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going to 4chan because I need actual advice based on the knowledge that i'm not very attractive. Theres this guy ive had a crush on since FEBRUARY, and all my friends think he likes me. He's always)been (?) different (?) with me (super touchy, no boundaries, sexual jokes) and hes said he acts differently around only me too. He's a really good friend and a great person. The one problem is he's planning on asking out this other chick, i'm even helping him :,). Is it worth it to say how i feel before he asks her out? It would be such a dumb decision but im way too close to making it. It really seems like he likes her too. Rn im just seen as his girl space friend that hes weirdly close to. Should I just try and hit after they breakup? It feels so creepy to like him still. Help :(
if you don't ask it will always be a no
if you do it might be a yes
fuck it
I'm a good looking guy, and the amount of women who:
1. Never try
2. Are weird and egotistical in an attempt to make them like them
3. Like me but are way too shy to say something obvious

is abundant.
Just last month, I had one girl staring. Another accidentally touched my ass with her Apple Pencil (honestly I do think that was a mistake) and two weeks ago I made a girl write my instagram username on herself while wearing lingerie

If you're a girl, the worst thing you can do is be out of pocket with it. Considering you are helping him get another girl, it's a little bit late to send signals. You should probably just get a sit down with him and just tell him your position. Let him know you can still be friends, but you at least want to get it out there that you admire him. If anything happens, he at least will still have you nearby and he'll ask if you still feel the same.
Is it worth it to possibly lose him as a friend though? We talk every day and ive let him do things i havent let anyone else do :< Or i guess im just asking if you think it would be different after i say something yk
nta but friendship is gay af
I really shouldve considered that first. Thanks </3
>super touchy, no boundaries, sexual jokes
>The one problem is he's planning on asking out this other chick
Sounds like a manwhore. Checks out that a woman with low self-esteem is fawning over him.
Two years ago I had a girl in your position. We were friends, almost best friends literally in just a a month or three. I and her were lovey dovey and I was more than happy to feed into her puppy love because I liked her. We also were in a dynamic of being friends who had a weird sense of humor, like joking about diarrhea and farting in people's faces

She had issues communicating her feelings to me and began to resent me for it. If she had only took the time to talk to me, one on one, and showed dedication into wanting to be with me, I and her would have celebrated our second anniversary a month ago.
She feared abandonment, and had a load of issues of her own. I haven't heard of a greater shame, because I genuinely liked her, and I can't say that about a lot of women. My key takeaway is that she lost me as a friend, and a part of herself also, all because she never risked wanting to make a statement. Don't make the same mistake
I'm not like insecure or anything, I just know im not a very attractive person lol
This kinda convinced me ngl :/
Ty tho
1. Thinking you're not attractive is one thing (and unless you're overweight or a different race from him, you're very unlikely to be ugly). Thinking that you need to put up with negative behavior because of your looks is another. The former is likely a result of low self-esteem. The latter certainly is.

2. You're worrying about how you will come across, despite this guy having far more concerning behavior. He not only comes on inappropriately strong to you, which would already be bad enough (it shows he prioritizes sex), but he also goes out and chases other women at the same time. You're worried about being "creepy" for asking him out, yet you apparently don't notice or don't care that he literally behaved like a creep from the moment he met you, and doesn't even have the decency to restrict it to one woman.

If you want to ask him out, then just do it, but be warned that it almost certainly won't end well. If he says yes, remember not to blame yourself when it goes to shit. Blame yourself for picking him in the first place.
Dear lord Ive thought of it like that. I think im cured, jesus fucking christ

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