
Desktop Dungeons: a good one. Rewind is the "remastered" edition with some fixes
Rogue Lords: your roguelike deckbuilder a la slay the spire, but you are the bad guys!!!
And that's it for me
NTA but what is wrong with gaming board?
You sure? Your posts read like a European.
>don't think he wants to and anyway, I don't know how that can work. Kind of pointless
I'd actually enjoy some hornyposting but I have to go to sleep. It's almost 3:30AM here. Goodnight, femanon.
I have a fucked up liver and can't drink alcohol
women would you date a man like this
Shouldn't have gone on so many benders when you were younger dumbass
I am young and have never gone on a bender
Drunk fuck
There are expressions like "unforgiving sea" and "treacherous waters," and it is true the sea is those things. But it's not just about how it can get in stormy weather; it's also because of how scary people get far from the eye of law, in a hostile environment that isn't the natural habitat for humans. Crimes like human trafficking, forced labor, and murder go unpunished in international waters. Left to our own means, society would quickly devolve into militias preying on each other and on the unarmed. Just like cartels don't only do drug trafficking but also prey on people by kidnapping and taking hostages for ransom, it's like those stories where the wolf comes and devours one of the sheep, helpless to stop it every time it gets hungry.

So the solution was to outsource violence to one body, the government, in addition to laws meant to organize life. It's a far from perfect system, but it's better than the alternative.
I can't go there anymore, I'll feel bad because I had a friend there I played gaemu with but they ghosted me so now I think the world hates me and I am banished from that board forever
I talk to a lot of Euro's so that can be why. I would like to go too!! Their languages are difficult, but fun to try learning
Ummm try an erp thread, I think. I think that's a thing??
Ok goodnightt, rest well!
I think if it was a type of woman that drank a lot, she wouldnt, but one that does not drink at all would not care then. I don't drink, so from my perspective, that doesnt matter at all.
Not really unless it's extremely small.
You’re an odd creature.
I don't drink alcohol
It is a thing here too and ask you can see the other lad would have enjoyed it.
Guess we gotta wait for JH again.
What did you doto fuck up your liver?
My money is on him just being stupid in general.
It's 16cm on a good day.
Thank you I think!
It is common in /adv/??? I didn't know that. Ok I see now
Are all women coomers nowadays
Why bother quitting porn if women are coomers too now
inherited NAFLD
You’re either kind of slow, or a liar. My senses are saying you’re hiding something. What did you do?
How would you guys and gals cope with being a loser in their mid 20s? Watching Olympics sucks bcs everyone is at my age and successful while my life sucks dick
It's very hard to explain without spoiling things but you've lost practically no progress. I highly recommend giving it another go.
I think it's genuinely my favorite game of all time but that's definitely influenced by a few factors external to the game itself.
I will never understand this mindset. I'm a loser in my mid twenties but I've never thought "damn, I wish I was that person because their life must be better than mine", I just think "fuck when is it over?"
It will get better. You find meaning eventually. There is still time for you to be successful. Many great people did not realize their passions and strengths until later in life.
I'm just regular. Do you mean to get ghosted? I'm not sure what I did. I wish I could ask, but I can't. I'm kind of forgettable anyway, so I accept it.
Humans are sexual, it's normal. Not even just humans, all forms of life. I don't agree with watching porn mainly because it's just gross looking, but at the same time I like written erotica so maybe that is gross seeming too. but sexual desire and wishing for fulfillment is just an inevitable part of life, unfortunately.
What's nerdier, that time I tried to talk quantum physics with my college rugby buddies at a party or that time I named a baby chick after Prince Andrei Bolkonsky?
>I’m just regular.
No you’re not. You’re extremely weird. You’re typing like someone with something to hide. I don’t really care what it is but it bothers me that you’re calling yourself haha typical American than you type like an Indian. You are 100% lying about who you are. But that’s not my problem. Enjoy your stay ^_^
Waiting for what?
Do you actually know, that you are attracted to men by their looks and just gaslight everyone into believing that it's their "personality" why they get rejected, or do you honestly attribute all the good "personality" to chads you get wet over no matter what they do and then just believe, it's the "chads" personaliyt" why het gets with you?
I know your anger, I know your dreams
I've been everything you want to be
Oh, I'm the cult of personality
Actually, the last time I posted here a long time ago, someone said something very similar. I'm just tired. and old. I'm old hag. What more do you want from me. Probably something like; stfu fag. I don't normally call people a retarded faggot, but I can do that for you if that's your wish.
I think you're too mad to type in a way that's understandable. I can't speak for all women, but how someone treats you will always be more important than how they look. I think that's regardless of gender? Love is in how you are treated. Looks are promised to fade. What will you have once time passes? A retarded faggot. So personality always reigns superior.
Read the entire post.
Okay, so you don't even realize it.
Got it.
You replied to a multi-response, so it's hard to follow. I'll just assume it was something offensive.
Oh. I skimmed the thread and didn't see any actual hornyposting, though.
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> I'm old hag.
This is acceptable. Sorry for disturbing you. I am just very paranoid. Please accept my humble offering as penance.
sag hex
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Ok then. Here is my favorite bideo from when I first started browsing 4chan, please enjoy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gCKjctTWIsw
I'm not sagging yet, I am still in my 30s
jessie is so much sexier with her hair down, it's unbelievable
>Here is my favorite bideo from when I first started browsing 4chan
That reminds me I never went on the PC yesterday to show the femanon my oldest meme I had.
What a shame.
yes, I rarely drink it myself and wouldn't care about cutting it out entirely. i know you said it was genetic, however my answer would change to a no if the reason your liver was fucked was previous heavy drinking.
primarily because men make clear to everyone all the time what additional evils they would enact on women if they could get away with it. they are serially opportunistic rapists and sadists, as a class. the other big reason is because it's retarded.
they're a complete waste of everyone's time.
>ywn be a overworked hags boytoy and punching bag she uses to relieve stress
Why even live?
Big agree
Can you post it now, or is it inaccessible because you arent at pc again?
I don't know, that seems pretty possible. You just have to put yourself out there, is all.
You remind me of a femanon from /r9k/.

I am not at my PC, just on the couch.
Your video has very oldfag vibes. Wholesome boomer.
Well stop comparing yourself to Olympians for starters. That'll depress anyone.
Damn I hate when my nail breaks. Feels so bad having to cut it.
I keep it short so it never breaks.
I also keratinmaxx
I chewed my nails a lot growing up so they're naturally super short, and it sucks when I get them long and then they break :(
Keratinmaxx? Supplements?
>so they're naturally short
You mean you spent years pulling the nail off the bed so the living part of the nail is short?
Yeah. It doesn't go over my fingertips. Good for fingering, bad for scratching.
You're fine. No woman is going to complain about a 16cm cock lmao
That's why acrylics > real nails.
Thanks babe. But I'm more than my cock.
No one's nails naturally go over their fingertips you weirdo
What? I'm pretty sure they do. Either way I am mourning my nail.
Fuck off, creep.
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Ah. Ok, enjoy comfy couch time!
Thank you, you are very kind. Ok I shower now
Sorry to hear that, long nails are sexy and I'm sure it will grow back even nicer than before!
Do you ever put gel ln them?
>Ah. Ok, enjoy comfy couch time
Domo arigato.
Your pic related is one of my oldest too. Except as the 4chan motivational. lol
What I asked you about was the live part of the nail. The pink part. What I was asking you is if repeated chewing damaged your nails. Example, the pink shape of my nail on my index finger isn't symmetrical. I damaged the nail by pulling it away from my skin and now it no longer has blood flow to that area. It still grows, the white part can get as long as I can grow it without it ripping.
What I'm asking is why you said they're "naturally short". Do you honestly mean "naturally" because you did it with your mouth not clippers wtf.
>I still do not understand the question
I broke it down for you. I'm not trying to be a dick but are you ESL?
>What I asked you about was the live part of the nail. The pink part. What I was asking you is if repeated chewing damaged your nails.
Yeah, it did definitely did, but also my dad's nails are naturally short too, so it's both. His living part is obviously not like mine because I chewed them all my life, but they're still naturally shorter than others I've seen. I misspoke when I said naturally, mea culpa.
Thanks anon, I hope I can find my dreamy abusive relationship someday
I chewed my nails my whole life too and that didn't shorten my nails though. Were you chewing on them until they bleed? Chewing off skin as well as nail?
>Were you chewing on them until they bleed? Chewing off skin as well as nail?
Yeah. I was tearing down the pink parts, like you ever rip your nail and the skin under the pink part comes off? I did that a lot.
I never stopped to think that autistic women actually have it hard too. I know that sounds dumb to say.
This is the grossest discussion I've ever read on atoga.
I take hornyposting and rancid black poop shitters over this. :x
Fr I'm a short hair enjoyer but she got me feeling some kinda way
Honestly even when I was like 6 years old Jessie was by far the sexiest character in OG Pokemon, Mistyfags gtfo
Pick one buddy
Bro Olympics is just jumping high and shit, who cares, it doesn't actually make the world a better place
Your average janitor is doing more to help people than your average athlete
Gymnasts must be good in bed tho
Tfw nailpilled, keratinmaxxed chad
I kinda get it, one of my sisters is super squeamish when it comes to nails too.
I'm old enough to ride the merry go around people keep piping about
Okay yeah this was the big part I was wondering. That's extreme dude. That goes beyond nail biting man you were literally destroying your fingers. I hope you leave your cuticles alone? Don't want anything getting infected.
Post pic of your nails
I think it has to do with me finding long ladylike nails a turn on.
So when I hear things like chewing nails... even fucking BLEEDING from it, I physically cringe so hard because of how repulsive I find it.
> I hope you leave your cuticles alone?
Yeah I do, and I've gotten a lot better about it as an adult. I almost never chew them now, only when really stressed. It just one of those anxiety things.
Which merry go round lad?
Was this some self harm shit?
Like what in the absolute fuck, man.
The dreamy kind
Probably. Did it my whole life basically. Also grew up in a very violent household with lots of screaming, got molested, the works.
Yeah I get that. I only mess with mine under the same circumstances. Or when one is broken and I know I won't have access to clippers for several hours. Completely stopped chewing my hair which I used to do as a teenager though so, we're getting somewhere lol.

You got any other nervous habits? Skin picking, lip chewing?
Sorry to hear that and please excuse my extreme reaction.
Hope you are in a better place now.
>You got any other nervous habits? Skin picking, lip chewing?
I don’t pick my skin but I shred the inside of my cheeks and lips, yeah.
All good, no offense taken. Honestly your reaction is kind of refreshing because everyone in my life just acted like it was no big deal. Kind of affirming.
I'd rather not.
A girl once told me I have pretty nails
>but I shred the inside of my cheeks and lips
I have scars on the insides of my cheeks from when I had to wear headgear while sleeping. Sometimes they get inflamed and I chomp the strip of skin off the scar. So you're in good company lol.
Well, I'm glad my freakout helped in some way. lol

>shred the inside of my cheeks and lips
How do you do that?
Are you chewing on it?

I'm curious now too about your whole hand. But if you don't feel like posting it that's fine.
You cna also post it on soc atoga if you don't want it to be firectly associated here in the archives.
I'm surprised no one minded it to be honest. Never had any complaints from my ex. But I'm aware it's also a bad habit to work on.
>Are you chewing on it?
Yeah. Pretty much just grab a section with my teeth and work on the flesh until it tears.
The thing with my hand is that people will definitely think it's gross.
>I'm surprised no one minded it to be honest. Never had any complaints from my ex.
That does surprise me. If I had a friend or partner who's nails were consistently in such bad shape I think I'd ask about it. Not necessarily complain but like, try to help.
My ex wasn't really someone who'd point things out like that. Kind of a live and let live type. To be fair I've been surrounded by people like that my whole life, so I assumed that it was just fine.
I want to see it, pleaaaaaase
Doesn't that hurt while eating and drinking, having open wounds in your mouth?
I've had those small infections called aphthas in my mouth 3 or 4 times a year during puberty and they made me miserable.
>Doesn't that hurt while eating and drinking, having open wounds in your mouth?
It can, but not really, depends how raw it is. I guess I kinda just shrug it off and don't really mind it.
Well I took a pic and it is ugly af lol.
This is a personal question, so you don't need to answer, but does this also reflect your sex life? Like wanting to be fucked rough or maybe even what could be considered mistreated?
I mean that's what happens when you bite it
but also like, women have fucked up nail beauty standards by doing manicure
>Like wanting to be fucked rough or maybe even what could be considered mistreated?
Dunno, only slept with my ex and it was very binary and simple. I like the idea in theory of being dommed but I have no idea. I get really anxious and panicky if my ribs or neck is touched, for example.
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Hah! I'm glad I met you fellow oldfag, it's nice to know some of us are still around. Every day until we like it! I hope you have great dreams tonight, and may your reality be even better. See you around, quite possibly! I sleep now
...Surely..! g-goodluck..
Me too. It was the only physical compliment I've ever received from a girl my own age in my entire life.
Would it be weird if I texted this girl I'm interested in good morning? I've not done that before
Other cheek chewer. You know how you can bite the dead skin off of the spot where your nail meets your finger and not really feel it? It's like that unless you chew it raw. Which does happen a lot but like, just don't drink any lemonade or have Doritos.
That too, you get a lot of dead skin after a while.
Women need to be put in their place (picked up and plapped down).
I would say the former
Celeste is good
Go off vibes. Does she seem receptive to something like that? Does she deserve that kind of care?
I am
Bc she's babelicious
No I think that's a waste of everyone's time but I'll give every gal a chance
They end up getting turned off of me though lol
I also have tobacco stains and scars. Not a good look.
You people are having sex?
irrelevant, just post em
No, complete waste of time. If I'm not already interested forcing myself to go on a date with them isn't going to change anything.
>sky waitress
This is actually a sick job name lmao
I had an old colleague who was a flight attendant for British Airways for a long time and he said it was carnage, everyone was fucking everyone
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Thanks for the cute wishes.
I've dated a younger femanon once and that was funny, but too unstable.
I do wonder what it would be like to date a femanon around my age and my years of 4chan "expertise", would we just throw memes at each other every day? Would we be dry sarcastic?
Here is a pic of my oldest memes in my 4chan folder, they date back to 2008.
People grow up, you know?
>Does she seem receptive
Good question, I'm not sure. I don't think she's a morning person.
>Does she deserve that kind of care
Probably not but I want to find out
>I get really anxious and panicky if my ribs or neck is touched, for example.
Would you enjoy it and get aroused by the excitement or would it rather put you off?
Don't know. Never tried. Maybe in the right context but that would take a lot of trust.
I remember making memes with Impact font back in the days
Another one lost to corpoland, baka
You too anon! Here's hoping we both find fulfilling stuff
Nta but eyy same. Mostly tobacco stains but still
The important question is do you have my favorite. "Guys, guys, I'm gonna put wings, I'm gonna put wings on my BACK legs".
I say just shoot the text and go about your day then. No harm no foul.
Famous last words...
Story of my life lol. I've re-ordered the meds but I'm not taking them
Ive never realized how weird this relationship dynamic is: why even go out with someone if you're at the working stage in your life and they just wants to play post graduating college.
Hey we don't know what he gets up to on the weekends lol
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I don't have that one, but it is a pretty good one. lol
It was so innocent, no incel bullshit.

