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Good morning, anons.

I've got a gang together to bounce from the beast coast to the mellowest coast. The motive for the trip is to have one of our friends see the state to prepare for the possibility of moving there.
He works in a demanding field and it was small coup getting him to take a week off from work so, now we need to make the most of the time. The problem? None of us know much about the state so I thought I ask the guys here for suggestions on:
1) Interesting places to go
2) Worthwhile events to attend
3) People to meet

We are going to start in the northern part of the state near Mt. Shasta, make our way to the coast then head south. This will happen in the middle of next month, August, but that's all we know. Alot remains unwritten...

What part of Cali will you be in? I am guessing LA from the picture though.2ajaj
LA is a shit city where everyone is an asshole. It's nicer further north.

>interesting places to go
See the redwoods.. Redwood national park, Cathedral trees, etc. There are a lot of state and federal parks that share the same forest system and they are all fantastic, and the beaches that far north near Crescent City and Trinidad are truly beautiful, almost never crowded either.

SF is a tourist trap but if you've never seen it there are some nice touristy things, but parking really blows ass and absolutely everything will be really expensive. The south bay has some cool things too but if you aren't into the Computer History Museum or Tech Museum, then give it a pass.

Aptos and Santa Cruz have both nice forests and nice beaches. The Monterrey Bay Aquarium is one of the best Aquariums in the world.

Yosemite is another great destination if you are looking for nature. Pic related.

Down south there is Disneyland, Universal, Legoland, and all that shit if that's your scene.

Don't expect a city like Boston or New York. California's cities have a lot of sprawl and dogshit public transit.
>What part of Cali will you be in? I am guessing LA from the picture though

We're going all over the state so LA will be the very end. One of our guys wants a National Geographic tier experience looking at the seedier parts of that city. I thought that was a funny idea.

We're actually going to be spending most our time outdoors (hiking, sports), passing through small towns talking to locals. I, personally, would like the full iChing treatment of the state: Let randos direct us to each next location but we do need some direction.

We're starting in the North of the state, then driving out to the great sequioas and redwoods on the coast then traveling down from there toward LA with many possible stops along the way.
>See the redwoods.. Redwood national park, Cathedral trees, etc. There are a lot of state and federal parks that share the same forest system and they are all fantastic, and the beaches that far north near Crescent City and Trinidad are truly beautiful, almost never crowded either

We have the redwoods on our list for sure. I put down some time for beach activities but hadn't found any particular place to challenge the pacific ocean to a fight. I'll take a good look at Crescent City and Trinidad.
[shakes hand]

>The Monterrey Bay Aquarium is one of the best Aquariums in the world
We'll try this if we get through that area. I like aquariums, just don't if the men I'm with will appreciate as much as I do.

>California's cities have a lot of sprawl and dogshit public transit.
The primary thing I like about cities is that there is usually a couple weird subcultural spots worth seeing. A city within a city. Outside of those places many cities feel the same (dogshit transit included) which is way its good to know locals who can tell you realist of the real places to check out.

I wish we had time for that this trip. Feel like a whole other trip should be devoted to it.
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>Trinidad State Beach
pic related from a few years ago, though last I saw it this archway had filled with sand.

If you are looking for surfing I am not sure the beaches that far north are the best, but they are very nice beaches for walking, looking at tide pools, and that sort of thing. That area of California has a lot of really tiny beaches at the end of a trail that are very nice, but they for sure aren't surfing spots.

The beaches much further south near Pacifica or Santa Cruz are more typical surfing spots and a bit warmer for one, but this time of year will be very crowded.
when you go from the redwoods to shasta don't take the 299 because you are guaranteed gonna drive too slow and I'm tired of being stuck behind tourists until i can pass you along the trinidad river. take the 101 down until you can junction over the 5 and backtrack north. also, people in the smaller areas in far norcal don't like east coasters, don't go advertising it.
Mare Island Naval Shipyard. It is abandoned by the military and becoming a place for artists, yuppies, and bums. There’s old ships and a museum. Cannons and anchors sitting around. The place died during Clinton but the history goes way back to General Vallejo. It is shit but it would be a cool thing to check.
>The beaches much further south near Pacifica or Santa Cruz are more typical surfing spots and a bit warmer for one, but this time of year will be very crowded

I wish I could get the guys to surf but being from the east, it's not natural to the habitat. We boogie (board) out there, training wheels for surfing imo.

Crowded is not necessarily a bad thing. We're a group of young men and more than half don't have gfs so having something nice to look at, besides the coast line, will do alot for morale.
...and I think some of them might be augmented by that time. "Derangement of the senses" like Rimbaud would say.
They're open to whatever comes.
>take the 101 down until you can junction over the 5 and backtrack north.

Thanks for the advice. We're going to be doing alot of driving in the state, the more I know the better.
[raises a toast]

>people in the smaller areas in far norcal don't like east coasters, don't go advertising it.

One of my buddies is living in the southern part of the state so we'll lean on him as representative.
Still, you have the dynamic your describing all over this country. People in Montana have a problem with Californians, for example, though that is mostly a concern over real estate developers.
What's the local concern about easterners?
>Mare Island Naval Shipyard. It is abandoned by the military and becoming a place for artists, yuppies, and bums

Haven't heard of this place but that's the local knowledge I was looking for. Only people who actually live in a place can tell you what's worth looking into (or avoiding).

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