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18m here, turning 19 in a month. girlfriend of 5 years broke up with me 2 years ago. i know it’s been a long time but as my first gf ever and that amount of time, ive thought about her pretty much every day since. we still talk off and on to catch up, but the differences in our lifestyles are too great that any chance of winning her back is long gone. she’s at an ivy league school on track to become a doctor and i’m working full time as a line cook. i’m a fucking bum with a cocaine and heroin problem. she fucking parties and hangs out with her boyfriend and i go home to watch south park and shoot up everyday. my issue isn’t really about her, i never want to fucking think about her again and i just wish i could meet somebody new and pick myself off my feet. i don’t care for the chad lifestyle i just want to be a good guy to someone. i haven’t done anything wrong to have life throw so much crap in my face, any advice?
Yea: Fix your drug addiction.

Get off that shit TODAY.

Your life doesn't have to be a fucking ruin. Go get help!
>i’m a fucking bum with a cocaine and heroin problem.
get a gf with the same issues and try to get clean with her
/not OP
That sounds like a great recipe for staying addicted together. The weaker link will continue to tempt the other part.
DON'T DO THIS >>31692466

It never works, addict couples make each other spiral down again and again, you need clean people in your life.
sometimes i meme with my friends like “i wish i had a girl to do cocaine with”. i think i want a girl who’s going to be good for me though in reality
or the could get professional help, who know. OP could go into rehab. They fuck each others there all the time and some end up as couples
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Get off drugs asap OP, right now you're not playing on a leveled field, the deck you're playing with is stacked against you.

Fuck women for the time being, go to rehab asap, get off drugs asap and your prospects in life will improve astronomically.

Pic related, famous and respectable ex-junkie
Similar situation. Girl transferred to the equivalent of an ivy, left me for dead. Got extremely depressed. I was 19 at the time.
Our "friends" betrayed me, left me for dead, abandoned me, basically nothing at all. I had to walk home crying because of what I was left with. She did this even knowing my family situation, where I had a parent die, and had to take care of my other parent.
Her sister got a Tesla paid off by their dad for going to college, and I was left with a gloom future as I started to fail classes and slip in my finances, hearing voices, and just nearly died due to a suicide attempt

I'm now 21 and have 44K in the bank, mostly pooled in investments, transferring to a school on par with ivies, started a business (working on making it profitable, but I just pay for the site for now), am in the best shape of my life, and am getting the most women I ever have (mostly on apps because that mental damage screwed with my ability to make connections with women in real life, but I'm working on it the best I can)
I have a LONG way's to go, anon. I am not even past the tutorial yet, but I want to remind you that it is not over. I worked a job in food service where I had to clean up dog piss and human waste my first day. Now, I'm going to one of the best school's in the entire world. It is possible. The pain is real. It is not over until you fail by giving up on yourself.
>They fuck each others there all the time and some end up as couples

Exactly, and there's a reason the people working at rehab are exerting a lot of effort trying to prevent that shit from happening.

If you're an addict and you connect with another addict, you're allowing a giant elephant in your shared space, and the giant elephant is gonna shit in your general direction all the time while you're trying to quit, then turn to face you and say in a haughty voice "well, I'm the cornerstone of your relationship, what else do you share with this person other than me?"
thanks anon, yeah i have a hefty sum of money just on savings, total of 10 grand. been trying of ways lately to make a profit on investments but too scared to take a big risk. i know i don’t have to invest all of it, that would be stupid but yknow big risk comes big reward. mostly doing sides hustles and such but starting a business i think could be cool if only i could find a niche
is your life over?
the answer is no.
you're 18.
go continue to live your life.
>turning 19 in a month
>Girlfriend of 5 years broke up with me 2 years ago
>19 - 2 = 17 years old at break up
>17 - 5 = 12 years old at the start of relationship
Anon. You were a child (and still are in many ways).
No relationship before the age of 20 is serious. You were bound to grow apart. It happens to everyone who gets into a relationship at such a young age unless there's some kind of outside social pressure (like religion or a kid) to keep you together. If you want to forget about her, you have to complete remove her from your life. Delete her number and get rid of any pictures you have of her or items that remind you of her. The reason you still talk to her is because you're holding on and it's unhealthy. When you're done doing that go get some help for your addiction. I've been through it myself and that shit will absolutely destroy your life if you don't get it under control. How do you think you're getting someone to 'be a good guy to' if you're shooting up all the time?
jesus christ your generation is so pathetic
>i'm 18 and done dumb shit. is my life over?
did you lose any fucking limbs or have brain damage, you fucking retard? you haven't even lived a quarter of a human lifespan and you already think it's over? you have more than enough time to get your shit together

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