Demotivationals were king.
You don't have chest hair? Low-T moment ngl
>start taking some for MDD (which might actually be BD type 2
Nta but be really careful with taking antidepressants without a mood stabiliser if you're suspected bipolar. That's an any% speedrun towards a manic episode
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Wow guys I'm fucking old
I mean, why not? So long as you are not holding each other back, who cares really?
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Dance to it.
>sexual hormones ramp up
>heavy interest in girl
>hormones ramp back down
>lose interest
how does one change this, I could have an amazing girl in front of me but lose interest if I'm not thinking purely sexually
Fr I'm not getting any younger out here
It's not even the meme itself but the girl in the background wearing a belt not through the belt loops. Oof. Psychic damage.
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lmao I never noticed that.

Here is my last oldfag meme for now, back to the couch to watch Madoka.
>hormones ramp back down
>lose interest
This tells you all you need to know desu. Why be a slave to your monkey brain. This is why I advocate for post-nut clarity before going out with gals.
Lol thanks for sharing
Homura sucks.
That sounds very abnormal, unless you are a lesbo.
Ye, Madoka's clitty.
He's probably just introverted/an autist and lacks default motivation for socialising with people
Unironically. Mami is best girl.
>amazing girl
Amazing in what way? Physically? Or more than that?
>Madoka's clitty
Ayo bro she's 14
As in I'd like to date her and have a relationship but something in my brain says "sex thought gone, why need girl" and I'm just ceased from making romantic (in a healthy way) advances
So you only want a girl when you are seeing her as nothing but a sex object to use for your pleasure? Yeah no, just do hookups and stay away from dating one.
I explicitly want to avoid this fate and is why I am asking about it.
Should I text this girl I met at karaoke last night? I don't even remember her name ngl
I'm watching the movies now and watched the OG series around 5 years ago, so I don't have an exact recollection anymore of what I thought of the individual characters.
But I remember liking the show and gave it a 9/10 on anidb.

Nta, it's ok to be motivated by sexuality intilally but maybe take more time to get to know people and bond as a friend also, like her for more than just sexo
Stfu dumbo
Yeah the original series is great, but I usually say Homura is evil to trigger fans, didn't want to spoil tho just in case. You watching Rebellion?
I just saw some guys dick because he thought it is appropriate to go on a hike WITHOUT PANTS ON. Wtf is wrong with you people? Pls keep your genitals packed away, nobody wants to see that.
They say once you see another man's penis in real life, you're officially gay.
I am not a man tho. Am i double gay now?
Ayo that's wild
Hikers are a different breed ngl who does exercise for fun
You're wrong though. I'm very interested in other people's genitals.
Chad world.
Actually I do because I'm insecure about my penis size despite above national average by at least one sd
>who does exercise for fun
We were doing some drone shots so i hope we did not accidentally film exhibitionistic pp.
Not even.
He was hung like a horse so maybe he thought that was the right way to make sure everyone knows he is not a dicklet. Not sure if that works out well for him. Some day he will do that to the wrong person and get beat up or they call the police for public indecency.
imagine if women were grossed out and traumatized if they accidentally see a pussy.
men are gay asf, ancient history proves it as well.
Same man. I got that and once while chatting a friend asked if I was still hitting the gym and his gf said "of course he does, have you looked at his arms?" I'll never forget those two interactions.
Ngl if i was unexpectedly confronted with pussy or boobs i would be very uncomfortable too.
I'm currently at the end of the first movie. I decided to watch the movies so I am actually in the know before Rebellion.

/r9k/'s mbti general has or used to have a Homu Anon. lol
It is so over.
Hiking nude is actually pretty common, being naked in general feels good.
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State gender
What is your honest reaction to this pic?
I never actually watched the movies but I read the synopsis. Homura being evil is just a fact and idk how people can dispute it. Kyubey is simply an animal and a noble traveler.
>Some day he will do that to the wrong person and get beat up or they call the police for public indecency.
Until then he will probably fuck some needy women on the trails.
Yeah sure but at least have the decency to cover up if you encounter strangers.
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Should I take a run at her in the DMs like
>hey babe, are you a bus driver cause I wanna wheel you tonite
and then get ghosted
You lost me at "trans"
Gonna be a weird art house film
Mad world
Even if it's some old wrinkly geezer?
I doubt that has or will ever happen.
Oh sweet summer child...
Was fine with the armpits but neovaginas are yikes, I hate it when angels cut their wings
there's a reason there's a "big dick" category in straight porn pages and futanari is so popular anon
>had incredibly vivid dream that I woke up next to my friend lying in bed beside me wearing silky matching bra and panties
>she immediately started teasing me about my underwear
Why would my brain do this to me
>art house film
Gonna make sure i add a theatrical filter and send you the streaming link.

No, ask if she is a bus because you want to hop on her and then get blocked.
A bit of disgust I guess? The people that post this kind of shit are those trans that look terrible, like they're balding and stuff.
Certainly nobody actually fucks random hiking strangers with they dick out. Stop traumatizing me.
I wish I was gay, it seems cozy.
How do I become gay?
I thought you made it up and I was just playing along lol
Answer my question and honestly plz:
No, that is a recent thing.
Your question is incomprehensible to me
Does it happen immediately after you cum? And it doesn't dissipate at all? Like you have no desire to talk to her the next day?

I think you're fucking people too soon.
Why are you answering that question?
Are you retarded, you fucking cunt?
Did you accidentally go hiking at the local gay hookup spot? There's a rest stop near me everyone knows to avoid for this reason.
>So personality always reigns superior.
Notable exceptions: for women between 20 and 30 years old. Incidentally, they are the primary dating pool of men their age.
honestly, personality does play a role too. i had a crush in the past on a guy who most maleanons here would agree looks very average. i got interested *after* i talked to him because he had that chill confidence that is so rare in men. but i wasn't too interested at all when i first saw him and hadn't talked to him yet.
Yes daddy sorry
i've seen dicks on sniffies as low as 14cm, you'll be fine. it's all about getting that needle moving like a sewing machine!
It's both dummy. I'm not going to date a hot guy who's personality I hate and I'm also not going to date a guy with the perfect personality that I have zero desire to fuck.
The men in this thread don't know that I just pooped
Nice, now post a picture of your butthole
>ask if she is a bus because you want to hop on her and then get blocked
Oh based, that's a little less on the nose and rolls off the tongue better than the other one I had (hey babe are you a bus driver cause I want you to ride me)
We know now :o
Hey me too!

nta I don't believe you date or fuck anyone so...
Quite exquisite, m'lady.
I mean I haven't in like 4 years but I've fucked plenty and had a few boyfriends. Believe whatever makes life easier for you but you asked for the truth so I gave it to you.
The women in this thread don't know I just nutted in my underwear.
I haven't seen that one in a while.
>she hit the wall

I can smell you from over here man, we're aware.
>being bitchy
you can tell this anon is jealous
Eh, more like I haven't gone out or made a single attempt to get a boyfriend since 2020. I built the wall myself to keep em out.
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>this is what women find the most fuckable.
Is this true?
NTA. And yet you're here, so on some level you're discontent with the situation.
not sure who that is, but not my type at all. my type is more like gg allin or alex pereira, slight caveman features basically.
NAG but just no
I was wondering about the smell in the thread, actually.
A specific type of woman 15-20 years ago, sure.
I mean I'm discontent about my living situation but I have much bigger problems to deal with than "wah no bf" right now. What's up your butt?

That being the case, it seems like you might have no business replying to a question about dating.
I want to text her but htgwg told me not to do that.
Why should i not?
Don't worry, babygirl.
You asked for truthful answers and you got one. Stop being a baby. I have experience with dating so it's not like I don't know.
>how someone treats you will always be more important than how they look
I absolutely don't think so.

Being kind matters but it won't turn an unattractive guy into a viable partner.

Women want to date kind Chads. And if they can't get them, they'd rather date a not so kind Chad or stay single than date a guy who is just kind but lacking in Chadness.
The virgin general for virgins?
Women should all just date fat and balding guys
>Stop being a baby.

Baby as a pejorative. Not a good sign. You okay?
>I have much bigger problems to deal with than "wah no bf" right now
And you're procrastinating away your time, interacting with moids, instead of attempting to solve them? I am disappointed in you.
Femanon, you're in dangerous territory, you will feel the following urges soon as the femcel virus takes root.
>get a cat
If you already have one for gods sake don't get more, but avoid felines
>sign up for left wing political activism
this is a route to meeting the worst men which creates a feedback loop of hating men + meeting terrible men + propagandizing yourself against men
>start drinking wine
if you must become an alcoholic drink anything other than wine femanon, wine activates the femcel genes and soon you'll be hissing at people on the streets and ranting about how you want playgrounds torn down because the joy of children causes you physical pain, I beg you femanon drink whiskey, beer, or even hand sanitizer, don't drink the wine!
>reading Young Adult fiction
I don't know why, but femcels eat that shit up, it could have some kind of nefarious subliminal messaging, more research is needed.
Do you ever sleep? You're here all the time
Women lose interest when you text them. Be honest.
No they don’t lmao. Just be sheisty.
Okay dad
I have 2 cats they're older than I was when I got them, my YA phase was age appropriate lol. I don't care for wine though. Gives me heartburn.
>terrible men
Only in your opinion silly
>do you ever sleep
>insult maleanon
>he starts flirting with you or hornyposting at you
i'm being cured of my bitterness slowly but surely
You're susceptible to negging, I see.
8am...the ritual begins again...
nta but what the fuck does this mean
Okay, are your cats thin, or are they big fat fucks who enjoy the finer things in life, maybe a bit of sass? Men are willing to overlook cats if they're overweight party animals, if they're those thin witchy cats then it's harder to get used to them. Like if I go to a girl's house I want to be greeted by Garfield, not Salem.
Is that what you call work
It means be cool and confident and funny. Dry humour goes a long way.
>thin witchy cats
Idk as a moid these are my fave kind
Fat fucks gtfo
Female hyenas fight each other to determine their rank in the hierarchy. Sometimes, they mistake hyena males for rival females and start attacking them. The males, who are typically weaker and more timid, respond by getting erections, which they present to the female to signal that they are just harmless males and there is no need to bully them.

This is also the state of /atoga/ moids.
We all know that cats talk to women when we're not around, I want to make sure that cat is saying stuff like "oh yeah, party down!" not "Poison the moid sissster!"
isn't that the opposite of negging though
It's not really fair that women can be horny in public but if I do it I have to walk around with a boner
You people are just endlessly amusing.

It's often a fun game.

lmao please narrate my hornyposts from now on.
Hot. I mean the moids not the make hyenas.
Present your erections at once or i will maul you.
Nta but the alpha female hyena will fuck the beta females with their massive clit dick, often called a pseudo-penis and I think that’s pretty neat
Nah you’re making that up.
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Why is the second last girl built like a christmas tree?
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I had to wait on hold on the phone just now but there was a dope chord in the hold music so I sampled it https://voca.ro/1l0574UIm2ME
What fun is a party without a bit of poison roulette
He's leaving out the bit where female hyenas have massive pseudo-penises and they show submission in the same way
They're old as fuck dude they're skinny. Those men had best respect their elders or they can leave. Funnily enough the most "Chad"like guy I've been with fucking loved my female cat and she was obsessed with him.
Nah one of them is usually saying the equivalent of "mom help" and the other "bitch where's the tuna".
What a sussy species.
Imagine banging her, you'd get impaled
>i will maul you
What if that's what it takes for penis-kun to appear?
At least post a pic of your hands so I know what I get mauled by.

No I trust Anonborough.

Sounds like a late 90s Sega arcade song.
So as to not offend the delicate sensibilities of the women with an exaggerated portrayal of the female body. No, a woman probably drew it. There's a lot of attention given to the man's pecs.
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More fun facts.
Sometimes they even peg the males. They also give birth out of that.
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It is a tiered tassel dress you moron.
Also fuck off back to pol.
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>late 90s Sega arcade
This is exactly what I was going for so sweet lol
She isn't it's the dress. It's a stupid design but if you imagine her body as the same line width as her legs it works.
/atoga/ is hyena-pilled
Makes me wonder if hiker femanon just saw a hyena.
Women who play guitar or something like that, is it awkward to play with the boobs?
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work...the ultimate humiliation ritual...
>They also give birth out of that
futadom species
I hate this art style so damn much.
>autistic moids on an ethiopian potassium mining board are just supposed to know what a tiered tassel dress is

cute notion but no
The soulless corpo graphics lol
Men, do you take for granted how much more comfortable it is for you to carry a backpack than it is for me?
Honestly, it can be a bit awkward at first, especially when you're adjusting to how the guitar sits and finding a position that works with your body. I’ve found that a good strap and experimenting with the angle can make a big difference.
Do you find corsets hot?
Or even like wearing them?
The mauling is done with the teeth. No i will not post teeth.
Ok then post hands instead.
I trust you have proper canines to chew on me.
So they're needy baby type cats, that's acceptable. Animals like me a lot, but they all "speak" to their owners, and bad cat almost always = bad woman.

My schnauzer also dislikes most women, I find her to be a good judge of character even if she is a little antisemitic.

No and I will not carry heavy things for you. Ever.
I'm going to Turkey for a week
I was almost sleep, thought to myself “huh, hyenas” and now I regret opening my eyes. I need a lullaby now.
My condolences.
Get learnt sir.
Not just that. During sexual intercourse, the male hyena penetrates the pseudo-penis.
I’m too afraid to watch the videos but I imagine they sorta piss out their cubs. Thank evolution you did not form a pseudo-penis. Periods would’ve been the least of your problems.
Not even bring corporations into it, the proportions are just so ugly. Gumby doesn't even do that.
Yes I do desu, I take strength for granted in general until I see a gal struggling to open a coke bottle or carry a box or something
The last girl I dated made me carry all her stuff though
Why do women need so much shit in their bags
It's Turkey.
Honestly, yes. That and like seatbelts. I mean, we get nipple stimulation as well but it's probably not comparable.
I've never worn one because I could never afford a decent one and don't quite have the skill to make one yet(and really can't because I don't know how it's supposed to feel on my body if it fits right) but I like them. I want to look like a fancy lady from 1912 or 1873 or do some cottagecore shit though I'm not as into the "sexy" modern looks.
If the superintendent at the park I work at saw that, he might actually have a heart attack. There’s a state law that there can only be one camping unit per site. Can’t have an RV and a tent, can only have 2 tents if your dependent children have their own tent. If he sees more than 1 tent on a site, he loses his mind.
I mean the wacky proportions at least make it look a little bit more interesting than most corpo art but yeah it still looks bland as hell. I've met preschoolers who can draw better than this kek
>Do you find corsets hot
Hell yes
Nu uh
F I do and I like wearing them.
>tfw the other day I was sharing a car ride with a gal, and we had to swap seats because one of the seatbelts was a bit stuck and didn't reach all the way over her boobs
What kind/colours do you like to wear? Are they comfortable?
What kinds do you have?
You ever wear them just with lingerie?
I’m so tired I’m hearing voices. At least it’s a nice lady voice.
I'm visiting my aunt who lived there for years
yes, i have a few black dresses that would look good with a corset over them, but i'm a fucking pore and can't afford anything nice.
But hiking naked is crazy. Like what if he got bug bites on his balls?
no thanks
>we get nipple stimulation as well but it's probably not comparable.
Speak for yourself
I think what bothers me most is the proportions PLUS the asymmetry. It's like if the characters in that newer TMNT movie were reduced to crappy vector drawings.
Your bf should buy you nice shit.
Nothing hotter than seeing the woman you love wear the hot lingerie you bought her.
Would you also wear one during sex?
Nice, what is she saying to you?
Iktf I love the phone operator/train announcer type voices, they actually help me sleep sometimes
Why so traumatized? Jealousy?
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Thoughts on this?
>le heckin bugerinos oh noooooooo

guys don't care.
at all.
>Speak for yourself
I mean in a bad way. Chafing and stuff.
sure I'd wear pretty much anything if a partner bought it for me to wear
Not gonna read it.
Corset, thighhighs, garter belt and a choker?
What's your sexy dream outfit?
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No I have a real penis. And other attractive features.
Stopped reading
She said “so many things, just so many things…” in a very soothing voice until I woke up more.
>“so many things, just so many things…”
A cliffhanger...
I wish at one point I had but apparently it can lead to death and causes your body physical damage
>thought I'd crossed the line and pissed off my coworker late yesterday
>she stops by my cubicle this morning to chit-chat and talk about her weekend plans
Guess I got lucky. No more avoiding the daily maintenance fap, boys
wearing a full-body latex or pvc outfit lmao. best i can afford currenly is faux leather pants.
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I've got the hangover hornies, someone tell me not to chat up this MILF at the pub tonight
Maybe I should uglymaxx and dress like shit so she is repulsed
Sure? Just don't get culled.
how about you cut your cock off already
I'm not into latex, but I'd buy one for you.
Would you want it to be so skintight it makes you look more like a doll, with on your pussy, ass and tits free? I mean, I still need something to grope and play with.
>decide to be honest and write on my tinder profile that I have depression
>suddenly get matches
Women???? Explain yourselves right NOW
Underbust corsets mostly. They're worn under the boobs over a shirt or something. Some bustiers which are similar to an overbust corset but shorter and less structured. I don't have any of those lingerie sets. No man to appreciate them yet.
mommy mode activated
Honesty is fucking sexy.
Women who were your fictional idols growing up? Who did you want to be like?
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I should try this.
>I'm not into latex, but I'd buy one for you.
bf material. and sure, very tight seems better. and i'm somehow banned from posting images but i also like ones where there is a gas mask included as well.
Do you like how they shove up your titties and give you a more hourglass figure?
>don't get culled
What does this mean...
That sounds painful
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>I'd wear pretty much anything if a partner bought it for me to wear
i can fix him basically. and it might make you stand out from the rest as well.
i didn't have any idols growing up.
yo that pussy is HUEG
I wish I had a disease or disorder that could be considered sexy
>I can fix him
Ngl that's a bold move buddy lol
Sis has got the hidden fashion talent... keep it hidden...
maybe i was too generous.
based foid exhibitionist
Princess Peach unironically.
>bf material.
lol money isn't too much of an issue so I've bought women stuff I found hot before. I used to surf amazon with my ex and put hot shit on her wishlist we both found nice. For me it was of course the thought of fucking her in it, which she didn't mind.

>gas mask
I think that's the on thing I'd pass on, because I wanna see your pretty face and hear your moans.
But we could give it a try.
Do you also want to be restrained?
I'm not sure whether she's the exhibitionist in the relationship rather than the exhibition piece.
I do actually. :) I have small boobs so that's a bonus. I find them more comfortable than bras.
Holy based
Have you seen the Mario movie or played Princess Peach Showtime?
How are those sour grapes, anon?
Small boobies deserve love too.
I bet you look smoking hot in them.
You can come here for other reason than being sad you're single lol
sounds nice honestly. oh and for me bondage isn't really a fetish, but i'm also not against it ngl.
>sour grapes
i'm not sure you know what this means
I haven't seen the movie. I'll get around to it eventually. Showtime was neat but way too easy and short. Step in the right direction though.
Please post a snippet of your bio as an example
Thank you, anon. I am secure in my sexuality.
But... why?
Do you though? You're inherently attracting weird people if they're fetishizing illnesses.
I had one woman who was attracted to me because I'm autistic and she wanted a "cute, autistic boyfriend, who'll do what he's told and not question it" and it just weirded me out
Well now I'm curious how old you are and what kind of men you are looking for.
Have you ever tried something like this before? Got some experience with corsets or latex during sex? Latex can make some weird noises.
Then you're gonna wear those outifts even better.
You're implying that honesty is a disease, something not natural and wrong, to make yourself feel better about not having it.
Are the autistic girl with a special interest in Mario or someone else?
>Showtime was neat but way too easy and short
Yeah, I got that vibe from what I've seen but it still looks like a lovely game
I recommend checking out the movie lol, it's fun and Princess Peach steals the show lol, she is basically the main character
>You're implying that honesty is a disease,
I have nothing to reply to this with but awe at the sheer stupidity of it
autism isn't sexy
I'm not looking for "fetishization" of an illness
My illnesses are not attractive.
Foids, I sincerely hope that you never wear something like this >>31693386
Good thing it doesn't matter what you think!
If you update your bio or pics, Tinder sometimes boosts your profile.
Don't worry anon, americans will create imaginary scenarios and project them into reality at any given time. It's in their nature
Women, I sincerely hope that you wear outfits like this, or even lewder.
Fuck I accidentally friended someone on Facebook. I gotta stop viewing her page.
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I'm playing a rave soon bc another DJ dropped out and the theme is... WILD... I need to diversity my setlist a bit, post any song suggestions and I will play them all
Yeh, she gets kidnapped a lot but resilient she's not a typical damsel in distress. She takes an active role in many games. She's the ruler of the Mushroom Kingdom, leading with kindness and a strong sense of duty. She cares deeply for her people and often goes out of her way to help others. Peach's relationships with other characters like Mario and Luigi are built on mutual respect and friendship. Peach carries herself with confidence and poise. Her ability to maintain her composure and self-assuredness, even in challenging situations, is a great example of self-confidence.
Hey, moids, how does it make you feel that your mother wishes she'd aborted you?
Will you DM her if she accepts?
Autism isn't even an illness kek. Sounds like OP dodged a bullet with someone abusive
Sad but I get where she's coming from ngl
i've never personally done it, but definitely interested. and yeah i know latex makes noise, but that's part of the appeal for me. i'm into the kind of mentally ill noise music where artists (almost always male) often wear some kinda fetish gear like that, so i suppose my weird music taste awakened the fetish in me. liking to see it but also interested to wear it. allso 23.
I think it's time for men to stop being nice to certain women
Shit, he was so hot
Why can't moids look like this today? Is it caused by microplastics?
No, that's not me. Cool, sounds like something I'd like.
Moid or Toid hands.
What am I supposed to text a girl about
He was rich enough to afford plastical surgery. The same Kennedy family funds that funded Rosemary Kennedy's lobotomy and are now funding RFK Junior's Vaccines Cause Autism (tm) crusade.
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Nta but bro do you need to ask why
She's absolutely babelicious and a total badass
Also the Kennedy family are a bunch of douchebags and no one should ever aspire to be like any of them in any way.
Oh... OH! You meant depression! Shit, sorry, my bad. I just woke up.

Just depression by itself isn't sexy. It's the fact that you man up to your shit.
He looks creepy.
Is anyone here old enough to remember the Great Depression? That time in history when everyone was sad but there weren't any SNRIs around to make them happy again?
Imagine his bio says
>"I have thyroid problems"
He was a creep, he was a horn dog whose media image was based on bragging around how many women he'd extramaritally porked, including Marilyn Monroe.
Dude, I don't think you do.
You must be having a fucking laugh
A lot of men are attracted to women with a combination of ADHD and Bulimia. That's a really big winner for making boy's pee pees hard.
She did DM me. I blocked her because I thought it was a bot and then I see that she accepted my friend request so I unfriended her. She’s a far right elderly woman that likes stirring up trouble.
>bragging around how many women he'd extramaritally porked
Why did females agree to fuck him?
JFK wasn't that hot. Looks pretty autistic there.
You could have invited her to come over to your place and yank your pee pee! You missed out, bro.
WTF is a Toid?
nigga depression is the easiest shit to lie about to someone who doesn't have it
Because he had money and political power.
Did they change the way her face looks? Seems a bit weird. Almost Asian in a way.
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Would you fuck this thing?
He has a porcine, Celtic nose that is ill suited to his otherwise firm though not quite dignified jawline.
Time to update my profile I guess (got nothing better to do than rot)
Have any adult women here ever been raped by teenage boys?
F. No. Looks too pointy.
I would get a kick out of that honestly because I do too.
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I could fix him
My mother loves me. So does my father. And they are good parents.
The fact I'm posting here supports the argument of Nature over Nurture
My penis is very pointy. Not as pointy as a knife-dildo that a murderer would use to sexually violate someone while torturing and killing them, but still very sharp and angular.
So having sex le bad now? You faggots can't make up your mind.
lol that sounds like experimental 80s German electronic music. I could tell you some nasty things im German while helping you fulfil your fetish fantasies, but unfortunately I'm probably a bit too old for you.
my mother is a christian who loves me very much so
Anon, I don't want to be fetishized for my eating disorder because I'm hoping it will eventually go away and I don't want him to dump me.
Thoughts on the sumerians
>Doughy face
>Dead eyes
>Overly high forehead
>Shellacks his hair to his head every day with goo
I think they made her mouth wider.
>Overly high forehead
His forehead is fine
You're an Einsterzende Neubauten fan, aren't you
The only sort of torture dildo I'd like to try are those bumpy ones with bumps just sharp enough to be unpleasant but not cut me up inside.
My last practice gf had an eating disorder. I yelled at her a few times for not finishing her food because I was taught to always finish my plate and it pissed me off that she didn't.
Women like men who have a lot of sex
Men don't like women who have a lot of sex

i feel like it's very simple and oft repeated, claiming you can't understand it is being willfully ignorant
if I didn't look like shit because of it, then maybe I'd be able to roll with it
I don't really mean the nose. I mean the eyes there. He looks like he's trying to smile but he can't remember how to.
>Anon, I don't want to be fetishized
But you will be.
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>playing Logan Paul at a rave
Challenge accepted https://voca.ro/19sjJhy9ykPS
>yelling at your gf for not doing what your own parents said
cringe bro you're're her bf not her're're mom
You were BUILT for breeding. Get plapped, get pregnant.
Whoa, it's a good thing you left her, you probably traumatized her even more.
And you will fail to ever successfully breed with a woman, so you will just have to settle for sodomizing men in the asshole and letting them slobber your pecker in public park washrooms instead.
>yelling at your gf
This is loser behaviour in general and it saddens me that anyone puts up with this bullshit
I hope this is b8 but you're a fucking horrible person lol
>Women like men who have a lot of sex
Repeating it over and over again won't make it true.
Not a fan, but the name has become a running gag with a friend and me. lol
Like when we see some really fucked up building IRL, in a movie or video game we call them einstürzende Neubauten.
Ricky Ricardo is hotter. His features are too soft. Looks a bit like an old lady almost.
i could cure these
Buggery anon, your penis envy is matched only by my womb envy.
thankfully I'm into younger or older. unless you're 35 or something. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wnWg-9rfADo this is from the milder end to give you an idea. and i haven't really tried to get into old german electronic. i often like "cold wave" music from the 80s though, that's the only normal electronic music i like probably.
I left her but we still meet up sometimes when I'm horny. It's honestly better this way. My nerves couldn't handle dating her if you know what I mean.
... yeh... yeh, ok...

WTF, anon?
I love the brassy sound of the golden lyre.
How does DJ'ing even work, like legally? CAN you "play them all", when the music industry is known for being among the most oppresive with its copyrights?
>WTF, anon?
I just saw red. I'm a calm, non-violent person in most cases.
I want to make fun of you for liking politicians but tbf Finland's previous prime minister was an absolute babe
Am I a weirdo for thinking that a girl with an eating disorder has an attractive face? The sunken in eyes and pronounced cheekbones and that?
That's some really heavy stuff for me.
The most I could go with would be Rammstein!
>Stench of old cunt
Such prose! heh

80s German electro was really experimental for the times. Kraftwerk had some really good albums. Especially Autobahn is somewhat of an experience. But it is very different from what you posted.
Typically people with good face genes look good even when very underweight, yes.You aren't special for finding that attractive.
>I was taught to always finish my plate
I hate parents like that, that make you stay at the table and then it turns into a big battle of wills.
What's the theme?
Why are so many experimental music artists non-bonery?
oh yeah i've listened to a bit of kraftwerk in the past, and i definitely like rammstein. but kraftwerk for me was listening to one album just once or twice, i should try to listen to more.
>what's the theme
Sexual torture dungeon
I dunno bro I just listen to the music
Lol you're a fukken retard and your parents are retards. Food is cheap and has been cheap for a long time. The whole "finish your plate" delusion should've died off in the 1950s at the latest
Wtf that actually sounded good lulz
You're very talented, qt MAP. You can be a hot boy DJ for money, like those females on youtube.
In the UK at least, the nightclub needs to buy a PRS license in order to play recorded music, but legally you can technically play whatever you want (obviously it's illegal to pirate music though, and in a nightclub you basically have to play a specific kind of music and no fancy mixing tricks - it's quite boring honestly, not as fun as it looks)
If it's a rave/free party then who fucking cares lol. I will mostly be playing pirated and my own stuff. The bigger problem is having it shut down by the coppers
Also thanks for sharing the tracks! I have the first and third in my library but not the second, love a bit of breakcore
>i can make him worse mode activated
With Kraftwerk the lives are also a lot of fun.
Or their various lives of radioactivity.
Nah, I could see that if you just localize it to the face.
Wtf he looks inbred
Why do you think all models have EDs???
This is a must. https://youtu.be/mTGrosPg3qw?si=C-13FaWocsPu2rAj It's about sex.
Thanks broski. Actually interesting.
Not having "anyone can find love" but having the others is kind of surprising. Its THE most famous breakcore song, far as I know, because of all the variations of this
Oh, right, right.
Sewerslvt is bipolar so the whole trans thing is probably just a result of their descent into madness. The rave scene in general attracts a lot of misfits who are more susceptible to the tranny pipeline
Listen to Computer World by Kraftwerk, arguably the most innovative electronic album of all time. It still sounds futuristic 43 years later which is ridiculous desu
>the men that women have sex with aren't the ones they like

totally delusional gigantic retard take
>those females on youtube
Anyway thanks bud (even tho you keep calling me a pedo). One day we will make an album and get rich jk
The most mid Finnish woman, genuine 5/10
State gender and how often you touch grass.
RIP Keef
I was gonna play One Love from this record but Climbatize is awesome. Best Prodigy album desu
Sometimes not at all for two weeks then every day for multiple hours. I am not a stable person.
Okay makes sense.
I remember staying with my "aunt and uncle" when I was like 7 and they gave me food I don't even like, forced me to eat it, then saw I threw it up and yelled at me for it
Never stayed with them again
Why the ominous quotation marks?
Home Computer, It's More Fun to Compute and Numbers are my faves. Literally invented techno with those tracks.
I went to the store earlier
Not actually related, just close enough to family to always be called that, until one christmas when they told me "I'm no longer their favorite" and got kicked out of the house
really liked the second song in the first link ngl, this is great. this stuff is much cleaner and less raw than the music i usually listen to, don't mind at all though.
Every single song on that album is one of the best EDM tracks ever made really.
Autistic people give me ASMR
haven't gone outside in 2 days currently, i do touch grass several times a week tho.
MAP is different from the p word slur.
To each their own kek but I think she's stunning. Her features remind me a bit of Laina (Overly Attached Girlfriend)
Glad you enjoy it!
I opened several of the songs at once so they overlay, its like I'm a DJ who doesn't know what a DJ actually is.

autist her
what the fuck does this mean
I'm just insecure because she jawmogs me
she looks like your average overly medicated normie woman
Women will do this autistic thing where they will obsess over some random 6/10 or 7/10 (but never sub 5) male and worship them like a god for no reason.
Though then again men do it too, I know I do.
Women: What would you do if a guy you've been hanging out with for a while suddenly said "Well, I guess you're my girlfriend now."
nta but in what way
Nta but I think she is way over 30 in all these images, that's pretty well-aged
NTA, They mean the same exact thing linguistically.
You're just being a queer
Not sure why you are replying to the obvious troll.
Maybe something a little different. https://youtu.be/d2tGjI7BdG4?si=HYPYbSxi-G27Ed90
Men what would you do if a woman you were hanging out with said "I guess you're my property now" and drugged you and you woke up tied in a warm, well lit room, with her on top of you, staring deep into your eyes, unable to move, unable to scream, for hours, unsure what she wants, unmoving, then she just leaves and your restraints come loose?
Would have been cool if you pointed you are not me.
Why does gossip activate women's neurons so crazily?
Yeah I think it was the peak of Liam's creative talent desu. Experience is my personal fave but it is more cheesy sampled rave. I'm not a huge fan of the more punk-rock direction they went in later (though when Liam went off and did AONO that was pretty good). Jilted is just genius from front to back
I would start believing vampires are real and start wearing a crucifix whenever I went outside.
>opened several of the songs at once so they overlay, its like I'm a DJ who doesn't know what a DJ actually is
Bro is going for the experimentalcore noisestep
Nah bro I would literally do anything she asked me
Any women here into cosplay? I have a question (no it's not 'would you wear a cosplay while your bf fucks you')
I’d be thinking about her for the rest of my life
I'd probably be mad at myself for getting drugged and then stay in for the next two weeks, she can't get through my security and within two weeks a crazy girl will develop a weird attachment to another guy, then it's his problem.
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She has a lot of fans.
Sorry, couldn't be arsed to scroll up.
In my experience normie men gossip more than any woman
>Nick Cave
Lol I did this at karaoke last night
Why does this handwriting look like Salad Fingers wrote this
her eyes are soulless
not looking 60 at age 30 shouldn't be an achievement
>no it's not 'would you wear a cosplay while your bf fucks you'
i'm not into cosplay but thanks for not asking that stupid question
I 'member when I saw guys at work who would side eye me a lot, so I waited around the corner one time to listen in on them and they were just insulting random people, including me.
I walk over, they completely shut up.
I walk away, they start again.
The most petty insults too, like with me
>Lol have you seen his shoes, they're so lame
They're fucking work boots. The company paid for them.
What a hater, you seem insecure of how old you look.
nigga i still get carded at 25 (drinking age is 18)
nah bro I work in an office full of women and it's gossip central
Any time I hint that I might know something, their eyes light up
too bad it's not neuron-activating in the sexual way; it's hard to find a proper analogy
I agree with other anon this sounds like sour grapes desu. She is very conventionally attractive
If they were talking about company issue work boots being lame they were probably gay, most men I know, even white collar ones, would be ecstatic about a company buying them work boots.
she has the serotonin stare
I don't have to find someone attractive just because you do to
also, stop using the term "sour grapes" for a while until you learn what it means
The best day of my life was when I went fully remote, no more working with women, it did so much for my mental health.
Yeah this leads me to believe it's not a male or woman thing. Some men love gossiping 24/7, some women also love gossiping.
I'd be wondering if she raped me and why she didn't want me conscious for it
>don't have to find someone attractive just because you do to
Of course not, but saying that she's ugly... like bro how
She is quite pretty, you are delusional.
Shows that you're very unaware. In euro countries, any adult who looks mildly under 30 gets carded. You aren't special kek.
for me it's the opposite, I went from depressed larping vampire on a night shift job to working in a white collar office with cuties and it encouraged me to fix my life
duality of man

the homosexual >>31693651 and the chad >>31693660
Show me where I called her ugly
Epidemic of morons who struggle with reading comprehension today
>looking young at 30 is special
>getting mistaken for younger than 30 is not special
>he thinks he looks young because he gets carded at 25 in a european country
Can't make this shit up
>he thinks I'm european
Which shithole country?
ur mom vagina
>it's an insecure pajeet or brownoid
Pure projection.
I fuck my wife almost every day over my lunch break now, so piss off, hating women doesn't make me gay it makes me sane. No more sexual harassment, no more office politics, no more diversity training and no more walking on eggshells. Fuck them all.
If i hang out with a guy one on one then i am his gf.
Whatever man, all my friends who are 23-27 get carded. Doesn't mean you "look young" kek.
Imagine this being your husband, kek
You're just now realizing this? Pass the ketchup pls.
>fantasizes about being harassed by office women
>lying on a lithuanian basket weaving forum
>bitchy af
Sure, keep whining now. It won't make women ignore you any less.
Fine, go marry a guy who doesn't care when women at his office are trying to play homewrecker, see how it works out for you.
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laziest, most butthurt troll ever
nigga get over yourself, your finnish waifu will never fuck you
PJ Harvey is fantastic. https://youtu.be/tap5tu9ExWg?si=gldTR6IALjECNY-6
Who let you out of /pol/?
I'd probably forget about it in 2weeks desuu
I'm not the anon who poster her, but the fact that you're so obsessed shows you got some big insecurities. Keep on crying at me lol.
Nta but a woman office is like a pinball machine, not liking the game isn't a good enough reason not to play it.
>tranny replies in seconds
Having a mental breakdown? Take deep breaths.
I'm looking forward to working an IRL job again with gals
>Show me where I called her ugly
Maybe not those exact words but you were dissin
What a feckin loser lol
Uhm no anon, he is single handedly changing the world with his brave resistance. Does not matter that the change he brings is that he will be unemployed and unable to find another job and can no longer pay the bills and ends up on food stamps with his kids. It is about sending a message. He is a god damn HERO!
>sexual harassment, no more office politics, no more diversity training and no more walking on eggshells
I've worked several jobs working mostly with women and have never experienced any of this. Maybe you are just kind of a knobhead?
closest thing ive had to being sexually harassed at work is being told i should wear shorter to sleeves to show off more
which youd have to be incredibly spineless to have an issue with
>should wear shorter to sleeves to show off more
I mean I would just take this as a compliment lol
Anon just gets called into HR every two months and given a stern talk and wherever he works they have to call a meetings for crisis intervention every four but the most they can do is force the whole staff to undergo yet another of those trainings in the hopes that he will finally get the message and start behaving,
Also some people just have no sense of personal space. I've had a woman sniff my neck once asking if I'm using some new cologne, super close up, but I don't think she was being pervy or anything, she's just like that. Hugs people a lot too.
>told i should wear shorter to sleeves to show off more
nta but that is kinda icky. Wait, are you M or F?
Joe Biden female coworker
Do you agree with this blog that half a century of media portrayals of creepy guys winning women like trophies is what created the toxic gender imbalances we see today?

you'd have to be a genuine retard to believe so
Nah since that's western media but the rest of the world exists
How would it make you feel if someone went at your hair while you were sleeping with an electrical razor, and shaved an outline of a dick into your scalp?
How should I feel about this: the guy next to me has a dick in his arms, but my arms are empty?
Sounds possible
Femanon, your recent activity caused extreme amounts of carbon emissions, and you have now exceeded your monthly allowance. 15 points have been deducted from your ESG credit score, and you will be placed into probation status until further notice.
No. For every "ugly guy gets the hot chick" movie, there's 10 "mid girl gets chad" movies
This is the future that liberals want.

As a liberal, this is the future that I want.
First of all I would wonder just how drunk I must have been to not wake up from that.
Real, i probably created about four times the carbon emissions the last three days than all of 2024 so far.
Strange voices are calling? Oh, what did they say?
How the fuck did you know I just took a shit
Boys and girls, I decided to have McD for my OMAD lunch and postponing cooking to tomorrow.
Should I bring you anything?
As a Jew and as someone who holds an Israeli passport, I would not have sex with an Anti-Semitic woman.
I'm not racist, so I'd be freaked out by some of your views.
I would however raw dog you a few times if you were a good submissive girl.
McDonald's is evil
In most of those movies the loser had to have a glowup or save the world to get the girl.
Is it related to making them? I don't really cosplay but I might be able to help.
Whatever is highest in protein and lowest in sugar

I would be the anger
As we approach the dawning of the twenty-first century, what technologies and experiences are you looking forward to in the new millennium?
Maybe some chicken thing.

That's ok.
Do you ever suddenly burst into song and dance moves in public that you've made up yourself?
Some chicken nuggies pl0x
Idk if it's what created it but it's def not a healthy portrayal
Also thus is why Maison Ikkoku is the best romcom anime. The guy who views the main love interest as a trophy doesn't win her over (but then unexpectedly develops a relationship with someone else)
>randomly start dancing in public
Only if I've done enough coke
No i am not a disney princess.
I would take her as my housegirl for a while
>Only if I've done enough coke
What's your favorite flavor? I like a good cherry coke myself.
Not burst, no, but I'll rhyme and rap in my head and I've done it outloud sometimes
>Waiting at bus
>Rapping to myself; don't even know I'm doing it
>Turn around
>Some middle aged woman staring at me, eyes wide, mouth agape
>Quickly moves away
I think I was rapping about murder or something
>most slave owners were Jews
LMAO do Anglos really?? I thought that was a point of pride for you.
6, 9 or does the big girl need a 20s box?
They have some Italian themed burgers here and Imm thinking of giving those a try.
ngmi :(
You will be.
>Italian themed burgers
I want a pizza burger. Give me a pizza burger. NOW.
Why? Are you a disney prince that will come and rescue me on a white horse?
I'll dance to something "ironically" to make someone laugh if I hear bad music or something nostalgic but no can't say I ever do the princess thing.
What's the best free keyboard VST/soft synth that you can play with a DAW using musical typing?
I got some cherry Pepsi today actually lol
Yeah ideally all that caffeine in coke or pepsi should get me up and dancing but the sugar/high fructose corn syrup balances it out by making me tired and feeling like I want to take a nap.
>big girl
I'm a boy >:o
>musical typing
What is this brother
Should I shave and shotamaxx before meeting MILF in the pub tonight
Musical typing is using your computer keyboard as a musical keyboard. Some DAWS, like GarageBand, have this as a built-in feature. However, I want a separate soft synth with presets that I can use separately from Ableton, Logic etc.
>be in a relationship
>have a sexual dream about someone else (who i barely know or interact with)
is this common/normal or should I be concerned about this? The dream didn't have sex, but was still sexual. I basically never get any kind of sexual dreams, that's why it stood out to me.
Pretty weird/concerning
Based ascended chad conceptually cheating in the dream dimension
Artificial wombs. Men are useless already but then both men and women can be useless together.
Oh, that's probably different.
Nigga you are 25, you are not shotamaxxing anymore
Yes but I have autism to be fair.
You should talk with your gf about this
Far too costly for most except the elite.
Women which one of these would you? >>31693861
Speaking of autistiics, since we have some here, do you "stim"
What's that like?
Sometimes I walk back and forth continously. Does that count?
Mine is so specific that telling you would probably doxx me in the off chance that someone here knows me irl.
i don't like shotas (except for that male mc in the abyss anime)
It's like being a ninja in naruto and doing a bunch of weird hand signs to charge up before you pop off your signature move
Many of my forms of stimming are socially acceptable examples like dancing (in a nightclub), skateboarding on a sidewalk, etc.; it only becomes a problem when I'm tempted to do those things in an office cubicle during the four 12-hour shifts I work on weekdays. I get bored really easily and want to start breakdancing in the office. Which I've done before, and been reprimanded and threatened with disciplinary action for.

It really depressed me. But if I could I would bring a longboard to work and skate to and from the toilet on my breaks.
How would I know lol

But how does it
It helps focus the mind, it's kind of like ad hoc meditation in that way.
I just listen to denpa and thrash around like one of those long haired trans genders in a moshpit
Why not just get a MIDI keyboard bro
Oh, I'm literally about to shave lol
Yh but I've got a babyface and am short and thin
My curly hair is quite long atm
I flex my hands and fingers. Unfortunately it had a bad impact when I was walking around through the Bronx and some gang member looking dudes thought I was doing gang symbols.
It's more of a tic, like a tourette's thing. When I'm nervous I blurt out the word "Rape!" and sometimes the phrase "I'm not a rapist!" I've actually been fired from a job over it before. :(
I can even be horny at work and no one knows I'm thinking about being fucked on a conference table
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>complain about men and their boyfriends who drink beer and wish they didn't
Also women when they meet an actual guy that doesn't like alcohol
>omg he's so boring and weird
define what counts as stimming
>complain about men and their boyfriends who drink beer
>>omg he's so boring and weird
I've never heard a woman IRL say this
BRB buying a conference table
Masturbating. In public.
I dont even masturbate in private
you get it from guys too. not drinking is really weird
Also I'm going to fap before I shower and go out else I'll definitely get a boner if she touches my leg
I do. Feels good. Normies do that too when they play with a pen or bounce their foot or something.
Why? Are you planning world domination?
It taste like piss/cardboard with water
Yes. I spin things a lot, pencils, scissors. vapes, a wooden training sword I have from when I used to do kendo as a kid, etc.
I also rub the creases between my fingers, I have to do it in varying orders until my defective brain is satisfied.
Another thing is repeating specific phrases to myself. I don't even do this consciously, it just happens. Haven't been caught yet miraculously.
I've been thinking of getting a butterfly knife, too. They're illegal where I live but you can get around that by ordering the parts individually and assembling them yourself.
M, I exclusively drink sweet wines and beer with coke. Am I uncool, women?
nta but repetitive motion that makes you feel good.
im just saying that most normalfags think youre weird if you dont drink
Sounds more like you have OCD.
I'm diagnosed with both
Why is it bad to use a 2 in 1 for your hair?
Rich and Shy. Ideally at the same time.
You really shouldn’t fap
all men who can drink beer are somewhat cool to me since i'm completely unable to enjoy beer, just makes me gag lol. personally i mostly like drinks like rum and coke or white russian.
>since i'm completely unable to enjoy beer
Not even wheat beer?
Women, you walk past a guy you don't know in public and he smells like oranges. How do you react?
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I have shaved my head
women you are allowed to rub it once
I exclusively drink tap water except when I eat pizza and drink coca cola. Am I uncool, women?
I rape him
Enjoy the smell and keep walking?
yeah i just don't enjoy any kind of beer.
Dreams are generally meaningless. I had a sexual dream about a girl I saw in passing a year ago, does that mean anything? No, it doesnt.
i like shaved heads ngl. don't need to rub it though.
Which feels better? Touching your own tits or someone else (consensually) touching your tits?
Can we date?
Why? Sounds like it'd just make both feel worse and lower self esteem
Only if we can have sex a minimum of 3 times a day
state gender
thoughts on Christianity?
Is it cheating if you have an atoga crush you talk to?
Will it be FFM threesomes?
Nice hair
I am left hand path
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These are phenotypic and genotypic associations with adult sexlessness (based on a sample of 2,068 females and 1,861 males between 39 - 73 years of age from the UK who have never had sex).
No thanks, I'm Jewish
left hand path?
>likes shaved heads
girls like that exist?
Too late buddy (I fapped to Sanna Marin for the second time today...)
How do they get your credit card info? I just found two fraudulent charges on one of my cards and I had to call the bank. It's annoying.
Do you prefer shaved heads with good hairlines or are you unbothered?
Who is your crush :o
Did you click on any dodgy links
Also maybe get one of those swipe-proof wallets
Like how often, will there be some lesbian action too and will it be woth like your friend or something?
probably got skimmed at a gas station
>Did you click on any dodgy links
Not that I recall. And if I did then I still don't see how they'd get my credit card info.
You know how many places online have your credit card info or at least name and address or something? These places get hacked all the time.
listening to blasphemy and war metal made me like this.
if i'm completely honest a good hairline is more ideal. but i like it even if there is no hairline visible.
I'm not sure if my crush is real or a fictional character...
An RFD wallet cuts down on that kinda thing.
I know it's not that because I don't use this particular card to buy gas.

I just feel so invaded.
It's very normal for men to fuck beds or sofas by dry humping them and jizzing on them. Many women here have likely sat or lay down on a couch that has a man's dried semen on it.

But what's the female equivalent of this practise?
>It's very normal for men to fuck beds or sofas by dry humping them and jizzing on them
Where do you live lmao
Is that normal? I only did that until I learned to jack off properly
Welcome to the 21st century.
>It's very normal for men to fuck beds or sofas by dry humping them and jizzing on them.
>Where do you live
>if i'm completely honest a good hairline is more ideal
its so over boys. if I had the hairline I wouldnt be razor shaving it
>war metal
That's one of those witchy/occult things, right? What practices have you adopted into your day to day life?
Might want to do a malware scan on your computer. Stuff can capture your key strokes when you type your credit card.
How close does someone have to be to scan your card if you don't have an rfd wallet?
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>It's very normal for men to fuck beds or sofas by dry humping them and jizzing on them
It's still fun even after you learn to jack off properly. Sometimes when my wife has been out with her girl friends and I'm having poker night with the bros we sometimes take a break to all get together and start dry humping the fold-out bed on the guest sofa. I usually de-odorize it afterwards but there's probably still a little bit of dried man jizzum on it.
Pay only in cash and checks then
Use cash. Having your cards skimmed is a choice.
it's raw black metal. more common to have a shaved head than typical long metalhead hair.
Any lonely, single femanons in this thread right now?
Which anons you met here would you fuck?
Which would you have FFM threesomes with?
Is it common for women to drink each other's vaginal fluids and/or menstrual blood, refrigerated and served for them in a cup? I knew at least one woman who would use her menstrual blood and her vaginal fluids as smoothie ingredients she served to her female friends.
I haven't met anyone from here.
>Which anons you met here would you fuck?
I would fuck Anonymous

>Which would you have FFM threesomes with?
Anonymous and Anonymous
Hmm. I feel like I did an AVG scan recently, but I'll try it again. I don't believe I've typed this particular card number anytime recently, but I'll still check. And maybe I should lay off the porn.
Really, because I have. I met your mom off here. She really liked the taste of my semen on her tongue.
The risk of someone scanning your credit card is minimal because traditional credit cards with magnetic stripes don’t use RFID technology. Like, you need to be withing 4 inches, it's real movie tech stuff not done very often.
>Which would you have FFM threesomes with?
gym orc anon
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sumerian priestess sex
posted by the pedophile ogre
>men who don't snore are more likely to be virgins

Is that because they have nobody around to tell them they're snoring?
I'd consider dating ______ Girl
If you use the same password across multiple sites and one of those sites is compromised, your credit card information stored on other sites may also be at risk.
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No you didn't
so offended
Squirrel Girl! She has ADHD as well as the facial structure and body build of a squirrel. That's why we call her that.
What do you guys honestly think about tummy fat? I know this might sound like a petty question. I used to have a flat stomach as a teenager but in my 20s I find that I just cannot get rid of a little bit of pudge on the lower belly area. I'm not fat or anything. But it does bother me it doesn't seem to ever want to go back to being completely flat again unless I push myself to nearly starving. Honestly, it is a little bit of a hit to my confidence since it used to be so good to see a flat stomach and almost have abs, and now it seems that's gone for good without enormous effort.
Do you notice that kind of thing, and what are your honest opinions on flat stomachs?
Yeah I do try to avoid that. I do actively try to avoid using the same password in multiple places. That's part of what's so frustrating, I feel like I'm really careful about this stuff.
In the end all people are fictional characters. Plato's cave etc
It's all ogre now
Used any unsecured public wifi lately?
that little bit of fat is normal, its not a big deal
I prefer chubby
Too many letters
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Do you look like this? This is good.
I don't care and I would be an hypocrite if I said otherwise because I'm Skinnyfat

As long as you don't have excessive fat on your arms or your face/neck, it's fine.
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>cannot get rid of a little bit of pudge on the lower belly area
nta but was there a big charge on your credit card? Did the bank call you about it?
>Like, you need to be withing 4 inches, it's real movie tech stuff not done very often.

Bro you are living in the 80s. Skimmer range is meters, not inches
Yeah, I used it to look at porn at your mom's house.
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>get dressed well for an event
>think I look great
>see pictures from the event
>want to an hero after seeing myself in them
I think tummies are hot, regardless of fat.

Also I'm pretty sure that that's just normal, something about protecting the ovaries or something
Why is this so common with women?
Flat stomachs are super hot. That being said as long as you aren't fat your body is attractive
Because you're ugly.
Clothing doesn't matter or make you look better if you're ugly
Most people look pretty unpleasant and ugly in event group photos. You just pay the most attention to yourself and think you look the worst.
Hmm, not public WiFi, but when I'm at work I'll use my phone with just cellular data. I guess I did recently enter this card for a subscription. I can't remember if I did that at home or at work. I wonder if that's it.
Because the human body generally stores fat in the belly before other parts of the body.

The same applies to men.

It ain't rocket science, bub.
Poor diet, excess alcohol consumption, general low self control.
Two small charges. Less than $30 combined. I noticed it and called them myself.
Is that an AI-generated AOC?
But yeah honestly I'm heading in that direction if I don't watch what I eat (which I do). It's more like I can see the lines where there used to be abs fading away and turning into pudge... which is so demoralising lol
Unless you're way beyond underweight, you'll have some fat there sadly.
damn, so rerolling is the only option
I dont think others look bad in the same photos though
Fat is stored in the balls. It's released through the ejaculation of semen in the male, and the menstruation of blood in the human female.

Therefore, if you are a man, you can lose weight by wanking. It goes through your tummy and then through your gonads, and comes out in the form of your man juice.
Sounds like you know from personal experience, fattie.
No femanons here are as hot as Giulia
That is a Japanese-Italian professional wrestler, and many people masturbate to her. So you're fine.
I was talking about RFID specifically. Physical skimmers attached to gas pumps or ATMs or something are more commonly used.
>Bro you are living in the 80s.
I fucking wish.
thats a man
Marry weenie
FFM threesome with bimbo-chan and London
There are some seriously hot femanons desu
Like, 0.7 hip to waist with massive perky tits
Who's weenie?
That's what I call my pecker
when will we get more hand posters
It could have also been someone watching you on video surveillance. People often forget how modern video surveillance is high resolution, high framerate, digitally reviewable IOT shit that can be accessed (sometimes remotely) by minimum wage drones.
>he thinks the chip and stripe keep you safe
Are you fucking high? When is the last time you bought something off the Internet using any more than the card number, expiration date, CCV and cardholder name?
>inb4 address
Those blanks can easily be filled in from alternative sources, or even the same source if the CCTV hole is used. All it takes is a single frame with your driver's licence clearly visible.
>Skimmer range is meters, not inches
Crazy. I was expecting inches too.
Does the RFID blocker have to be a sleeve? Or are the ones that just look like another credit card sufficient? I use a money clip and don't really want to go back to wallets, but most of the sleeves have the opening from the short side and I pull my cards from the landscape position.
I only have fat chubby hands.
M, I like it, I think it's cute, tummy rolls are also adorbs
Weak b8
>Japanese-Italian professional wrestler
honestly that makes me feel a lot better that she's actually a real sportswoman, thanks anon
it's kinda depressing it seems like it's got to be genetic though
>I guess I did recently enter this card for a subscription
Sounds like social engineering. Scammers may manipulate or trick individuals into giving out their credit card information by pretending to be someone they trust or offering something appealing.
No man here will see you naked ever (and no other woman tbf) so why should I care?
It's okay, I think she's really hot.
You really don't
>shoulderpads on women
>low bandwidth dialup

shit tier decade
Shitting at work rn
>It's very normal for men to fuck beds or sofas by dry humping them and jizzing on them
Cute anon who always wants to play skribbl (or as she calls it, drawing game)
are you obese/fat? or just think you have fat hands
>toilet moid hand
i'll take what i can get sigh
>Less than $30 combined.
Sneaky. I always get really obvious huge charges halfway around the world. My bank is like WTF and calls me about it.
>are you obese/fat? or just think you have fat hands
I'm actually fat.
I know it's not that, I'm getting the podcast feed that I'm paying for. Maybe their security is somewhat lacking though.
Are skimmers more likely to be the slot for the chip or the tap ones? The taps kind of freak me out (my boomer showing) since it feels like anyone could just stick one on. The slot skimmers seem to require at least a little more expertise to fit to the particular slot and look convincing. Still, I tug on them occasionally but I doubt that's effective since there's plenty of adhesives that wouldn't budge.
We're talking about the belly area specifically. Women usually have some extra cushion there.
Men, has another man ever forcibly dry humped you, exposed his penis to you, or ejaculated his semen on you unexpectedly?
Yeah, they might've gotten away with it except that I never take Uber rides. If they had used my card at Dairy Queen a few times, it would've blended right in and I never would've caught it.
Nta but if it makes you feel any better I used to travel on the L O N D O N underground/central London all the time, often with my cards loose in my pocket lol, and I never once got skimmed
Ofc it's good to get a RFID-blocking wallet to be safe, but I think the chances of getting swiped are still pretty slim. Just be careful with standing in one place for too long
Uber drivers are very well known for raping single female passengers. Not good!
>It could have also been someone watching you on video surveillance. People often forget how modern video surveillance is high resolution, high framerate, digitally reviewable IOT shit that can be accessed (sometimes remotely) by minimum wage drones.
This also. Cover it when you use ATMs and gas pumps.
Shoulderpads on women's outfits actually look cool though. I wish I lived during an era where that look is popular.
And injecting that fat into a woman will make her tummy chubby, doesn't it!
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Women, would you date Hank Hill?
Thoughts on the new Mr.Beast fiasco?
no. but I'd date dale.
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>paying for a podcast
In 2024 this still exists? Just that alone sounds like a scam.
A few guys at the gym with big cocks like to walk around naked trying to mog everyone else, it's pretty obnoxious
Man I just shaved, showered, brushed and flossed, cut my nails, styled my hair, did my eyebrows and nose/ears, picked an outfit, accessories, colonge and breath freshener, and now we're not even going to the pub anymore kek we're just going to someone's house
This must be how women feel when they get ready for a date and it's cancelled
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Any seemingly normal male who suddenly comes out as trans as an adult is always a disgusting pervert who watches tons of porn, and has disgusting, immoral fetishes. This is true in 100% of cases. Trannies are not worthy of respect. They are evil.
What happened to Mr. Beast?
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Starting to lose interest in women porn and sexual shit now guys. WAGMI

-contemplations of why the above bring suffering
-neutral observation of feelings thoughts and desires when engaging or thinking of the above

3 weeks doing 10min each rn
It's a free podcast, but I get each episode a little bit early, and ad free, and a bonus episode every week. I like the podcast and I get a lot of value from it so I don't have a problem paying.
Ice Spice and Kai Cenat hooked up.


If you had a chance to hangout with a celebrity of your choosing, would you?

Nta but I think this is a bit harsh. Trannies are def mentally ill but they're usually just autists with identity issues who don't feel comfortable in their own skin
Bro is ascending into monkmode
>colleague comes out as trans
>turns out to be a child groomer
>literally commissioned shadman to draw porn of a 10 year old
>barely two days later
>mr beast also exposed for saying sexual shit about children
tldr they're all most likely pedophiles
Wait, Mr. Beast is a tranny?
What brought you to this site?
>mr beast also exposed for saying sexual shit about children
Ayo this is disappointing if true
>>literally commissioned shadman to draw porn
Ngl this is based though (just not the underage part)
No, his buddy Chris is. And he was busted being very inappropriate with young teens, and liking lolicon porn. To the shock of no one, because that's what trannies do.
Simps gonna simp. Let me fire off a guess; mtg finance?
>If you had a chance to hangout with a celebrity of your choosing, would you?
Maybe Kristen Stewart, besides being an 11/10 she seems super chill and intelligent from interviews I've seen, we would have a laugh
>>turns out to be a child groomer
Why does this happen with youtube people so often?
My friends were sharing ニコニコ links with each other back then, and someone said there's this site called 4chan that's like ふたば but english
I don't know who these people are, but I'd probably want to meet someone interesting rather than someone I find merely attractive (and the sets tend not to overlap), since I don't think they would be attracted to someone like me, so I might as well try to get an interesting conversation rather than make a fool of myself in a fruitless mating effort.
Who the fuck is mr beast?
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Idk but I fear that no one will compare to last nights hand poster. I'm still thinking about that hand
>they're usually just autists with identity issues who don't feel comfortable in their own skin
That's true of the girls who think they're boys. It's sometimes true of young men, but most of the time when men go trans out of nowhere, it's for fetish reasons. They don't have gender dysphoria. They're just perverts.
He's one of the Animorphs. Remember that TV show? You might not be old enough.
I was going to say that she was so hot in Zathura, but apparently she was like 15 then, yeesh.
Same. I enjoy the low budget indie pictures she makes and her perspective on acting seems good. I'd love to pick her brains. It would probably be more like an interview than hanging out.
>I get each episode a little bit early, and ad free, and a bonus episode every week.
I stream on Twitch and I still find that kind of unnecessary.
No it's a political podcast. It's basically just a Patreon type of thing.
Nta but think about it, it's the perfect job for nonces, they have infinite underage fangirls/boys they can slide into the DMs of
Also nonces are more likely to be developmentally stunted and have childish interests that they can make #content about
You must be joking
I live under a rock and even I've heard of him
I wish I was a girl...
I want to dress up in cute dresses.
I want to experience period pain.
I want to go on dates every week and have sex.
I want to have people always inviting me out to do things.
I want to get pregnant and pick a loving husband for myself.
I want to know what it's like to be desired.
I wish to enjoy life...
trans people nowadays a lot of them even shit on people with legitimate gender dysphoria too kek
Too bad here's your manlet body and unattractive face, enjoy your stay
i actually don't like hands that are too veiny, that hand poster who posted just now had a better one imo. agree to disagree lol.
Not calling it 2chan is how you can tell that anon is a real one.
Are bulgy veins a sign of dehydration?
>feminine incels admit that they secretly want to become trannies
I was expecting replies flaming her lol
Glad you appreciate <3
But this sucks and isn't fun at all...
>who don't feel comfortable in their own skin
while making the rest of us uncomfortable in our own careers if we dare raise an eyebrow or not play by their rules 24/7 even when we're not at work
Who can flame kstew
she's so fucking hot

perfect pits too
>Girl I'm fucking says over text she's confused and I'd interested in another guy who sees developing feelings fir
>Ignore it
>Continue talking to her
>It's as if the other guy doesn't even exist
Huh, that's interesting. I mean, obviously she's revealed herself as a selfish solution, but I think passing that shit test was a moment of growth.

Men, what shit tests have you passed with flying colour's?

Women, what shit tests of yours have men failed?
I do live under a rock. I'm not gonna waste my time with celebrity gossip and e drama. I'm too old.

But I will say about trannies that they are almost amazing but miss hitting the nail on the head by a mile and so they just fail. Trannyism is good and I support it.
Idk man when I worked in healthcare all the trannies I interacted with were chill
That's like the gays that make that their whole identity.
>>Girl I'm fucking says over text she's confused and I'd interested in another guy who sees developing feelings fir
in english, Anon.
>playing with (ex)gf
>exploring the night market together
>tell her at 7 that i think the submarine ride would be cool
>insists on speaking to every npc on the beach until 11:30
>says we can go on the submarine now but tell her we should wait until tomorrow instead (night market happens 2-3 days in a row)
>throws a tantrum and i just continue walking home
>quits, goes to bed, and never plays stardew with me again
who was in the wrong?
You got a lot of trannies in healthcare? STDs?
I don't want to become a tranny... I said I wish to be a real woman, one that can get pregnant. I want to have life be so easy and fun that I'm excited to wake up every day and have new experiences... Being a girl is a golden lottery ticket...
>Being a girl is a golden lottery ticket
This unironically makes me feel not very nice.
>most of the time when men go trans out of nowhere, it's for fetish reasons
that or it's the only way to obtain secure, gainful, upwardly mobile employment these days
Nah lol just general practice
On our system they were just under Mx rather than Mr or Ms or whatever
This is how I know you're a true fan lol
Agreed, she's so heckin cute, ugh
I had dysphoria as a kid for as long as I can remember but there’s no fucking way I’ll ever say a word of it irl. I will not be associated with perverts and I will accept the hand I was dealt no matter how I feel about it and no matter how long it’s been. I’m riding this shit out to the end. I’m fully committing to the act. When I die I will not hang myself. I’ll leave my fresh meat as a meal for wild animals.
Bro, wtf?
Unironic AGP
So you didn't want to lick every vein? Just me? Agree to disagree then
Imo you are an NPC if you've never seriously considered what it would be like to be the other sex
>I want to dress up in cute dresses
Take the crossdressing pill
All the other stuff you mentioned sounds shit desu idk why you want that
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State gender
Have you been robbed at some point?
Me too. I'm crying myself to sleep every night because I hate being a man... I'm so lonely.
Dude, you WANT to experience a period?
nta but it's not. it's a logical conclusion, especially if you're not reasonably attractive as a man. people do not understand the suffering that comes with being a man who isn't special in any attractive way. having to put tons of effort in, only to watch it all slip away when someone tall and hot walks in. you can be in a relationship with someone for a year, and they will never ever give you the look that they give to tall + hot men upon first meeting them. even when you're not focused on relationships or height, people assume you are so it really doesn't matter. it's over.
Not once, surprisingly, I lived my whole life in Asia.
Interact at your own risk.
The average man has an easier life than the average woman and I think about that all the time but can't post it here because all you princesses will lose your minds
Oh no someone choosing to live their life differently than you and not be bullied for it is so oppressive! So threatening to your civil liberties and safety! /s

Fuck off, fr.
F. Someone took my purse once.
you should be to trans people as Mishima is to gays
The rope awaits you. Have fun killing yourself in 5 years, tranner.
How is this ragevait?
I was very dehydrated for a long time as a result of kratom addiction and it made the veins in my hands pop out a lot more than they did earlier. So I think yes. But I'm not a doctor so don't quote me.
>lives in NNZ
>has never been robbed
imagine my shock
They don't have to be mutually exclusive. They could still be fetishists but in my experience every single transwoman I've met has been extremely autistic, both noticeably in behavior and explicitly over shares the diagnosis.
sticking your head in the sand changes nothing, boomer scum
newsflash: everyone hates how they look. dysphoria is a scam to take the heat off commercial advertisers.
What's that?
Ok, now say that about furries.
I have no idea who she is. But she looks way too black morphologically to have that white skin color
>it's a logical conclusion to be a tranny
Nah. You're just a feminine male creature who has internet brain rot.
Well that explains it. You probably live in a country where if someone tries to rob or beat you they get put in a burlap bag and beaten with reeds.
never mind, figured it out.
In day to day life, sure
What does your dysphoria feel like?
>every single transwoman I've met has been extremely autistic, both noticeably in behavior and explicitly over shares the diagnosis
it's a larp, they just like the autism label but they almost never have any of the other issues besides "social anxiety + i'm so le weird"
And does people choosing to dress up as teddy bears harm you in any way? No, it doesn't, you freedom-hating dipshit.
F. I was visiting family in Brazil when I was carjacked at gunpoint. After I broke down crying and everything, he was nice enough to at least let me drive to a safer area before making me get out. Also he let me keep my bag.
What else matters besides day to day life?
Isn't Ice Spice one of the Spice Girls, like Scary Spice?
Nah guv cause I'm not caught lacking
Also I regret watching that, poor child ): (and mom)
The n word
Bro was probably running from the cartel lol
My cruel and depraved homosexual fantasies.
social life?
Nah, they found the car stripped pretty soon afterwards. At least it wasn't my car.
>Isn't Ice Spice one of the Spice Girls
Please never use Ice Spice in the same sentence as the Spice Girls ever again lad
Do women who paint their nails just continually cut off the painted part after it grows out like what people do with dyed hair?
Once a group of guys in Takeo, Cambodia cornered me and tried to mug me because they thought I was a rich white tourist. I got back at them by pulling down my pants and exposing my penis to them and waving it at them. It scared them away but they summoned a police officer to detain me for lewd conduct.

I got deported from the country over this incident shortly after.
Anon, nail polish lasts for like 2 hours at most.
Crazy how David Fookin Beckham ended up shagging the ugliest Spice Girl. What a life
I think you can carry guns in brazil, no? If so, this could've ended badly for the guy
Also, this is JH, isn't it
Oh fuck, fairs lol, was it a rent-a-car? Were you able to get back to your hotel or whatever safely?
Nta but when I was a healthcarefag, most trannies had autism, adhd or something similar coded on their medical record (or were in the process of getting assessed), and it's not easy to get a diagnosis here
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What's happening here then?
>nail polish lasts for like 2 hours at most
NTA but is that actually true, women?
Still, someone who spends all their time convincingly acting autistic has problems that go beyond being a fetishist, which was my original point. I have seen this not just in online trans but also the ones I've met irl.
Kek, that's a bit harsh mate
I always thought Mel B was fittest. Becks clearly wasn't having a white boy summer
Good guess.
Cousin's car. And yeh I was fine besides the trauma.
you are proving my point. i am not saying to transition or to go so far as to label it in any way. you don't call the women who say being a man would make their career easier gay. but flip it to men and the social world and it's a problem. this is why i have no goodwill left for attractive people.
Yes, she has told this story a couple dozen times already
Anon what kind of cheap nail polish are you using that flakes off that fast? Or are you doing something to it like scratching it off?
I always thought she was the prettiest. Am I weird?
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She's part of the new wave of thotrap. She frequently flashes her tits and ass during concerts.
Women is the pretty part of your period the same as the horny part? Are you conscious of being prettier at some times due to hormones?
Violent criminals should be killed. Peaceful people should not be made to coexist with savages.
they're trolling, it lasts a few days unless you use nail polish remover
>t. girl I dated used to paint my nails
That's a brownoid, they tend to use artificial nails. Seems like it was glued on, and then the actual nail underneath kept growing.
This is one of the reasons why living on a sidewalk in a city is dumb.
That's true. Hardcore autism + porn addiction is a recipe for a total degenerate.
Her face looks like an alien
Nta but no she is a babe and I think most people agree with you desu
I still remember fapping to her in Guiness World Records 2006 or whichever one it was as a wee lad
I'm sorry that I don't have more stories of experiencing violent crime.
Better social life only applies to pretty normie girls. Anons here think all girls fall into that category but that's delusional. So if you're not in that category you deal with the same bullshit that men deal with on top of periods, hormonal/emotional instability, constant impossible pressure to be perfect, beautiful, and young despite natural aging, psychological warfare and brainwashing from consumer product industries esp beauty industry, and the ever ticking biological clock, which for some reason no one warns you about until late 20s. Not to mention the daily maintenance required to maintains the image of perfection which over time constitute day weeks months of your life and probably thousands of dollars. At the very least, I hope you enjoy sleeping in, rolling out of bed, throwing some clothes on, and walking out the door, without worrying about your hair makeup shoes nails outfits and accessories, every single day until you die.
She's probably mixed and doesn't spend a lot of time in the sun. I knew a girl like that with a white mom and black dad.
This is one of God’s ugliest creatures. I must go pray.
idk, but my panties smell really good just before my period starts.
I don't know what NNZ is, but I know the favorite weapon of choice in Asia is cleavers. If you get in a fight with someone dangerous, they might pull a cleaver on you.
Ball sniffing is highclass, but vagina sniffing is just crass.
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You're a sick autogynephiliac who's been consuming too much pornography and likely in leagues with other degenerates who enable this sort of depraved thinking and behaviour.
Seek help through Christ and even meds (not estrogen).
Tom Platz
That U shaped hair part is so weird.
Women are prettier during their period, but I wondered if it's just during part of it or the whole way through. I thought it would be something they noticed and knew in depth
Tom Ford
If you could, would you make it so Awkwafina could never voice another animated character ever again?
Nta but no, women are prettier during ovulation. You're getting things mixed up
I've known a couple who were too open about their degeneracy and I'm guessing the over sharing is exacerbated by the autism.
Oh, I thought you meant painting. Those are acrylics that are on the existing nail. I guess some people do trim those but they often require professional maintenance.
Jealous ball sniffer
>my panties smell really good just before my period starts
What is the smell like?
Those look really trashy, what with the cuticle showing.
So it's kind of like drugs, they shill it to you, and once you're hooked you either go through the withdrawal alone, or become a returning customer since only they can maintain it and make it not look bad.
Thank you <3
I wasn't here anon, so I never heard the story b4 today.
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wait... ovulation isn't part of the period..?
i can't really describe it sadly.
>inb4 fish
Working in healthcare too, trans people are the least likely to have STD’s. Their sex life is usually lacking, you are thinking of porn and stereotypes. White men on the other hand, Christ it’s like they want to collect them all
Unbelievably based and true, we will see the consequences of their actions, troons will be put back into the box.
What? My nail polish lasts for like 3 days.
state gender
have you ever seen a tornado or survived an earthquake?
I've survived several earthquakes, yes.
Hundreds, maybe thousands.
no, nothing happens in my cunt
I... kinda, yeh...

I need to rethink my hairstyle now.
Hmm maybe you have a point
Yeah, I saw a tornado way off from where I was. But it wasn't a big one, it just tore some roofs off and knocked over a few trees
I live in a boring, European country where nothing of that sort ever happens.
lol, what kind of hairstyle requires professionals to maintain?
is it curly?
I've no idea how fashion works.
Where in Berlin is Tom Platz? Is it near Aleksander Platz or Karl Marx Platz? I have never heard of this place.
Yeah we get typhoons here.
You are sealing with a topcoat, right?
Maybe anonette does a lot of work with her hands where she needs to wash them often or something
What's the difference between a normal human being and a German?
They didn't have that, but I got a Pomodoro Jr., Chickenburge alla genovese and mozzarella sticks.
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thinking about them black ladies again
>is it curly?
NTA but my curly hair actually requires less haircuts than my straight hair friends, since uneven ends are hidden by the varied curls anyway.
Hair styles that require hair cuts a lot include shaved-sides, general short hair, and braids (cornrows etc)
>Ice Spice and Kai Cenat
I don't know what any of these words mean.

I would like to hang out with Bill Murray or go full autism with Quentin Tarantino. Though I'm afraid the latter would atart showing me his feetshitter collection.
I guess looking good really takes effort, no wonder I'm ugly, lmao.
Robert Pattinson would be the much betger choice.
And I'm saying that as a straight man.
I live in an area that gets earthquakes occasionally but they're not often very large. Just some rumbling/vibrations. Maybe similar to being on a train car. Oftentimes I didn't even know they happened.
more like a week before it has anything but minor flakes, certainly longer than the time between cutting fingernails (3-4 days)
>I’ll leave my fresh meat as a meal for wild animals.
based and Yabushige-pilled
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I'm almost sure it's a joke but in case it's not, bodybuilder Tom Platz
>t. Donald Trump
I have a textured pixie cut kinda like pic.
poor guy no space left for his dick to go :(
the hairstyle that strikes terror into the heart of all retail workers
Shit. No. And I swim a lot.
I feel offended in ways I didn't previously know were possible.
Hot. What color?
oh wow, I never really thought about it since I'm the $5 haircut guy, but yeah, when you keep your hair short and stylish, that does take a lot of effort to maintain, don't it, I just let my shit evolve from army guy to hobo.
Never understood celebrity meet-and-greets and whatnot, you're just setting yourself up for an awkward interaction with a stranger
Have sex with me right now
It's dark brown you can find his(her) picture on /soc/
Sacrifices had to be made
Pretty much that.

Yeh, I guess I don't NEED that but stuff like that needs some upkeep to keep the volume and texture.
no, fr, where is it? he looks like he has a fat vagina!
Like a Pokemon. :)
Men I'm horny and no one's giving me attention
I'm evolving into my final form too, balding.
You're in a band, right?
Can't help you there, I'm not gay.
What's wrong with /soctoga/
I am actually.
>$5 haircut
Do they just run over your head with one length of an electric shaver?
You're not going to make me search for a man's dick anon, I'll leave it up to you
What's that?
Something you could easily do yourself with clippers.
Make a tinder with a fake name in a different city
It's mostly for new unexperienced hairdressers to get some experience in.
pairing people who don't care how their hair looks with people who need to get some experience, a match made in heaven, ye?
What about the photos?
Is that anon asking which celeb I want to fuck or literally hang out with someone?
The girl who cuts my hair wears the tiniest, tightest little shorts. I'm glad to have that cape across me.
>Women is the pretty part of your period the same as the horny part? Are you conscious of being prettier at some times due to hormones?
Menstruation is not pretty, wretched women/girls use it as a atrocious behaviour/excuses.
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Men state age what are you thinking about and why
>I hope you enjoy sleeping in, rolling out of bed, throwing some clothes on, and walking out the door, without worrying about your hair makeup shoes nails outfits and accessories, every single day until you die.
my girlfriend just walked out the door to buy a few things, let's go through that list:
she may or may not have run a few fingers through it. she washes it with castile soap and uses an unscented conditioner bought in bulk.
she has never used that shit ever and looks 10 years younger than women her age as a result.
those dirty, smelly columbias she hikes in? yep, she's wearing them.
trimmed, filed, unpainted. like they should be.
purple cargo shorts, old t-shirt, socks. next.
sunglasses from zenni optical, set in the cheapest available and compatible frames for her prescription. oh, and her google pixel 7a running grapheneos.

she is close to 40 years old and still gets cold approached by good looking men. stop consoooooooming, that is entirely your fault. these problems aren't exclusively woman problems, either, you should see how much my male italian friends waste on this shit. gives my gay friends a run for their money, it does.
You can answer however you want, Anon, we live in a free world, and you're a free person
You're a pervert but she's doing it on purpose
the atoga thread on /soc/
They always get their boobs right up against me. I think they do it on purpose.
Find someone with similar hair, use her for front photos and you can post your real ass if you want validation
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Playing Oblivion again
I've been playing Morrowind and haven't touched Oblivion in many years
okay, but will you sit with me as i look for it?
27, Thinking about food.
I really shouldn't if I want to lose weight, but man. hungy.
What happened in the beginning of 2022 to cause an influx of women joining Discord?
Food and I miss my girlfriend
>And I swim a lot.
There it is
My bet is those are bots
Ok okkkk
Sydney Sweeney
>hang out
DiCaprio with his roster of supermodels.
Wondering how I can get rid of resting autism face
Thinking about the many parallels between the current global political climate and the climate just before the outbreak of world War. Thinking about this while watching world leaders arrive at the Paris games opening ceremony.
My dad does this at home to himself yeah

Weird when that doesn't even cover their hourly pay
Thats not autism face, you R just Anglo
I can't seem to lose the last 10lbs and I'm looking pudgy
the psychic vampires...
Yeah, I could tell you about the different bodybuilding eras while you're at it
Go get food with her
Why did men ever give women the right to vote? Why did men allow women to take political power away from them? Why do modern males have to be subjected to feminist gynocracies just because of the stupidity of men 100 years ago who foolishly gave women the right to vote?
How many of the men here have low/mid level eating disorders? Be honest
Yea no shit Sherlock
She is on family vacation :\
I unironically eat to fill my emotional emptiness
I don't have ED, since I decided to eat anyway. :^D
You weren't invited? Oof. Bro..
I had a pretty serious one at 18, all sorts of compulsions, thought every food was poison etc. Eventually I went to a hospital because I was starting to die from malnutrition and they had me speak to a psyche doctor
I eat chicken tenders almost exclusively.
this was based as fuck, why did you baleet it
Oh mother.. I can feel.. the soil falling over my head..
Half my diet is coffee. But Is it really a disorder if its normal?
Without her?
>watch olympics
>get depressed
Am I the only one? Who likes seeing some rich and successful people cheer at the camera before they go and win some more fame before participating in an Olympic orgy
Normal isn't necessarily healthy. Especially since if you're thinking of your peers, you likely surround yourself with people similar to you.
It makes me mad my parents didn’t force me into tennis at 2 years old so I could’ve had a chance to be there
How are you now? How'd you overcome?
It's normal as long it's not causing your body and organs damage
How do you find the hot ones? You look for places with pics of the hairdresser?
Other men, when women kiss you, does she rub your chest while doing it? Why? Isn’t it weird? Where am I supposed to rub her in return?
That’s scary, are you better now?
it’s not weird, it feels great
I rub her on the back or her head
female coworkers are for...?
I do it because I like your tits
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>I could tell you about the different bodybuilding eras while you're at it
*lies on stomach kicking my legs back and forth*
Is this something you do or just find interesting and like to nerd about?
Releasing your displaced anger
Can you describe the flavor of oreos from memory?
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>men did this!
it's time to wake up
Women shouldn't be allowed to participate anyway, the olympic games are a just another traditional western male space that has been systematically subverted and undermined.
sexually releasing? or just verbally?
giving you smiles and encouragement to keep working until it's over and the male coworkers too
That was 10 years ago now. As far as I remember I spent a few hours with the psyche doctor before they fed me some plain food and gave me something to put me to sleep. I had treatment for a few months and I got completely over the eating disorder. I still had other compulsions, but I've been getting more treatment, I almost cried the other week when I found out how easy it is to treat anxiety related conditions. All those years I spent suffering when treatment would have taken a few months at most
Both, why not.
Femanons, do you think it would be good if men would stop being jealous?
Reminder that you're a normie if you ever had "help" for your disorders. It's the new trendy normalfag thing to do.
>Stacy: omgg did you hear that Chad goes to therapy now because his father hit him once 20 years agozz?
>Becky: omhzzzz i didn't know that!! he is sooo in touch with his feminine side, let's go suck his cock right nowzzzz!
Burnt caramel and artificial cream.
I don't unless you consider drinking lots of soft drinks a disorder. On an average day I probably drink between 3-6 cans.
Staying late after work and impregnating
Having abusive parents is not a disorder, it is trauma. You sound retarded.
What is this retarded shit?
I don't know why I keep thinking they taste of chocolate, but then I had one and now I'm like
I have no idea what this tastes like except it's sweet.
so i am NOT a normie for being a retard who's never been to any kind of therapist, while self-diagnosing as autistic? nice.
Yeah, but i understand why they are so obsessed and paranoid about a woman only getting in contact with their seed.
damn it.
Do you think treatment works this well for general anxiety? I have a friend who went to therapy almost daily and was medicated and still has it pretty bad so I have little hope for myself. I don’t have anything debilitating but I’d prefer to be less anxious
Is there a reason for women to tell you about dates they have been on? Is it also a way to tell me I am in the friendzone?
Nta and not an answer to your question, but same with me except it’s depression and suicidal thoughts. I don’t think therapists can actually help you. You’re better off looking up advice online on google than wasting thousands of precious dollars on someone who can tell you things for free.
Yes it does. General anxiety is what you have before it turns into a disorder, what they call a "mental breakdown" is the moment where general anxiety turns into a disorder. If you are past that point I would recommend medication. If you see someone ask them for book recommendations, they usually have good information.
If you're self-diagnosing, you just want to fit in with the normalfags who went through the process of getting an official diagnosis.
>yayyy my doctor who vax boosted me 10 times finally said that I have severe depression and anxiety XD btw did you hear about that party tonight? all my friends are goingzzz
If you know you're actually messed up in the head with real issues, you wouldn't want to let a stranger put a stamp on it and fuck up your life forever.
I feel like I’ve made good progress on my own, but I’m not sure how much of that was just finishing puberty
What characterizes a mental breakdown? I have found various books recommended to me to be very helpful, though
You can rub her boobs too? It might seem as coming on too strong or maybe she'll appreciate how horny you are
What do men fantasize about doing with or to a woman the most?
>dead thread
>therapy central
My god…
some people just want validation for the way they feel and acknowledgement of their problems
it doesn't help that some docs just slap the label "anxiety/depression" on you and slip you some Lexapro if you tell them you're feeling down, no matter the reason
The stamp is not your problem. The problem are your underlying issues. If anything, the stamp may aid you, since it vindicates you in the eyes of liberal normies and places you higher up in the privilege pyramid.
squeeze her hips and ass
Do you not like it? She's touchy feely and wants to grope you. You're over thinking this
At least, I hope this is considered over thinking.

>Sudden fear that my bf considers my affection to be weird and cringe. Endearingly abnormal but not exciting or stimulating.
I was about to ask why it’s so dead
Impregnating her
sex, obviously?
What do women fantasize about doing with or to a man the most?
Eww, a namefag.
Men would you date a girl who hates surprises
I second >>31694635.
Squeezing her breasts while roughhousing her
Sitting on his lap

I will never forgive you for stealing it btw.
No! Hahahahaha
I'm nowhere near professional level but I'm decently fit and read a lot about bodybuilding, the goal is to one day look at myself in the mirror and think "damn, I'm hot"
>*lies on stomach kicking my legs back and forth*
You're getting too comfortable bro
Countries are offering paid IVF. I fucking hate my life
What's underlying your disdain here? Do you find that them saying this diminishes what you're going through? Do you feel like they're taking up resources intended for people like you yet you never got the chance to get help?
Good for you? What do you want?
Should I give up on women and just chase femboys?
Wrong one
Meant for: >>31694620
Cumming inside and cuddling after
Are you infertile or single?
A happy lifelong marriage with 3 or 4 kids
>some want kids
Women are received more positively socially across the board, not just "pretty normie" girls lmao. Being massively insecure is really your own problem.
came back 26 minutes later to type this...dude's quietly quitting online too kek
It's okay, I lost interest too
M 27
Thinking about how to sabotage my company without it being too obvious before I leave
I'm hungover, comfort me...
I believe in you. Fuck them up
>state sex
>state age
Are you a traditionalist? In what ways, if I may ask?
I will fuck you.
>woman has beautiful, long, silky, straight brown hair.
>durr I should bleach it and curl it hurr durr
Women, if you keep doing this a man in Tennessee is going to commit suicide
>In what ways, if I may ask?
Religious, but I don't buy into the whole cultural/societal "real men do..." shit.
Yes, I believe pants go over shoes not tucked into them. I know, i know l, mega boomer moment
Who the fuck is tucking their pants in their shoes? Pic of this? I can only imagine women in skinny jeans wearing tall boots.
Some of us can't afford to walk around looking like slobs, no offense. Most professional jobs require professional attire. If she's close to 40, looks 10 years younger, and still gets cold approached, she would fall into the pretty girl category. Pretty girls can wear whatever the fuck they want and still look good. You haven't disproved anything I said. I'm 10 years younger than her and I am never approached. Also, women who are in relationships do tend to let themselves go but single women cant afford to do that or else they'll likely remain single. Finally, why is she your girlfriend and not your wife? Something to think about.
Seducing her, making her smile, making her shy, holding hands, cuddling, taking off her clothes, caressing her.
I want to be traditional in the way of women’s jobs a wearing dresses and skirts, mostly.
You've never tucked skinny jeans into cowboy boots?
I'm a religious fundie that reads too much and lightened up a lot since my zealot days to the point of being relatively carefree and relaxed.
Why do ugly girls type so much? Shut up?
It really is a stupid thing to nitpick about but if you have nice boots, what would be the point of covering them with your jeans? That’s dumber.
Going on cute dates like a picnic or fair, which I've never done, holding hands, kissing passionately, ****ing up against ********** and on top of ******* and also ***** and being ****** while **** **.
I hope you get caught
No, kys
Dun' like em
But, uhh, why ?
>Some of us can't afford to walk around looking like slobs, no offense
you don't have to try that hard not to look like a slob, you don't need perfect hair and nails
Can you believe that COVID was already 7 years ago?
If you have naturally nice hair sure but mine is frizzy and requires styling
that does seem hard to accept very true
I never gave a shit about my appearance and though people that did were vain an insecure. That was until I met a Japanese girl who told me very flatly "Its rude to be ugly" and such a good argument for it that I now take care of myself.
I see plenty of frizzy haired women sounds like a personal preference
Rent free, cope and mald
Ouchie Faucie will rip
Some people there are the embodiment of douchebags, plus they forcefully put me in their proposal department which sucks dick and balls. I'm a technician not a liar
State gender
Any /lit/fags here? What do you read?
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I do however believe that tradition contains a heuristic to problem solving. And its foundation of dogma and rootedness in the nation's cultural basalt exerts a more compelling imperative to abide than rational considerations of optimisation of the socio-economic potential that liberal societies demands from its members.
Everything but the greeks
I also thought "don't judge a book by its cover" was a universal thing but the truth is you will be judged by your cover, always, and you should do your best to look presentable. When you look nice, you're telling the people around you that you consider them worth putting an effort for. It is a sign of respect. You wouldn't wear shorts and a tshirt to a funeral or a wedding. Back in the day people dressed well just going to the grocery store because everyone had respect for each other.
Forgot my age: 36.
I'm too ADHD for reading.
Dunno what that is, I'm an ignorantist
Old books from the middle ages, China, premodern Japan and schizo posts from my psyche facilities intranet BBS that the patients get to use
The Torah
The Talmud
I fapped to the story of Lot. Its so hawt. I'm going to hell right?
>hear some guy talk English with an italian accent
>involuntarily start thinking in English with an Italian accent too
why am I like this?
>that post about weight loss
how the fuck are all of you so fat
I'm a perfect weight and have been for years. 6'2 and 160. I need some more muscles but I'm not fat at all.

Poor, I've put on about 10 lbs. in 3 months due to anxiety eating
Gulliver's Travels. Despite Swift being a bit of a lefty fag, I enjoy his wit and sarcasm. It's not the best, but it makes for a fun story.
Body weight is mostly heritable. I couldn't be fat even if I tried.
I don't think frizz ever looks better than no frizz on anyone
>tfw 6'/160lb
I'm losing weight slowly but surely
My gf doesn't mind my fat, I'm mostly doing it to for health
Weird af opening ceremony. Crashingly bizarre, unrelatable performances and apparently nobody in the planning process went, "hey what if rains?"
Bad coverage, barely any readily available streams, etc etc
Gotta keep the rich away from plebeians
I read ancient religious fanfiction and also pop culture /lit/ like Trainspotting, Fight Club, Rules of Attraction, gay vampire stuff, etc
well sure very high effort always looks better but it's not always necessary
At what point do you just give up on trying to send a text when you start overthinking
My aunt is convinced that a domovoy is acting up in our house...
if a guy only has platform shoes that add a few inches and is always using them, shouldn't he be able to put his platformed height on dating apps? after all if they go out on a date they're going to be with shoes on.

Why would a woman care that he doesn't have a natural height?
I literally posted about this and anons were defending him. I am a prophet.
Almost started whacking my meat before I remembered that I'm currently suffering a water outage, damn
>Why would a woman care that he doesn't have a natural height?
Because it's dishonest.
>Because it's dishonest.
I mean, if the guy's a good person, interesting, and fun, why would it matter so much? He's not being completely dishonest either, he's always on his platforms when he's outside. She would practically always see him that height.

How is that bad at all?
no it isn't mostly. There is a minor component I'll admit. My cousin has always been a fat kid, but his younger brother is thin as a plank. But that's only for slightly overweight to slightly underweight, being fat is mostly calories in and calories out.
My country wasn't in alphabetical order. Are they just purposefully triggering my autism? Do they think this is funny?
Girls, how do you feel about men with barin dsmmagr form to many yera plyaing fottball?
Being fat is for most people not a problem of metabolism but a problem of behaviour. What most people miss is that behaviour is heritable too. Some people don't have the desire to put as many calories in as others and when left to their own devices, some people will inevitably get fat.
anon you know full fucking well the answer is that people like genetic immutable traits, they just wrap it up in nonsense like >>31694810
>why isn't it okay to misrepresent my social and genetic inferiority reeeeee
>barin dsmmagr form to many yera plyaing
Male, 30
Yes, I think the most important thing anyone can do in their life is get married and have children, and I think most women will be happier and more fulfilled staying at home to raise their children than they would be by a successful career. I think the current fascination with sex and gender represents a type of solipsism that is a real threat to our society, particularly our youth, and we should do everything we can to remove it from our society. I believe in strict enforcement of the law with harsh penalties for law breakers.
Men, small tiddy goth girls or big tiddy goth girls?
big tits
I like girls that don't really have an aesthetic, and titty size isn't that important to me. Sexy legs are, though.
Smol pls
Do you wear make up?
Woman, was there psychological stuff when you put a tampon in for the first time?
Why is getting pictures off of my phone so agonizing?
I'm fine with either really. I think I actually prefer the small tiddy. Seems to fit the look better.
Women, how do you like to be caressed?
Because it is about genetic superiority not the actual height you moron.
Also, manlets have different proportions. Even if you are technically taller, your whole frame is that of a manlet.
It really shouldn't be? Are you trying to do it wirelessly? Apple, right?
Because you are retarded and not using external storage so you can just sync it to every device.
No. I'm wired directly to my computer, but it takes forever and crashes constantly
Like what?
It felt uncomfortable because if it does not sit right it is the worst.
Are you always going to wear shoes around me? Imagine if I ALWAYS wore falsies.
I took too many pictures and ran out of google storage
Is that what happens when you use android? Kek
Apple or Android?
Then upgrade your plan, delete some or store them on an external hard disk.
if you're going out so many times with me, will me stop using those shoes sometimes stop you from liking me? after all if you went out with me on repeated ocassions there must be other things you liked about me.
Isn't it kinda cucked that mothers never get to see their adult sons cocks? Imagine planting a seed, watching it turn into a seedling, then one day the plant is just taken away and you never get to see it bear any vegetables. Like there will be a last day where your mom saw your cock and it's not even you at your peak, it's just kinda weird to think about.
>store them on an external hard disk.
What do you think I'm trying to do?
nta but I've never had a problem with Android. It just shows up like a hard drive and I can go into folders and drag and drop.
That is why you only have sons with men with big dicks. You have to do your best then let it go and hope it turned out well.
nta But then again, why are you pretending to be someone you're not to begin with? I think it would be far better to put your actual height, then show up with lifts and maybe surprise the girl.
Is your laptop fucked?
I was imagining into high top sneakers or something. I don't own cowboy boots but I guess that follows the same idea of tucking into boots. Are cowboy boots super in style for zoomers these days?
jail terms for shutterbugs when
Odd. Did you tell the phone to treat usb connections as a hard drive? MTP or something? Maybe it's a slow, shitty version 1 usb port?
Do you have a usb port on the other side? It might be faster.
how would i be pretending to be im someone i am not? the expected height will be that one, Im not going to show up barefoot.

>I think it would be far better to put your actual height, then show up with lifts and maybe surprise the girl.

I mean if we're following your logic, that would be like me showing up and lying to her on her face.

Also, less chances of showing my personality on dates if I put a shorter height.
Yeh, I had a lot of trouble. My body kept trying to push it out.
>I mean if we're following your logic, that would be like me showing up and lying to her on her face.
When is a girl ever disappointed that you're taller than she thought you were? The reverse is not true.
If you're going to lie about your height you may as well lie about everything else because nothing about you matters more than that.
>When is a girl ever disappointed that you're taller than she thought you were?
sorry, but if platform shoes aren't my "true height" like all here say it, then I won't be actually "taller" when I show up.
the women are watching the olympics with their boyfriends and fuckbuddies

I was wondering
I mean on visual inspection. I think you new that.

M, USS Iowa
I'm not a zoomer
Anon, how tall are you naturally? And with the lifts?
Showing off your shoes is zesty nigger behavior
Thanks for reminding me not to reply to her text as she is likely literally getting fucked by her bf as we speak
is it because of the USS Iowa or is it because of anime shipgirl?
F The canteen
kek, I was wondering why the thread was so slow too, lol
it's the weekends too
im not short and dont use lifts, just feel bad about those men
Su-27 Flanker. I really love the aerodynamic design. Easily beats all US fighters in that department.
Femanons, what are your thoughts on gnosticism?
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I'm a big fan of the U.S. Model of 1910
Buffalo, NY
>Some of us can't afford to walk around looking like slobs, no offense.
It's practical, not slobbish. She has pockets on her clothes. Real pockets.
>Most professional jobs require professional attire.
Professional jobs come with professional salaries. Why are you complaining about your "maintenance" costs? Those are already being subsidized by your employer!
>she would fall into the pretty girl category
She's a 38 year old chubby girl, picrel. I think she's cute, /soc/ thinks she looks like she needs to return some video tapes. You're gonna die from a copium overdose.
>I'm 10 years younger than her and I am never approached.
That's because you're an insufferable cunt!
>Also, women who are in relationships do tend to let themselves go but single women cant afford to do that or else they'll likely remain single.
You started off saying she "falls into the pretty girl category" and now you're saying she "let herself go"? Pick one, bitch! Like I said, she has NEVER WORN MAKEUP, including before we met. That's one of the big things that I found attractive about her.
>Finally, why is she your girlfriend and not your wife? Something to think about.
She doesn't believe in enslaving the people she loves. Something to think about.
It's the only city I've visited, I've never left Georgia
Next Thread
The 20 year old was the one talking about tucked pants being the status quo >>31694681 I assume you're not him, since 20 y/o's are definitely zoomers.
I don't know models but I like the ones that come with metal cups you can boil.
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I like all Fw 190 variants. It embodies the aesthetic of an era.
Are those supposed to be your example of not slob pants? Nta but I was with you until this
Is it? :/
People still watch the Olympics?
That's a man fantasizing about your prepubescent body, Anon.

Like the one steve uses
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That's her loungewear. She's home now, the cargos are on the hook.

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